Is Weather Warfare Much More Pervasive than the Public Realizes?


 (Can Life Survive?)

Weather Warfare

Section One – the Jewish Roots of Weather Warfare

Dig deep enough into any serious problem and there you will find at least one Jew in a prominent position” – Adolf Hitler.

In this particular case, it is International Jewish Bankers who are driving the ongoing Weather War against the Earth and all of humanity. This Jewish campaign of weaponizing weather has grown out of their inherent fear and hatred of nature and their burning hatred of the natural world that has always, from the very beginning, been part of the Jewish spirit. This Jewish distaste for nature and natural laws exists because the Jews are not even native to this universe (aka Midgard), but instead, the Jews are a contagion from another universe which has laws that are antithetical to the laws of this one (aka the Jews come from Helheim).

These Jewish parasites from another universe encounter antibodies from this universe (such as: National Socialists, Neo-Pagans, Traditional Peoples, Shintoists, etc.) whom they must eliminate if they are to spread their infection to the entire body of this universe. From their own counterfeit creation, which is called “The Bible,” you can readily perceive that this Jewish hostility to nature has always been present within Israel and Judaism from their very beginnings. The Jews are commanded to “Have Dominion Over the Earth.” When Jews speak of “having dominion over the Earth,’ what these words really mean is that Jews are told to go forth and make war on Nature in order to subdue and exploit it. When the Jews created what is now known as “Judeo-Christianity,” let us never forget this belief system began its life as a Sect of Judaism, which they made integral to their own hostility towards Nature.

“The Natural Mind is enmity against God (Yahweh). It is not subject to the Laws of God. Nether indeed can it be.” Satan, who is the advisor of Yahweh in his Biblical guise is also known by Jews as “The God of this World.” According to the Jews, Satan has come to also be called the “God of Nature.” Therefore, any consideration for the Natural World has come to be considered by Jews to be a rebellion against God and a case of worshipping The Devil.

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When our European Ancestors were forced and/or tricked into adopting Christianity, they turned their backs on their ancestral blood connections to Nature. Prior to the arrival of Judeo-Christianity, our European ancestors had always lived as a part of nature, so they also considered the natural world to be sacred. What is now commonly called “Western Civilization” is in reality a Judeo-Christian way of being, and this “civilization” that is build around Judeo-Christian ideas is a thing that is deeply alien to our Aryan nature. National Socialism is the process of the Aryan Returning to their roots in Nature. Embracing National Socialism also reflects a rejection of the Jewish war against nature.

The reason why The West has done such an inordinate amount of damage to the natural world in recent centuries is because this “civilization” has fallen under the influence of an ideology that is mortally hostile to their true selves, as Alfred Rosenburg would say, “They have let themselves become Jewicized”.

Section Two – The Origin and Development of Weather Warfare

In 1947, the first patents for technologies which would later be used to modify the weather were granted by the US Patent Office. From 1950 onwards, all weather across the Zio-American Empire began to become suspect as the program of reengineering the weather commenced.

Beginning in 1957, the Zio-American Government became capable of seeding clouds with dry ice in order to make it rain when otherwise rain would not fall. I saw this done more than once when I was a kid. During the Vietnam War, North Vietnam kept the war in the south supplied by moving cargo of all types along the Ho Chi Minh Trail which ran from the southwestern part of North Vietnam that was located just north of the Demilitarized Zone, or the DMZ. The Viet Nam War’s DMZ encompassed areas in southeastern Laos, northeastern Cambodia, and parts of the northwestern portion of South Vietnam. The Ho Chi Minh Trail ran through very mountainous jungle terrain, and this network became in actual fact a large and well-developed grid of unpaved roads and trails as time passed.

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In the first case of what is now called “Weather Warfare,” the Zio-American Empire suddenly created a large and heretofore unprecedented and unexpected complex of heavy thunderstorms across large portions of the Ho Chi Minh Trail which deluged that area with torrential rains. This series of artificial torrential downpours was created by the Zio-American Empire in an effort to wash out the roads and networks of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. This series of engineered rainstorms failed to accomplish its intended goal due to expert road engineering on the part of the Vietnamese and a lot of hard manual labor that was applied to hasty road repairs. So, in a general sense, efforts to control and manipulate the weather are actually nothing new since the late 1940’s.

