Can National Socialism Erase Economic Class Tensions?
(Being A Follow Up to My Previous Blog “Surviving the Ax Age”)
Part One – Introduction to Aristocracy/Nobility
There are three forms of Aristocracy, depending on what the aristocracy is based upon:
➤ Aristocracy of Blood
➤ Aristocracy of Money
➤ Aristocracy of Merit
With the first type of aristocracy mentioned here, one enters this type of nobility simply by being born into a certain bloodline that carries some sort of noble title with it from generation to generation. In the second type of aristocracy, one enters this type of nobility through either inheriting a fortune or accumulating one. These first two types of aristocracy very often overlap, but by no means do these two types of aristocracy always coincide. That being said, nobility of the blood has not always guaranteed great wealth.

Nobility of merit is a different matter altogether. Holding a formal noble title or having great wealth very often does not equate with having high character, nor does having great wealth necessarily demand having great ability, although in very rare cases these two things can go together. (The famous Marshal Blucher, though a member of the Prussian Aristocracy, was living alone with his wife in poverty when he was given command of the Prussian Army during the Napoleonic Wars; he then proceeded to lead this Prussian army into legend.) Merit cannot be inherited at a rate of 100% because it is a matter of the individual, but it is not unusual for great levels of merit to run in certain bloodline for generation after generation. Some bloodlines which are noted for having great merit are more often than not neither noble by blood nor by wealth.
A position gained by Nobility of Merit must be earned by each individual, just as The Great One earned his position. A nobility based on merit is the sort of nobility that Adolf Hitler envisioned for the Third Reich, which was particularly manifested in the Waffen SS. For example: Hienrich Himmler was an agronomist by training, Leon Degrelle was a lawyer, and Sepp Dietrich was a brick mason. (This is not unlike what Napoleon had done within his French Empire where high positions also had to be earned.)
Part Two – Feudalism
Feudalism is a system whereby there is one set of laws for the Nobility and another set of laws for the slaves/serfs/peasants. This multi-tiered legal system holds true regardless of what the nobility is based on within a Feudal system. When you are talking about supposed changes from one system of social organization to another you are talking about changes in form but not changes in substance. When discussing the particulars of slavery as well as feudalism, capitalism, and leftist brands of socialism, but also when analyzing the specifics of Jewish communism, all that a person is really talking about is the same system but with different justifications. In a system of feudalism a few people are always lording over the many. A few privileged people lording over the masses is Feudalism in a nutshell. Feudalism is the same regardless of who the nobility that runs things. Feudalism is really the same regardless of what the ruling class’s nobility is based on.

Right now, the United States (Zio-Anglican- American Empire) is actually a feudal society, regardless of what Jews and their bought off politicians say during stump speeches and during television appearances. The Zio-American Empire has a governing nobility which is based on money because the system is really controlled from behind the scenes by a cabal of international Jewish banksters. Jewish banksters control the flow of money that American Society is based on, so they function as the empire’s higher nobility.
Present-day American culture is correctly labeled as consumerism because every aspect of life revolves around making money and consuming stuff. Capitalism is a religion that worships Mammon as God. The aforementioned Jewish banksters should be thought of as the high priesthood for that Golden Calf idol which represents Mammon the god of money. The money that these Jewish Mammonites control is what fuels the overall consumerist society which now dominates so much of the world’s population. The spiritual warship of wealth is now the true foundation of power for the Jewish cabal that rules the Zio-American empire. Although warship of Mammon is the true lifeblood of Jewish rule, institutionalized debt is also a key structural part of any society that these Jewish materialists and Mammonites infect.

