Is A Nuclear War and an Apocalypse Coming Soon?



(Can Life Survive?)


The  Threat  of  Nuclear  War


Those whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad.” – Old Roman Saying.


Yes, Our Folk Face Many Threats to Their Future!

But, what I am referring to here are immediate threats to life on Earth in general, which by definition must include threats to our folk.

National Socialism is, as we all know, based on The Natural Order. Without the preservation of that Natural Order, there can be No Life on Earth, and let alone life for our Folk.

Yes, I am a passionate proponent of Deep Ecology, which every honest person who understands Deep Ecology admits originated in the Third Reich. Deep Ecology is the National Socialist relationship with The Natural World… period. Man and the Natural World stand or fall together because they are an integral part of each other.

Image courtesy of Beatago on r/SpotifyPlaylists on 

Life survives and thrives under National Socialism and all life here on Earth will very soon perish without National Socialism. There are now two immediate and basic existential threats to all Life on Earth, and these threats are Nuclear Warfare and Weather Warfare. The usual suspects are ultimately found at the heart of both threats, just as The Great One made it plain that they would be.

– Nuclear Warfare

Section One –

Supplemental commentary by James Rousse… 

The late author named Jim Marrs wrote a few great books in his life, and once of the most interesting was a 2008 volume titled “Rise of the Fourth Reich.” Rise of the Fourth Reich certainly gets some premises and assumptions wrong, but there is also a good amount of great investigative journalism that is contained in this work. The main assumption that Marrs gets wrong is the idea that there are some types of super-duper secret “Nazi” cabals who have infiltrated elite circles in America and elsewhere and these dastardly folks are now lying in wait for the perfect time to finally strike and reveal their diabolical hand of cards.

The image above shows the cover to Jim Marrs’s book Rise of the Fourth Reich. Image furnished courtesy of ZBK Books on 

The idea of secret and powerful “Nazis” who are lurking in country clubs and posh neighborhoods during the 1960’s, 1970’s, and the 1980’s has been proffered by such pop-culture likes as the “Watchmen” television show that aired on the HBO network, but this whole idea is just Jewish perfidy that is designed to drum up anti- European sentiments in the general populace and to encourage acts of idiotic violence against Americans of European descent. The entire “Watchmen” television series that aired on HBO was used to push Jewish propaganda against European people and to encourage acts of supposed “vigilante” violence against any European people who dare to think outside of prescribed Jewish parameters.

Marrs is not the only person to run with the idea that there are these supposedly sinister groups of unrepentant and unreformed “Nazis” who are hanging out in their fancy mansions and snooty country clubs, but the reality is the any German specialists who were poached to work in the sciences, business, or media were treated very poorly during the immediate years after World War II officially ended. These German specialists who were poached to work for the Zio-American Empire or the Soviet Union in the years immediately following World War II were certainly never let into any real positions of institution power during those years, so the idea that there are some groups of powerful and secretive cabals of “Nazis” who are still lurking about in country clubs and waiting to strike unsuspecting populaces are complete garbage.

The image above shows a promotional poster from the HBO “Watchmen” television series. The image above is furnished courtesy of 

Despite some basic faulty assumptions on Marrs’s part, he did do some good investigating in his aforementioned book. One of the most startling things that Marrs uncovered while performing his research for this book was a discovery that the first atomic bomb to be tested in our time was not the bomb that was detonated at the Trinity Desert location in New Mexico as of July of 1945. In Marrs’ book, he notes that for about the last year of World War II, those who were high up in the German military establishment, along with the civilian German government, and large German corporations as well, all saw the writing on the wall and begun to conduct secret negotiations for themselves with liaisons in Western Europe and North America. These secret negations did not involve rank and file Germans, because hashing out such secret deals was limited to those Germans who were in elite positions that genuinely had some leverage points for bargaining.

The German people who did have some leverage points for negotiating their own private plans for what to do after Germany’s inevitable military defeat were typically engineers, scientists, executives, and specialists in the fields of propaganda and mind control. Indeed, Germany did have a decent number of professionals whose expertise would be sought after once World War II reached its inevitable conclusion. Operation Paperclip is fairly well-know today, and “Operation Paperclip” is the term used to describe the Zio-American program that brought skilled Germans to America in the post-World War II years. Wehrner Von Braun is the most famous of the highly skilled German people who were co-opted to work for the Zio-American Empire and the Russian Bolshevik Empire after World War II.

A man named Hans Kammler supervised the Third Reich’s “Skunk Works” secretive research and scientific development division, and the Marvel Comics supervillain named “The Red Skull” and the organization called “Hydra” which is associated with the Red Skull in the Marvel Comics Universe are both clearly at least partially inspired by Hans Kammler and the SS deep science division. What became of Kammler after World War II is still officially shrouded in mystery, but chances are good that Kammler simply would up getting a decent job offer from the Zio-American empire before World War II concluded, or perhaps Kammler was able to bargain and negotiate a nice retirement at a wine-growing estate in Argentina. One way or another, Kammler was likely in a strong position to hammer out bargains with the “Allies” during the closing months of World War II.