What follows are some more recent examples of weather manipulation that are presented in no particular order.

(1) Several years ago, when Medvedev was heading the Russian Federation (well, at least officially anyway, Putin was still Russia’s czar at that time), the Zio-American Empire manipulated the weather and caused widespread failure of the wheat crop in western Siberia. For a year until the next harvest, Russia, which is one of the world’s largest wheat producers, had to import wheat to feed its population. Medvedev warned Washington that if there was a repeat of an attack such as that one, then Russia would retaliate by causing a massive crop failure in North America.

(2) There are several instances involving China:

Over “International Waters” in the South China Sea, which is where the Chinese have recently built bases on artificial islands, USAF aircraft were used for laying carpets Chemtrails over these tiny specs of land that dot these tropical waters. For these layers of sprayed Chemtrails, air currents were projected to carry these chemicals inland over China and in turn disrupt the weather and cause crop failures in portions of China’s annual rice crop. This dirty little plan was foiled when the Chinese People’s Air Force was given standing orders to immediately shoot down any aircraft that was caught laying down Chemtrails in the area of the South China Sea. With the building of China’s island military bases in the South China Sea, such crop-busting Chemtrail attacks have been rendered impossible.

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Several years ago, when the Olympics were scheduled to be held in China, concerns were expressed that these games might be interrupted by frequent heavy rains; however, China informed everybody that they would insure that there would not be any heavy rains to mar the Olympic spirit of their hosted events, and there were not.

A few years ago, China was trying to control the weather over Beijing when something went terribly wrong. (None of this weather modification equipment is proven technology for anybody because this technology is still rather experimental.) What they got when they monkeyed with the weather patterns over Beijing was the arrival of massive thunderstorms whose torrential rains produced widespread flooding, devastation, and losses of life. China is one of only three counties, along with Russia and the Zio-American Empire that has the capability to manipulate the weather, with the Zio-American Empire being the first nation state to come up with this idea.


Contrails vs. Chemtrails

Contrails are formed under certain conditions from condensing of water vapor which is created from the hot exhaust of an aircraft’s jet engine. Contrails are relatively short in length and short in their lifespans.

Chemtrails, in contrast, are formed when various elements and chemical compounds are sprayed into the hot exhaust of an aircraft’s jet engines. Mixing chemicals into the exhaust that is produced by a high-flying aircraft’s jet engines causes these chemicals to be mixed into the atmosphere more easily. These Chemtrails are very long from horizon to horizon in a clear sky, and they can exist from sunrise to sunset, although chemtrails will usually, though by no means always, begin to spread out and form a dense overcast sky after they have been sprayed.

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These chemicals that are applied by way of aircraft-borne Chemtrails wreak havoc with the weather as they are intended.  The chemicals that are found inside of Chemtrails are often highly carcinogenic, and they are generally hazardous to all forms of life, including humans, plants, and animals. The chemicals that are found inside of Chemtrails also fall into lakes and waterways and these Chemtrails pollute these ecosystems. Certain disease-causing organisms can also be added to chemtrails as well when this course of action is desired.

Thus, applying Chemtrails to targeted areas creates a good tool for driving ongoing population reduction projects, whether these campaigns are done directly by causing cancer and other diseases or indirectly by encouraging famine. It seems that during World War II, the “Contrails” one sees playing out behind some American bombers while they were flying over Germany were not always what they seemed. In some cases during World War II, toxic chemicals and disease-causing organisms were sprayed over the farmlands of the Third Reich in an effort to disrupt Germany’s supply of food.

I used to know a German woman who was a little girl during World War II, and she told me that the Zio-American bombers would sometimes bomb herds of cattle. This old German woman said that she saw this bombing of cattle herds happen a number of times.