I have focused on the Zio-American Empire here because it is the most advanced case for this sort of Mammon warship thing at this time. Questions of Blood (Race) have no place within this system of money worship. Indeed, any thoughts of blood and soil amongst the general population are quite the anathema to this spiritual ecosystem of a Mammonite-ruled society; however, within the context of elites a focus on bloodlines is emphasized in order to maintain and strengthen their own positions of rulership and dominance. As we can see with Jewish bankers, they value the integrity of their own bloodlines because a common identification must be made between nobles and serfs. For the system to work, elite Jewish banksters must always remain separate from the masses.
Under a system of Jewish mercantile and bankster rulership, any racial or ethnic differences among the serfs/consumers must be ruthlessly eliminated until there is nothing left amongst the plebiscite except a mass of multiracial and multicultural atomized (psychologically isolated) individuals. The ruling Jewish Mammonite elite wants a deracinated population that knows nothing of its own history or identity because such a population is incapable of mounting any organized resistance to Jewish rulership, nor are such masses of undifferentiated brown-colored bipeds capable of presenting an obstacle to the free play of capitalism’s market forces. Industrial Society, which began in the 1820’s, saw the proletarianization of the agricultural peasantry along with the small independent farmers, and independent tradesmen/craftsmen of earlier years. When the industrial revolution began, the rural folk were forced into becoming the workers (proletariats or wage slaves) of capitalist society, and they remain proletariats to this day.

Part Three – Germany at the Dawn of Hitlerism
By the time The Great One appeared on the scene, Germany had been gravely weakened by class warfare; however, most people still do not realize that class warfare takes on two forms. One form of class warfare what most people recognize as such is attacks from the bottom up towards the top, but there is also the other form which most people do not readily recognize, which is attacks being waged from the top down. In Germany’s case, during the 1920s the German people were undergoing both types of class warfare at the same time, so there was a struggle for domination from two sides that were in the process of tearing the whole society apart. During the days of the Weimar Republic, people tended to define themselves as members of one class or the other rather than as members of one unified German Folk. This is the situation that Adolf Hitler set out to rectify.
Before Adolf Hitler assumed the office of Germany’s chancellor, international Jewry was taking advantage of the situation in Germany by attempting to foment a Bolshevik revolution. During the Weimar years, the Jews were attempting to convince German workers that the only solution to their very real grievances was to join a Bolshevik revolution, which of course would be led by Jews who were proclaiming themselves to be champions of the workers.

Despite their talk of wanting to better the lives of downtrodden working German people, the actual intentions of these Jewish Bolsheviks who were operating in Germany during the 1920s was to use the German workers to overthrow the existing social, economic, and political order, then to place themselves in the position of absolute rulers. If this Jewish plan for solidifying German Bolshevism had progressed to fruition, then the German workers would have only been swapping one group of cruel masters for another — this is the final reality for every “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”. Of course, this whole mass-scale Communist takeover operation for Germany would have been funded by international Jewish bankers.
At the exact same time as the Jewish Bolsheviks were plotting a takeover of Germany, the Capitalists, who it must be realized were also being bankrolled by the selfsame international Jewish bankers, were also in the process of grinding the German workers down more and more. There is only one purpose of society under Capitalism, and that is to maximize profits, everything else is auxiliary to that. There are only three ways to maximize profits: Drive Up Prices. Drive Down the cost of raw Materials; and last but not least, Drive Down the Cost of Labor. Under a capitalist system, this three-part process of expanding profitability must be kept up constantly in order to insure a constant increase in profits. A functioning capitalist system must always ensure that the rich are always getting richer, the poor are always getting poorer, and the middle is always getting gound down into the ranks of the poor. (This is EXACTLY the situation that we see now in the United States of America under whichever political party is currently more represented in congress and under whichever president is currently talking on the television set.)

