What is the National Socialist Perspective on Law Enforcement?



 Preface: Definition & Purpose


The topic that I will be focusing on here might normally be called the “Criminal Police.” The Criminal Police are the regular police who assumes official responsibility for combating normal criminal activity. However, the Criminal Police have increasingly become what might be referred to as “The Political Police” in Western nations. The main job of Political Police is…as you would expect…the suppression of genuine political dissent by means that are often downright violent. As of our present time, lawful and genuine political dissent is becoming increasingly criminalized by many Western governments. The Political Police in Western nations now operate in whole, or in part, under orders from International Jewry and the State of Israel (Israel’s very existence from the beginning has been a crime.). If Western Political Police are not operating under direct orders from International Jewry, then they are at least working in collaboration with International Jewry.

Wait, but there is more! In far too many cases, Western law enforcement organizations are engaging in criminal activity themselves! Very often, contemporary Western law enforcement organizations are working in conjunction with organized crime syndicates along such avenues of “business” as the illegal drug trade. Although organized crime syndicates may wear several faces, such as Black-faces, Mexican-faces, or Italian-faces; regardless, organized crime is a still fundamentally controlled by Jewish criminals. Bigtime American organized crime syndicates have been controlled by Jews since their inception under Meyer Lansky.

The image above shows Meyer Lansky in 1958. Image courtesy of Jewishnewssyndicate.com

Forward: “The Highway of Tears”


“The Highway of Tears” is a nickname that was given by the First Nations for a 447-mile-long stretch of road which is named Highway 16. A decent portion of this motorway runs between Prince George and Prince Rupert in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Since this road was first opened back in 1970, more than 80 First Nations women have gone missing, or they have been raped, murdered, or mutilated. This body count on Highway 16 includes women from the First Nations and women of mixed blood. This figure of 80+ missing women is way too low because these numbers were obtained from an unimpeachable source which has made it clear that there are at least twice that many victims. This same source puts the possible number of dead women along Highway 16 at somewhere between four and five hundred, but the real number is probably a lot higher.

Map image of Canada’s highway 16 is furnished courtesy of thehighwaymarker.com

Image courtesy of abc.ca

A fair number of Highway 16’s missing women are known to be victims of serial killers, and autopsies show that serial killers typically leave multiple victims. Every serial also killer leaves his or her own tell-tale set of clues. ( Yes, there have been a small number of female serial killers, Ilene Warnos being one notable example.) However! The vast majority of women that have gone missing along Highway 16 have simply vanished under mysterious circumstances. Whatever is taking most of these women is not subject to Natural Laws, at least not as we understand them, and this fact is blatantly obvious to any honest, competent, and objective investigator. Fortunately, the Canadian government implemented a bus service along this highway in 2017 as a result of increasing public rancor over the troubling number of women who disappeared along this road.

The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) have either refused to investigate these crimes and/or disappearances along Highway 16 (the vast majority), or they have investigated these disappearances in a very perfunctory manner. Furthermore, the RCMP have routinely blocked or seriously interfered with any investigations conducted by outside experts. It is perfectly obvious that the RCMP is covering for whoever AND whatever is responsible for hundreds of women going missing along Highway 16. The RCMP has been enabling this nightmare to continue for more than 53 years now. The Great Question Is Why?! The perpetrators, whoever and/or whatever they may be, are totally confident that they can victimize women along Highway 16 without interference.

Image courtesy of Rob Fullmer on pinterest.com 

(The information that I have presented here comes by way of a book titled, “Missing 411 – Canada” by David Paulides.)


Introduction: Law Enforcement in The Third Reich


Let us first consider what proper Law Enforcement is supposed to be.

The police who opened fire on Adolf Hitler and his comrades during the so-called “Beer Hall Putsch” which took place in Munich on the 9th of November 1923, were regular Bavarian Police officers that were acting on direct orders from the Police President of Munich and his assistants. The policemen involved in the actual shooting had been deliberately lied to by their Jewish superiors who informed them that the NSDAP was trying to stage an armed takeover of Munich, which the NSDAP most certainly were not. During this incident, Hitler and the other NSDAP member were unarmed. None of the policemen who fired on Hitler and his cohorts that day were ever really held responsible for what happened, and interestingly, a good number of these same Munich police officers would later go on to join the NSDAP. The Beer Hall Putsch incident led to Hitler’s arrest and a famous trial where Hitler and eight other defendants set accused of treason against the German government. Following this famous and high-profile trail, Hitler and some of his cohorts did a stretch of time in Landsberg Prison near Munich. The Jewish police superiors who ordered these Munich police officers to open fire on Hitler and other NSDAP members were eventually executed for their crimes which included their acts of subversion during the “Night of The Long Knives”.

