Does China Really Control the Panama Canal?
Notes on Donald Trump’s Proposed Territorial Grabs
Donald Trump started making this claim that he is “the King of Israel” back in 2016 while he was delivering a public speech. At the time, Trump was running for president against Hillary Clinton. Reportedly, Bibi Netanyahu has started making the same claim about himself rather recently. Some kind of rift has now started to develop between these two rival claimants to the throne of Israel. Ironically, these two would-be kings of Israel used to love each other so much.
(A) Panama and The Panama Canal
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President Carter and others negotiated an agreement with the nation of Panama that would give the United States the right to use the Panama Canal on neutral terms. However, President Jimmy Carter did not negotiate any treaties that handed over sovereignty of the Panama Canal in a vacuum because Carter’s predecessor Gerald Ford was also considering giving sovereignty of the canal back to Panama in response to rioting that broke out on January 9, 1964.
The 1964 riots in Panama erupted because of a January 1963 executive order from President John F. Kennedy that promised to permit the Panamanian flag to fly next to the American flag in the Canal Zone; however, Kennedy was assassinated before this order could go into effect. In response to Kennedy’s executive order, the Canal Zone’s governor at that time, a man named Robert J. Fleming Jr., issued an order that neither the American flag nor the Panamanian flag was to fly anywhere in the Canal Zone. It is also worth noting that as of 1964, thousands of American citizens had been living in Panama’s Canal Zone for generations, and these people were known as Zonians.
The Zonians tended to be very well-paid, even by American standards, and they also tended to be a very insular group who generally shunned social interaction with local Panamanians, so it stood to reason that any slips in Zio-American control over the 50-mile-long and 10-mile-wide Panama Canal Zone were not going to be met with kindness by the Zonians. The American “Zonian” population averaged about 50,000 for most of its history, but during the Korean War, the Canal Zone noted a population of 100,000 American citizens.
The image above shows a single-family dwelling for American citizens who lived and worked in the Canal Zone. Indeed, the living accommodations were lavish by any standard. The image above is furnished courtesy of Steve Minor on
The image above shows more of what typical residential areas for American Zonians looked like while the Panama Canal Zone was controlled by the Zoo-American Empire. Image furnished courtesy of
Steve Minor from also furnished the following information about how Zonians lived back in the day:
American Canal Zone 50 mi. long, 10 mi. wide • at peak during Korean War about 100K American residents • all Zonians govt. employees • paid a 15% “tropical differential” (later a 25% “retention differential”) above avg. US salaries plus tax allowance • this above average pay scale particularly attractive to workers from areas of US earning lower than “US-average” salaries
• Canal Zone’s pine clapboard housing originally gray with white trim • high ceilings for air movement • under Zone’s quasi-socialist system, while private businesses & land ownership prohibited, housing was free • apartment size depended on salary & marital status of employee • also free: government-furnished power, water, coal for cooking, ice for iceboxes, lawn care, groundskeeping, garbage disposal & for bachelors only, maid service • if modified, residents required to restore apartment to original blueprint dimensions before vacating
• by 1913, commissary consisted of 22 general stores, 7 cigar stores, 22 hostels, 2 hotels & mail-order division • served high-quality meals at small expense to workers, expensive meals to upper-echelon canal employees & others able to afford it • no sales tax • off limits to Panamanians if not resident or employee • Zone also had clubs, churches & an “insane asylum” at Ancon (Gorgas) Hospital • video: The Panama Canal Turns 100 (11:41)
• Canal Zone segregated by race & nationality • with some exceptions, “gold roll” status reserved for white Americans & Europeans, “silver” for everyone else • gold & silver taken to signify “white” and “colored” in signage • separate towns, quarters, schools, libraries, shops, recreation facilities, transportation, restrooms, drinking fountains & burial grounds assigned according to “gold” or “silver” payroll –Wikipedia • The Panama Canal: The African American Experience -National Archives
• In truth, the color line, of which almost nothing was said in print, cut through every facet of daily life in the Zone, and it was as clearly drawn and as closely observed as anywhere in the Deep South or the most rigid colonial enclaves in Africa. ― David McCullough, The Path Between the Seas
• Panama Canal US government built, owned & operated 1904-1999 • “We built it, we paid for it, it’s ours and we should tell Torrijos and company that we are going to keep it.” -Ronald Regan, 1976
• controversial/unpopular in US, Torrijos–Carter Treaties passed Senate by 68-32 margin (52 Dem, 16 Rep voted aye) • signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1977
• granted full control of the canal to the Republic of Panama at the end of 1999 • Neutrality Treaty also enacted, giving US the responsibility & right to “act against any aggression or threat directed against the canal or against the peaceful transit of vessels through the canal”
Not surprisingly, the Zonians were predominantly of Northern European extraction, so they looked very different than Panama’s predominant Mestizo population, plus the Zonians spoke English where Panama’s local people spoke Spanish. The Zonians lived lives that were lavishly comfortable even by the American standards of the 1960s; however, they lived at this high standard right next to relatively poor and brown-colored Panamanians, so the Zonians were truly resented by local Panamanians for understandable reasons. It was also common for Zonians to hire out a lot of menial work such as house cleaning within the zone to local Panamanians while the Zonians themselves lived in comparative luxury, so whether this social order was just or not, the situation was sure to create a combustible social and political mixture over time.
On the morning of January 9, 1964; American students at one of the Canal Zone’s two public high schools which was named Balboa High School flew the American flag in defiance of the zone governor’s order. Flying the American flag in defiance of the Canal Zone’s governor in turn sparked a group of Panamanian high school students from the nearby Instituto National to arrange their own protest. The Instituto National was Panama’s top public high school at that time, and it was not located too far away from Balboa High School, so the Panamanian students did not have far to walk into the Canal Zone when they wanted to stage their protest on that fateful morning.
The image above shows the Panamanian students marching into the Canal Zone for a protest on the morning of January 9, 1964. Image courtesy of
Needless to say, a scuffle broke out between the Panamanian high schoolers and the American high school students at Balboa High School’s front flagpole on the morning of January 9, 1964. During this large group scuffle, the Panamanian flag was reportedly torn which resulted in rioting across Panama that left 20 Panamanians dead and 500 injured. On January 10, 1964; Panama and The United States severed diplomatic relations over that rioting incident. As of today, the nation of Panama celebrates a national holiday called “Martyr’s Day” every January 9th which commemorates the riots of 1964.