As of the late 1920s, the German Folk could not have survived much longer in the midst of unending Jewish-financed and Jewish-instigated class warfare. In the years shortly before Hitler ascended to the office of German chancellor, predatory neighbors were moving in to slice off chunks of German territory and steal German resources for themselves while being enthusiastically egged on by international Jewish financiers.
As the Jewish Bolsheviks and banksters plotted the demise of Germany during the 1920s, Germany had also been being undermined for centuries by another kind of class conflict, that is by the constant clash of nobles versus peasants which was always an integral part of feudalism from its very inception. Class differences were totally unknown to the ancient and free German tribes, as was the idea of money itself. Feudalism was imposed on the Germans at the exact same time as they were forced to accept Christianity. Indeed, both feudalism and mercantilism were both essential components of the new social order that was imposed on the German tribes after the fall of the Classical Roman Empire. Feudalism + Christianity = Holy Roman Empire. (“It was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire” – Napoleon Bonaparte).

More than once in the past, the conflict arose between nobles and German peasants. In these conflicts between German nobles and peasants, the common people were fighting against the nobles because they were trying to reclaim their ancient freedom under the leadership of such illustrious National Socialist heroes as Florien Geyer plus Gotz und Berlichingen. These unpleasant quests for freedom amongst the common people often erupted into large-scale open warfare. These large conflicts between the peasantry and the nobility are what is known in German history as “The Peasant Wars.”
These Peasant Wars were revolts against the Holy Roman Empire, and these conflicts were also revolts against both feudalism and the Christianity that went with it. This internal division had already gravely weakened Germany during the time of this nation’s greatest peril during the First World War. Following the first world war, the scourges of Jewish capitalism and Jewish Bolshevism had the real potential to fatally weakening Germany even further. As things worsened during the 1920s, the stage was set for the appearance of “The Restitutor” (Latin for the One Who Restores) — Adolf Hitler.

Part Four – National Socialist German Workers Party by Adolf Hitler
Here I am going to let Hitler explain himself concerning why he chose his particular course of action after assuming the role of Germany’s chancellor by way of weaving together a number of spoken and written statements made by him over the years.
Social Security:
Adolf Hitler instituted a system of Social Security for the Third Reich as part of his economic recovery plan for Germany which helped to move things in the direction of a classless society.
Otto Von Bismarck, who was also known as “The Iron Chancellor” united a formerly fragmented Germany in the 1870’s. A united Germany became the Second Reich, which is also known as the German Empire, and this new Reich was founded under Kaiser Wilhelm I who had formerly been the king of Prussia.

Previous to unification, Germany had been militarily weak, with the partial exception of Prussia, which made Germany all too susceptible to foreign domination and interference. Before German unification, the German people were too fragmented and in conflict with one another to work together. This internal division and conflict also meant that Germany was uniformly impoverished and not very economically viable. While foreign states such as France, Denmark, and the Habsburg Empire, did strive to keep Germany disunited so they could continue to exploit this situation, this poor situation that was marked by German fragmentation was also caused by rivalries amongst what were called the Upper Nobility, or the German Princes. Once Bismarck had united Germany, he then instituted a number of social and economic reforms that turned what had formerly been an impoverished Germany into the second largest economy in the world, and this incredible turn-around happened within less than thirty years.
One of those reforms was the institution of a system of what was called “Social Security.” Bismarck’s new program of “Social Security” was the first such system established anywhere in the world, and it remained in effect up until the fall of the Second Reich at the end of World War I. The fall of Bismarck’s social security program resulted in much suffering, malnutrition, and even starvation among Germans who were too old, too disabled, or too sick to work during the tumultuous years of the Weimar Republic. Bismarck’s social security program was a much more comprehensive and thorough program than its later and extant American copy ever has been. When Hitler came to power, he immediately resurrected Bismarck’s social security program, then he proceeded to build upon it.

