What were the Goals and Scope of Adolf Hitler’s Eugenics Program?

ANCIENT ARYAN CITY FOUND IN THE CANADAIN HIGH ARCTIC Prelude…… A book called “Hitler’s Table Talk” was edited by Martin Bormann, and in this book, Bormann and others recorded Hitler’s informal after-dinner conversations with various individuals. During Hitler’s Chancellery, it was common practice for Hitler and his closest confidants to get together for a general…

Breitrspurbahn Part 2 cover image

The Breitspurbahn: Part 4-7, the Economics of Running Big Trains

The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams   Click here to read parts 1-3…   Part 4.  Fuel Options As discussed in the first article that included sections 1—3 about the Breitspurbahn, if a new Breitspurbahn network were to be built, then opting to make the locomotives that pull these trains powered by steam would make…

Heilung Article

Nordic Magik: Heilung Pays Colorado a Visit in October

Cover Image courtesy of An opinion article by James Rousse:   Heilung Plays the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison Colorado The band named Heilung recently performed a show, or a shamanistic ritual to be more accurate, at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado. The word “Heilung” means healing in German, so this word…

Breitspurbahn Article

The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams: Part 1 – 3

Cover image courtesy of   The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams   Part 1. History   What is the Breitspurbahn? The Breitspurbahn was an idea postulated by Fritz Todt and Adolf Hitler that involved building a massive rail network across Europe, and ultimately across the Eurasian landmass, that would run on train tracks…

Grey Alian Hybrid

Adolf Hitler, Eugenics, and the Higher Realms

The following article was written by Brian Ruhe. Enjoy!   Do Adolf Hitler’s Ideas About Eugenics Harmonize with the Grey Alien Agenda? There is a lot of misinformation circulating concerning what Adolf Hitler envisioned for the future of eugenics, and the Thule Society now intends to set the record straight. There is misinformation surrounding pretty…