The image seen above shows The Red Skull as this character was played by the actor Hugo Weaving in the popular Marvel Comics movie titled Captain American: The First Avenger. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

The Third Reich’s experimental engineering and “Deep Science” division produced a lot of technology that was not only “ahead of its time” but some of this technology could be considered advanced to a degree that it could be thought of as being advanced technology by any standard. V2 rockets are the most well-known work of advanced German science from the time of Third Reich, but Jim Marrs’ book also mentions that the Third Reich was working on early integrated circuits and early software programming languages during this time as well.

The most shocking piece of information contained in Marrs’s Rise of the Fourth Reich is the revelation that during World War II, the Germans had actually tested a small enriched uranium nuclear device on the 11th of October 1944 outside of Ohrdruf in the province of Thuringia. Reports of this test were referenced by a test pilot named Hans Zinsssler and by an Italian emissary named Luigi Romersa. Romersa was sent to witness this small nuclear test by Mussolini himself in order to verify the existence of this new super weapon. Needless to say, this October test detonation was carried out in front of a very limited audience. Zinssler was commissioned to make a flight and note this even from the air.

Marrs’s book also references an intercepted dispatch from the Japanese embassy in Stockholm from December 14th 1944 which makes mention that a small uranium-filled nuclear bomb was used to totally destroy the Russian Army’s 19th Infantry Regiment in June of 1943 at a location 150 kilometers southeast of Kursk. The information noted in these coded dispatches was provided by a Japanese Army lieutenant-colonel named Kenji who was sent as a military attaché to the Hungarian army. This same Japanese report also mentions that an ammunition storage depot in the Russian city of Sevastopol was totally destroyed by such a device as well.

Marrs’s book additionally notes that creating “fuse” mechanisms for uranium 235-filled nuclear devices is a much less demanding affair than making the detonation devices for plutonium-filled nuclear bombs. Fuse mechanism for plutonium-filled bombs need to have several charges of high explosive detonate within 1/3000th of a second of one anther if any nuclear detonation is to occur, but uranium-based bombs do not require such precise timing for their detonation blasts.

The image above shows different types of nuclear bomb detonation systems. The image above is furnished courtesy of 

Rise of the Fourth Reich mentions that it was a German bargain for post-war leniency that produced the needed trigger mechanism for the plutonium bomb that was tested in Alamogordo. Page 68 in Rise of the Fourth Reich mentions that an American researcher named Dr. Velma Hunt had uncovered Zio-American Imperial records from World War II which mentioned that the German U-boat named U-235 arrived in South Portland Maine on May 17th 1945 containing 560 kilograms of weapons-grade uranium 235. U 235 also carried Dr. Heinz Schlicke who was the world’s foremost specialist in nuclear device detonators at that time in addition to a wooden crate that was filled with sophisticated infrared proximity fuses that trigger nuclear devices.

Not surprisingly, the Russians attributed both incidents where huge amounts of damage where done by an unknown type of weapon to the use of poison gas. Marrs notes in his book that the Russians had every reason to hide the truth in such cases where nuclear weapons were used against them because they were fearful that such information would lead to mass desertions on the part of Russian soldiers. Marrs also noted that more often than not Russian morale and fighting spirit was sorely lacking during World War II anyway, and Russian soldiers more often than not were forced to fight under penalty of death, so any revelation of German super weapons may very well have proven to be the straw that broke the camel’s back concerning the subject of Russian military morale.

In Stalin’s position, the best option would have been to keep the destruction of his 19th infantry division and his weapons storage depot in Sevastopol as secret as possible then to press on with his war efforts regardless. It is also very likely that Stalin knew the Third Reich could not possess too many of these new “wonderwafffen.” Big and grand weapons such as nuclear devices are expensive and costly to produce, so logically, Stalin and his top generals would have known that the Third Reich could only produce a very limited number of these devices.

The image above shows one of the “Little Boy” model of nuclear devices. The Little Boy model of nuclear bomb was the type of weapon that was used to bomb the Japanese city of Hiroshima in September of 1945. After the end of World War II, five more of the Little Boy types of bombs were manufactured. The image above is provided courtesy of

The image above shows the Little Boy bomb as it awaited loading on the Enola Gay B-29 bomber that dropped a nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The image above is furnished courtesy of

In the end, Germany may have possessed several nuclear bombs before World War II concluded, but top German military men would have also understood quite clearly that they did not have enough of these bombs to stop all of their enemies. Also, if the Third Reich has succeeded in destroying New York, London, and Moscow, simply destroying a list of large enemy cities would not have halted the “Allied” war efforts and such actions would not have really stopped the enemy war machine. So, yes, the Third Reich actually had “The Bomb” first, and they did use it; however, development of nuclear weapons came as too little and too late to halt Germany’s total military defeat.