The image above is a painting depicting the 1923 Munich “Beer Hall Putch” The image seen above is provided courtesy of arsof-history.com

The image above shows Hitler and eight other defendants during the 1924 Beer Hall Putsch Trial. Image courtesy of famous-trials.com 

The image above shows Hitler and other prisoners at Lansberg Prison following the high-profile Beer Hall Putsch trail. Image courtesy of famous-trails.com

When Adolf Hitler became Chancellor, Germany had a population of 66,000,000, and the German Criminal Police numbered upwards of 100,000. When Hitler assumed the office of Chancellor, German Police were organized in into a National Police Force, which meant they were controlled by the German central government rather than by local governments, so in this case there were roughly 650 citizens for every 1 civilian police officer. In comparison to conditions under the Third Reich, the Weimar Republic had a very high crime rate; however, in absolute terms conditions were not all that bad during the Weimar years. Crime rates during Germany’s Weimar Republic were still vastly better than they are in most present-day “democracies” across the West, such as the USA. The Weimar Republic’s relatively low crime rate speaks well about the natural law-abiding nature that is inherent in German people.

Once Hitler and the NSDAP’s reforms began to take hold, it was found that such a large number of police would no longer be necessary, and this was the case because Germany’s crime rates had plummeted so far. During Hitler’s time as Germany’s Chancellor, the number of German police was reduced to 35,000, which produced a ratio of 1,300 citizens for every 1 civilian policeman. The Regular German Criminal Police were officially designated as the “Ordnungspolizei” (Ordinary Police). The Ordnungspolizei served under Heinrich Himmler who was appointed by Hitler to be the Reich’s Police President; however, these Ordnungspolizei personnel were never part of the SS. In archival photographs from the Third Reich, one often sees men in military-style uniforms who are wearing shakos hats as headgear, these men were the Ordnungspolizei.

The image above shows a German Ordnungspolizei officer wearing a shakos hat. Image courtesy of Germaniainternational.com


Formation the 4th SS “Polizei” Infantry Division of the Waffen SS


By the time that Word War II finally commenced in 1939, the German crime rate had fallen to such an extent that the government decided to cut the number of Ordnungspolizei in half, and this action left a ratio of civilian police to citizens of around 2,500 to 1. The Waffen SS was strictly a voluntary organization, so Himmler asked the ex-policemen to volunteer for the Waffen SS, which they did.  The former Ordnungspolizei men were formed into the 4th Division of the Waffen SS. The 4th Division of the Waffen SS took part in Operation Barbarossa from the early days, and they served in the Northern Sector of the Eastern Front far to the east of Leningrad. (The city of Leningrad has now returned to its original name of St. Petersburg.) During this campaign, the 4th Waffen SS Division suffered through the terrible Russian winter while engaging in many bloody clashes with the Bolsheviks. The Waffen SS 4th Division never gave ground despite facing horrible weather and a relentless enemy.


 Present Day Law Enforcement in Western Countries, Especially the United States


One sees two policing tendencies going on at once in contemporary Western nations. One is, as I have already stated, a gradual change in regular police forces from focusing on dealing with criminal activity to that of helping to suppress political dissent. The second factor is the ongoing collapse of American Society with an accompanying collapse of basic law and order. These two situations are (((not accidental.)))


 Law Enforcement in The American South Circa 1960


I will be discussing where I grew up because, obviously, I am most familiar with the place and time of my childhood and teenage years. There was an extremely low crime rate in the rural part of Alabama where I grew up. Out of a county with a population of about 100,000, only about a quarter of the people lived in the rural areas. There were only fifteen sheriff’s deputies who covered the entire rural area across the county where I lived. The western end of the county consisted of a few hundred square miles and had a population of less than three thousand, and this whole area was policed by a single very efficient sheriff’s deputy.

Before we go further, we should discuss the contrived and manufactured public perception of old-time Southern Sheriffs who presided over the South’s backward rural badlands. Contrary to what Jewish screenwriters would have you believe, the rural Southern Sheriffs of times past were actually not the evil and small-minded knuckle-draggers that we have been led to believe, nor were they a collection of comical bumbling idiots.

So, why is the old-time rural Southern Sheriff such a relentless target of scorn by Jewish academics and the rest of Hollywood? The Southern rural sheriff is most likely such a prime target of scorn by Trotskyites because such men embody all the traits and cultural legacies that Jews and Bolsheviks in general are trying so hard to erase.  Even to this day, rural sheriffs across every region of the Zio-American Empire from New England and the South to far-flung places such as Hawaii and Alaska still represent a formidable block of effective grass-roots residence against Jewish agendas, so naturally, these men will be attacked and disliked by the Jewish establishment.

The image above shows the character Sheriff JW Pepper from the old James Bond films Live and Let Die and The Man With The Golden Gun. The character of Mr. Pepper is worth mentioning here because he embodies the archetype of the Redneck Southern Sheriff. The Redneck Southern Sheriff is typically portrayed as being racist and small-minded to the the highest degree possible. The Redneck Southern Sheriff is often cast the arch villain in Jewish Hollywood films such as the 1984 Hollywood movie titled Tank which starred James Garner. The image above is provided courtesy of hero.fandom.com 


The image above shows the actor R. Lee Ermy portraying the sinister and evil sheriff Sheriff Hoyt in the 2003 remake of Texas Chainsaw massacre. Sheriff Hoyt maintains the Hollywood lineage of sinister and evil rural Southern sheriffs. Image courtesy of villains.fandom.com 

If the rural Southern Sheriff is not being typecast as malevolent, then he is often portrayed a target of laugher, a buffoon, and a bumbling idiot. The old televisions show titled The Dukes of Hazzard milked the local sheriff and his deputy Enos for comedy. The image above is provided courtesy of imgflip.com

he list provided below is quoted verbatim from the website titled totalcults.com We highly recommend reading the linked article that appears on Total Cults because this article artfully expounds on the public persona of the rural Southern Sheriff. 

Before we begin this sad tale it is necessary to reveal the unique blend of herbs and spices that make this southern-fried law enforcement officer taste so good:
  1. The Southern Sheriff will always carry excess weight and, quite possibly, a heart condition.
  2. Though not essential, the Southern Sheriff may often have developed an unpleasant habit. In most cases this will consist of chewing a great big mouthful of drool-browning tobacco.
  3. The Southern Sheriff will fear change.
  4. The Southern Sheriff will not fear bending the rules to administer justice. Where some might see this as corrupt, the Sheriff sees it as a necessary evil (and something of a perk of the job).
  5. The Southern Sheriff is always covered in a layer of sweat so voluminous that he will frequently need to mop his brow, neck and just under his shirt with a hanky.
  6. The Southern Sheriff will, if confronted with the term ‘Liberal’, react in much the same way as a vampire might if force fed a Vatican approved bowl of garlic puree.
  7. The Southern Sheriff will always end up looking like a right prick, more often than not having just driven his cruiser into a ditch.

While I was growing up, we children could, and did, roam freely around the place where we lived, and we were always perfectly safe from abductions and sexual predators because such things were unknown in that area during those times. There was only a single case of rape that I can now recall during my childhood, so women, as well as the elderly, were perfectly safe in my original home town. My old hometown was not completely idyllic, but it was about as close as you can get to an idyllic town here in Midgaard. (If you familiar with the town of Mayberry from the old Andy Griffith Show on television, then you might have some idea of what the town where I grew up was like. The town where I grew up was not as idyllic as the fictional berg of Mayberry, but it was certainly in the same ballpark.)

Image courtesy of imdb.com

What were the reasons for such a low crime rate? There were three:

(1) The vast majority of people at that time were simply very law-abiding by nature, and they were very law-abiding with or without the influence of religion or the police.

(2) Most problems and troubles in my old hometown were taken care of by one’s relatives and friends without regular law enforcement even being made aware of a problem. Where I grew up, the adult males were very protective of their women and children; you get the picture.

(3) The Ku Klux Klan was very strong and active in the area where I grew up, so those who were normally prone to serious criminal activity were kept in line by fear of what the Klan would do to them for making a wrong move. It was also not uncommon for members of the local law enforcement establishment to be members of the Klan as well.

Like the archetype of the old-time rural Southern sheriff, members of the Ku Klux Klan are also portrayed by Hollywood as being either totally evil or totally stupid. Hollywood also likes to portray Klansmen as embodying a mixture of of stupidity, buffoonery, and complete incompetence. It seems that the Ku Klux Klan is attacked by Jews and other Trotskyites for all the same reasons as traditional Southern sheriffs.

Image courtesy of southwark.fandom.com

There was a small Black population in the area where I am originally from, but they minded their own business and did not cause problems. So long as the local Blacks did not cause trouble, and so long as they kept to themselves, then they were in turn left in peace by the county’s overwhelming White majority. Contrary to what Jewish movie producer, television producers, and academics might want you believe, there were actually no racial conflict in the place where I grew up.

In the days of my youth, the nearby city of Birmingham had a relatively low crime rate for a city of 600,000, even despite about a third of the residents being Black. Birmingham’s surprisingly low crime rate existed because Birmingham’s all-White police department was led by an elected Commissioner of Public Safety named Eugene “Bull” Conner. Under Connor’s tutelage which ran in two tenures (1936–1954, 1957–1963) everybody felt perfectly safe walking down any street in Birmingham, whether it was day or night.

The image above shows Eugene “Bull” Connor in 1960. Image courtesy of wikipedia.org

The peaceful way of life that Birmingham’s citizenry enjoyed under Connor’s leadership began to change with the coming of the Trotskyist Jews who spawned what is today wrongfully called “The Civil Rights Movement.” What is now called “The Civil Rights Movement” in public school textbooks was really a product of the Jewish-controlled mainstream media along with a stream of secretive finances that came from Jewish oligarchs. During the “Civil Rights Movement,” American Blacks were urged to run amok under the protection of a Z.O.G establishment that is still headquartered in Washington D.C to this day. At that same time, America was run by a Zionist president named L.B.J. This Jewish Bolshevik initiative that is dubiously named  “The Civil Rights Movement” intentionally destroyed what was a very effective system of law enforcement that the South had built. Destroying the Southern policing system commenced the disintegration of American society that we now see on full display.

