Was Juan Peron A National Socialist Luminary? Part 1.
Link to Part 2:
Was Juan Peron a National Socialist Luminary? Part 2
I wondered what exactly to title this blog that is based on the book titled Peron & Peronism by Kerry Bolton which I read recently. It is already well-known that Juan Peron gave refuge to escapees from Germany in the closing days of World War II and soon after the war ended. Peron also helped to establish a new base for the Third Reich’s new breakaway civilization in the Antarctic; therefore, this article will not dwell too long on these areas because I and others have already covered them elsewhere.
Peron’s open pro-Axis stance during the World War II, and the help he gave to German National Socialists after the war ended put Argentina in great danger of suffering from a Zio-American military invasion and occupation, or what is now euphemistically dubbed a “Regime Change Operation.” Any Zio-American “Regime Change” for Argentina following World War II would certainly have included Peron’s execution. In the years during and after World War II, a “Regime Change” for Argentina was often threatened by the Zio-American Empire, but such a campaign never happened.
The image seen above is not a real archival photo, Juan Peron and Adolf Hitler never met in person, well at least not officially. The image above is furnished courtesy of ReyCrazy on deviantart.com
If given his way, Peron would have formally joined the Axis, as Adolf Hitler well knew; however, Argentina was far too strategically isolated to really lend much help to the Axis powers in Europe. During the years before and after World War II, Peron was forced to play a cat and mouse game with the Allies, especially with the United States. During World War II, Peron’s mission was to help the Axis nations as much as he could while stopping short of provoking an American invasion. Eventually, Washington began preparations for an actual invasion if Argentina did not immediately join the Allies.
In response to pressure from the Allied forces, Peron informed the Axis Powers with words to the effect of, “Don’t be concerned, I am going to ensure that the Allies are going to get no help from Argentina, even though I am being forced to declare war.” Churchill’s British Empire did seize South Georgia Island from Argentina. South Georgia Island rests in the waters north of Antarctica. Britain’s seizure of South Georgia Island from Argentina was part of an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to disrupt the “lines of communication” with Neu Schwabenland. This military seizure of South Georgia Island was done in a sneak attack that was carried out even after Argentina had joined the Allies.
Map image of Southern Georgia Island furnished courtesy of britanica.com
Why do I refer to Juan Peron as an Oracle of National Socialism? Juan Peron is referred to as an Oracle of National Socialism because he understood perfectly well what The Great One had intended for National Socialism within a worldwide context that goes far beyond a simple German context. Peron’s understanding of National Socialism was confirmed by the work of Leon DeGrelle after World War II, and Peron’s understanding of National Socialism is confirmed in the book “Hitler’s Table Talk” which was edited by Martin Borman and published near the end of the World War II.
Peronism is basically Argentinian National Socialism; however, it provides, at least in principle, a blueprint for Resurgent National Socialism in the 21st century on a worldwide scale. You see my friends, National Socialism NEVER failed because it survived, it thrived, and it grew under many different names. The pedigrees of National Socialism that have thrived since World War II are each true to the foundations that were laid down by The Great One, but each new type of Post-World-War II National Socialism is adapted to local conditions. Now the time has come for new strains of National Socialism to become what The Great One has always intended them to be. The Great One planed for National Socialism to first appear for his beloved German Folk, then for all Aryans, and finally for the World at large. Juan Peron and his Peronism shows the way to make Adolf Hitler’s vision for a better world into a 21st Century reality.
Image furnished courtesy of 9gag.com
Introduction – National Socialism VS. Nationalism
Juan Peron understood the total incompatibility of these two “Philosophies” and he actually spoke quite often about this subject, and during his many talks on this matter, he made frequent references to Hitler and the NSDAP’s experiences and philosophy in this area.
As a matter of fact, before Hitler came to power, there were frequent political clashes between German National Socialists and German Nationalists. Hitler and the NSDAP took great pains to explain the difference between Nationalism and National Socialism which made these two ideas so incompatible. The difference between Nationalism and National Socialism is actuality not a particularly difficult or complicated subject to understand.