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Global Warming OR Weather Engineering

 Essentially, the standard story of Global Warming that is being purveyed by government, media, and Jewish academia is a hoax which is intended to hide the weather engineering and weather warfare which is really going on.

High concentrations of CO2 in confined spaces can indeed cause very high heat and humidity to develop and high concentrations of CO2 can strip the air of oxygen which makes it difficult to breathe. CO2 also interferes with the red blood cells that circulate through an animal’s body which store and deliver oxygen to the places where it is needed, so CO2 can also be thought of as a toxic gas when it appears in potent enough concentrations. Despite its potentially dangerous effects, CO2’s effects on a planetary scale seem to be a relatively minor factor.

Acid Trips

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The acidification of planet Earth’s oceans is slowly but surely snuffing out all life which lives in them, and this continuing acidification of the Earth’s oceans is also being blamed on the Global Warming Hoax. For example, the Great Barrier Reef which sits off the Australian coast is now entirely dead.

Acidification of the Atlantic Ocean is also causing wild fluctuations in the Gulf Stream because acidification of ocean water can cause unusually high water temperatures to develop. Acidification not only changes the PH level of the ocean’s water, but changes in the ocean water’s PH level also affect the water’s density. Even small changes in water density, water salinity, and water temperature across a vast ocean can have profound effects on a hemisphere-spanning weather system due to the ocean’s massive size.

Changes in the Atlantic Ocean’s Gulf Stream due to water PH-level changes are now having devastating effects on the weather of the British Isles that is to a major degree governed by the Atlantic Gulf Stream. Due to acidification of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf Stream is already slowing down and starting to fluctuate. If the Gulf Stream should ever stop moving and dissipate, then the weather of the British Isles will become chaotic and the fjords of Norway will begin to freeze up.

What is actually causing the aforementioned acidification is all of the elements and compounds that are raining down into the Atlantic Ocean from all of the Chemtrails that are being laid to control the weather. The Mississippi river also serves a a massive drainage system for the rainwater runoff for 31 states in the interior of the North American continent, so not surprisingly, countless tons of fertilizer, pesticide, and industrial pollutants also make their way into the Gulf of Mexico’s waters, and this endless dump of chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico has an effect on the water’s density, chemical composition, and in turn the ocean’s temperature.  The Gulf Stream is called that because it originates in the Gulf of Mexico.

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When the Deep Water Horizon oil rig exploded, burned, and capsized under mysterious circumstances (Probably due to a torpedo being fired from an Israeli submarine.) that oil spill, even though it was quite severe, would have eventually been overcome by the natural healing mechanisms of the Gulf. What it could not overcome was all of the chemicals that were dumped in the Gulf allegedly to fight this oil spill.

The Deep Water Horizon’s oil spill and the chemicals allegedly used to treat the spilled crude oil killed much of the life there and greatly sickened the rest. It turns out that whatever crude oil was spilled into the ocean at whatever depth would eventually just float to ocean’s surface where it could easily be revived and then sold commercially without skipping a beat, and there were a few large Dutch oil spill “skimming ships” that were sitting on standby in the vicinity while this tragedy continued to unfold, so there is proof that this event was orchestrated for diabolical Bond-villain sort of purposes.

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The Deep Water Horizon disaster largely destroyed commercial fishing in the Gulf waters (American, Mexican, and Cuban), so Gulf of Mexico seafood is no longer fit to eat, and the primarily culprit in this mass-scale poisoning was the chemical detergent dispersants that were used liberally and hide the extent to the oil spill from the public’s attention. It is worth noting that fishermen and others who periodically need to load fuel or lubrication oils onto boats often keep dish soap on hand in order to hide small spills of petroleum-based chemicals, so the Deep Water Horizon simply represents dripping dish soap into the harbor to hide a leaking bilge or a bit of spilled diesel fuel, except on a massive scale.

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Due to the chemicals that were deliberately dumped into the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Stream was disrupted, which resulted in a few days in freakish and devastating storms developing over the British Isles.

