book burning



Living here in this world, one must learn to actually live in a National Socialist World under Adolf Hitler deva. This, our true world reality, lies submerged under Loki’s Glamour (Glamour, From The Ancient Celts = An illusion cast over a large area and population. To conceal a genuine reality under a fake reality that people have been tricked into believing is real.). This world is an illusion. It will never be easy, but through it you reclaim your soul. The 4th Reich, for now a creature of consciousness, is the true reality and a government in waiting. We call it forth with our consciousness; that then enters the world through us. We must become the Bridge Between Two Worlds.

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn



The renowned burning of the books incident that occurred during the night in the 3rd Reich, was the idea of Joseph Goebbels, along with the faculties and students at German universities. Adolf Hitler didn’t know about it until after the fact from rumors. Many now know that the books burned were actually Jewish pornographic works. The Fuehrer had forbidden any vigilantism directed at the Jews. Everything had to be done according to the law. Hitler didn’t know initially anything more than that books by Jews had been burned. That books in general by Jews may have been taken from stores and libraries and burned in mass was a possibility. He also was informed that the one who came up with the idea was Goebbels. Seriously concerned he got in touch with him to find out what was going on.


This is what Goebbels told him had happened. The German faculties and students at universities had become highly incensed at the Pornography, and it was all Jewish Produced, and it was destroying the moral fabric and society of the Folk. It had been passed off as ‘scholarly’ works by Jews while they were at the universities. These ‘works’ were polluting them as well. Being orderly and law abiding citizens of the 3rd Reich they came to him for advise. The plan they came up with was to Purchase copies of the offending works and burn them in a symbolic gesture of protest. That was what had actually happened. Having at least learned the full and correct story. Hitler publicly endorsed the act and launched measures to rid Germany of pornography and the individuals who were creating it.


Briefly My Own Thoughts On The Subject Of Pornography:

The Jew sets the standard for this American Society, and then this society pretty much establishes the standard for the world at large. So it is most assuredly so that they either spawn or at the very least have a hand in all of the Evil of the world. Everywhere there is Evil, there you find the Jew. They are a global corrosive influence, paraphrasing something Adolf Hitler once said.

Not the least of these Evils is Pornography. A pestilence that has always been dominated by The Chosen Ones. This is a plague that doesn’t just strike at the moral fabric of society, though it most assuredly does do that. It strikes at the whole institutions of the family, marriage, and child-rearing. It attacks the very future of a culture and the foundation of organized society. It appeals to the very basest human instincts, as it is intended to. Especially of those too young and inexperienced to resist its brainwashing. Once it becomes a habit, it soon becomes an addiction.

This is just what the Jews intend it to do. Corrupt a society, by corrupting its young, and thus its future. A corrupted population is easy to control, quite unlike an uncorrupted one. Call the Jews the 5th Column of The Devil (Loki) softening up Midgard in preparation for invasion. With pornography being one of their most effective tools.

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn

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