As noted earlier, the last year of World War II was marked by high-level Germans making secret negotiations with top “Allied” officials, and these negotiations involved revealing technical secrets and even bartering with top German items of technology, such as nuclear weapons. The official entry concerning the official dates of Germany’s surrender at the end of World War II lists the first signing of a surrender document taking place on the 7th of May, 1945 in Reims, France under the leadership of general Alfred Jodl, and the final German surrender was signed on May 9th 1945 in Berlin by field marshal Wilhelm Keitel. On a technical note, a group of German military personnel who were stationed on the Norwegian island of Svalbard did not surrender until about three months after Keitel signed the official surrender papers in Berlin, but this late surrender is of little real importance.

The image above shows Field Marshal Keitel signing an official document for Germany’s unconditional surrender on May 9, 1945 in Berlin. The image above is provided courtesy of’s official list for the dates of Germany’s final surrender at the end of World War II is all well and good official information, but also lists the first nuclear bomb detonation as having taken place on July 16, 1945 at the Alamogordo Bombing Range in New Mexico. Conversely, lists the first nuclear bomb being dropped on Japan on August 6th, 1945. The second nuclear bomb that was dropped on Japan is listed as having detonated on the 9th of August 1945. lists the date of Japan’s official surrender as being the 2nd of September 1945.

Judging by the official dates listed for Germany’s final surrender and the first test of a nuclear bomb according to curated “Official”‘ Jewish historical records, the bomb that was tested in New Mexico in July of 1945 could have easily been made in Germany and then transported to New Mexico! According Marrs’s book, the bomb that was detonated at Alamogordo New Mexico in July of 1945 used plutonium as opposed to uranium, but both of the bombs that were dropped on Japan were clearly using uranium, so such a revelation begs the question, “Where did the uranium needed to make two nuclear bombs come from?”

Marrs’s book also clearly states that the Zio-American Manhattan Project may have possessed enough plutonium to make one experimental bomb; however, it seems very likely that they lacked the stores of plutonium which were needed to make more such bombs. As for where the Third Reich obtained their supplies of enriched uranium, page 66 in Rise of the Fourth Reich mentions that I.G Farben built a massive factory to make synthetic rubber which was located next to the Auschwitz labor camp; however, this facility that would cost around 2.5 billion dollars to construct in today’s dollars employed 300,000 workers and this mysterious facility used more electricity than the entire city of Berlin.

The image above shows the infamous entrance gate to the Auschwitz internment center. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

Strangely enough, this supposed rubber-making facility next to the Auschwitz internment camp never produced any synthetic rubber at all while it consumed gargantuan amounts of electricity. Basically, it appears that the Third Reich set up their uranium enrichment plant next to Auschwitz because they knew that facility would never be bombed by the “Allies.”

Auschwitz was not a “death camp” as mainstream Jewish media likes to claim, but instead , Auschwitz was a place to contain Jewish partisans along the same lines as the Zio-American Empire’s Japanese internment camps from that same era. Recent evidence that was gleaned by researchers listening to hours of boring blabber from video-recorded testimonies which were provided by “survivors” or Auschwitz uncovers these Jews mentioning things like playing in a band. Other recent evidence suggests that the Jews who were interned at Auschwitz had access to ice cream dispensers and an infirmary, so the official story about Auschwitz being an extermination center is a total fabrication.

Fact is, the Third Reich could not allow hundreds of thousands of hostile Jewish partisans to just move about German territory freely while a war was going on, so the Reich’s Jewish population was put to work in capacities that could assist German war efforts while not diverting badly needed resources.

The image seen above shows the aftermath of a nuclear detonation in the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The photograph seen above was taken on September 17th 1945. the image seen above is furnished courtesy of

One and a half months would have been plenty of time to transport nuclear bombs from Germany to the American East Coast by either cargo aircraft of submarine, and after arriving on the American East Coast, these nuclear bombs could easily have been transported to New Mexico by train, by truck, or by aircraft, so even “official” and Jewish historical timelines still furnish enough time for German nuclear devices to arrive in North America during the closing days of World War II.

It seems very likely that the official story about who developed the nuclear bomb during World War II is yet another Jewish fabrication of history along the same lines as the so-called “Holocaust™.” Admittedly, tearing down the official Jewish “Holocaust™” mythology is far more important for today’s world than setting the record straight about who developed the nuclear bomb first, but spreading the truth about who really created “The Bomb” during World War II should also be an agenda item for all National Socialists these days.

On another note, Christopher John Bjerknes wrote a book titled “Albert Einstein the Incorrigible Plagiarist” and in his book, Bjernknes proves that Albert Einstein was really a plagiarist who did not actually invent any of the ideas and concepts for which he is officially credited. Bjirknes is simply postulating that the public figure of Albert Einstein is really yet another Jewish propaganda scheme that was cooked up to advance the concept of Jewish intellectual superiority. Exposing the plagiarism and fraud of Albert Einstein is admittedly not as important right now as destroying the “Holocaust™” mythology, but setting the record straight about Albert Einstein being a fraud is also an agenda that is worth following.

The image above shows the cover of Christopher Jon Bjerknes’s book titled “Einstein the Incorrigible Plagiarist” that was first published in 2002. The image above is furnished courtesy of 

— End of supplemental commentary


Germany developed five delivery systems for their atomic bombs:

Three were developed under the direction of Werner Von Braun at Peenemünde.