The image above shows a group of Panamanian students protesting on the front lawn of Balboa High School in the morning of January 9,, 1964. This archival photograph was taken shorty before the infamous scuffle of that morning took place. Image courtesy of
Diplomatic relations between the Zio-American Empire and Panama remained frozen until President Carter signed the Carter-Torrijos treaties in 1977. In March of 1973, Panama’s Torrijos government held a United Nations Security Council meeting in Panama City that was arranged specifically to discuss restoring Panamanian sovereignty over Panama’s Canal Zone; this meeting drummed up considerable international support for Panama’s calls demanding sovereignty over the Canal Zone. That March of 1973 United Nations meeting placed a lot of diplomatic pressure on the Zio-American Empire to hand over sovereignty of the Canal Zone to the nation of Panama.
One of President Gerald Ford’s primary concerns over America’s continued occupation of Panama’s Canal Zone was worsening relations with all Latin America. Both President Ford and President Carter had a good understanding that continued American military occupation of Panama’s Canal Zone was an inveterate point of civilizational conflict with all of Latin America that had the potential to cause far-reaching economic, military, and political headaches. Anyone who has read the 1996 book titled, The Clash of Civilizations would understand that American control over the Panama Canal carried civilizational implications for all Latin America, plus contested sovereignty over Panama’s Canal Zone still carries festering undercurrents of racial animosity on top of stewing issues with civilizational conflict.
Image of the cover for Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington furnished courtesy of
Panama’s January 9, 1964; riots resulted in severed diplomatic relations between Panama and the Zio-American Empire, plus that round of troubles was a major international publicity headache for the Zio-American Empire. During that same time, the Zio-American Empire was also playing a publicity and “Public Relations” game against the Soviet Union, so the Zio-American Empire was keen on eliding accusations of overbearing imperialism, particularly accusations of practicing overbearing imperialism against dark-skinned people who had a past that was marked with European “colonialism.”
The treaties that President Carter signed in 1977 were more concerned with maintaining Zio-American use of the Panama Canal as opposed to holding official sovereignty over Panama’s Canal Zone. It was always use of the Panama Canal that mattered to the Zio-American Empire, and use of the canal is still what really matters to this day, not which flag might currently sit at mast on flag poles scattered across the Canal Zone. Truthfully, handing over official sovereignty of the Panama Canal to the nation of Panama was really more of a reluctant publicity move than a true Zio-American abdication of political and military power to the small nation of Panama.
It is also worth noting somewhere that the first of two Carter-Torrijos treaties which President Carter signed in 1977 guaranteed perpetual neutrality of access to the Panama Canal upon penalty of military invasion from the Zio-American Empire, so the treaties that Carter signed in 1977 basically warned the Panamanians to never try any “funny stuff” concerning the Zio-American Empire’s access to their canal. (Panama’s late President Manuel Noriega serves as a perfect example of this principle being put into effect.) Essentially, Carter’s 1977 Torrijos treaties rather plainly stated that Panama should expect a full-blown military invasion if they were to ever start operating their canal on terms that the Zio-American Empire might dislike. So, did President Carter really “Give the Canal Away?” This matter really comes down to each person’s individual opinion on the topic.
The image above shows then-president Jimmy Carter signing the Carter-Torrijos Treaties on September 7, 1977. Image courtesy of
Despite handing over official control of the Panama Canal to the nation of Panama, many Zio-American military assets and outposts remained in the Canal Zone for decades following the official transfer of ownership in 1999. Even to this day, Panamanian sovereignty over this strip of land is still largely symbolic. The Zio-American Empire has officially closed every military asset in Panama, yet Zio-American intelligence agencies still operate a very large office building in Panama City, so despite whatever Wikipedia might say, the Zio-American Empire continues to keep Panama on a rather tight leash.
Just Blame the Old Peanut Farmer from Georgia
The image above shows Jimmy Carter posing for a photograph in 1976 on his peanut farm in Plains, Georgia. Image courtesy of
President Carter has gotten a bad rap for “Giving Away” the Panama Canal, but Henry Kissinger began negotiations for handing the canal over to Panama in 1972, and Kissinger’s work eventually produced the “Tack-Kissinger Agreement” of 1974. The American Jewish ambassador Sol Lonowitz worked under the auspices of a Blue Ribbon Commission to develop a suitable agreement for how sovereignty over the Panama Canal would unfold in future years. It was Lonowitz’s Blue Ribbon Commission that negotiated the eventual Carter-Torrijos Treaties which were signed by then-president Jimmy Carter on September 7, 1977. Those who drafted the particulars of the Carter-Torrijos treaties included other notable personages such as Robert Allan Pastor and Ellsworth Bunker and the junior senator from Arizona Dennis DeConsini.
Lastly, if President Carter is to be personally and solely blamed for “giving the canal away” to the nation of Panama, then one must also note that Carter’s 1977 treaties with Panama were ratified by the Zio-American senate. Also, most historians credit the Jew Sol Lenowitz for being the true driving force behind the Carter-Torrijos treaties because Lenowitz is considered the person who convinced Carter to sign the treaties that would eventually cede sovereignty of the Canal Zone over to the nation of Panama.
The image above shows President Jimmy Carter and Sol Lonowitz seen together in 1977. Image courtesy of Flor Fossatti on
So, should Carter have simply ignored the words of Sol Lenwitz and just maintained American military occupation of Panama’s Canal Zone? (One of the Thule Society’s previous articles discusses President Carter’s legacy; this publication received a surprising amount of hate mail.) Well, even before President Carter ever signed either of the Carter-Torrijos Treaties, there was vociferous conservative opposition to ceding any military control over Panama’s Canal Zone to any entity other than the Zio-American Empire, so Carter is by no means totally blameless in this matter. The unanswerable question: Would the endless political troubles that go along with occupying the Canal Zone in Panama be a sensible trade-off for maintaining official control of this waterway and its accompanying strip of land?
Manuel Didn’t Mean Well
Older folks can still remember the American invasion of Panama that started back in December of 1989 and continued into January of 1990. This military invasion deposed a Panamanian military general who later became Panama’s head of state. 1989’s invasion deposed a Panamanian leader by the name of Manuel Noriega. The Zio-American Empire named their invasion of Panama “Operation Just Cause.” (You can’t make this up!)
The image above shows Manuel Noriega on an unknown date in the 1980s. Image courtesy of
As for the true motivations for the Zio-American invasion of Panama, this matter is not very clear, and it would require a lot of research to get a somewhat good answer. Official sources say things like, “America invaded Panama to depose dictator Manuel Noriega” or they might say that the Zio-American military invaded Panama to “Restore Democracy,” but these explanations leave a lot to be desired.
The official Zio-American records list 314 Panamanian combat casualties; on the other hand, alternative death estimates range from the Zio-American military’s low-ball number of 202 up to 3,000 for the Central American Human Rights Commission’s projections. Whatever the casualties might have been, an estimated 20,000 Panamanian citizens were left homeless in February of 1990.
As you might guess, America’s 1989 invasion of Panama was condemned by many nations around the world. In the aftermath of Operation Just Cause, Panama’s military was disbanded, and in 1994 Panama’s congress formalized a constitutional amendment which plainly stated that the nation of Panama would join its neighbor Costa Rica and become a nation without any military at all. Today, Panama maintains “Security Forces” that act something like a national police force and border guard, and of course, Panama maintains its equivalent of a coast guard organization. Lastly, Panama maintains its own national intelligence service, but all these organizations are really subordinate to the Zio-American empire. Fact is, since February of 1990, the nation of Panama has been a puppet and suzerain to the Zio-American Empire, so should we expect Panamanian citizens to enjoy this arrangement?
The image seen above shows member of Panama’s National Security Force of Ministerio de Seguridad Publico at a formation. Panama’s internal Ministry of Public Security is not simply a police force, but it is still a bit less than a the national army. The image above is furnished courtesy of
In the present, the nation of Panama has made the 20th of December a National Day of Remembrance for Panamanians who were killed, injured, or rendered homeless during the December 20, 1989, Zio-American invasion. Panama did not get its day of remembrance codified into law until March of 2022 due to external economic and political pressure from the Zio-American Empire. It was Panamanian president Luarentino Cortizo who finally achieved a National Day of Recognition for the Panamanian citizens who were killed in the 1989 American invasion; however, a proposed day of remembrance for the American invasion was first suggested back in 1997, yet for some funny reason, this motion just kept getting denied by Panamanian congress.
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The original partnership between Noriega and Washington was formed because Washington (CIA) wanted to use him to combat the Left Wing, Peronist (National Socialist), and Bolivarian Movements in Central America. The CIA has a long history of recruiting unprincipled and venal Latin Americans to help defend Zio-American interests across this region of the planet, and Manuel Noriega was one such person. Zio-American interest across all Latin America, and Central America as well, mostly involve mining contracts, but timber extraction, agriculture, child trafficking, and cocaine are also on the list.
Manuel Noriega was born in the slums of Panama City, and he grew up living in poverty where he was raised by his godmother in a tiny one-room apartment. Despite his disadvantaged upbringing, Manuel was a good student, so he gained admittance to Panama’s Instituto National as a high schooler. (Yes, this is the same school that was involved in the 1964 Panama riots; however, Noriega attended this school well before the 1964 riots ever happened, so he had no personal involvement in this incident.)
The image above shows Manuel Noriega as a high school student at Panama’s Instituto National in the early 1950s. Image courtesy of
After graduating from high school, Noriega earned a scholarship to attend Peru’s national military academy. After graduating from the military academy in Peru, he eventually returned to Panama and served as a commissioned officer in Panama’s national army. Noriega’s military career soon segued into service in the “Intelligence Service” with Panama’s military establishment.
Noriega’s career in the “Intelligence Service” advanced because he was willing to preside over the torture and murder of political dissidents and he was perfectly willing to carry out political assassinations. Noriega eventually earned the rank of colonel in Panama’s military in part due to his personal relationship with Panama’s military dictator Omar Torrijos, and the rank of general eventually arrived in time. (Yes, we are talking about the same Torrijos who signed the Carter-Torrijos treaties back in 1977.) It seems that Noriega’s rise within the ranks of Panama’s military was based on his wiliness to commit terrible crimes more than his competence and intelligence.
The image above shows President Jimmy Carter and Panama’s then-president Omar Torrijos in 1977. image courtesy of
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Noriega was accused of brutally raping women on two occasions during the early years of his military career, but his connections within the military spared him from the true consequences of such bad behavior. While attending the Instituto National, Noriega was involved in radical socialist activity, but he provided information about his comrades to the CIA in exchange for small amounts of money. Even from an early age, Noriega was willing to sell his services to the highest bidder. In short, Manuel Noriega was a rather terrible person and a rather nasty head of state.
In his later career, Manuel Noriega was willing to take pay from the Zion-American Empire in exchange for working against Latin American groups who were labeled as “left-wing.” Noriega was trained at the CIA’s School of the Americas, and he worked as an operative against Nicaragua’s left-wing Sandanistas. Noriega was also paid by the Zio-American CIA to supply weapons and training to Nicaragua’s Contras which were a Zio-American-created and Zio-American-funded group whose sole purpose was to oppose the Sandanistas.
The image above shows Sandinistas posing for a journalistic photograph in a cathedral during 1979. The image seen above was taken by the American photographer Richard Cross. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of the Richard Cross Photos collection at the California State University Northridge digital collections archive.
The image above shows a Sandinista fighter in the 1980s.Image courtesy of
The image seen above shows Contra soldiers assembled in 1990. Image courtesy of
Thing is, these various Latin American anti-capitalist movements were to one degree or another “Anti-American,” but this Anti-Americanism can only be correctly understood within its proper context. The United States was ramming (((American Monopoly Capitalism))) and Jewish International Banking down everybody’s throat in Latin America and they were using the American intelligence community in the broadest sense to accomplish their unsavory goals and seedy objectives.
Many left-wing groups across Latin America may appear to be Communists on the surface, but when one analyzes their rhetoric a bit more closely, it becomes apparent that these supposedly Communist groups are actually more National Socialists than Communists in character, even if the people who are running these groups never realize this fact. Mexico’s Zapatistas come to mind as a group that may seem very “left-wing” and Communistic at a glance, but they are more like National Socialists when examined closely. Argentina’s National Socialist president Juan Peron noted that Ernesto “Che” Guevarra may have ostensibly been a Communist, but his actual song and dance fall more along the lines of National Socialism.
The image above is furnished courtesy of
The Anti-Americanism that so many Latin American leftist groups have advocated over the decades has grown out of the Latin American peoples’ mistaken (Guess who has been lying to them?) identification of Americans in general with those who were destroying their countries. To the Zio-American citizenry’s defense, their federal government in Washington D.C. has never truthfully informed the general American population about what has really gone on, is now going, or will go on in Latin America.