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The Deep Water Horizon oil rig was owned and operated by BP (British Petroleum). Soon after the disaster with Deep Water Horizon, the head of BPs extensive operations in the Gulf of Mexico was kicked sideways and became head of their large operations in the Russian Federation. This state of affairs did not last too long because Russia’s President Putin quickly moved to nationalize those BP operations and he expelled their head of operations from Russia after BP was caught cheating Russia out of the oil royalties that BP had agreed to pay. Now the Zio-American President Biden is vowing that the Zio-American Empire is going to do a regime change in Russia; I do not believe in coincidences.

If one were determined to wage Weather Warfare against the populations of the British Isles and Norway, then the place to begin would be The Gulf of Mexico.


The Rothschilds In Antarctica And the Melting of Planet Earth’s Polar Ice Caps

Many decades ago, a treaty was signed to internationalize stewardship and access to the continent of Antarctica, and when this international treaty was signed, all of the various signatories agreed to put their many conflicting territorial claims into abeyance. These territorial claims on the continent of Antarctica were initially being pushed because there are vast natural resources which are still locked up under the Antarctic ice cap. Abeyance means that different nations have agreed not to push their territorial claims on Antarctica, but they will still maintain these claims. At the time when these territorial claims were made, and later when the treaty to internationalize Antarctic territory was drafted, Weather Engineering had not progressed far enough for anyone to actually start melting Antarctica’s ice cap.

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Note: Neuswabenland lies in the region that is identified on maps as Queen Maud Land and this area is claimed by the Government of Norway. Except for a handful of scientific research stations which sit along the coastline of Queen Maud Land, Norway has never tried to significantly penetrate into the interior of this region. The very remote island of New Georgia lies well to the north of Queen Maud Land between Antarctica and the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. The Falkland Islands, which are also called Las Malvinas by the Argentinians, originally belonged to Argentina, but they have been illegally occupied by Britain since the end of World War II, except for a brief stint during the Falklands War of the early 80’s.

The Zio-American Empire had already deployed military forces into their claimed area which is called Marie Byrd Land and the Zio-Americans still maintain a military presence in this area. However, Washington did agree to disarm their territorial claims in Antarctica once the Antarctic ice cap has melted enough for territory claims to be developed and commercially exploited in earnest. The plan is for the Zio-American Empire to be in the strongest position for making Antarctic territory grabs due to already having an existing military presence that is larger than those of potential competitors.

The Palmer Peninsula, which is that portion of the continent that extends to just south of Tierra Del Fuego/Cape Horn, is claimed by Argentina. In past decades, Argentina was working to establish a small colony there in the Cape Horn section of Antarctica because this part of Earth’s southernmost landmass is the only place on that continent where vegetation can actually grow naturally. The project to establish permanent living space on the continent of Antarctica was abandoned when the Zio-American Empire and their International Banking partners pulled the plug on the Argentine economy some years ago.

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Norway was in the process of developing technology that would enable them to drill for oil in their Antarctic territories, and there is lots of it there. This project was abandoned after the Zio-American Empire warned Norway that they were not going to permit the Norwegians to drill for oil in their claimed Antarctic territory. Antarctica is being deliberately melted to get at the natural resources which rest under the ice which cannot yet be accessed with convenience. The size of the Antarctic ice cap is fluctuating over time but is overall being gradually eliminated.

A number of years back, the Rothschilds began championing an initiative to “save the ice cap.” One heir to the Rothschild family fortune was dispatched to run their operations in the Antarctic, and he put on a big public show of saving the place while he did nothing practical as far as actually saving the ice cap. The Rothschilds were in reality jockeying for a position from where they could eventually grab control of the continent’s vast natural resources. The Rothschild heir was only in his late 50’s and he was in excellent health, then only a few years ago, he suddenly dropped dead from a heart attack. I wonder who ordered the hit.

The Arctic:

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Like the Antarctic a tremendous amount of natural resources have set inaccessible under the Arctic ice cap until the technology sufficiently progressed to enable the massive icecap to be melted.

