Will You Embrace the Truth?

The keys to understanding our history and present-day conditions have many connections to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. The Thule Society will provide you with these keys, but only you can open the door to the world of truth that awaits. Embrace the truth – One lie at a time.

Do You Believe...

If you said YES to any of these, you have missed the point and need a number of history lessons.
That’s okay, we’ll help you find the way!

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Axe Age

Does Jimmy Carter Deserve More Respect Than We Give Him?

  Jimmy Carter’s Death and the Impact of President Trump’s Second Inauguration by Brian Ruhe Since 2016, I have said, “Vote for the candidate who will try to harm the world slower, instead of the candidate who will try to harm the world faster.” I am happy to see former present Joe Biden gone and President Trump back in the White House. I have always viewed Trump from the perspective that anyone who can represent their party has to cooperate with

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What is the National Socialist Perspective on Law Enforcement?

A NATIONAL SOCIALIST PERSPECTIVE ON LAW ENFORCEMENT    Preface: Definition & Purpose   The topic that I will be focusing on here might normally be called the “Criminal Police.” The Criminal Police are the regular police who assumes official responsibility for combating normal criminal activity. However, the Criminal Police have increasingly become what might be referred to as “The Political Police” in Western nations. The main job of Political Police is…as you would expect…the suppression of genuine political dissent by

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Is American Law Enforcement Public Enemy Number One?

LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE ZIO-ANGLO-AMERICAN EMPIRE Introduction – Criminal Police Human nature – currently being what it is – is coupled with the proliferation of /or mass immigration by large numbers counts of degenerate individuals from various not-so-good places. So, with human nature being what is in our present Axe Age, plus a huge inflow of migrants from questionable locales, makes the existence of a criminal police absolutely necessity for maintaining civilization at all. What I mean here by the term

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Is There A Connection Between Jews and Wildmen?

JEWS & “WILDMEN” (This Subject’s Relevance for Intentional National/Racial Socialist Communities)   Part One – What Exactly Do I Mean By “Wildmen”? The terms “Wildmen,” “Giants,” and “Bigfoot” (or Sasquatch) are oftentimes conflated with each other, and incorrectly if you want to get technical about it. However, for the purposes of this blog I will only be discussing “Wildmen” as the term is correctly defined. “Wildmen” are human beings who have gone Feral, and when I say “Feral” in this

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Is there Any Historical Truth to Myths About Giants?

  Introduction – What Does It Mean To be a Giant? There is a great deal of misunderstanding that has accumulated over the years about what the term “GIANT” actually means. A great deal of controversy now exists concerning the definition of what constitutes a “giant” from mythology, and this issue needs to be laid to rest at some point because a true understanding about this topic is of vital importance for the future of The Earth and the future

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Is there A Link Between Dragons and National Socialism?

ENTER THE DRAGON! (Dragons in the Aryan Tradition) Introduction   n  Western Countries, most people’s idea of Dragons are generally a very negative, and these ideas are formed from a combination of fictional films and fictional literature. This fictional film and literature that portrays dragons negatively is of course put together by the usual Judeo-Christian suspects where the former list of suspects takes much more prominence over the later. The usual anti-Dragon suspects make dragons out to be completely imaginary,

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Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament

In his final hours, Adolph Hitler writes his Political Testament which provides insight to his struggle for world peace.

‘My teaching is hard. Weakness has to be knocked out of them. In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the world will shrink back. A active, dominating, intrepid, forceful youth — that is what I am after. Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness in it. I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey…. In this way I shall eradicate the thousands of years of human domestication. Then I shall have in front of me the pure and noble natural material. With that I can create the ‘new order‘.’

-Adolf Hitler

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The Thule Society is a religious organization and fundamentally peaceful group of people who are primarily focused on education and personal growth.