The image above shows a liquor store being torched on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A police precinct in Minnesota went up in flames late on May 28 after a third day of rioting during the BLM riots in the summer of 2020. The abandoned police precinct burned after rioters set fire to the place. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of Karen Yusel via gettyimages.com 

Several years ago, the Zio-American Federal Government came to the town where I grew up and declared “Imminent Domain” over land that belonged to a number of local people. During that time, the Zio-American federal government evicted local people and took their land without paying for it. After unlawfully confiscating locally owned land, the Zio-American federal government proceeded to construct Section 8 apartment buildings on their recently stolen land.

As soon as these new Section 8 apartment buildings were built, then the Zio-American federal government immediately started importing inner-city Blacks and setting them up in these spiffy new apartment complexes. These fine new Section 8 residents included a number of criminal gang members. Pretty soon, these exemplary new residents controlled the local Section 8 housing developments, so the local police stopped patrolling these areas. The local police stopped patrolling the town’s new Section 8 zones because every time they went near these spots, they took sniper fire; however, no local residents would ever identify who was doing the shooting. The small rural town I grew up is now mostly marked by poverty, crime, drugs, and Black gangs, and this superb state of affairs came courtesy of the US Federal Government (ZOG) in Washington, D.C.


Enter The Haitians


This discussion refers to what happened during recent years in the Birmingham, Alabama metropolitan area. Other parts of the Zio-American Empire have experienced similar events that involve various other groups who are also supported by (((Washington))) and company. This sordid tale begun when representatives of Washington went to Haiti and recruited Haitians to relocate into the Birmingham Area. These Haitians were provided with first-class airline tickets free of charge and allowed to bypass immigration authorities on their way into the Zio-American Empire’s territory. The Zio-American federal government provided these arriving Haitians with free and furnished Section 8 housing in the virtually all-Black Birmingham suburb of Fairfield. These Haitians were each given a substantial monthly stipend as well.

The image above shows one of the fine neighborhoods in Haiti’s exemplary capital city of Port au Prince. Image courtesy of BBC.com 

The image above shows the neighborhood of Cite Soleil in Port-au-Prince Haiti. Three cheers for Haiti! Image courtesy of colapepsikinnie on the r/UrbanHell forum from reddit.com

These so-called “refugees” from the very diverse and progressive nation of Haiti quickly unleashed a veritable reign-of-terror upon the Blacks who were already living in Fairfield. These imported Haitians finally won a large and protracted gang war against the existing Black drug gangs of Fairfield. Many members of Birmingham’s local Black drug gangs were found hacked to pieces by machete-wielding Haitians; after this state of affairs came to pass, the Haitians then controlled the very lucrative drug trade in the Fairfield area. There were never any serious attempts made by law enforcement to get a handle on the Haitian gang situation because Jews controlled Birmingham’s local news media and other key institutions.

Jewish control of media and other key societal institution is still  major roadblock against enacting any effective policing of Blacks, and this has been the case since the 1960s. When White police officers are attacked by the Jewish establishment for simply performing their professional duty, then these constabularies typically lose their jobs because their affiliated police departments are put under enormous pressure to fire them. This Jewish pressure to incarcerate of fire non-Black police officers who are simply performing their needed professional duties when dealing with violent Black criminals includes public pressure from the Jewish media complex, financial pressure from Jewish organizations and corporations, plus heavy legal pressure from Jewish lawyers.

Let us not forget about or our old buddy and old pal Mr. Derek Chauvin. As we noted in an earlier post, Mr. Chauvin is now pretty much the poster-boy representing American police offices who get vilified and railroaded by the Jewish for establishment simply performing their professional duties when dealing with Black criminals. The photograph seen above shows Chauvin in April of 2021. Image courtesy of wikipedia.org

It is worth noting at some point that White police officers are penalized the worst when they use needed force against Black criminals, but non-White police officers can also fall prey to this same Jewish conniving. Many of America’s metropolitan areas are now seeing a rise in the number of police officers who are not Black but not White either, so the progression of this trend means that more non-White police officers will be forced to use deadly force against very dangerous Black criminals. A recent incident involved an East Asian police officer killing a dangerous Black criminal in the line of duty, but more and more Hispanic police officers will eventually be forced to use deadly measures against Black criminals. Not surprisingly, East Asian and Hispanic police officers who dare to use deadly force against very violent Black criminals will eventually be persecuted for harming the favored pets of International Jewry.

The table below is provided courtesy of Wikipedia.org’s entry for the Los Angles Police Department. Note that about half of the personnel in this large department are now Hispanic.

Image of Hispanic Los Angeles police officer Juan Paz furnished courtesy of dailynews.com

As of 2019, the LAPD had 10,008 sworn officers. Of these, 81% (8,158) were male and 19% (1,850) female. The racial/ethnic breakdown:[45]

The racial, ethnic and cultural composition of Los Angeles, as of 2020, according to DEC redistricting data, was as follows:[2]

Approximately 59.4% of Los Angeles’ residents were born in the United States; 0.9% were born in Puerto Rico, Guam or other U.S. territories, or born abroad to American parents. Around 39.7% of the population was foreign-born, with the majority (64.5%) being born in Latin America. A large minority (26.3%) were born in Asia. Smaller numbers were born in Europe (6.5%), Africa (1.5%), Northern America (0.9%), and Oceania (0.3%).[3]

Besides taking a financial hit by losing their jobs, White police officers who use high-intensity force against Black criminals also suffer public defamation to their reputations along with threats of violence that affect their families as well. Given the bad outcomes that often befall White police officers who have used needed force against very dangerous Black criminals, it comes as no surprise that the metropolitan Birmingham police chose to ignore the wars between Haitians and local Black gangs of Fairfield.

The wars between Fairfield’s local Black drug gangs and the transplanted Haitian barbarians was also kept under media blackout by the Jewish establishment because Jews have maintained a vested interest in hiding Black disfunction as much as possible while simultaneously trying to manufacture the best possible public persona for all Blacks, wherever they might reside. This process where Jews deliberately work to hide Black disfunction while looking for ways to elevate Black social standing within American society has been in effect since the early 20th century.

The end goal of this inveterate Jewish campaign of Black upselling and promotion is to catalyze as much race mixing between Blacks and Whites as possible. This same Jewish campaign of engineered race mixing between Blacks and Whites serves as a means to eliminate Whites by way of breeding them out of existence. If the Jewish media complex really told the truth about Black savagery and general Black disfunction, then this would be bad for Jewish race-mixing agendas. Besides wanting to use Blacks as a tool for breeding Whites out of existence, the Jews have a concomitant agenda to eventually use Blacks as foot soldiers in campaigns of barbaric violence that are designed to eliminate Whites by violence and physical force as happened in Haiti in the 1800s, this is one more crucial reason why the Jews are so intent on importing limitless numbers of Haitians and Blacks from sub-Saharan Africa into every White nation.

The image above shows recently arrived Haitians in the town of Springfield, Ohio. In September of 2024, news stories began to surface about relocated Haitians in the small city of Springfield, Ohio going about the town and eating the cats of local residents. Every mainstream news outlet of course denied that Haitians in Springfield, Ohio had ever eaten any of the local peoples’ pets, but proof does exist of Haitians killing and eating ducks and geese that live in the city’s public parks. Other reports mentioned as many as 20,000 Haitians arriving in this town of 60,000 over a three year time span. Needless to say, these Haitians were given free housing and free food cards. 

The Drug Trade and United States Law Enforcement


Over the years, I have been told by many serving and former members of law enforcement organizations that the so-called “War on Drugs” has never been anything but a fraud. The Zio-American Federal Government has absolutely no intention of ever letting the country’s “Drug Crises” be addressed in a meaningful manner.  Federal organizations such as the FBI and the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) do not exist to actually fight the drug trade like they claim; but instead, they work to protect America’s supply of illicit drugs. That the CIA oversees America’s drug trade and uses this clandestine racket to fund many of their so-called “Black-Ops” in a manner that is totally free from any official oversight. I have another story from the city of Birmingham that illustrates how corrupt police officers will sometimes work with drug dealers without having any fear of prosecution, despite how well-known their crimes might be.

There is a large area in the western part of Birmingham that is called Ensley. This area used to be a prosperous and overwhelmingly White city, and while this area was still White, it was home to a large steel mill. Most of the workforce in that steel mill were from Ensley and the surrounding area. During this place’s prosperous years, the local steel mill which was commonly called “Ensley Works” was the area’s principal employer.

The image above shows the Engle Steel mill in 1906. Image courtesy of shorpy.com 

The local Ensley steel mill eventually closed, so the White population started moving away as the area became steadily more impoverished. As Ensley grew more impoverished, not surprisingly, more Blacks started to move in. As you would guess, Ensley eventually became impoverished, dilapidated, and very crime ridden as more Blacks began to live there. Once Ensley became overwhelmingly Black, then Black drug gangs began to infest what is now a typical American Black slum. Once Ensley became a true Black slum, then is became a very dangerous place for anyone to live, especially White people. Eventually, Ensley became thoroughly Black, so it soon lacked anything that would resemble a viable economy, and this lack of any real economy was mainly due to the excessive crime in that area. Ensley’s excessive crime problems along with its lack of an economy promoted Ensley’s city government to vote for being annexed into the city of Birmingham.

The image above shows the downtown area of Ensley in 2015. 

As of now, whatever might pass for “law enforcement” is handled by the Ensley Precinct of the Birmingham Police Department. In the present day, drugs and associated crime are completely out of control in that area; therefore, elderly Black people who have the misfortune of living in Ensley constantly fear for their physical safety and integrity of their property. The elderly Black residents of Ensley were rightly fearful for their lives and their property, so they started reporting local Black drug dealers to the Ensley police precinct. Right after these old Ensley residents would report misconduct by these nasty local drug dealers to the area’s police precinct, then Ensley’s drug gangs would show up at these old peoples’ homes and threaten them with violence. For some funny and odd reason, the local Ensley drug gangs always knew exactly who had reported them to the police.

The Ensley Police department’s collusion with local drug gangs eventually became common knowledge across the Birmingham metro area and this information was even openly discussed in the local news media. Birmingham’s local news media frequently discussed how Ensley’s policemen were colluding with the local drug dealers and getting paid handsomely for it. At that time, it also became common public knowledge around Birmingham that it was not smart to report any crimes at all to the local Ensley police. For some odd reason, a news blackout was put into place concerning the Ensley police precinct’s collusion with local criminal gangs; needless to say, there were never any criminal investigations into these sordid matters.


Law Enforcement in the Confederate States of America


 Law Enforcement in The United States as it Was Originally Intended

Law enforcement was originally intended to be the sole responsibility of county sheriffs. In times past, local sheriff’s departments were the only full-time law enforcement personnel in many places. In earlier times, across all the Southern states, including Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland, the only organization that we would recognize as a regular police force was in the city of New Orleans. Everywhere else, even in the largest cities of the South, law enforcement was still in the hands of local county sheriffs.

Back in the day, if a particular county sheriff required temporary assistance for whatever the reason, then he could get authorization from the state governor to call out members of the state’s militia as needed. These members of the state militia who would arrive to help a local sheriff were called “The Sheriff’s Posse.” Members of a Sheriff’s Possy would serve with pay under a local county sheriff only so long as the current problem existed. Under the original militia system, every adult male citizen of military age was theoretically a member of his home state’s militia.

This militia network was originally intended to serve for the entirety of the United States; however, The Confederacy simply kept the old militia system in place until the end of the American Civil War. Of course, during the Second American Revolution, deviations from this traditional militia system proved necessary; that having been said, the original militia system was still the operational theory across the Antebellum South, and this same theory was what the Southerners intended to restore after gaining independence from the Zoo-American Empire.


   The New Orleans Police Department


The city of New Orleans proved to be an interesting exception for the otherwise universal rule of keeping sheriff’s departments instead of maintaining standing city police forces across the Antebellum South. By the time of the Second American Revolutionary War, New Orleans was a city of around 250,000 inhabitants with a population that already had a reputation for exhibiting a great measure of rowdiness, thus the need was felt to establish a regular police department.

During the Antebellum years, the New Orleans Police Department was an integral part of the Louisiana Guard (State Militia). The New Orleans Police Department was also part of the Louisiana Guard Response Battalion. When the Second War of Independence started, the entire New Orleans police department volunteered for service in the Confederate Army, except for 35 detectives who were too old for military service. These 35 detectives were able to maintain law and order in a city with a population of a quarter-million traditionally rowdy inhabitants, such was the city’s loyalty to the Confederacy.

Image of Canal Street in New Orleans during 1863. Image courtesy of womenhistoryblog.com 


  Why the Current State of Law Enforcement in the United States?


One the course of this writing, we have previously alluded to frequent involvement between law enforcement personnel and organized crime syndicates. We have also mentioned that law enforcement organizations exhibit a troubling history of being used to suppress righteous political dissent. Examples of one of these factors being in effect are legion, as are examples where both of these previously mentioned themes are in effect at the same time; therefore, noticing bad behavior amongst legions of law enforcement personnel is fairly easy for anybody who takes an honest look at these issues.

Another change that has become blatantly obvious is the militarization of American law enforcement organizations as it pertains to the uniforms they wear, the equipment they use, the weapons that carry, plus the organizational structures that are in effect. The types of operations that law enforcement personnel now perform along with the general attitudes of law enforcement personnel now seem to be more like those of military personnel than those of traditional police officers or sheriff’s deputies. Given the way law enforcement organizations now behave, it should come as no surprise that so many of these people are ex-military personnel who learned their trade by dealing with the rebellious captive populations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Cheer up folks, “We are all ragheads now!” I have lived under martial law, so I can speak from experience.

Image courtesy of ammo.com

There is another essential component to all this militarization of the police that almost invariably gets overlooked. Most law enforcement training in the United States is now being conducted, or at least supervised, by ISRAELI POLICE! The Israelis inculcate in their foreign trainees the same attitudes towards American “civilians” as they themselves have towards Palestinians. You see, it all starts to make perfect sense now, the increasing thuggery of American law enforcement personnel is happening because the Z.O.G-o-zoids know that trouble lies ahead for them; therefore, they are endeavoring to head it off. Remember, “We are all Palestinians now, or if the Z.O.G-o-zoids get their way, then we will all be Palestinians soon!” Z.O.G is making a deliberate attempt to intimidate the general population of America and other nations; this is the whole issue in a nutshell.

Image courtesy of codepink.com 

The FBI has always worked hand-in-glove with the CIA and the Mossad, so these organizations are essentially different faces of the same organization. The FBI’s specialty is false-flag incidents, and they now have many successful false-flag incidents under their belts. Concerning the FBI and CIA’s most noteworthy false flag attacks, the storming of the U.S Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 is certainly one of these incidents. It is now a proven fact that the incidents which took place on January 6, 2021 were all orchestrated by several known undercover FBI Agents. The “Proud Boys” may have started out as a legitimate organization, but they quickly ended up becoming a front for FBI activities. Likewise, the “Blood Tribe” is, at least as far as leadership is concerned, directed by undercover feds.

Image of the Blood Tribe is furnished courtesy of news.sky.com

The BATF (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms), as far as I have seen, have only one purpose, and this is the total disarming of America’s White population. I have known BATF agents to seize antique black powder muskets from collectors because they are so paranoid.


 A Note on the British Police


The British Police are the ones with the black and white checkerboard bands on their caps.

Image of contemporary British police officers furnished courtesy of independent.co.uk

To be a member of a British police force, one must first be a Freemason; therefore, all the police departments in Britain are simply  Freemasonic organization! Whistleblowers who were former members of British police forces that sought to expose the corruption and criminality within their organizations have been quickly liquidated. Whenever former British police officers have blown the whistle on the corruption that lurks in their former workplaces, then there have never been any investigations into these murders. Former British police whistleblowers have also made many accusations of occult practices taking place within their old police departments. Lastly, British police officers are known to carry sticks and whistles instead of packing guns like they traditionally have in America, but this situation is changing rather quickly.

Like their American counterparts, British police are becoming more militarized by the day.

The image above shows an “Armed” police unit performing a training exercise in Scotland. Image courtesy of independent.co.uk

Although British police still carry guns much less than their American counterparts, more and more British police departments now include what are called ” Armed Units” or “Firearms Units.” These “Armed Units” are basically military squads which are maintained to deal with emergencies where the criminals are armed with guns, These same units are also poised to deal with terrorist attacks of both foreign and domestic origins . When the current government of the United Kingdom speaks of dealing with terrorism, the word “Domestic” is crucial in this case because the real intention behind creating these British “Anti-Terrorism” police units is to suppress dissent amongst the White Native British population.

A lot of Britain’s current craziness and disfunction can be understood if one realizes that some researchers now estimate that around 30% of British Parliament is now made up of Jews, even though the United Kingdom has a Jewish population of around 350,000 out of a total population of around 65,000,000. Keir Starmer, who is Britain’s current prime minister, just happens to be married to a Jewess. Basically, Britain is controlled by a small and elite cabal of Jews who wish to completely exterminate the native British people for many reasons; however, seeking revenge for what the Jews perceive to be past wrongs against their tribe is a major motivation for this ongoing campaign of genocide against the native British people. Let us all hope that the Native British people will begin to recognize the nature of their present predicament some time soon, otherwise wave goodby to jolly old England.





Circa 2010, I did a statistical study of felony convictions in Jefferson County, Alabama where Birmingham is located. 85% of these convictions were to Blacks, 10% to “Whites”, and 5% to Latinos. Accurate data about crime figures for the Birmingham metropolitan area have been suppressed because of lawsuits that were initiated by various Black groups who hired Jewish lawyers.

This situation with high levels of Black crime is allegedly the result of continuing racism on the part of Whites, well at least as such matters are described by the Jewish media complex, even when both the criminals and their victims are Black. Judges, police departments, and the bulk of American juries also seem to think that White racism is the root cause of Black criminality.

Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com

So, why do so many White jurors think that White racism is the root cause of Black criminality? It seems that most of today’s adult White Americans hold false ideas about the root causes of Black criminality because they have been indoctrinated by Jews to believe these false ideas. If Jews basically control the curriculums that are pushed across America’s public school systems, and if Jews also control the lessons that are taught in humanities classes at American community colleges and universities in a broad general sense, then they can steer people to believe all sorts of nonsense. If Jews additionally control most of America’s music industry, movie production, television programming, and whatever passes for news media, then control of these elements provides an good means to indoctrinate White Americans beyond what is possible by simply controlling the discourse at educational institutions.

The woman pictured above is Carolyn Kielma. This woman was voted Teacher or the Year for the state of Connecticut in 2023. Kielma is making a cameo appearance here because at least by appearances she is a shining example of why mindful National Socialist parents should keep their children out of America’s public school system. Kielma teacher biology and other science subjects at the high school level, but her appearance says a lot about her politics. Even if Kielma teaches science subjects, it seems unlikely that her students are not getting some type of left-wing, Marxist, or Trotskyite social engineering sent their way during school days. Public schools are now notorious for being fulcrums for leftists and Jews to push their social engineering agendas. Image courtesy of nnstoy.org

The current president of the largest public school teachers union is Rhonda “Randi” Weingarten. Weingarten is Jewish and devoutly Jewish at that. Weingarten is noted here because people like her help to make sure that American public schools are working to further Jewish agendas. Image of Weingarten furnished courtesy of wikipedia.org

The current Birmingham Police Department is over 90% Black, including all its senior positions. Ironically, Black police officers who work for the Birmingham police department are very often accused of being WHITE RACISTS, by other Blacks, or they are accused of being enforcers for Southern White racists. Rampant crime in the Birmingham area, including all of Birmingham’s frequent murders, are mostly Black-on-Black killings, and this dreadful count of carnage is all laid at the doorstep of putatively racist Southern White folks. This crap where White Southerners are blamed for Blacks killing each other is being pushed by Jews, and a large number of Blacks are stupid enough to buy into this Jewish syphilis.


 Genesis of The Birmingham Police Department

Up until the very early 1900″s, Birmingham did not have a police department, even though the city had probably upwards of 200,000 residents. Before 1900, there was still only the Jefferson County Sheriff’s office that policed the city of Birmingham.

The Birmingham police department began after a man got roaring drunk, went berserk, then gruesomely murdered his wife and five little children. The county sheriff quickly arrested this crazed man, and promptly put him in the county jail downtown to await trial. Soon, Birmingham’s city jail was surrounded by an angry mob of 10,000 strong who demanded that this terrible criminal be turned over to the crowd for a mass lynching. On that same day, Birmingham’s sheriff faced down the angry mob and declared, “Birmingham is going to be governed by law and not by a mob!” The sheriff did not waver in his duties, even after he was grazed in the leg by a bullet which somebody in that mob had fired at him, so after seeing this display of resolve and courage, the angry crowd finally began to disperse. As the crowd began to disperse following the sheriff’s amazing show of grit and courage, the sheriff held up his two six-guns and yelled, “You can go over me, but I have twelve shots, which of you is in a hurry to die.?’

The trial for the family-killer was held the next day. On the day following the family-killer’s arrest, first, that man was convicted in a trial by jury, then he was taken out and publicly hung before the sun set. This incident concluded with swift but lawful justice rather than mob rule. To avoid any possible repetitions for this sort of occurrence, the city government of Birmingham finally organized a police department for the city.


 A Memorable Mass Murder


The worst mass murder in Alabama history occurred circa 1984 in a semi-rural area around the western part of Etowah County. The incident I am describing here involved two recently paroled convicts who murdered eight people during a convenience store robbery. When this incident occurred, those two convicts came into that convenience store and just started shooting. Both of these perpetrators in question had been doing time for second degree murder, and they were both released on the same morning of that terrible incident. After getting out of jail, these two unreformed parolees promptly stole a car and stole some guns as well, then that very same afternoon they committed a terrible robbery and mass murder.

Dig deep enough into any serious problem and there you will find at least one Jew in a prominent position.” – Adolf Hitler.

The two mass murderers in question here had just been recommended for parole by a pair of Jewish prison psychiatrists who claimed that these two men had been completely rehabilitated; therefore, neither of them should have to be incarcerated. In this case, neither those Jewish psychiatrists nor the parole board were ever called to account for what they had done. During the trial for this mass murder and robbery, the prosecution initially asked for the death penalty, but then more Jewish psychiatrists got involved in that terrible case. That gaggle of Jewish psychiatrists claimed that these two men who had just recently committed an infamous mass murder were insane; thus, they were not fully responsible for their actions. The best that the prosecution was able to obtain for this case was to have those two murderers committed for life to a home for the criminally insane: our tax dollars at work.

There is an old Russian Saying, “The fish rots from the head down.”

The Government of the United States of America is the largest criminal cabal on the planet, and they are absolutely lawless. The Zio-American federal government is totally lawless both domestically and in their relations with other nations. The U.S.A./Z.O.G. (Zionist Occupation Government) is completely under the thumb of Occupied Palestine’s (aka Israel) governing apparatus with Benjamin Netanyahu being the de facto president of the United States of America, regardless of who may occupy the White House at any given time. So, it should come as no surprise at all that the whole of American society is going to hell, and law enforcement is going to hell along with the rest of American society. What else would you expect from the United States of Israel if Israel is the world capital of Jewish organized crime?

Heil Hitler deva!

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Randall Lee Hilburn

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