There are all kinds of conflicting territorial claims in the far north that resulted from technical problems in laying out precise boundaries at such high latitudes due to the curvature of the Earth. The so-called Arctic Powers who maintain such claims are: The United States/Zio-American Empire (Alaska), Canada (Far North), Denmark (Greenland), Norway (Spitzbergen), and the Russian Federation (Siberia).

These international Antarctic claims were not pushed as long as the natural resources which still sit under the cold continent’s massive ice mantle could not be extracted anyway, but with the deliberate and ongoing melting of the Arctic ice cap, a free for all has already begun to erupt, mainly between the Zio-American Empire and the Russian Federation. Canada is also involved in this “Cold Rush” to the Arctic due to their claims over the Northwest Passage which is now open to regular shipping year-round. Canada’s claims to Arctic shipping lanes are not recognized by other Arctic Powers who refuse to recognize Canada’s sovereignty.

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Based on the technicalities of international law, Russia has the strongest claim to much of the natural resources that sit under the Earth’s north polar region. Not surprisingly, Washington and the Zio-American Empire have refused to accept this state of affairs, so they have vowed to do all that is within their power to stop what they call “Russian Aggression” in the Arctic. The Zio-American Empire has deployed naval forces into the Arctic area which was formerly under permanent ice cover to stop the Russians from extracting resources which Zio-American corporations also want.

A case in point: Zio-American warships were going to the spots where the Russians were trying to build oil rigs and would hover there getting in the way of Russian workers in order to prevent them from drilling. This practice seems to have stopped when the Russians started to knock out the electronics on Zio-American warships by using Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP’s). One Zio-American warship had to be towed back to its home port for repairs after the Russians hit that vessel with an electromagnetic pulse.

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Satellite photos one sometimes sees of the Arctic are highly misleading because these photographs make it appear that the ice cap is recovering. The problem is that the photographs cannot differentiate between solid ice, thin ice, and even sludge ice which is floating on the ocean’s surface — it all appears the same. These days, the thin ice and sludge-ice are always melted before they can build up to any real level of thickness. When considering whether a shipping lane can be used, it is not the surface area of the ice that is critical but rather the ice’s thickness.

Blue Water Event = In time all of the Arctic ice will melt.

Whether they mean it to or not, feedback loops have developed which magnify the results of Weather Engineering programs far beyond the ability of anybody to control them. Once The Blue Water Event takes place, then the world’s weather will likely turn chaotic on a cataclysmic scale in short order.


Methane: the Planet Killer

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Methane, when found in high concentrations within confined spaces, is extremely volatile. For example, it has always been the nemesis of coal miners from Ancient Egypt all the way up to the present day. In open spaces, when given high enough concentrations, it is lethal to all forms of life.

Like CO2, methane is also a Greenhouse Gas, but methane is 1,000 times more powerful than CO2 when it comes to trapping solar heat in a planet’s atmosphere. The CO2 Global Warming Hoax was created to conceal what is really going on with Methane. While there is serious global warming going on, there is also Weather Manipulation technology that is being used to seemingly hide it. For example, at this time, freakish winter storms and extreme snaps of cold weather are being more often than not artificially created or at the very least manipulated.

Methane is also what is destroying the Earth’s Ozone Layer, which is resulting in the explosion worldwide in the incidence of certain forms of cancer.

Concerning the extreme flatulence of cows, when the Jews and their minions finally became unable to deny the threat from methane, that is when they invented a totally ludicrous reason for why the Earth is seeing too much methane entering the atmosphere. The flatulating cows narrative is used to conceal the real reasons for Earth’s excessive methane pollution problem, but the flatulating cows storyline performs a double duty because it serves as a reason to greatly reduce the number of cattle around the world and thus to also reduce the world’s food supply.

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The problem of planet Earth’s excess atmospheric methane concentrations essentially began with the program of melting the North Polar Ice Cap and its environs so that the natural resources of the Arctic could at last be profitably exploited. Melting the polar ice caps to gain access to the natural resources that hide beneath these massive ice sheets may seem all well and good, but there are vast concentrations of methane which are trapped in the permafrost layers of Northern Alaska and Siberia.

