Welcome to the Website Thule Society

This Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler website was first created and released to the world on December 28, 2015. Later in 2017, Dr. James Sears in Toronto donated the work of his webmaster Robert James to move this website to Nearly Free Speech for hosting. The vision for the Thule Society is explained at the “Philosophy” tab at the top of this website. This is a higher understanding of the spiritual forces that caused the powerful manifestation of National Socialist Germany and Adolf Hitler.

In the first 24 hours of this site, 20 people joined our membership so this was an unexpected success. Now I, Brian Ruhe have to hop to it! I’m still learning how to use this site and I still have to figure out how to access the membership list. We will respect people’s confidentiality and keep the list private and we will protect this Thule Society from infiltrators. But we want a quality of openness in an effort to build a community, which people in this truth movement need and want.

So on this ground floor, please contact me if you might be interested in volunteering some time, energy and skills for such things as website development, higher realm channeling and your creative input as to what this society can evolve into.

Soon, I would like to have regular public meetings recorded for our Video Library on our Bitchute playlist at: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/mFMjMmI9Adcp/ . I will use Google Hangouts On Air with YouTube, and post a time where anyone can join in the video call and talk with me and with each other so that we can have an ongoing community dialogue. As this is a global community with people in North American, Europe and anywhere else, I would like to get an idea of which time is reasonable for people. Based upon PST – Pacific Standard Time where I am in Vancouver, BC Canada, 11:00 am here is 7:00 pm in the U.K.

As for donations to the Thule Society we don’t have a bank account established yet as we have not yet created a legal society in British Columbia, Canada. I can accept donations to Brian Ruhe and I have a Go Get Funding Donate button on my website at http://www.brianruhe.ca/please-donate/. My Bio info and background are on my website as well.

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