“As long as a citizen of the Third Reich had been loyal, law-abiding, and non-freeloading during their working years, then the state had the responsibility to ensure that they are taken care of when they can no longer work.” – Adolf Hitler. “But”, he added, “It is not enough to ensure that they have just enough to survive. They must be assured of a decent and happy existence as a reward for all their former hard work.” Hitler’s social security program established a guaranteed minimum standard of living for every German citizen who could no longer work. This government-sponsored retirement system worked as Hitler had intended, and this system replaced any older systems of pensions for the most part. Nothing prevented anybody from “saving for their retirement” if they desired something in addition to the minimum which was guaranteed to everybody.
Concerning the topic of social security, Hitler also made it plain that the retirement age would be low enough so that people could still enjoy a nice retirement before their deaths. Under Adolf Hitler’s guidance, nobody would be forced to work until their health broke and they were truly forced to stop working then wind up facing the prospect of spending their few remaining years suffering in dire poverty, such as is now increasingly the case across the Zio-American empire. According to Hitler’s pension plan, as individuals retired, then more jobs would be opened up for younger people who were just entering the workforce; this was an added and intended bonus resulting from the Third Reich’s new social security system.

At this time that Adolf Hitler instituted a new German Social Security System, the Crisis of Capitalism in the Zio-American empire had brought that empire to the very brink of outright revolution as well. The only question at that time was whether the Zio-American empire would go in the direction of Jewish Communism or Fascism and National Socialism. Franklin Roosevelt, according to his own private admission, was acting only to save Capitalism by creating his New Deal series of reforms.
During the 1930s, Roosevelt saw how successful Hitler’s Social Security program had been and Roosevelt also saw how quickly Germany’s program had been implemented; therefore, Roosevelt adopted a very watered-down version of Hitler’s social security program as part of America’s New Deal program. American Social Security was watered down because all Roosevelt was determined to do was the bare minimum that was needed to save American/Jewish capitalism. By contrast, Hitler was using Germany’s social security program to help unify and elevate the German Folk to a higher level of material and spiritual existence.
Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers Party several months after its founding and he soon rose to become the party’s leader. Although the words “National Socialist” were not a part of this party’s original name; however, Hitler recognized that this party still manifested the basic spirit of his own philosophy which he called National Socialism, so he got The Party to add the words “National Socialism” its name soon after he joined. From the beginning, the German Workers Party vehemently opposed to both Jewish capitalism and Jewish Socialism/Communism. During the 1920s, German workers had already recognized that they were been betrayed by the Jews who ran Communism/Bolshevism, Leftist Socialism, and the Labor Unions, but at the same time the German workers remained militantly opposed to Jew Capitalism and Finance. After assuming leadership of the German Workers Party, Hitler recognized that he actually brought nothing to the table that the party’s members did not already know or believe anyway.
Red has been popularly recognized as the “Color of Revolution” for millennia, and it the color red that has also been known to represent the principle of a total remaking for society. Hitler and his fellow party members wanted it clearly understood that the new German Workers Party were in no way a conservative party (In fact the German Conservative Party stridently opposed them.). The German Workers Party intended to totally remake society overall, unlike any of the conservative parties from that time and place. The German Workers party sought a return to ancient ancestral values, but they sought a return to atavistic way within a modern context; therefore, the color red was used for the field of the party’s flag.

First and foremost, the German Workers Party was the party of the German peasantry, (small and independent farmers in other words) because it was the German peasants who most solidly preserved the spirit and values of their ancestors who lived in a free Germania long ago, and these ancestral values included having a Folkish conception of blood. The German peasantry considered themselves and the land they lived upon to be part and parcel of each other, but we are referring to “land” in a manner that is devoid of political boundaries. Instead, we are referring to land in the context of German peoples’ natural environment. The best example of this concept of German peoples’ biological and spiritual connection to their land is the singularity of German peasants and their primordial relationship with the Teutoburger Wald (German Forest). This connection that German peasants have with the Teutoburger Wald is actually the original meaning associated with the concept of Blood & Soil. The NSDAP at its core was essentially an agrarian party.