In turn, the raising of temperatures in the Arctic are resulting in the increasing releases of methane into the Earth’s atmosphere which are forming what is called Feedback Loops. The release of Arctic methane reservoirs is itself accelerating the further release of more of the same in a self-perpetuating and constantly accelerating process. In several instances, large pools of now-unfrozen methane have suddenly burst from under the soil into our planet’s atmosphere like gigantic belches which leave immense sinkholes in their wakes.

So, the process of Arctic methane releases does not involve just a more-or-less steady flow. One has to wonder what the True History of the Earth and Mankind really are when pondering how all of this methane wound up being stored under the Earth’s surface. So, we might ask ourselves, “Where did these massive storehouses of methane come from and how was all of this methane confined in the permafrost to start with?”

The image above is furnished courtesy of and it shows an arctic sinkhole in northern Siberia. 

If this process of massive methane releases is allowed to continue for very much longer, then our planet will be in danger of becoming a hothouse to such a degree that all of the remaining life on Earth will be snuffed out and our atmosphere will become as hostile to life as we know it as the planet Venus.

Section Three – My Personal Anecdotal Evidence

What follows is an account of what I have seen them do with my own eyes and the results which I have personally experienced.

On that day, there was a clear blue sky with no rain in the forecast, then suddenly aircraft that were laying chemtrails started crisscrossing the sky in geometric patterns. These chemtrails went almost from horizon to horizon and did not dissipate, but they did spread around in the sky, unlike the occasional contrail that is made by a flying jet aircraft, which is typically short in length and short lived. After that, other aircraft started laying chemtrails around the perimeter of the area that was covered with geometric patterns.

Soon after the second round of aircraft began laying down more Chemtrails, the sky began to start looking like a blender because everything that was sprayed into the sky was mixed together into a uniform dirty white overcast mass which covered most of the sky. Soon this messy mass that was floating in the air began to rotate and become darker and darker. Finally, that evening the mass started spawning many heavy thunderstorms over a large area. During the following morning, the sky was clear and blue once again.

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April 11, 2011 Tornado Outbreak (Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia). It is spring Tornado Season and everything is primed for trouble and you can see it in the clouds far in advance. Warnings were issued well in advance of any potential danger on that day; however, the general public could have anticipated what was about to happen next.

Early in the next morning, a line of severe thunderstorms moved across central Alabama, then the sky was clear. Looking off into the distance it looked like you were looking through a fish tank, because there was so much moisture in the air, but for some odd reason there were no clouds at that time. Then the craziness started over in Mississippi, and the next twenty-four hours would see the, I believe, second largest tornado outbreak in American history which covered the states that I mentioned previously.

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It is the height of our Spring tornado season in Alabama,  a supercell thunderstorm formed out ahead of a line of strong thunderstorms which dwelled along a cold front. These supercells were the ones that sometimes produce the huge F-4 and F-5 tornadoes. This particular storm line, though severe, had not produced a tornado so far, then aircraft showed up and started laying chemtrails around this storm line. Whatever these unknown aircraft were spraying got sucked into the thunderstorm front in a vast spiral pattern. As these airborne chemicals were drawn into the heart of one huge thunderhead, that thunderhead got bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger, then that thunderhead unexpectedly dropped into a deadly and destructive F-4 tornado.

High above the scattered and ominous looking clouds, some unknown set of bad actors started laying chemtrails on a scale like I have never personally seen before or since. Even at night, I remember seeing through the gaps in the clouds and noticing aircraft that were busy laying chemtrails. This campaign of chemtrail spraying went on for several days, and I was able to watch an artificial cloud layer being produced which made the natural and unstable cloud layer beneath it becoming more and more unstable and angry looking.