(1) The V-2 rocket, which was actually what is called a Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM). It could be launched from Germany and it could hit any target in the British Isles.

The image above shows a museum replica of a V2 rocket from the World War II era on display at the Peenemunde museum in Germany. Image courtesy of

(2) The A-4 which was the world’s first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). It could be launched from German soil and hit targets anywhere in the US except for the states along the West Coast of North America. This missile could also reach the industrial areas of the USSR that sat east of the Ural Mountains.

(3) A submarine-launched V-2. These missiles were essentially the same as the original V-2s, but they had a different launching system. Large and long-range U-Boats that were operating out of the joint submarine base in Singapore which was shared with the Imperial Japanese Navy could have hit the Zio-American Empire’s West Coast with nuclear weapons.

The Third Reich also had two types of aircraft that were capable of leaving Germany and flying around the British Isles and these aircraft were also capable reaching any target in the Northeastern United States, then returning home.

(4) The Me-264 “Amerika Bomber” that was developed by Messerschmitt.

Me 264 V1 Fernbomber, Aufklärer 1942. Werkfoto Messerschmitt (MBB)
2/264 The image above is furnished courtesy of

The image above shows a plastic kit-model of the ME 264 Amerika Bomber. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

(5) BV-238 which was a large seaplane that was developed by Blom & Voss. A prototype actually flew from Germany to the entrance to New York City Harbor and returned without being detected.

The image above shows a BV-238 aircraft in flight. The image above is furnished courtesy of

The image above shows different old archival photographs of the BV-238 flying boat. The image above is furnished courtesy of

Section Two – The Cold War

Quoting an admiral who was commanding the Zio-American 2nd Fleet late in the Cold War. “Nuclear weapons are not military weapons. They are political weapons. Their only useful purpose is to ensure that if anybody uses them on you they too will be destroyed. There is no point in practicing for Nuclear War because if a nuclear weapon is used, then Everybody Dies!”

For several years, the Zio-American Empire had a monopoly on Atomic Bombs, that is until the Rosenburgs (Jew husband and wife) gave certain technical information to the USSR that enabled them to produce their own nuclear devices. During the 1950’s the Zio-American Empire developed the Hydrogen Bomb, and this development was followed very soon afterwards by the USSR.

The image above shows Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1951. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

There were only three nuclear powers that would come to have the ability to destroy all life on Earth. At the Cold War’s height, the weapons in the American nuclear arsenal could destroy the world 35 times over! By contrast, the Russians only had enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world a measly 18 times over. The poor old British could only destroy the world just once. During the heyday of the Cold War, these were the only countries that had ICBMs and thus the these were the only nations that could launch nuclear missiles which had the ability to hit any target anywhere on Earth.

Communist China held a special place during the Cold War. Although the Chinese had a huge nuclear arsenal, this nuclear arsenal was all carried by medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBM), so China could only nuke targets that were comparatively close to China with much smaller warheads. (We have all heard plenty of jokes about the Chinese having small equipment…)

Image courtesy of Obito Crypt on

Then there were the Lesser Nuclear Powers which were all armed with MRBMs:

(1) France – France has nuclear weapons, but only because French leaders enjoyed the prestige of officially being a “Nuclear Power.” During the Cold War France built up a petty supply of nuclear weapons, and the French still have a supply of nuclear weapons, but France’s petite little nuclear stockpile is of no practical value.

Image courtesy of

(2) & (3) India and Pakistan – These two collections of pungent pajeets practices a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) doctrine between them that was and continues to be the only reason for their mutual existence.

Image courtesy of

(4) South Africa – South Africa’s nuclear stockpile ostensibly existed to prevent them from being overrun by a potential coalition of Black African Nations, except in this case, no thought was given to the results which their use would have on the White South African population that these weapons were supposedly there to protect. In South Africa’s case, using nuclear weapons would amount to an indirect and slow death for everyone left alive in South African territory.

As the story goes, and I for one do not believe it, before the Apartheid Government of South Africa ruled under De Klerk had turned the country over to Nelson Mandela and his ANC Terrorists, they destroyed their nuclear arsenal. That having been said, I have never seen the slightest proof of this rumor. Let me emphasize right here so that I will not be misunderstood, I make a clear distinction between the White Population of South Africa and the former Apartheid Government of that country. South Africa’s apartheid government was actually a very staunch ally of the STATE OF ISRAEL. I am convinced that the exiting government of South Africa sold their entire Nuclear Arsenal to beef up the already large Israeli nuclear arsenal.

Image courtesy of 

(5) Israel – This fine den of crooks is a nuclear power thanks in large part to the hapless pool of unwilling Zio-American taxpayers. One of a number of reasons for the Kennedy Assassination back in the 1960s was because President Kennedy was trying to prevent Israel from getting its hands on Zio-American nuclear weapons. Once he was eliminated, then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was free to provide Israel with all of the money, expertise, and material they needed to become a Nuclear Power. What has been long-forgotten though is how Israel got its slimy paws on the weapons-grade plutonium which they needed to get started with their own nuclear weapons program.

Image courtesy of Alexander Augustine on

For starters, in the 1960s, an American freighter ship was carrying a load of plutonium for the American Strategic Forces who were stationed in Europe. The Israeli Navy waylaid this ship in the middle of the Atlantic, then proceeded to murder the entire unarmed civilian crew (20-30 men). After these fine Hebrew pirates killed the freighter’s entire crew, they proceeded to take the plutonium and sink the ship. Not surprisingly, the Johnson Administration took great pains to keep this whole sordid incident completely covered up.

Israel could not use their nuclear arsenal during the Cold War because the USSR threatened to wipe them off the face of the Earth if they did. Washington and Tel Aviv staged the attack on the USS Liberty to justify a nuclear attack against Nasser’s Egypt by the Zio-American Empire. That plan was thwarted when the USSR revealed that it had an ICBM submarine sailing off the coast of Israel that was ready to retaliate. In time, Moscow informed Washington and Tel Aviv that if there ever was a nuclear exchange between the USA and USSR, that Israel would no longer exist past the first ten minutes of the war. The USSR’s chilly relationship with Israel during the cold war provides yet another good reason why international Jewry was so eager to foment the recent Russo-Ukraine War.

Image courtesy of

The Israeli facility for developing and producing nuclear weapons was paid for using Zio-American taxpayer money, and this facility is located at Diamona in the Negev Desert which in the south of Israel. During the latest large-scale Israeli attack on Gaza, a large and long-range missile that was fired by Hezbollah landed a hundred yards or so outside the gate to Diamiona. After this missile attack, Hezbollah informed the Israelis that they did not miss like the Jews had been sarcastically claiming, but rather, they were making a point. Their point was: If Israel ever tries to use their nuclear arsenal, then Hezbollah will destroy Diamona and the Israelis will all perish over time from the effects of the escaping radiation.

Israel came up with the Samson Option in case they ever faced total defeat, and they still intend to destroy all life on Earth with nuclear weapons if this should ever happen. Target #1 will be Rome, Italy because the Roman Catholic Church has so often made life hard for Jews. But also, the Jews are intent on retaliation for the Romans destroying Jerusalem in 70 CE.

Image courtesy of 

The Imperial Germans will be able to neutralize the Samson Option by creating EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulses) over Israel. Iran also has the capability to blunt Israel’s Sampson Option by using MRBMs with special warheads. EMPs knock out any device which makes use of electricity.


 The American vs. Soviet Nuclear War Strategies

The Russian strategy has always been the physical destruction, or at the very least the neutralization, of the American Strategic Forces along with Zio-American systems of command & control. Beyond that, the Russians have never had any interest in destroying population centers that have no connection to American Strategic Forces. In marked contrast, the Zio-American strategy calls for the complete annihilation of the populations of the USSR and their allies as well.


The Zio-American Way of War

The Zio-American government, which is governed under Jewish and Freemasonic influence, invented what is commonly called “Total War.” This term denotes the practice of waging war against Total Populations. Total War was first practiced against the Southern Confederacy during the Second American Revolution, then this strategy continued all throughout the Western Indian Wars, the Filipino-American War of the early 20th Century, World War I against Germany, World War II against Germany along with Japan and Italy, the Korean War against North Korea, the Vietnam War, and in an ongoing manner against Iraq and Afghanistan, plus Syria! The Zio-American practice of Total War will continue to be their strategy when they finally make a direct attack against the Russian Federation and Communist China whenever World War III kicks off.

Image courtesy of 


 “Ten Million Lives“.

This was the title of a book that was authored by a number of United States Airforce Senior Generals (The Army and Navy refused to have anything to do with it) in the Late 1950’s that was trying to pressure the Zio-American government into launching a sudden and all-out nuclear attack without warning against the USSR. In such a case, Russian retaliation would be able to kill only some 10,000,000 Americans (thus the title). Considering the size of the Zio-American population at that time, these generals considered these death numbers to be quite acceptable. Failure to do so could result, they claimed, in the total annihilation of the Zio-American Empire’s population. If they knew what the Soviet Strategy actually was, then they were certainly keeping this knowledge under wraps. Incidentally, I actually read this book when I was in the 7th Grade.

One of the main reasons that President Kennedy first established NASA and effectively put this organization under the control of Wehrner von Braun (Kennedy knew that von Braun was a very vocal opponent of nuclear war) was to prevent rogue Air Force generals from clandestinely provoking a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. These rogue generals were planning to start a nuclear war by using the Zio-American Empire’s space program that was under the control of the military industrial complex and kept very secret at that time. However, Von Braun, with some difficulty, and by using the authority that was vested in him by president Kennedy, was finally able to drag the Air Force’s space program into the control of NASA and himself. As a result of the Airforce’s space program falling into governmental but non-military hands, the USAF leadership never really liked von Braun.

Image courtesy of


Nuclear Close Calls

There were several instances where Nuclear War was very nearly provoked by carelessness and/or accident. These “Nuclear Close Calls” began with the well-known first and most serious one which was dubbed “The Cuban Missile Crisis” and the last occurring case of a nuclear Close Call took place in 1987 when the second most serious incident along these lines occurred. In 1987, a badly conceived American exercise involving all US Strategic Forces was initially mistaken by the Soviet Premier named Gorbachev and the rest of the Soviets as being final preparations for the Zio-American Empire launching a “Nuclear First Strike.” In this case, the Soviet Union initially had no way of knowing these actions were nothing more than a training exercise that was being carried out by the Zio-American Empire. On that day back in 1987, Doomsday was deferred, but only just barely.


MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and the Temporary Triumph of Sanity

Initially, both the USA and USSR planned on being able to win a nuclear war; however, as sanity slowly began to sink in among at least some elements of those countries’ decision makers, a number of actions were taken to hopefully minimize the possibility of an actual nuclear war occurring. More sane policies concerning nuclear weapons during the Cold War all more or less revolved around establishing the doctrine of MAD which I have already described as being Mutually Assured Destruction. Oddly enough, it was the leaders of the USSR who initially proposed coming to this series of understandings about use of nuclear weapons, and it was the policies of the USSR that actually prevented World War III for some length of time.

Speaking of MAD, let us not forget MAD magazine. Image courtesy of 

The first problem occurred when President Reagan fell under the sway of certain individuals at the Pentagon and in the Nuclear Warfare Industrial Complex/ NWIC (meaning, the mega-corporations who produced nuclear weapons and their delivery systems). Those at the Pentagon had convinced themselves that a Nuclear War could easily be won, just as long as they struck first and struck suddenly. During the 1980s, the Nuclear Warfare Industrial Complex desired a full-scale arms race against the Soviet Union that would guarantee maximum profits for themselves.

Image courtesy of

After Ronald Reagan fell under the sway of the NWIC, he initiated the now-deservedly infamous Star Wars Program, but it was finally discovered that Reagan’s “Star Wars” program could never work. The folly of Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” program only became apparent after a vast amount of money was wasted on its development which of course made certain industrialists and bankers very, very, happy.

It turns out that if the “Star Wars” nuclear missile defense network was in place, then the Zio-American Empire could only shoot down about 90% of the expected 4,000 incoming Soviet missiles in the event of a full-scale nuclear war. Needless to say, some people thought that percentage was pretty damn good; however, this line of thinking was insanely stupid (all of the people who truly believed in the “Star Wars” defense system were Ivy League Graduates by the way). The basic premise of the Star Wars nuclear defense system was flawed because the arrival of 400 intercontinental nuclear missiles, most of them with multiple warheads, would be quite sufficient to wipe the Zio-American Empire off the face of the Earth anyway.  What finally brought Raegan to his senses and killed the “Star Wars” program and temporarily stopped all of the open talk of winning a Nuclear War with Russia was the 1987 incident that I have earlier referred to that was coupled with the now-recognized limitations of the “Star Wars” program.

Image courtesy of Internet Cringe on

Soon after Donald Trump took office in 2016, he was approached by representatives of the Russian Federation who wanted to renew the same agreements that had prevented the Cold War from escalating into a nuclear war. As of 2016, the old accords from the 1980s that were designed to stop any nuclear wars from happening were all up for renewal. Having himself now fallen under the sway of the same groups who had for a time mentally captured Reagan, El Trumpo adamantly refused to sign any new nuclear peace treaties with the Russians!

Trump refused to sign any new anti-nuclear treaties with the Russian Federation because he himself had become convinced that the Zio-American Empire could not help but win World War III. So, my patient readers, that brings us up to where we find ourselves now. Once again, humanity faced with the same problems that were troubling people back in the 1950’s, but now, these same nuclear troubles from the 1950s exist within a world which has become even more volatile.

Image courtesy of Couillosaure on

Section Three – World War III

How old is the knowledge of nuclear energy? There is irrefutable, if largely suppressed, archaeological proof of nuclear war having taken place in very Ancient India. The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote at length on the atomic structure of matter (I have read this). During the Second American Revolution the Confederate Submarine and Torpedo Service learned how to produce a radioactive isotope of platinum which they made use of in some torpedo (naval mine) detonators. These old pieces of Confederate technology were not nuclear weapons, but they did make use of rudimentary nuclear technology.


At the end of the Cold War, the Zio-American Empire and the new Russian Federation agreed to greatly reduce their respective nuclear arsenals where each side agreed to reduce the size of their nuclear arsenals by half. During this same time, the United Kingdom scrapped their entire small fleet of ballistic missile submarines and the Russians withdrew all of their ICBM submarines from active service and placed them in reserve. At that time, the Russians apparently took for granted that the Zio-American Empire was also going to decommission their fleet of submarines that carry ICBMS.

After Putin came to power, disputes between Russia and the Zio-American Empire began to crop up once more, which were initiated by the latter it goes without saying. After Putin become Russia’s new Czar for all intents and purposes, Washington started threatening Russia with their ICBM submarines which they now revealed had maintained their patrols off the coasts of Russia even when Russia had decommissioned their fleet of nuclear submarines. Putin responded by reactivating Russia’s fleet of ballistic missile submarines and returning them to their former patrol stations off of the East Coast of North America. With these Russian Submarines, targets along the North American East Coast could be reached in less than ten minutes once the Russian nuclear missiles were launched. At this time, the Russians also rapidly developed a new generation of missiles and submarines.

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These new Russian submarines can remain on patrol north of the line that stretches from Greenland to Iceland and the Faroe Islands where they can rest under the protective umbrella of Russian air and surface forces. From their patrol zones in the North Atlantic, Russian submarines can hit anywhere in the contiguous United States with nuclear missiles. Flight time to the Northeastern United States is less than an hour, so Washington’s bullying of Russia has returned everyone to the dangers of the Cold War. Russia still tries to operate from the old MAD doctrine of the Cold War, but they are only now realizing that the Zio-American Empire has abandoned the whole idea of MAD and is now planning to win a nuclear war with a first strike.

I have mentioned that both Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump were under the thumb of the Jewish Nuclear War Cult. Reagan did finally wake up, and even El Trumpo finally began to entertain certain doubts about entering a nuclear war against Russia, but Trump knew he was not powerful enough to do anything major about this looming problem. Sleepy Joe Biden. in marked contrast to both Trump and Reagan, was totally under the thumb of the Jewish Nuclear War Cult. Even outside of the nuclear war issue, “president” Joe Biden was always on point to do whatever his Jewish masters demanded of him.

During the Cold War, Boeing was the largest manufacturer of nuclear weapons; however, Boeing has now been supplanted by Raytheon for the top spot in this area, so Boeing now occupies a spot as the Zio-American Empire’s number-two manufacturer of nuclear weapons.

The Quest for Lithium

Lithium is an essential component in the detonators for hydrogen bombs, and the largest deposits of lithium quartz (ore) are in #1 Bolivia and #2 Afghanistan. One of the reasons that the Zio-American Empire was in Afghanistan was because the Taliban was asking the global going rate for their ore. Not wanting to pay a fair price for lithium, the Zio-American Empire proceeded to invade Afghanistan instead. When the Russian Federation offered a better price for Bolivian lithium ore, then Washington accused Putin and Russia of naked aggression and overthrew the Bolivian Government and put a price on the head of Evo Morales.

Image courtesy of


Paris Gets into the Act

The French Government has possessed a certain so-called “Napoleonic Complex” for a while now because they have never been able to get over the fact that France ceased to be a major world power a while back, so the French like to pretend that France is still a significant nation on the world stage. The French still try to pretend that their country is actually important by playing at being a nuclear power among other things.

This French nuclear “Napoleon Complex” manifested itself when France refused when they were asked to sign onto the treaty between the US and USSR banning ocean testing of nuclear weapons. Testing nuclear weapons in the ocean is actually the worst and the most far-reaching in its effects of all forms of nuclear testing, so this is why the Americans and Russians both agreed to ban these types of tests. However, France has continued to maintain their colonies in the South Pacific, and one reason that France still maintains their Pacific colonies is because these are the only places where they can test their nuclear weapons, the native populations of those islands be damned. For some reason, the Government of New Zealand has colluded with the French on occasion to continue these bad tests.

Image courtesy of Wojak on 

Mali, which is a Black nation located in West Africa, used to be a French Colony, and several years ago, large deposits of uranium ore were discovered there. Due to France’s historical colonization of Mali, the French demanded that the Malians sell the French uranium ore at a bargain-basement price. When Mali insisted on having the French pay the going global price for uranium ore instead, the French proceeded to invade Mali. After invading Mali, the French trashed the country and seized the uranium mines and they got Mali’s uranium for nothing. The French invasion of Mali produced a flood of refugees who eventually found their way to France with abundant help for Jewish “charity” organizations. Unfortunately, these African savages are now taking revenge on the innocent French citizenry who had nothing to do with the crimes that were perpetuated against Mali by the Zionist-occupied French government.

For information purposes: The current uppity-muck leader of France by the name of Emmanuel Macron is not actually French; he is a French Jew. Macron was a senior banker who was working for the Rothschilds before being installed as France’s president, and he shall eventually return to being a senior banker with the infamous Goldman-Sachs. Nicolas Sarkozy, who was Marcon’s predecessor as president of France, directed France to invade Libya with Zio-American  in order to steal the large gold reserves of Libya. Sarkozy is also a French Jew.

The photograph seen above was taken on September 30, 2018 on the French Caribbean possession of St. Martin after Hurricane Irma had damaged the island. Needless to say, this image did not present the French president in a very positive light. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of GabeOnReddit9 from the r/HoleUp forum on 


North Korea

Kim Il Jung and North Korea quickly developed nuclear weapons and missiles after Trump started promising the he was going to do a regime-change on them. Now the North Korea can strike to the east as far away as Hawaii and they also have a select few ICBMs that can reach the central parts of the North America — now there are no more Zio-American rumblings about fomenting a regime change for North Korea.

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Certain Republicans in Washington started talking about canceling the immense Zio-American Imperial debt to China by launching a nuclear first strike against the Chinese if they did not agree to write this debt off first. After receiving threats of nuclear attack for not cancelling Zio-American debt, China also began developing new ICBMs and submarines, and now Chinese ICBM submarines maintain regular patrols off the North America’s West Coast.


NATO & Ukraine – The Match is Thrown in the Powder Keg

When the United States began to move into the Caucus maintain nation of Georgia several years ago, this action was done in order to establish SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) facilities as close as possible to Russia in order to monitor the goings on of the Russian Strategic Forces as near as possible to Real Time (aka – As it happens). Having real-time monitoring of Russian strategic forces would be of critical importance if one was planning on doing a first nuclear strike. After learning that the Zio-American Empire was planning to establish listening posts in the Republic of Georgia, the Russian Federation “invaded” the Republic of Georgia and destroyed these uncompleted facilities. The expansion of NATO right up to the borders of Russia is to a significant degree part of NATO’s preparation plans for a planned First Strike nuclear attack against Russia. Having military installations placed on Russia’s borders serves a number of purposes that are relative to nuclear war:

(1) Establishing military installations near to Russian borders helps to replace the planned facilities which were lost in Georgia.

(2) Placing military assets near to Russia enables the Zio-American Empire and NATO to station missiles so close to Russia that the Russians will not be given any practical warning that these missiles are on their way until it is way too late to stop these incoming weapons.

(3) Having military assets placed just outside of Russian borders enables the Zio-American Empire to station ABMs (Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems) near enough to Russia that these systems can pick off Russian ICBMs as soon as they leave their silos as part of a retaliatory strike, thus neutralizing the old MAD paradigm.

As of now, Ukrainians live on territory that is also being claimed by Poland and Israel as well as by Russia. A few centuries ago, Poland conquered the Western Ukraine and governed it until they were driven out. The Polish Government has been putting forward their old claims to this region recently, and Israel is also claiming all of the Ukraine for themselves as well as the Donbass and Crimea regions. Israel is claiming all of the Ukraine because this area was part of the old Khazarian Empire that the Russians destroyed. According to the Jews, they are the rightful owners of the Ukraine, so removing a population of goyem squatters in Palestine or in the Ukraine is deemed to be an inviolable right and duty by international Jewry.

Image furnished courtesy of James Esteban Moreno Silva on

The Anti-Russian Alliance Cabal that has been cobbled together by Washington is highly unstable, but Washington seems indifferent to their tenuous political and military situation because they intend to finally take out Russia and this is all that they actually care about.

Interestingly, Zio-American imperial affairs in the area of Russia are being handled exclusively by Ivy League Jews, except the US Secretary of Defense who is a Black General (tool) who led failed campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Poland is being supplied by Washington with hydrogen bombs and special F-35 aircraft to deliver these munitions, but they remain under Washington’s ultimate command. The Polish Government has been hounding Washington to turn Poland’s military loose so that they can attack Russia; however, the Zio-American Empire is not ready to pull the trigger just yet.

While the Finnish government has not finalized joining NATO just yet, they are in all likelihood going to join NATO relatively soon anyway. After Finland joins NATO, the Zio-American Empire will have the same arrangement with Finland that they currently have with Poland.

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One of the principal functions of the Ukraine Crises for the Zio-American Empire is to put Putin and the government of the Russian Federation into such a situation where (((The Empire))) can claim that the Russians forced  (((The Empire))) to execute a First Strike, that is, the Empire intends to create a false impression that it was an absolute necessity to strike the Russian Federation first with nuclear weapons.

Such actions as these have been standard fare in Washington since the Second American Revolution started and these sorts of practices have continued through Pearl Harbor up until the present day. The Zio-American Empire even once went so far as to blow up one of their own battleships to insure popular support for a war against Spain whom they framed for the crime. The Spanish American War was a conflict that was commenced just to seize Spanish colonies. Do not ever make the mistake of putting anything past the Zio-American Imperial government in Washington when it comes to them going after what they want. In the particular case of the Spanish American War, this war was fought to eliminate a perceived rival and to seize of their rival’s vast and valuable natural resources in the process.


Well dear reader, you may have concluded that this is all crazy talk on my part and it makes no rational sense. Guess what? I would agree with you 100% and I have now just finishing writing it. The problem is it is precisely the state of affairs that Humanity and the Earth currently find themselves in now, and the dangerous and crazy outcomes that I have just outlined are what lies in all of our not too distant futures, that is unless some overwhelming power intervenes to put a stop to the insanity.

The planet Mars was once an Earthlike world long ago that was complete with large oceans and a highly advanced civilization which somewhat resembled that of Ancient Egypt. The Martians actually had the type of nuclear war that now threatens us, and we can see the results of such plans: A Dead World.

Heil Hitler deva!


Randall Lee Hilburn

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