Nationalism has sometimes been called “The Curse of Europe” because over the centuries this idea has kept all the kindred European peoples constantly at each other’s throats instead of working together as they once did many millennia ago. This constant infighting between European peoples has enabled the Hebrews to weaken, erode, and control the European folk through a “Divide and Conquer” strategy. Of course, it goes without saying that whatever applies to European Nationalism applies to every other type of Nationalism everywhere else on our planet.
Image courtesy of LotharZhou on deviantart.com
The problem with Nationalism is, as I have said, simple to understand. Nationalism seeks to build up One Nation at the expense of every other Nation. When one nation seeks to improve its standing amongst other nations by simply promoting its own partisan interests, then this pattern of behavior only turns Europe and the entire Earth into the home of predatory governments. When national governments become predatory against other national governments, then this way of being causes constant chaos. Predatory governments only cause chaos because these entities inevitably fight amongst themselves and the strong gobble up the weak, this is “The Curse of Europe.”
Common Nationalism that provides Jews with great opportunities to push destructive Internationalism and Multiculturalism. For the weak-minded and gullible, Internationalism, Universalism, Multiculturalism, and gonzo levels of race-mixing appear to be the final solution for every problem that is spawned by nationalism. When common Nationalism is prevalent, then Jews instigate conflicts and pedal all sorts of false “solutions.” The final result of Jewish “solutions” to the problems that are spawned by common Nationalism is enslavement and death for the masses.
Image courtesy of the-black-cat on deviantart.com
The Great One understood all the problems that are endemic to common Nationalism, so he set out to stop such foolishness. The Great One’s vision for a new world began in Germany, then he set about carrying his vision to the rest of Europe, and finally his grand vision will eventually come to encompass to the entire world. Juan Peron, who presided over faraway Argentina, also caught on to Hitler’s vision of an alternative world order. Of course, Adolf Hitler’s first concern was for the welfare of his own people; namely, the German Folk, so Germany was naturally the place where his vision began. First and foremost, Hitler and the NSDAP had to preserve the integrity of the German Folk in a racial and cultural sense, but they also needed to preserve the integrity of Germany in every other way. We already understand this principle, but there is a bit more to this issue than most people know.
The Third Reich was able and willing to go to war if they had to, but they were only willing to go to war if it was to preserve The Folk. The Third Reich never set about to prey on others because they were not going to be just another bunch of Nationalists. Hitler and the NSDAP wanted to preserve the best of the German stock, instead of having German bloodlines killed off in one elective war after another. The NSDAP also wanted to use the resources which they had available to build a Higher Germany, and by “higher” we mean higher in body, higher in mind, and higher in spirit. A higher Germany as envisioned by Hitler would have an Enlightened and Glorious Future instead of just seeing more precious energy wasted on petty Nationalist pursuits
Image courtesy of freepik.com
To be successful, National Socialist nations must have peace, and this is precisely why The Great One went to such pains trying to preserve whatever peace was present when he assumed the office of Germany’s Chancellor. Contrary to what has been proffered by Jewish “historians,” the Third Reich did their best to try and live at peace with their neighbors because they needed imports of many raw materials, plus they needed export markets for their manufactured goods and their agricultural surpluses. Germany’s needed trade agreements demanded World Peace, and not just a European Peace.
The Great One recognized that world peace is only possible when every Folk has a National Socialist government that is suitable for themselves. Within a National Socialist world order, each nation focused on their own peculiar development, and each nation maintains the peace by dealing with each other in an honest and fair manner. Of course, there can be no peace when there are systems competing with National Socialism. If every nation is National Socialist, then every nation would also understand and appreciate the needs and desired of other nations. If National Socialism is to truly work, then a Worldwide Confederation of National Socialist States must exist.
Image courtesy of andrewtodaro on deviantart.com
A worldwide confederation of National Socialist states is needed so that a way of peacefully resolving disputes is available. At least in Adolf Hitler’s time, Germany had to be the leader of a worldwide National Socialist confederation, but Germany never needed to be the master of this confederation. During the time of the Third Reich, the Germans needed to be the leaders of a worldwide National Socialist federation because the Germans were recognized by many as the most advanced people in a spiritual sense, and because the Germans were the first nation to adopt National Socialism. The Great One wanted Germany to lead by example and not by force or deception. Under National Socialism, each Folk and each culture is self-contained, so there is no need to make comparisons about the worth of differing nations and differing families of people. Under German leadership and National Socialism, there would have also been a prohibition against any adulteration of each Folk.
This proposed National Socialist confederation would also ensure a uniform policy vis-a-vis the Jews who National Socialists of times past considered to be outsiders to all of humanity. Their outsider status would forbid Jews from holding citizenship in any National Socialist nation anywhere, nor would an international confederation of National Socialist states permit the Jews to have their own homeland anywhere on planet Earth. These policies towards the Jews may seem overly harsh, but if the Jews have their own nation anywhere, then such a place will inevitably serve as a hideout for criminals, and this place would also serve as a lair for Jews to gather and plot terrible things wit the luxury of relative secrecy. Every member of a National Socialist confederation of nations would also have the same internal policies towards Jews so that they cannot cause internal dissension either.
Image courtesy of NitoGravelord on deviantart.com
“Deutschland Uber Alles” (Germany Over All) was the official anthem for the Third Reich, and Joseph Haydn was the composer for this song. Contrary to what many people might have been told, the German national anthem for the Third Reich was never made out to be a Nationalist song. The words “Deutschland Uber Alles” was never written to be a call for Germany to dominate the planet, this idea is really nothing but Jewish propaganda. The Third Reich’s anthem was written in the nature of a National Socialist idea that calls for German citizens to put the German Nation and German Folk above all other considerations.
Part One – Juan Peron: The Early Years
Though his family had been Argentinian for some decades, Peron’s ancestry was 100% Sardinian. Peron’s recent ancestors had migrated from the Mediterranean island in the first half of the 19th century. As I will show in time, Peron’s family roots would have a major influence over the formation of his thinking. He was born in Lobos, Argentina in 1895. (Lobo is Spanish for Wolf.) As an adult, he would stand well over six feet tall, and he always possessed a powerful athletic build. Peron always did lots of sports and exercise.
From an early age, Peron chose to follow a career in the Argentinian army where he graduated from Argentina’s national military academy prior to Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution. He was never a one-dimensional professional because he was always well-read, and he frequently attended university classes on various subjects even after graduating from Argentina’s military academy.
Image of Juan Peron in 1912 furnished courtesy of Feliksx182 on deviantart.com
Peron’s extra-curricular reading and class-taking is extremely important because he had a deep interest in Ancient Greek Philosophy to which he made frequent references within his numerous speeches and writings. Peron’s studies of Ancient Greek history were done both academically and on his own (He could read and speak Greek.). Peron could be accurately described as a National Socialist Greek Philosopher. By referencing the Greek Philosophers, he defended and espoused National Socialist ideology which he considered to be Ancient Greek Philosophy taken to its logical conclusion.
In 1919, an event occurred which would introduce Peron to the Jews and establish his antipathy towards them from that point forward. At that time, a group of Jewish so-called refugees approached the government of Argentina and asked for permission to settle in their country. Of course, these Jews claimed to be fleeing from terrible conditions in the Soviet Union at that time. These Jews claimed that they just wanted a safe place to live and farm, so the leaders of Argentina felt sorry for them and let them enter their country. By this time, Peron had risen to the rank of Captain in the Argentinian army, so he commanded an independent infantry company that was stationed on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. As soon as the Jews were inside Argentina, they began working to bring about another Bolshevik revolution in their new country of residence, just like what had just happened in Russia. These Jewish newcomers were unable to gain any support from Argentinians, so the Argentine Bolshevik Revolution ended up being an entirely Jewish affair.
Image courtesy of Party9999999 in deviantart.com
The Jewish Bolsheviks tried to seize control of Argentina’s capital city; however, they were only able to gain control of the downtown area in Buenos Aries before a number of infantry companies, including Peron’s, closed in on them. These various Argentinian company commanders were each acting on their own initiative to start with, and each infantry company attacked the Jews upon arrival. The Bolsheviks never expected to be dealt with in such a quick, decisive, and ruthless manner, so they were thrown into total confusion when Argentina’s regular military went on the offensive. The Argentine version of Jew/Bolshevik Revolution lasted less than one day. The subversive Jews who were not killed during the fighting were summarily shot by firing squad upon capture which left no Jewish Bolshevik survivors. Argentine losses for this campaign were slight.
Juan Peron was decorated for his initiative and personal bravery during this brief engagement that put an end to the rather short-lived Argentine Soviet Socialist Republic.
When he finally came to power as Argentina’s president, Peron barred Jews from entering or living in Argentina, and this policy was based to a significant extent on his initial experience dealing with Jewish troublemakers.
Juan Peron was married three times:
1st – Aurelia, who would die of cancer in 1938 at the age of 30.
Juan Peron and Aurelia Tizon during the early years of their marriage. Image courtesy of findagrave.com
Image of Aurelia Tizon furnished courtesy of infobae.com
2nd – The well-known Evita, who would also die of cancer, but in 1952.
The image above shows Juan and Evita in the early 1950s. Image courtesy of fineartstorehouse.com
The image seen above shows Evita Duarte Peron in 1948 at the age of 29. Image courtesy of wikipedia.org
3rd – Isabel, his wife when he died in 1974.
The image above shows Isabel Martinez Peron and Juan Peron in 1973. Image courtesy of clarin.com
The image above shows Isabel Martinez Peron in 1976. Interestingly, as of 2025, Mrs. Peron is still alive and kicking at the tender young age of 94. Image courtesy of wikipedia.org
Both Evita and Isabel also governed Argentina, and both would continue all of Juan Peron’s policies. So, both of these women were National Socialists.
At one point, Peron was granted permission to take a leave of absence from the army and journey to Italy. While in Italy, Peron studied mountain warfare with the elite Alpini Mountain Troops. These elite Alpini soldiers would later become renowned for their exploits on the Eastern Front, in the Balkans, and in Northern Italy during World War II. Peron spent a considerable amount of time there in Italy, so he was able to observe Italian Fascism firsthand as well as get to know many Italian fascists personally. Eventually, he would meet and become friends with Il Duce himself. He was greatly impressed with how Mussolini transformed and restored Italy while also saving his country from Communism. Peron’s time in Italy gave him ideas for developing a similar system for his homeland of Argentina. Peron’s time in Italy began his journey towards becoming a National Socialist. In time, Peron would come to see Mussolini’s Italian fascism as just the peculiarly Italian version of National Socialism, which is how it should be viewed.
The image above shows Italian Alpini soldiers doing a training exercise in the 1930s. Image courtesy of cultura.trento.it
The image above shows Mussulini with the Alpini soldiers in March of 1945. Image courtesy of slipperyfranklin on the r/wwiipics formum from reddit.com
Image of World War II Italian Alpini soldiers furnished courtesy of HappyItalian on the r/OldSchoolCool forum from reddit.com
Argentina is a country that should have long ago become prosperous and developed to a high level of civilization. Argentina is tremendously rich in natural resources, including prime farmland, yet by the interwar years it had become backwards, impoverished, sick, and starving mainly due to a long string of brutal, corrupt, and incompetent governments that operated under the thumb of foreign interests. Argentina’s corrupt inter-war governments were particularly under influence of the British Empire (that means the Rothschilds). As a result, a series of military coups took place as the Argentine army set out to try and save the nation and people of Argentina. During these turbulent years, Juan Peron, who was now a colonel, was brought to power in 1938 by one of these coups; however, in reality, he had largely been running the country well before then, except he was still more-or-less nominally acting as other people’s subordinate.
By 1938, he was already a convinced National Socialist, so when he took power, he immediately started instituting National Socialist policies in every area of Argentina’s government. Like Adolf Hitler’s instruction of Germany, Peron’s engineered National Socialist turnaround for Argentina and its people was rapid and total. He had promised Argentinians free elections, and in 1946 he delivered. By then, Peron and his new wife Evita, were so wildly popular for the work they had done that Peron was elected president wafter earning 97% of the vote in a free election.
Image courtesy of fantasiapearls on deviantart.com
Peron initially engaged with Hitler when The Chancellor first came to power. At that time, German food production had collapsed due to the connivance of Jewish bankers, so thousands of Germans were starving to death. In response to Germany’s agricultural troubles, Hitler seized German farms and ranches from the Jewish bankers and returned these lands to those who the Jews had cheated out of their land. However, despite Hitler’s badly needed land reforms, it would still be some time before Germany’s farms and ranches were back in full production, so for a while, a good deal of Germany’s food would have to come by way of foreign trade. Germany had no money to pay for foreign trade at this early stage of HItler’s tenure as Chancellor, and Hitler was also far too wise to borrow money from the international Jewish bankers who were falling all over themselves offering loans.
During Hitler’s early years as Germany’s Chancellor, Colonel Peron was serving under Argentina’s current military government where he was in charge of Argentina’s agricultural sector, among other things. Hitler knew that Colonel Peron was determined to modernize Argentina’s backwards and totally dysfunctional agricultural sector, and Hitler knew that Colonel Peron had also wisely refused to take out any loans from international Jewish bankers. In a stroke of genius, Hitler came up with a system of barter for foreign trade which cut out the Jews altogether. Sweden had to have German coal, and the Third Reich had to have Swedish iron ore for making steel, so Hitler agrees to swap coal for iron ore with Sweden. During the 1930s, Germany manufactured modern farming equipment, so Germany agreed to swap manufactured farm equipment for Argentinian grain in order to feed starving Germans.
The Lanz Bulldog tractor was exported to Argentina in large numbers. The Lanz Bulldog first began production in from 1921 to 1960 and around 220,000 of these tractors were made in Germany.
Part Two – Juan Peron and Justicialism
Although a great many people, including myself, normally call Peron’s version of National Socialism “Peronism,” this is actually a term that Peron never used himself. Peron actually coined the term “Justicialism” to designate his particular brand of Argentinian National Socialism, and he called his political party the “Justicialist Party.” Peron initially described Justicialism as a distinctly Argentinian National Socialism, but later he described Justicialism as a pan Latin American form of National Socialism.
The name “Justicialist Party” means the “Party of Social Justice,” which on the surface sounds rather leftwing, but Peron always took great pains to explain that what he was espousing was absolutely not the idea of “Social Justice” that is still heavily espoused by Jewish Communists and leftwing Jewish agitators. Peron had a good understand that Jews simply hijack ideas about “Social Justice,” then they pretend to hold the moral high-ground as a pretext to seizing absolute power. Peron understood that the mechanisms which are leveraged by Jewish “Social Justice” wonks are just mechanisms for achieving absolute power under the guise of seeking a more just society for the so-called downtrodden. Peron hammered this point home about Jews using “Social Justice” as a means of achieving total power time after time. Peron also emphasized that Justicialism = National Socialism = Social Justice. True Social Justice is a thing that becomes possible under National Socialism. SOCIAL JUSTICE IS NATIONAL SOCIALISM!
The image seen above is a promotional poster for one of Peron’s five year plans during his second government. The poster seen above is from 1953. Image courtesy of Exogenesis1984 on the r/PropagandaPosters forum from reddit.com
We know that The Great One did many things to improve life for the German Folk, so Juan Peron looked to his example and sought to do the same sorts of things within an Argentinian context.
Peron was the first leader of a Western Hemisphere nation to do a certain thing. This certain thing was to guarantee that the Native people who were living in Argentina could maintain legal rights to the lands which they occupied while also being guaranteed legal protection to practice their own religions and customs. There were a great many American Indians living in certain provinces of Argentina during Peron’s lifetime.
There was, and still is, what might be referred to as Left Wing Peronism. Rebels and traitors within Peron’s own political party espoused the idea of Left-Wing Peonism, and these characters were always giving Peron serious problems. These “Left Wing” Peronists were always quick to cooperate with the United States by helping to undermine Peron’s government. Essentially, these “left-Wing” Peronists agreed with certain aspects of Peron’s social programs even though they hated him on a personal level; none the less, these same internal traitors always made big public shows of supporting Peron while they continued to operate within Peron’s political party. What these traitors were so opposed to were the distinctly National Socialist parts of Peron’s program. We must be very careful in dealing with those who are now calling themselves Peronists because some are these people are really left-wing activists and self-styled pseudo-Peronists, while others are genuine National Socialists who truly take Peron’s ideas to heart.
Image courtesy of anticonquista.com
The enemies of Juticialism that Peron and all National Socialists everywhere still struggle against are what Peron coined “THE INTERNATIONAL SYNERGY.” I will get into who Peron is referring to as “The International Synergy” a little bit later. Peron’s identification of International Synergy and its scope is one of the greatest indications of Peron’s genius and his qualifications for being one of the true giants of National Socialism. Peron belongs in the tier just below The Great One himself when considering the topic of National Socialism.
Part Three – Why the Axis Alliance According to Peron?
Before World War II commenced, The Third Reich, Fascist Italy, and The Empire of Japan all broke with the world’s financial system which was of course dominated throughout by international Jewish bankers. At the apex of this conurbation of international Jewish banksters sat the House of Rothschild. The Third Reich, Fascist Italy, and The Empire of Imperial Japan all practiced what is known as “Autarchy.” In this case, the term “Autarchy” refers to the idea that a nation will look out for its own interests first when considering matters of economics and finance. However, practicing Autarchy does not automatically mean that such “Autarchist” nations are automatically hostile towards other nations, nor do Autarchist nations always attempt to isolate themselves. Conducting foreign trade is essential, so maintaining good relations with other nations is also essential; however, each nation must always prioritize its own welfare and prosperity above that of other nations. When any nation prioritizes its own welfare first, this always demands separating themselves from the “Global” (Jewish Banker Controlled) financial system.
Image courtesy of marketwatch.com
The “Axis” alliance meant it was the “Axis of Resistance” against International Jewish finance. Each nation within the Axis Alliance knew that the Jews were going to try and destroy their nations if they participated in “International” business and finance; therefore, the Axis nations chose to band together in a defense pact against their common enemy. In truth, the “Axis” Alliance was a strictly defensive alliance as well as a trading block of like-minded nations. The economic side of World War II’s Axis Alliance functioned kind of like the BRICS nations do today. First came the Rome-Berlin Axis between Germany and Italy, then these two nations were joined by Japan to form the Tripartite (Axis) Alliance. Over time, a number of smaller nations such as Croatia, Hungary, and Romania would also join the Axis Alliance as junior partners.
The “Allies” were defined by Peron as a worldwide assortment of nations that were under the control of International Jewish Finance. According to Peron, the “Allies” were brought together to destroy the “Axis of Resistance” against International Jewish Finance, that was what the whole “Allied” pact was really all about. It was as simple as that. Eventually, Germany and Japan would be allowed to achieve a certain level of recovery after World War II, but these new economic booms that were seen in Germany and Japan after World War II were ONLY permitted to happen under the auspices of a world economic order that was, and still is, dominated by International Jewish Finance.