Why the name “Workers”? With the coming of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of Jewish Capitalism, large numbers of formerly free peasants were forced to migrate into the cities to find employment in factories (aka they became proletarianized), yet they still remained peasants deep down inside. Such displaced peasants and their descendants made up the founders and most of the early members of The Party. These are the sorts of Workers being referred to in the name “Workers Party”.
Hitler and the NSDAP envisioned an ultimate return to the land for as many workers as possible, but of course this process was planned to unfold in a gradual, humane, and orderly manner which goes without saying. It was understood by Hitler and the NSDAP that this planned migration back to the countryside could never be universal. Even for those workers who would have to remain urban workers, classical German peasant values would be internalized by them to the greatest degree possible, including a deep and abiding love for their land and the natural world manifested therein.

On the contrary side to Hitler’s vision for a great society, Leftist and Jewish Socialism sees the ideal society as what we now call a multiracial and multicultural homogeneous mass of atomized individuals (slaves) who are living in cramped urban dwellings and performing shift work of some type. Under this envisioned Jewish paradise, the masses would be made of mixed races, deracinated, and confined to urban areas while living under the thumb of Jewish oligarchs, like we are now see beginning to emerge across the West.
National Socialism, in marked contrast to what is envisioned by a list of Jews, including Jewish oligarchs, rabbis, and Talmudists, sees the preservation and flourishing of the collective Folk as being the ultimate goal. In this case, we are referring to Folk as defined by a Blood Kinship that exists in an intimate relationship with the Soil (Land) which gave birth to the people who live on that soil. National Socialism rejects the idea that people must be forced to live their lives in vicious downward spirals that are marked by cut-throat individual competition where people can only gain for themselves at the expense of others. Cut-throat capitalism is what we are now beginning to see in places like capitalist America and Canada. Extreme capitalist South Korea and now even newly capitalist China both serve as frightening examples of how hyper-comptetive capitalism crushes the life out of individual people and entire societies.

National Socialism is not the same thing as nationalism because nationalism refers to the belief that one’s own nation has a God-given, right to dominate, oppress, and exploit other people for the aggrandizement and enrichment of itself and its people (in reality just its ruling classes of a nationalist nation). When a number of nations get more or less the same nationalism ideas at the same time, then you see the recipe set for worldwide warfare, chaos, and disaster with all the suffering that comes along with it. The current Zio-Anglo-American empire is a perfect example of the meaning associated with nationalism.
The Great One also made it abundantly clear that he was not a nationalist and neither was his political party. The NSDAP was instead about ensuring the preservation, prosperity, and spiritual growth of the German Folk, but not at the expense of other peoples. “Just because you insist on putting your own people first, it doesn’t mean that you want to flatten other peoples.” said Leon Degrelle, while discussing Hitler’s position. This is the polar opposite of Nationalism.
It is important to understand that what Adolf Hitler faced in Germany and Benito Mussolini faced in Italy, vis-a-vis the industrialists of their respective countries, were radically different. With absolutely no doubt, the gravest blunder that Mussolini was guilty of was putting trust in Italian industrialists. Mussolini was also guilty of not heeding the warnings of his truest and closest supporters when they tried to warn him about the traitorous potential of Italy’s industrialists because he was too stubborn to admit that he had made a mistake by placing any trust in these snakes in the first place; that is until it was way too late. Mussolini made the fatal mistake of placing trust in Italian industrialists because he wanted to believe that they were patriotic Italians at heart who wanted to preserve their country and do what was best for Italy above all else.

Until it was too late, Mussolini continued to believe that he could compromise and work with Italy’s wealthy industrialist for the good of all Italians. Obviously, he could not have been more wrong about anything. In spite of their so-called Italian identities, Italy’s industrialists did not give a tinker’s damn about Italy or their fellow Italians because all they cared about were the profits they were constantly piling up. The Italian industrialists of Mussolini’s time behaved as the true capitalists who they were, just as Mussolini had been continually warned. The Italian industrialists supported Mussolini as long as they thought he was winning, but when events started going against him, they switched their allegiances and began to work with the Allies in order to undermine Mussolini’s government and Italy’s war effort. Italy’s capitalist industrialist betrayed Mussolini in exchange for a commitment by the Allies which guaranteed that Italy’s big businesses could continue their ventures unbothered after the war concluded. Fiat and Ansaldo are the best examples of these industrial interests who betrayed Mussolini and his government officials for their 13 pieces of silver, but these two groups are not the only examples of those who participated in this great treachery.

(It is of critical importance to keep this in mind that Mussolini’s situation in the 1940s represented exactly the same state of affairs where the United States currently sits in regards to American Capitalists.) In very marked contrast to what we saw happened in the Third Reich under The Great One, Hitler organized the German economy in such a way that this kind of treachery that he saw the potential for in Italy simply would not be possible in Germany.
Although Hitler made solid plans to avoid the same fate as Mussolini, he also started with a distinct advantage over his friend in Italy. Generally speaking, the German industrialists did have a strong sense of their German Blood, so they actually did want to do what was best for their German Folk. Hitler avoided Mussolini’s troubles by bringing the very best of his industrialists into his administration, then he had Germany’s corporations work right alongside the Reich’s government in cooperation with a government bureau called The Reich Labor Front which was led by Robert Ley. The Reich Labor Front replaced the earlier labor unions, so the German industrialists became willing and enthusiastic supporters of Hitler, National Socialism, and the German Folk in general.
An example of the German industrialists’ solid support for Hitler’s government includes the heir to the legendary Krupp steel fortune being killed during World War II while flying for the Luftwaffe as a fighter pilot. The next in line to run the Krupp corporation was a Krupp son-in-law and an officer in the Wehrmacht who ended up surviving more than ten years in a Siberian slave labor camp.

Adolf Hitler was not a leveler (one who wants to put everyone on the same level economically) because he knew from history that acting as a leveler would only insure that everybody in Germany would wind up becoming severely impoverished. What Hitler did desire was to create a truly level playing field for everybody economically speaking but also in terms of educational opportunities, military advancement, and institutional pull.
Hitler and the NSDAP did not believe that the state should guarantee specific results to anyone; however, under Hitler’s government the state was responsible for ensuring that each member of The Folk was given an equal chance to succeed. Contrary to what might be said by the haters, Hitler was not actually opposed to people gaining high levels of wealth per se; however, this belief existed under the assumption that any high levels of wealth were to be obtained lawfully and such levels of wealth were not to be gained by impoverishing other Germans. Hitler and the NSDAP also understood that if a person was to accrue a truly staggering level of wealth, then this wealth also needed to benefit the Folk as a whole. Within the Third Reich, parasitism (non-productive accumulation of wealth, such as is so routinely practiced by Jews) was absolutely prohibited, so neither rich nor poor freeloaders were tolerated.
Image courtesy of Appodeal on
The Great One saw the German Folk as being very individualistic, and this was a characteristic that he wanted to ensure his people retained, but despite valuing individualism, Hitler did not want his people to solely live as individualists at the expense of their Folk as a whole. As Hitler and the NSDAP say, the overall wellbeing of the Folk must always come first, so Hitler viscously opposed both the total lack of individuality manifested in Jewish communism (Bolshevism), and he also opposed the dog-eat-dog extreme individualism manifested in Jewish capitalism. Despite what mendacious Jewish writers and fake Jewish historians might aver, Hitler was a believer in what was called way back in the 18th century “Ordered Liberty”. One often runs across references to “The Struggle for Liberty” on the part of Hitler and the NSDAP, as these terms are found in Darre’s book called Blood & Soil. This “Ordered Liberty” described by Darre was what Hitler is referring to.
We are getting closer now to defining what The Great One means by the term “National Socialism.” Socialism means that the group is of primary importance, and National means that that group is based on a certain Blood that exists amongst a particular group of people which also includes a particular and special relationship with their home soil that gives birth to them. The preservation and flourishing of this Blood & Soil is the whole point of National Socialism. A proper National Socialist state is always prepared for victorious war should war and strife ever be forced upon them, but such a nation will always work for peace if peace is possible at all. As seen by National Socialist philosophers and policy-makers, peaceful solutions are always to be chosen when alternatives exist, and this is true because prosperity always arises through peace and never through war, “We are kind when we can be, and we are hard when we must be.” – Reinhardt Hiedrich.

A National Socialist state is never aggressive with other peoples it comes in contact with; instead, such a nation looks for ways to have mutually beneficial relationships with others that preserve the Folkish integrity of both groups. The whole idea of creating oppressive and predatory empires and their offspring of colonialism which are so beloved by the Rothschild proxies of the British and Zio-American Empires is utterly foreign to National Socialism.
Japan’s “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” serves as a good illustration of how the National Socialist Japanese state relates to its fellow East Asian nations. Arrangements such as what Japan developed with their Co-prosperity Sphere for Asia are what Hitler envisioned for the relationship between sovereign nations. Hitler’s plans for how nations interact were intended first for Europe, then for the whole world, but of course this plan excludes the Jews because the Jews are outsiders everywhere who are also constant troublemakers that must be in one way or another kept isolated from everybody else.

Part Five – Adolf Hitler & The Classless Society
The first prerequisite for creating a society that is both National Socialist and devoid of entrenched economic stratification is to kick the Rothschilds and their cronies out, then to establish a currency based on actual production rather than debt. In order to achieve national liberation, there must also be a plan to build a policy towards foreign trade that is based on barter rather than money. The last step in the process of freeing a nation is to isolate the Jews from the rest of the population. Following the steps listed earlier gave Adolf Hitler a free hand to renew and ultimately remake German Society into a thing that was even better than it had been before.
The Great One recognized that class divisions among the Folk were artificial in nature and such divisions only served to cause constant infighting among Germans, and this constant class-based infighting made the German people particularly vulnerable to their enemies. This endless infighting over class differences also kept the German Folk from growing into an even greater people than they already were. Under Hitler’s guidance and a National Socialist government, the German people soared to new heights in a Spiritual sense, a mental sense, and in the sense of material prosperity.

Before Hitler could build a better German society, he had to first convince the Germans to think of themselves as members of a single and unified Folk above all else. In order to give the German people a sense that they were one united Folk, Hitler had to create an aristocracy that was based exclusively on a system of merit which was also open to every citizen who was in good standing, regardless of his or her individual background. Within the Third Reich’s new society, each aristocrat had to earn his position exclusively through their own personal character and hard work; therefore, nobody was to inherit their position under this new aegis, no matter how illustrious their parents and/or ancestors might have been. As Hitler envisioned things, neither greatness, mediocrity, or even infamy takes any notice of the wealth that is tied to a particular individual’s family; this too The Great One recognized.
Unlike in current Jewish-dominated American Society, under National Socialism, wealth, position, and prestige are the reward earned for great services rendered to The Folk, and this way of doing things truly runs contrary to what is now in effect in a Jewicized Zio-American society. A society where people reach high positions primarily by way of family lineage of social connections generally serves as a tool for base and worthless people to get a permanent leg up on more deserving and capable people who they consider beneath themselves in the system’s heredity hierarchy.

Entrenched systems that are based on heredity wealth and unearned institutional pull are always built on foundations of dishonesty, mediocrity, and incompetence that are constructed by Mammon. People who have secured their high positions in life by way of entitlement or family connections always live in mortal terror of people who are honest, ingenious, and efficient, regardless of the modest means where these capable people may have started. Not surprisingly, those who hold hereditary privileges will invariably and relentlessly persecute those who are honest and capable in order to eliminate them as a threat to their undeserved positions.
In regards to higher education which is of such critical importance for the preparation of individuals to hold so many important positions, Adolf Hitler continued the reforms that were initially started by Bismarck and Hitler further perfected these reforms. By the time of Bismarck, German academia was already many decades ahead of academia in every other country on Earth. The problem with Germany’s education system before Bismarck founded the Second Reich was that this system was restricted to Germany’s noble and the wealthy. Bismarck instituted a financial overhaul which served to make educational institutions accessible to the German middle class and at least the uppermost level of the working class.
Although Bismarck’s reforms were good and needed, Adolf Hitler took Bismarck’s reforms one step further: admission to a German university was based purely on one’s ability to pass a given university’s entrance exam. Under the Third Reich’s new university system, once a person passed the entrance exam to matriculate at their university of choice, that person’s university tuition was then entirely paid by the state. The Third Reich’s reason for instituting a university system where enrollment and tuition expenses were paid by the state and entrance exams determined who would study at a given university was quite simple because Hitler was determined to have the most qualified people filling every important position inside and outside of the German government. The Third Reich wanted to ensure that their university-educated professional class was composed of the most capable people as opposed to limiting university attendance to just those who had access to funding that was enough to pay for an advanced education.

As a result of Bismarck’s educational reforms from the Second Reich, by the late 19th century, German academia was many decades ahead of academia in the rest of the world, and this gap continued to widen up until the end of World War II. German academia fell into the gutter in the immediate years following World War II because every aspect of German society was pretty much wrecked by the vindictive and self-serving behavior of the “Allies,” so German schools and universities were not spared from this orgy of mindless destruction and looting.
The Waffen SS was envisioned to reflect an envisioned classless society where key leadership positions were gained purely on the basis of merit. After assuming the role of German chancellor, Adolf Hitler set out to convince the German Folk that his vision of a classless society rested upon inescapable logic, and he was for the most part successful in this endeavor. Hitler’s plan to build a classless society would have been totally successful if he had been granted more time to cultivate his grand vision because his plan is after all just a matter of common sense. It is to each individual’s benefit that each position is filled by the most qualified person, provided of course that each individual is guaranteed the chance of starting from a level playing field with everybody else, this too is just common sense.

Part Six – Conclusion: The Past Is Prelude
it is now just as it always has been in the sense that the name “Aryan” means nobility, nothing more and nothing less. A person can be called an Aryan because they possess the noble spirit of our most ancient Aryan ancestors; none the less, one is not truly noble just because they are of a certain bloodline. Yes, most definitely, Blood is of critical importance, but bloodlines alone do not automatically guarantee that an individual person will have the nobility of spirit which makes a person them a true Aryan.
Even though one may be a great warrior and perform many illustrious deeds, this alone does not make such a person both noble and an Aryan, although having these qualities certainly helps. Noble qualities are only truly noble when they are used in the service to the Folk. Does this list of noble qualities include Pride? Absolutely! Pride is great to have when it is directed toward having given your all for Your Folk and by performing great deeds in the service of your Folk.

Contrary to what some people might say, success in battle alone does not automatically make a person great and noble, and this is the case because might never makes right. Having blind luck does not make you a true champion, nor does achieving your goals by applying diabolical cunning, rank treachery, thievery, or deceit. Achieving personal ends by applying cunning and treachery does not equate with having wisdom and good character, otherwise Israel would deserve their current position at the top of our world.
Aryan nobility is ultimately a combination of having both impeccable Blood AND impeccable Merit; however, achieving true nobility is a goal which must be earned by deeds in a final sense. A society that values blood and lines of familial descent, but also placed deeds and merit above matters of family descent is ultimately what The Great One was in the process of creating, and this is a work that we must continue to carry forward. Class has no part in this process of furthering a peoples’ nobility; indeed, fixations on matters of heredity and class is completely detrimental to this goal. Merit absolutely demands the highest moral & ethical standards. If the Aryans are to once again become the world’s civilizers like they once were, then earning high positions must come by way of an individual’s personal actions.

In final conclusion, an Aryan couple must do all that is in their power to inculcate ancient Aryan virtues in their offspring so that they too can earn a place in the ranks of the Aryan nobility when they become adults. Merit must continue to be passed down from generation to generation among a nobility that is based on merit which exists without class distinctions.
Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn