Werner Bock Died

Funeral for Werner Bock Dec. 11, 2019

I am sad to say that Werner Bock has died on Dec. 5Th, 2019. We never met in person but we were internet comrades. He was an old German National Socialist living on his farm in New Brunswick with his wife Renate. They phoned me countless times and we shared many interests in National Socialism, white preservation, the JQ and the truth movement. They both believed they were targeted individuals. Werner took care of his wife Renate who sometimes went too far in interpreting people’s actions as attacks. They loved each other and now Renate is alone on the farm without Werner. You can imagine her feelings at this time. Please do send your kind thoughts to them both. Below is the eulogy followed by an edited email exchange.

Werner Bock


 Werner Bock, 77, of Hillgrove, died unexpectedly near his home on Thursday, December 5, 2019. Born in Germany, he was the son of Karl and Ella (Buermann) Bock.

   Werner came to Canada from Germany to farm in 1969. He had heard that farmers were wanted in New Brunswick; there were many abandoned farms around. He bought his place outside Petitcodiac and went to work. Diligently he plowed and sewed and had pigs and beef cattle. He had a good relationship with the old farmers and listened to their stories with great interest.

Werner was a farmer with all his heart. He was innovative and could build almost any machinery. He was always there to help his neighbours. He was always trying to improve his community, and improve New Brunswick, and was protesting the sale of NB Power, the spraying of forests, and was environmentally conscious. He always said “We are the stewards of the land, it is not ours to destroy, we have to protect it.” Werner was a valiant fighter for truth and justice and devoted his life to this cause.

He is survived and sadly missed by his wife, Renate, and many nieces and nephews in Germany, and also by friends in his community.

Graveside service will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, at 2 pm at Maplewood Cemetery, Petitcodiac.

If desired, donations toward a living memorial would be appreciated.

Arrangements in care of Salisbury Funeral Home (372-4800).

He will find peace in heaven.

Rest in Peace Werner. You will be missed.


From: Stern Schnuppe <renated3@gmail.com>
Sent: December 5, 2019 8:18:12 PM
3@yahoo.com>; Brian Ruhe <Brian@brianruhe.ca>; Paul Fromm <paul@paulfromm.com>
Subject: Werner dead

 Dear friends,

Early this afternoon Werner and I wanted to go for a drive and when he got into the car,  some brown or gray SUV passed the driveway and shot Werner with directed Energy and he screamed loudly, and I immediately gave him the Nitro Spray, but then he went into seizure convulsions and the air was pressed out of his lungs as always in a Grand Mal Seizure but he did not breathe when it was over. Then another car drove by and suddenly Werner’s face seemed to swell up and it went red and blue and purple and looked like it would explode, but really I think his heart exploded. I did some CPR and blew air into his lungs, at first it did still go in but then no more. At the heart area there seemed to be a bulge. I called 911 while continuing CPR.

When the ambulance came, they took him into the Van and continued CPR but by that time Werner’s face took on the waxy look of death and I knew he was gone. When the Ambulance worker started CPR he said he felt a bone cracking.???!!

On 29th of November when we came home from a drive I went immediately to the bathroom and Werner went to the mailbox and two vehicles came by, both grey trucks. They shot him with directed Energy and Werner screamed loudly and I came towards the back door and he screamed for me to pull him inside which I did and he collapsed on the cat food box and leaned against the wall and rolled up his eyes, stopped breathing and died. I gave him COR by pounding on his chest and blowing air into his nostrils and he came back. It was a heart attack. I did not know.

We went to bed. The next day he could not breathe right and the day after it got so bad and all the moaning at night, I went to the Sussex Hospital with him. They told me it was a heart attack. We stayed until 12 midnight and they gave him some drugs and waterpills because his lungs were full of water.

Then they shipped us by ambulance to St. John where Werner was to be operated on.

In St. John they said nothing can be done until tomorrow. At 11 am on Tuesday the doctor came and explained the procedure and it was different than explained by the Sussex hospital and Werner got into a rut about telling his story and they classified him as a nutcase. The nurse asked me if we have running water at home and if he beats me. So Werner says “let’s get out of here” and we took a taxi home.

Now today the satanic creatures finished the job.

I am heartbroken and devastated. Despite our differences we did love each other. In the morning we were peacefully watching a documentary together.

Back to today, in the driveway where the ambulance and police were, the coroner came and I said I want an autopsy. Werner would have wanted that. I also demanded a picture of his heart, but they said it would most likely not be possible. Then the undertaker came and took Werner away. To the Moncton Hospital where they will falsify everything, I am sure, because that is the place where they tried to kill him before.

I am still in shock. Werner will go to heaven, I know that. His suffering ended.

I am writing to you because I want to document the incidence.

It is normal for TIs to get killed sooner or later.

Thank you for your shows, Andy. I hope you are OK.

Werner was always passing out a pamphlet posted by Barry Trower, former MI5, who was present at the Microwaving of US diplomats at the Russian Embassy in the 1960s. He is an expert about microwave weapons. Very old now but still sharp.

Here is what the pamphlet loos like. It is too explicit, almost an “how to” manual and I did not want Werner to pass it out. The pamphlet shows clearly what was done to Werner and what frequency was used.

Yahweh Bless,


On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 1:35 PM Brian Ruhe <brian@brianruhe.ca> wrote:

I’m so sorry Renate,

I will give you a phone call. I dedicate my merit to Werner. He was a good man and I send my good thoughts and merit to him where he is now. I am sad for myself too. He was a Nat. Soc. comrade to me.

This is a very important link to this spiritual practice which anyone can do of any religion or no religion:


I have taught this to countless students of mine around Vancouver.

You said you wanted to keep a record of this. With your permission I think I should post it on my Thule Society website at thulesociety.com . We could alter it if you like and I could add my assessment.

This must be a sad, lonely and heartbreaking adjustment period for you, Renate. My strength goes out to you!



Dear Brian,

Thank you for your kind email. I will check the link you sent me.

I did not experience Werner coming to me in my dream and telling me he is OK as I did when my son died. I am worried. I know Werner was very close to Yahweh and prayed to him and was in touch.

I appreciate that you want to make this public, it is what Werner and I want. You can put it into a better form, Brian; you are a native English speaker, I trust you will do the right thing.

Thank you for your engagement. You are making a difference.

I want to be sure Werner’s soul is OK and going to heaven.

Kind regards,


# It’s OK to be WHITE !

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