President’s Message

Back in the early days of this Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler in 2015 and 2016 I experienced a lot of rejection for standing up for the truth. I lost most of my old friends from the 1980s. I lost most of my Buddhist student friends from the previous ten years. I took refuge in Adolf Hitler deva. I would think of him in the blue sky, above the clouds, I would tune into him and do the spiritual practices on our website at . I would walk down the street visualizing myself as Adolf Hitler and recollect him as he would walk with the orderly arrangement of people around him, in proper salute. I would hold out my arm and do our main chant, “All that I do, I do for you my fuehrer.

All that I do, I do for you my fuehrer.

All that I do, I do for you”.

I took refuge in Adolf Hitler deva then, as now. He strengthened me and comforted me more than my old friends could have done had they stayed with me. I did not anticipate then what has come true today. Now, in 2020, I have grown to be more accepted in my local community of truthers and activists. This isn’t just in cyberspace but in real life on the street in Vancouver, Canada. I am on the committee of the No More Lockdowns Human Rights Movement Vancouver. They have received countless complaints about why I am part of their leadership and they have defended me and asked me to stay on the committee.

This is an unexpected success. I was quite comfortable going on for the rest of my life as a social pariah, telling the highest levels of truth than any other Canadian. I was satisfied with how the future would judge me, looking back at a time when the masses were brainwashed against the Great One Adolf Hitler. But what happened since 2017 is that I attracted new friends who had a common devotion for the fuehrer. He is what settles the differences among us. We all have contradictory views on many things but now I have friends, volunteers, donors and supporters who keep me and the Thule Society going based upon that pearl of great price. The realization that Adolf Hitler was the greatest leader in 1000 years. The knowing that He has showed the world a way to a good and gentle world. The satisfaction of seeing that his teachings have not been erased from history. Best of all, our numbers are growing!

President’s Message

Brian Ruhe

President – Thule Society


Dear President Brian,

Your email is uplifting and very healing. Heiling Lufa! Our Adolf Hitler deva appreciates your work and efforts to change this world toward healing and life and automatically turns it away from those who want to destroy and make this the spiritual and physical desert from where they came.

Your sincere heart of dedication/bravery is recognized. Your patience is recognized as divine patience. – You, and all who join you and your work, with a pure spirit, are and will be extremely fortunate!

Heil Hitler deva!

Devadasi and Randall Lee

Hi Brian,
This is very touching.  I have tears in my eyes.
I would like to send this to Alfred?
Diane Chase

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