Does Jimmy Carter Deserve More Respect Than We Give Him?


Jimmy Carter’s Death and the Impact of President Trump’s Second Inauguration

by Brian Ruhe

Since 2016, I have said, “Vote for the candidate who will try to harm the world slower, instead of the candidate who will try to harm the world faster.”

I am happy to see former present Joe Biden gone and President Trump back in the White House. I have always viewed Trump from the perspective that anyone who can represent their party has to cooperate with the Rothschild Zionist Talmudists. I feel that Trump does care for America, and I do believe that Trump is well intentioned, but I never expect him to go beyond the bounds that are set by his masters who rule the country of America and rule the world.


Stylized image of Jimmy Carter furnished courtesy of

It has been a longstanding practice to fly flags at half-mast for a period of time following the death of a US President or Ex-President, even if an inauguration for a new president falls during this same time, which it did this time around when Donald Trump was inaugurated as the American president for his second time. Trump flew into a rage when he learned about the flags flying at half-mast during his inauguration because this action detracted from his prestige as the incoming US President.

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Trump signed an Executive Order forbidding any American flags to fly at half-mast during his inauguration, which he could not legally do since he was not yet the president. Nobody publicly called him out for this, instead, Donald Trump flew into a tirade and attacked Jimmy Carter during his inauguration. Among other things, Trump accused Jimmy Carter of treason for giving away what he claimed was US territory in the form of the Panama Canal to Panama and China. Nobody publicly called Trump out for this lie either.

The image above is furnished courtesy of

Image of the Panama Canal furnished courtesy of

Others have noted that Donald Trump has always hated Jimmy Carter personally, and these same observers noted that Trump hated Carter with the utmost passion. Why is this the case we must ask ourselves? The answer is not that difficult to establish. While Jimmy Carter was admittedly a mediocre president, after he left office, he did perform a lot of good work and he was well-respected in a great many countries. Carter’s work in the years following his presidency made him a target of ire by International Jewry.

For one thing, Trump tried to overthrow the freely elected President Maduro of Venezuela and replace him with an Israeli and oil company puppet; however, Carter exposed and thwarted this plot. Trump also tried to assassinate Maduro with a drone a la Soleimani & Muhandis, but Trump’s assassination drone exploded prematurely. Trump’s attack drone wound up killing and wounding a large number of people, but this device of death left its intended targets of Maduro and his wife unharmed.


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Like every other US President since Kennedy, Jimmy Carter was under the thumb of the Zionist Jews, but once he left office he broke with The Jews and made himself a serious thorn in their side up until he got too sick to work. After his presidency and before he became too old and decrepit to work, Jimmy Carter traveled the world exposing the crimes that Jews were committing against the Palestinians in the West Bank and in Gaza. Carter was a tireless public champion of the Palestinian cause.

Advocating for the Palestinians got old Jimmy Carter maliciously labeled as a vicious antisemite and neo-Nazi by the Jews, but Carter was really a bed-wetting liberal who was simply campaigning for “Equality.” (Interestingly, “Equality” is a very feminine  idea that is of paramount importance to women due to evolutionary reasons.) Carter’s most provocative move was publishing a 2006 book titled  Palestine: Pace Not Apartheid. The Jews celebrated Carter’s death, and their self-styled (circa 2016) “King of the Jews,” Donald Trump, was busy gloating over Carters demise.

Image of Jimmy Carter listing Ramallah Palestine on the 27th of August 2009 is furnished courtesy of

Carter wanted a “Single State Solution” to the situation in Palestine that would feature “Democratic Majority Rule” and “Guaranteed Minority Rights” for all citizens of Israel. A “One State Solution” would mean the end of Israel because there are many more Palestinians than Jews living in the Levant Region of the Middle East. Obviously, a “One State Solution” for the Palestinian Question would torpedo the whole idea of a restored Jewish Kingdom that is ruled over by the likes of Donald Trump.

Issues with Donald Trump’s Second Presidency



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My big interest is in UFOs and ETs, and Donald Trump has spoken more about these two topics than other presidents, even Jimmy Carter. Donald Trump’s son, Don Jr., has made video interviews showing interest in UFOs, and many of Trump’s senior advisers, such as secretary of state Marco Rubio, are keenly interested in the topic of UFOs as well. Trump said he would try to reveal the causes of the recent “Drone Mystery,” where drones have been spotted flying over parts of the American Northeast. I hope that Trump’s next presidential administration moves further when it comes to giving the public more UFO Disclosures.

In his inaugural address, it was surprising to hear that President Trump wants to put astronauts on Mars. Elon Musk smiled broadly when Trump made this aspiration publicly. Haim Eshed was director of space programs for the Israeli Ministry of Defense over a span of nearly 30 years. In December 2020, Eshed claimed in an interview with the Israeli national newspaper named Yediot Aharonot that the United States government has been in contact with extraterrestrial life for years, and he claimed that the American government has signed secret agreements with a “Galactic Federation.” This agreement that Eshed named in his interview with Yediot Aharonot permits outside factions to perform operations on planet Earth, and Eshed noted that there is a joint underground base on Mars where the Galactic Federation collaborates with American astronauts.

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Eshed also stated that President Donald Trump is aware of this partnership between the American government and the Galactic Federation, and Eshed said that Trump is now “on the verge” of informing everybody about the Galactic Federation’s existence. However, Eshed stated that Trump has been stopped from revealing this information by the “Galactic Federation” in order to prevent mass public hysteria. I believe Trump knows that the American government operates a base on Mars. I also suspect that Elon Musk is a manufactured hero who will be the public face of any travel plans to Mars. Musk’s closeness to Trump may indicate that this process of colonizing Mars will be part of a “Golden Age for America” which Trump is now promising.

Image of Marvin the Martian furnished courtesy of

Image of Marvin the Martian is furnished courtesy of

Trump’s promises to build up the economy of America are realizable after Biden’s failed presidency; however, my biggest concern is Trump’s loyalty to Israel. Will Trump’s loyalty to Israel spell out an escalation of wars for Israel? Will Trump’s next presidency accelerate the creation of a Greater Israel? Trump says that he wants to end wars and avoid new ones, but we have to wait and see what he will do. It is a wonderful thing that former American President Biden is history, but our future remains uncertain under President Trump.


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Trump is moving to impose huge sanctions on agricultural imports from Canada, Mexico, and China, and these sanctions are supposedly being done to make the United States self-sufficient when it comes to food. Two things must be made clear about the actual results of Trump’s proposed agricultural tariffs.

First, AMERICAN Agriculture is completely dominated by multinational agribusinesses and their corporate farms along with the chemical industry. Baring foreign agricultural products is in no way going to change the fundamental nature of contemporary American agricultural practices. This proposed tariff on imported food items will not in any way end up benefiting what few small farmers are in the United States. American agricultural capitalism is deliberately structured so that small independent farmers are never able to compete in the market against big agribusiness corporations.

There is widespread collusion between corporate agribusiness and the major supermarket chains. This collusion between giant American agribusiness corporations such as Cargill and Monsanto with giant corporate food stores such as Safeway, Sam’s Club, Costco, and Publix is designed to keep food that is produced by small American farmers off the shelves of corporate grocery stores. Obviously, with some exceptions, the American public overwhelmingly relies on corporate food retailers to meet their dietary needs; therefore, any operational changes for corporate food vendors carry serious implications to the American public.

The image above shows a Publix grocery store location. This image is furnished courtesy of  

Second, instead of increasing actual food production, people like Bill Gates are buying up farmland and removing this land from production. Bill Gates and other mostly Jewish oligarchs are also buying up food processing plants, then shutting these facilities down. As Bill Gates and his Jewish Oligarch compadres go about buying farmland and not using these acres to produce food, they are also assisting the American government and big Jewish-owned banks to force small independent operators out of business.



A lot of American cropland is now being converted to the production of an inedible genetically modified variety of corn that is used in the production of ethanol for use in gasoline. When you hear crowing about “Increased American Corn Production” from those with connections to large oil companies, then we begin to see less and less corn in supermarkets; this is what is going on. The (((Mainstream Press))) is deliberately misleading the public about the meaning increased American and Canadian corn production.

Image courtesy of

What are the actual results for average American consumers who have been deprived of any means to raise their own food? Increasingly empty, or completely empty, grocery store shelves is what the average American consumer will get! Food prices, which are already rather high, are rapidly increasing on a day-to-day basis! Most of the food which is now available in American grocery stores is not only getting less plentiful, it is also of poor quality and it is fundamentally unhealthy!

Image of supermarket junk food provided courtesy of

Due to tariffs, good-quality imported food is now priced beyond reach for most American consumers. For most Americans, products from small local American farms are either not available at all, or they are priced beyond reach. I will put it bluntly: food that is imported from Mexico, Canada, China, and a great many other places is, if not being hamstrung by tariffs, cheaper and more plentiful than the dubious products of American agribusiness corporations.

Whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not, we American consumers who happen to not be very wealthy and have no way of growing our own food, are staring at FAMINE in the near future. This possible famine for the American masses is completely ARTIFICIAL, and Donald Trump is in the process of making this possibility exponentially more likely to pass.

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Furthermore, The U.S. Government, and not China, is waging Weather Warfare of many differing types against the food producing capacity of the United States that is not controlled by big agribusiness.

Why the famine you may ask?

The question can be answered in just a few words:


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