Well over two hundred tornadoes struck the American Southeast and left around 300 dead. 27 of those who were killed happened to be people who I knew personally. During that stretch of time, Central Alabama witnessed eleven tornados touch the ground at the same time including four F-4s and F5s. Some of the devastation reminded me of pictures I had seen of World War 1’s Western Front. The overall zone of severe weather actually stretched from Louisiana to New England. Soon afterwards Joplin, Missouri was devastated by a tornado that was part of the aftereffects of the earlier outbreak where residual energy from the main fireworks show was being dissipated. Afterwards, there were no chemtrails for about eight months. I will always remain convinced that the Zio-American Empire was trying to control the weather and something went drastically wrong.

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One year, we residents of the Southeast had a period of eight consecutive days that Alternated between record heat and record cold. Four days of record cold were followed by four days of record heat which caused widespread crop failures. Very often I have seen record heat here while an hour away in Mississippi they were having record cold, or vice versa — this is not natural.

Another year, we had record cold in the Southeast, while in the Middle Atlantic States and New England they were having record heat, and this was all happening while Eastern Canada looked like they were entering a New Ice Age. While North America was experiencing wild weather anomalies, the North Pole was recording freakish temperatures in the 80s — this too was not natural.

The seasons have been shifting forward as the years pass. Currently, we are getting our Spring tornado season in the middle of the winter in February, while now in the middle of spring we are getting the hot and humid weather that we used to only get late in the Summer around the end of August and early September. The Tropics are also shifting northwards at this time. Our climate in Alabama is now in the process of becoming subtropical where before it was temperate. We are now experiencing the sort of climate features that Florida used to have. This new tropicifying of Alabama is also coming along with an uptick in the number of tropical diseases that used to be confined to places which are much further south than where I now live.

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The Central Alabama area is the most heavily chemtrailed region on the planet next to the Northern Great Plains of North America. Both of these areas are naturally prone to unstable weather along with large tornados and the presence of chemtrails makes matters an awful lot worse from what I have seen. Do not just take my word for any of this; instead, just keep looking up into the sky and you will see it for yourself, just like I did when I first heard about it.

Section Four – Storm Out of Alfhiem

In the Norse Tradition, Alfhiem is the world of the Light Elves, or the Nature Spirits as they are also called. We begin with the Creator from which everything in this Universe comes, but with an act of Emanation as opposed to one of creating something separate, kind of like how daylight emanates from the Sun. This act of emanation occurs in numerous intermediate stages, for example, there is one Creator, but there are many levels of intermediate emanations that exist between The Origin and The World of Men (Midgard).

For our purposes here, we will focus on Alfhiem. The realm of Alfheim, along with Asgard and Vanahiem, is one of the three Higher Planes which are all closely connected but still separate. The Higher Planes support each other at the times of Ragnarok which is essentially where we are at now. The battle of Ragnarok is being fought on a multidimensional field. The role of The Light Elves is to maintain the proper functioning of The Natural World, and an analogy can be drawn with the Engineering Department on a Ship.

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This Universe has been invaded by entities from another and antithetical universe, and those whom they have “possessed” are now in the process of remaking this world into something more to their liking — a more hospitable place for themselves in other words. This parasitic infestation has now brought on Ragnarok.

The Light Elves are going to battle it out with this viral cancer of invaders from another universe that have taken roots here and are now fighting for control of the Earth’s weather. The parasites and their human minions are not going to be allowed to get away with the proverbial “Playing God” forever because at some point people must each choose which side they are going to support “The Natural” or “The Manmade.” Refusing to face this decision results in choosing “The Manmade” as a “Default Setting.” This battle is one in which no quarter is asked and none given by either side.

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As National Socialists, our choice should be an easy one because National Socialism has its foundations resting on Nature’s bedrock as we all realize; but, and this is a very big BUT, our role as National Socialists must be an active role in this struggle because nobody is going to qualify for a free ride by just paying lip service to a cause. Blood is not going to survive if Soil is not able to support it. We are at that point now where the Earth’s ability to produce enough food to feed the world’s people is being deliberately sabotaged as a way of eliminating all of us “Useless Eaters.” This program to destroy the world’s food supply is already well along and things are not yet too far gone, but they are on the verge of being too far gone to save our planet— the time to make our choice is here now.

Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn

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