Washington’s involvement in Latin America, ever since the close of the Second American Revolution in 1865, has never been benevolent in any way, not even in a moral or ethical manner; rather, Zio-American involvement across all of Latin America has always been deceitful, violent, oppressive, and mercilessly exploitative. American policy in Latin America has often left the average Zio-American citizen wondering, “Why do they hate us so much?” Well, now you have some idea as to why.
So, why was Manuel Noriega’s Panamanian government overthrown by Zio-American military force in 1989? It seems that there are five main reasons:
#1. While he was on the Zio-American payroll, Manuel Noriega was willing to work with people other than the Zio-American Empire. Noriega was known to sell Panamanian passports to confirmed members of Cuba’s intelligence service, and he was known to surreptitiously buy stock in Panamanian companies whose bread and butter was brokering restricted Zio-American military technologies to the empire’s perceived enemies such as Cuba, Libya, and the Soviet Union. Noriega’s instability and disloyalty constituted a serious problem if he was in charge of a nation whose territory encompassed the strategically and economically crucial Panama Canal.
As noted by, while Noriega was Panama’s head of state, he maintained close relations with more than one major Colombian drug cartel, and he was known to sell these drug cartels information about the Zio-American CIA’s and DEA’s plans. Noriega was maintaining close relations and working out shipping deals with Colombian drug cartels while also taking money from the CIA; basically, Noriega had no real loyalty or principles other than serving his own personal interests.
Image courtesy of TSTM on
The CIA’s dirty banking and drug running through Panama were also beginning to affect Panama’s population, especially the cocaine that was being dumped on Panama’s cities by CIA operatives. This dumping of cocaine onto Panama’s population for profits began to create a certain amount of unrest in this small nation; therefore, Noriega began making hollow anti-American noises to vitiate local unrest. Any head of state who could potentially take control of the Panama Canal that is also spouting anti-American rhetoric constitutes a practical problem and a public embarrassment for the Zio-American Empire.
#2. Noriega’s political repression in Panama was becoming very excessive, as was all the drug shipping and dirty banking in Panama while Noriega was head of state.
Noriega also had a nasty propensity for murdering his political opponents in very unsubtle manners, and this bad behavior became the topic of popular articles on mainstream outlets such as The New York Times.
If mainstream outlets such as the New York Times were very openly discussing Noriega’s excesses such as torturing and murdering his political opponents while also regularly throwing wild cocaine-fueled parties in his mansions, then Noriega’s bad behavior really was downright excessive. The Zio-American Empire actually has no problem with the usual sorts of excesses that are associated with Latin American drug kingpins and dictators, but one of Noriega’s big foibles was his lack of any sense of subtlety or discretion when performing his dirty deeds. America’s previous associations with Noriega were becoming a public relations mess in the 1980s, and Noriega just would not publicly cool his bad behavior.
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#3. Much speculation has been leveled that on top of every other transgression, Noriega knew too much about the Zio-American Empire’s dirty dealings in Central America, so he became a big liability as time passed.
#4. The Zio-American Empire finally resorted to an outright military invasion of Panama because the usual regime-change strategies such as backing military coups had failed to oust Noriega from power. Prior to the Zio-American invasion of Panama, two unsuccessful coups against Noriega were attempted.
#5. After two failed attempts to oust Noriega through coups, he then convinced Panama’s congress to make a formal declaration of war against the Zio-American Empire. Panama’s congress made a declaration of war against the Zio-American Empire two days before the nation of Panama suffered a military invasion.
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What is often overlooked in this scenario is the fact that the Zio-Americans had frozen the overseas assets of Panama’s state bank two years before the 1989 invasion of Panama. This freezing of international assets rendered Panama’s national bank incapable of settling international accounts. The Zio-American Empire also refused to allow ships that flew Panama’s flag of convenience to dock in American ports, and this measure robbed the Panamanian government of a key revenue pipeline. Panama’s flag of convenience ship registration program was, and still is, a major source of revenue for this small nation, so when ships that flew the Panamanian flag could no longer dock in Zio-American ports, these ships switched to other flags of convenience and stopped paying their registration fees to Panama.
Lastly, the Zio-American Empire withheld paying the Panamanian government canal tolls and they suspended pay to Panamanians who worked for the American federal government. All the Zio-American Empire’s economic warfare measures that began in 1987 plunged 50% of Panama’s population into destitution and shrank Panama’s national GDP to the level where it was in 1972.
Yes, Noriega was a nasty piece of work on a personal level and in a political sense, but Panama’s declaration of war against the Zio-American Empire did not happen without good reason.
In 1990, Zio-American operatives finally captured Manuel Noriega, and the CIA once again started to ship drugs through Panama unhindered. Noriega, the former heroic anti-Communist hero, was officially labeled a viscous drug lord and an international criminal before he was deposed from power. According to Washington, Noriega was tried in secret at a kangaroo court. Washington had to keep Noriega’s trial secret for “National Security Reasons,” so they said. Noriega was sentenced to life in prison in solitary confinement for being a major figure in the international drug trade, and he has since died. Any guesses as to why the Zio-American brass did not want him talking to anybody?
The image above shows Manuel Noriega’s official mug-shot when he was jailed by the Zio-American Empire. Image courtesy of
Those Conniving Chinese
Image courtesy of PePeLeLeMeMe on the r/mememajick forum from
So, do the Chinese really “run” the Panama Canal as of 2025? As noted by a January 21, 2025; article that was published in, the company named Hutchinson Ports PPC won an international bid to administer container ship ports on both sides of the Panama Canal. Shipping containers that arrive in large Panamanian sea ports are moved across the isthmus of Panama to the other coastline by rail lines and trains; therefore, the isthmus of Panama handles a huge amount of land-based shipping as well as a vast quantity of purely maritime traffic.
Hutchinson Ports PPC operates the Port of Cristobal on the Atlantic side of Panama, which is near to the Panamanian city of Colon, and this same company operates the container ship port of Balboa which sits on the Pacific side of the Canal Zone. Hutchinson Ports PPC also operates a large cruise ship terminal near the city of Colon on the Atlantic side of the canal. The parent company of Hutchinson Ports PPC is CK Hutchinson Holdings which is based in Hong Kong. Technically, the Panama Canal is operated under the Panama Canal Authority which is part of Panama’s national government. It turns out that Hutchinson Ports PPC operates 53 ports in 24 nations and Panama is simply one more place of operation for this firm. The Panama Canal currently handles 5% of worldwide maritime shipping and 40% of America’s cost-to-coast maritime traffic, so this canal is most important for Zio-American internal commerce.
Image of the Panama canal furnished courtesy of
At this time, Hong Kong is technically under control of the People’s Republic of China’s government that is headquartered in Beijing; however, Hong Kong does have its own customs and immigration services and a separate code of law. Hong Kong also issues its own passports and mints its own currency, therefore, Hong Kong, has its own distinct national identity which they do not want subsumed into a basic Chinese identity.
Yes, the people of Hong Kong are overwhelmingly Chinese, so there is still a greater Chinese identity present in Hong Kong, but having this sense of connection to a greater Chinese identity does not necessarily mean that the people of Hong Kong want to be under the direct control of China’s central government in Beijing. The private company that operates two container ship terminals in Panama is a Hong Kong-based outfit, so this arrangement does not mean that two of the Panama Canal Zone’s container ship ports are directly controlled by the People’s Republic of China’s federal government.
In 2016, the Panama Canal Authority awarded a 900 million USD contract to Mainland China’s Landbridge Group. Landbridge’s contract involved first expanding, then administering and controlling, Panama’s largest ocean port at Isla Margarita. Landbridge’s Isla Margarita port is located within the Panamanian city of Colon. The port of Isla Margarita services ships that are too large to traverse the Panama Canal. Landbridge’s Isla Margarita operation is a deepwater port in the Colon Free Trade Zone on the Atlantic side, and the Colon Free Trade Zone is the world’s largest free-trade zone behind Hong Kong.
The Colon Free Trade zone is also a big shopping destination for tourists because everything sold there is tax free, kind of like one giant airport lounge. Image courtesy of
Image of the Colon Free Trade zone’s shopping amenities furnished courtesy of
The Isla Margarita port handles almost as many shipping containers per month as the port of Long Beach which is near Los Angles, so this is one truly huge and active port. Landbridge’s work to expand Isla Margarita happened in partnership with China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) and China Harbor Engineering Company (CHEC), so unlike the Hutchinson Ports PPC deal, Panama’s Landbridge contract is a genuine People’s Republic of China operation.
Panamanian government officials now report that the Chinese are very secretive and guarded about what happens at their Isla Margarita harbor, and many of Panama’s local citizenry believe that the Chinese harbor at Isla Margarita is nothing more than a planned navy base. Local Panamanians note that the tight security around Isla Margarita and the heavy cement buildings there at Isla Margarita’s port facility are really a military installation in disguise.
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Besides partnering with Chinese firms to manage ports, the nation of Panama has also worked with large Chinese construction firms to create massive infrastructure projects. In 2018, Panama’s president Verela awarded a 1.4 billion USD contract to a Chinese group of contractors which included CCCC and CHEC. This large Chinese construction contract was created to build the canal’s fourth road-traffic bridge. Under Panama’s President Verela, the Chinese construction company Shanghai Gorgeous was also contracted to build a 900 million USD power plant that runs on natural gas.
All of Panama’s huge Chinese-backed infrastructure projects were paid for by taking out loans from Chinese lenders. In present times, China offers poor nations deals where Chinese construction companies, architects, and engineering firms agree to build massive infrastructure projects on credit that is extended by Chinese banks, but of course, these poor nations in question always wind up defaulting on these huge loans, but these defaults always happen by design.
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After defaulting on these huge Chinese loans, the Chinese government then makes an offer to exchange debt forgiveness for control of key assets like ports, mines, rail lines, and farmland. Yes, China had basically gotten into the same predatory lending business that the Zio-American Empire and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) have been doing for decades. As of now, China is just another imperialist power with the same basic song and dance as their European predecessors. As The Who said back in the 1960s, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”
During his stint as head of state, Panama’s President Verala also signed 47 diplomatic agreements with the Chinese government, and most of these agreements were related to Chinese finance and protection measures for Chinese assets in Panama.
Although official numbers are hard to come by, it stands to reason that Chinese intelligence and espionage services are quite active in Panama at this time. Chinese operatives are most likely looking for ways to extort, bribe, and even kill Panamanian government officials and elected politicians to further Chinese interests in the region. The Chinese are also working hard to cultivate close business ties with Panama’s elite families as a means to further Chinese aims.
Image furnished courtesy of WeiWeiCTO on
President Trump’s rumblings about China “controlling the Panama Canal” are obviously a bit exaggerated, but this increasing Chinese involvement in Panama should at least raise a few eyebrows in the Zio-American Empire and elsewhere across the Americas. Panama may technically be an independent nation, but Panama is effectively in the Zio-American Empire’s sphere of influence; therefore, any multi-billion-dollar business dealings that China may have in Panama should be regarded as a more subtle form of territory invasion.
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China claims to have no territorial acquisition plans for Panama; none the less, seeking very lucrative business contracts does constitute a grab for property. Kurt Doolittle has averred that property is anything which people will fight for, so lucrative business contracts are a form of property. As the old saying goes, “Invades are always after land, women, and horses.” Desiring land and women is self-explanatory, but “horses” when used in this context denotes money and wealth. Understandably, the Zio-American empire should be almost as protective about who gets awarded lucrative business contracts in their backyard as they are about who moves in on their nearby physical territory.
As of 2024, about 40 Chinese companies are operating in Panama across many sectors of the economy, and Panama is second behind Peru when tallying Chinese investments in Latin America. As of 2023, China invested about one billion USD in Panama’s stock market, but these investments were disproportionately in Panama’s mining sector which does not bring a lot of benefits to the Panama’s general public.
Image furnished courtesy of WeiWeiCTO on
In 2023, the Chinese exported 1.55 billion USD worth of copper from Panama back to China. In that same year, copper exports composed 95% of Panama’s export revenue to China, so China is simply extracting raw materials of low monetary value from Panama and importing high-value manufactured goods back into Panama. Basically, China is practicing classic European colonial mercantilism with Panama and the rest of Latin America.
China is consuming Panama’s natural resources while sucking money out of that nation by implementing a very imbalanced trade arrangement. It also appears that Chinese citizens have aims to treat Panama as new living space as well which is obviously bad for the Panamanian people; however, if the Chinese succeed in bribing, intimidating, or winning over Panama’s elites, then such managers of exploitations will continue indefinitely without skipping a beat.
Panama at a Glance
Image of the Panamanian flag furnished courtesy of
Panama’s significance on a world level is almost entirely dependent on the Panama Canal. Without the Panama Canal, the nation of Panama would be a lot like Nicaragua or Honduras. Nicaragua and Honduras are both nations with small populations that are very poor and insignificant on the world stage.
Many articles that are written about Panama note that this nation has better infrastructure than other Central American nations, but Panama’s infrastructure is better than that of most other Central American neighboring countries simply due to outsiders investing in Panama’s infrastructure, and Panama’s comparatively better infrastructure is only due the Panama Canal being present in this place. Without the Panama Canal, Panama would have about the same infrastructure as Nicaragua.
The image above shows the skyline of Panama City. Image furnished courtesy of
As of 2024, the nation of Panama was home to an estimated 150,000 ethnic Chinese, but some estimates place the number at around 200,000. Panama City also hosts a community of around 25,000 Jews and most of them are Hasidics and Sephardics. Many Panamanian Jews openly boast of their Converso origins. It seems very likely that the Chinese and the Jews are the real economic forces in Panama, and it stands to reason that the Mossad is active in Panama due to this nation’s economic, political, and strategic value. (If Panama is a hotbed for gambling, drug smuggling, and organ trafficking, then it is a great place for the usual Jewish pursuits.)
It is also worth noting somewhere that many websites list national IQ scores, and Panama always posts a low ranking. The website lists Panama as having an average IQ of 79, but other sources list Panama as having a national average IQ of 82. The point is, Panama needs the Chinese or some other smarter and more capable group to run the Panama Canal and to build large infrastructure projects. Panama needs outsiders to build and maintain their national infrastructure because Panama is fundamentally a Third World nation with a Third World genetic profile.
Image courtesy of
If Panama’s population has a low collective IQ primarily for genetic reasons, then Panama is fundamentally a low-trust society as well because all low-IQ societies are low-trust by nature. Low-IQ societies are inevitably nepotistic and corrupt as well as poor, and Panama is fundamentally no exception in this regard. Low-IQ societies tend to be poor for many reasons, but nepotism and corruption tend to intensify every other factor that generates poverty. The website has printed many article bemoaning the corruption across many Latin American countries, and Panama is no exception. Despite being a financial hub and having decent infrastructure by Central American standards, Panama has a lingering corruption problem that greases the wheels of drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, and a host of other ills.
Besides just being poor and corrupt, Low-IQ societies also tend to be politically unstable, and Panama is no exception in this regard. Like other Central American nations and other poor Latin American nations in general, Panama’s political history is marked by endless coups, revolutions, “liberation fronts,” and civil wars where one kleptocratic military general deposes another one only to become just like the idiot who was previously in power – wash, rinse, repeat.
Manuel Noriega’s political career reads a lot like those of his Panamanian predecessors such as Omar Torrijos, but this same pattern persists in other places across Latin America such as Nicaragua and Honduras. The sort of politics that mark Central America are also observed in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia; basically, we are just looking at typical low-IQ Third World politics in action. Despite their myriad problems, these Third-World strongman types who seem to really love Rayban sunglasses are generally not totalitarians who wish to re-engineer society in some daft new manner like China’s Chairman Mao, so typical tinpot Third-World strongmen tend to leave family practices and people’s religious beliefs alone while they line their pockets and live debauched lifestyles. Jeffersonian Democracy does not functions well when a society’s collective IQ is a whopping 82.
Many articles have been published during the last 10 years that lament the poor state of primary and secondary education in Panama, but the university system in this nation and every other Central American nations is also considered to be very deficient by international standards, particularly in the STEM subjects. Yes, local Panamanians are incapable of maintaining or operating the complex Panama Canal themselves.
At the beginning of 2025, Panama City is the largest international banking hub in Latin America and the nation of Panama is second only to Switzerland in the number of international bank accounts held and the number of international banking transactions made per year. More than 100 foreign banks now operate offices in Panama City. China has also established several outposts for their largest banks in Panama, and these banks are being used as points for furthering Chinese investment in Panama but also in other Latin American nations.
Image courtesy of PeiPeicoinbsc on
As a side note, hosting the banking industry may help make a nation’s official GDP look better on paper, but banking does not require a lot of people to administer; in other words, banking is really not a very labor-intensive industry. In 2024, Panama’s banking sector employs 25,000 people out of a population of 4.5 million. The long and short of things is that banking is not a great source of employment for Panama’s general populace.
Panama is not even in the top 10 for Latin America’s most visited nations, but Panama’s tourism sector is growing at 4.23% per year, so there is a lot of foreign investment in Panama’s real estate and housing market. Panama’s resort developments and luxury housing developments have made this small nation an international hotspot for money laundering via shell companies and real estate speculation. Panama is now home to around 30,000 foreign retirees, which is not a huge number, but Panama certainly has the potential to become another Florida where millions of retirees go to sit out their final years. Having more retirees moving to Panama certainly opens the door for more real estate development projects, and having more real estate development projects opens the door to more money laundering and Ponzi schemes.
Image courtesy of
Panama City is also home to 29 casinos that rake in around 1.5 billion USD per year, but these casinos do not employ a huge number of people. Thus far, Panama is not a notably large gambling destination, but this could easily change as time passes. Casinos are also a great avenue for laundering money. Panama City’s casinos do provide a bit of revenue for the Panamanian government, so there is some benefit to operating these gambling halls. Like its neighbor Costa Rica, Panama is also a popular hosting spot and hub for the online gambling industry. The online gambling industry likes Panama because Panama has a law on the books stating that any money made outside of Panama is not taxed by the Panamanian government, which effectively makes this little nation a tax haven.
As of 2021, 16% of the world’s ships flew the flag of Panama and Panama accounted for 37% of the worlds registered ship tonnage. Panama also had the largest number of registered ships in 2021 at 8540. So, in addition to begin a big banking center, and a tax haven, Panama is a prime spot to register ships under a flag of convenience. Panama is a popular spot for ship registration because Panama offers cheap ship registration fees, low taxes, and occulted ship ownership by way of shell companies. Panama additionally offers murky registration requirements for maritime vessels, and of course, Panama offers relatively little operational oversight when it comes to actually running ships. The government of Panama earns about 150 million USD per year from ship registration fees.
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Colombian drug cartels and the Russian mafia are now fond of using Panamanian real estate ventures to launder huge sums of money, but Chinese organized crime lords also want a piece of this pie. Donald Trump and his adult children have also been involved in Panamanian money laundering schemes that include real estate ventures. China’s middle class also has limited investment opportunities within their own nation, so investments in real estate are very popular amongst China’s citizenry. Chinese developers and investors have shifted their ambitions to building resorts and retirement communities in Malaysia in part to actually offer Chinese retirees a warm place to expire, but these large Chinese-funded construction projects also offer Chinese investors a possible avenue for growing their savings. Malaysia and Hainan Island are the top spots for Chinese real estate speculations, but Panama is also on the radar for these initiatives.
Panama’s Tactical and Strategic Value
Panama is a good place for foreign empires to build navy bases and army bases, but realistically, if an imperialist power is looking for a prime spot to set military bases, then points further in north in Central America offer more optimal and centralized locations. Panama’s location makes it relatively safe from hurricanes, Panama has no active volcanos, and Panama is rather tectonically stable, but these are somewhat minor factors in the grand scheme of things.
Panama City’s Tocumen International airport is the third busiest in Latin America due to the huge number of connecting flight that are routed through this spot. Panama’s central location between North America, South America, the rest of Central America, and the Caribbean makes this plot of land a decent hub for air travel between these three large areas. Panama’s central location also makes this stretch of dirt at least a decent place for operating navy bases, army bases, and military airfields.
The Panama Canal passes huge amounts of freight every day, and most of the goods that pass-through Panama are mundane and perfectly legal, but the massive amount of legal and usual cargo that moves through Panama opens the door for drug smugglers to load some shipping container with bits of cocaine and other drugs. Less than 2% of the shipping containers that pass-through Panama are inspected; however, Panamanian customs officials still seize more drugs per year than the rest of Latin America combined. Panama’s importance for international maritime shipping makes this spot of land an ideal transit point for drug traffickers.
The image above shows a Panamanian security operative guarding a large seizure of cocaine. The image above is provided courtesy of
Panama is also a hotspot for illegal shipments of weapons for all the same reasons that this area is a popular spot for shipping drugs. Although illegal shipments of tropical timber are not as emotionally grabbing as discussions about shipments of drugs, weapons, or sex slaves; however, like the rest of Central America, the nation of Panama has a problem with illegal logging destroying its reserves of valuable tropical hardwoods. 2022 estimates speculated that around 30% of the Darien Gap’s forest cover had been lost to illegal logging operations. Most of the illegally logged wood that leaves Panama for foreign destinations is shipped to buyers in China as evidenced by Panamanian Customs official periodically intercepting shipping containers that are stuffed with illegal timber which are marked for transit to China.
Panama is also a key transit point for overland travel between North America, South America, and the rest of Central America. Panama’s key importance as an overland route between large pieces of land means that huge amounts of drugs, illegal immigrants, and sex trafficking victims pass through this narrow strip of land each year.
The image above shows a coffle of migrants walking through the Darian Gap. Image courtesy of insight
The Panamanian population sees the Darian Gap as a great thing because it holds back legions of illegal migrants and hampers drug shipments, so there is tremendous pressure from the Panamanian public to forgo any plans for building roads or rail lines through this area. For those who are not familiar with the topic, The Darian Gap is a stretch of land that runs for 60 miles and traverses Panama’s southern border. The infamous Darian Gap is filled with swamps, thick jungle, and mountains, plus this area is known for being very hot, very humid, very rainy, and filled to the brim with insects, tropical diseases, and poisonous snakes. In light of all the fun and prizes that await those planning to cross the Darian Gap on foot, this zone of dense tropical jungle is considered to be one of the world’s most difficult stretches of land for migrants to cross on foot.
Image courtesy of
China is now investing billions of dollars building infrastructure on the south side of Panama’s Darien Gap, and the Chinese have made plans to complete the 60-miles of road that would be needed to connect the Pan-American highway that runs between Tierra Del Fuego and Alaska. Reports have also emerged noting that Chinese Naval vessels now routinely dock in Colombia and Venezuela’s Caribbean ports, and plans for establishing formal Chinese Naval bases are only about one decade into the future.
By completing a roadway and rail line through the Darien Gap, China would lessen any strategic importance for the Panama Canal and this move would open North America to an even greater flood of illegal migrants. In 2023, an estimated 500,000 migrants crossed the Darien Gap into Panama by foot trails, and 37,000 of these migrants were Chinese nationals. The number of Chinese nationals spotted at the Zio-American southern border has seen a 10-fold increase since 2020.
Some people are claiming that China’s plans to build roads and rail lines through the Darien Gap are a thinly veiled act of economic and biological aggression against the Zio-American Empire’s heritage European population. The biological aggression angle involves flooding the Zio-American empire’s mainland with gigantic masses of poor low-IQ migrants who will commit a lot of crime, plus such individuals will burden the Zio-American Empire’s already-taxed welfare system and infrastructure.
Presently, the Zio-American Empire is the biggest user of the Panama Canal and China is second on this list. The Zio-American Empire is also the largest investor in Panama’s economy with around 3.8 billion USD per year being invested in Panama, and at this time, Chinese business ventures in Panama are not likely to supersede Zio-American investments and business dealings. The two treaties that President Carter signed back in 1977 understood that Panama’s canal fees were supposed to be impartial to nationality; however, these treaties also explicitly noted that Panama had to adjust their future canal fees to meet America’s unique economic, political, and military needs. So, it turns out that the Carter-Torrijos treaty was never neutral when dealing with Zio-American interests.
Until President Carter was on his deathbed, Trump could not bring the subject of the Canal up because if he did, then former president Jimmy Carter could have readily refuted Trump’s claims. But with Carter now out of the way due to his old age finally catching up with him, Trump can now say whatever he wants and only a tiny few Americans will know any better or even care.
(B) Greenland:
Trump has demanded that Greenland be turned over to the United States because it is of critical military and economic importance on a world level. Greenland is now a self-governing Territory of Denmark, but Trump has vowed to cripple the Danish economy with sanctions if Denmark tries to prevent the Zio-American Empire from annexing Greenland.
The image above shows Greenland’s capital and largest settlement which is named Nuuk. Image courtesy of world
The image above shows the town of Maniitsoq, Greenland. Yes, Greenland does actually have a year-round population, and this number will certainly grow in the upcoming years with the expansion of ranching and agriculture in southern Greenland along with expansion of shipping and mineral extraction on the world’s largest island. Image courtesy of
Trump has also made his utter indifference to what the citizens of Greenland want very plain. He is literally threatening a Zio-American military invasion of Greenland if that is what it takes to obtain this frozen piece of real estate. Trump is now claiming that Denmark has no legitimate claim to the island of Greenland, but the United States does.
The Greenland Ice Cap is rapidly melting, which is making this huge island’s vast mineral resources ripe for extraction. China and Russia have been successfully negotiating for mining concessions (leases) in Greenland, but Trump has said that he will not allow either China or Russia to extract any resources from Greenland and he is willing to use military force to stop any competitors from making inroads into this plot of icy land.
The image above shows the White Mountain (Qaqortorsuaq) mine in Greenland. Greenland contains deposits of many valuable minerals, including rare eats metals. Image furnished courtesy of
Greenland’s melting polar ice cap is opening maritime navigation channels into vast areas of the Arctic along with access to vast oil and mineral deposits. As we all can guess, Trump wants the United States to have a monopoly on any resources that sit in the world’s arctic region. The Zio-American Empire must occupy Greenland if they hope to force China and Russia out of the Arctic region; however, a large portion of land in the world’s High Arctic region has always been Russian territory. Russia occupies the largest portion of the world’s Arctic land by nation and has the largest number of people who are living above the Arctic Circle.
The image above shows the port of Murmansk, Russia. With a population of around 270,000, Murmansk is the largest city north of the Arctic Circle. Image courtesy of
The image above show where the world’s approximately four million arctic residents live. Image courtesy of
The image above shows the major towns and cities of the world’s High Arctic region. Image courtesy of M3lonMusk on the r/MapPorn forum from
Denmark is a founding member of N.A.T.O and the U.S. Military has always maintained unfettered access to Greenland ever since the very beginning of the Cold War. The one restriction on the Zio-American Empire’s unfettered access to Greenland’s territory has been Denmark forbidding the United States from putting any nuclear weapons on Greenland’s soil. Any ICBMs (Inter Continental Ballistic Missile) that might be stationed in Greenland would have a relatively short journey to reach Russia. Greenland would also make a fine place to deploy an ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) system that could shoot down Russian ICBMs soon after they launch. MGGA™ (Make Greenland Great Again) is a term Trump is frequently using, so this term should be considered as a subset of MAGA™ (Make America Great Again).
(C) Mexico
Trump has promised to ruin the Mexican economy, then stage what he calls a “soft invasion” which would be a preparatory measure for an annexation of Mexico. On 1/22/2025, Trump ordered the deployment of 8,000 American combat troops to the border with Mexico supposedly to prevent illegal immigration; however, this explanation for stationing Zio-American soldiers along the empire’s border with Mexico is an obvious cover story for staging a military invasion.
(D) The Ukraine
Yesterday Trump warned Putin that this his last chance to pull Russian military forces out of the Ukraine, or he himself, Trump, is going to act to force the Russians out.
(E) Weather Warfare, Geo Engineering, Water Pollution & Air Pollution
As soon as he took office, El Trumpo immediately started signing large numbers of Presidential Executive Orders to abolish great swaths of Environmental Regulations. Trump has also vowed to stop Weather Engineering and Weather Warfare, as well as stop any spraying of filth into the skies over the United States. He is claiming that China is responsible for all this weather warfare that is now being inflicted upon North America. Trump is also blaming China for America’s endless pattern of spraying Chemtrails.
Trump is also claiming that China is also responsible for the widespread Air Pollution that rests over many parts of the Zio-American Empire. He has also averred that the Democratic Political Party has been permitting all these Chemtrails to perpetually streak across the Zio-American Empire’s pristine skies, so the Democrats are being labeled as one more guilty party to blame for America’s current environmental and economic woes.
Image courtesy of PJ Wilcox on
Trump now claims that under his administration the United States had the cleanest water it has ever had in its history starting from the empire’s inception back in 1776. Trump is now claiming that North America only became polluted after the Democrats took office during the Biden Administration. Funny thing, Trump abolished the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act during his first term as Zio-American president, he is now conveniently blaming the Democrats and the Chinese for the results of his blunders. Even as Trump abolishes more and more American environmental regulations that he claims are limiting the profitability of American Businesses, he still continues to finger the Democrats and the Chinese for whatever adverse results which he might have fostered.
Trump’s constant carping on China is, in all likelihood, just a set of psychological preparations for a planned all-out war between The People’s Republic of China and the Zio-American Empire. Trump’s preparations for big global wars include pointing fingers at supposed outside threats to America’s current crop of problems; remember folks, you cannot truly Make America Great AgainÔ (MAGAÔ) if those pesky Chinese and the Democrats keep getting in the way.
(F) Canada
Since before the Zio-American Empire’s first “Revolutionary War” which began in 1776, there have been many Americans who have, shall we say, lusted after Canada’s territory and all the natural resources that just happen to sit within Canada’s sovereign lands and maritime waters. This coveting of Canada’s territories and all that goes with them exists without any considerations being given to what Canadians might think about this matter.
Donald Trump, by vowing to annex Canada, is not really breaking any new ground with his bold and spicy new proclamation. Trump has repeatedly accused the Canadians of being essentially parasites and freeloaders who just cannot stop sponging off hard working and salt-of-the-Earth MAGA™ Americans. Trump vows to address the problem of Canadian parasites sucking the life blood out of Zio-American citizens by annexing Canada whether those dirty loafing Canadian welfare bums like it or not. Indeed, Trump vows to make those shiftless Canadians work for a living instead of always freeloading from hard-working and liberty-loving MAGA™ Americans.
If we are going to discuss loafing and unemployed Canadians, then The Trailer Park Boys from Canada need to be mentioned. Image courtesy of
“Do you plan an invasion of Canada to bring about annexation?” he was asked on Inauguration Day. (I heard this exchange myself by the way.) “I won’t need to invade militarily. I’m going to destroy their economy so that they will have to agree to become part of the United States in order to survive.”
We Zio-American citizens cannot say that we were not warned about the consequences of letting Trump get away with his recent naked aggression against Canada, just look at conditions south of the border.
“Those Whom the Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad.” – Old Roman Saying.
This is the fate of Donald Trump and those who so blindly follow him over the cliff to their doom.
Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn