Is American Law Enforcement Public Enemy Number One?
Introduction – Criminal Police
Human nature – currently being what it is – is coupled with the proliferation of /or mass immigration by large numbers counts of degenerate individuals from various not-so-good places. So, with human nature being what is in our present Axe Age, plus a huge inflow of migrants from questionable locales, makes the existence of a criminal police absolutely necessity for maintaining civilization at all. What I mean here by the term “Criminal Police” is a police force whose principal function is to suppress normal criminal behavior, but not to suppress righteous political dissent.
Image courtesy of
It is essential to have various legal safeguards in place to ensure that police personnel do not start abusing the general “law-abiding” population. The police also must be monitored to ensure that the “punishment always fits the crime,” so to speak. Punishments must be severe when it is called for by the crime and less severe in cases of minor infractions. People must understand that the police are not to be messed with, but for their part, the police must also avoid getting a reputation for being arrogant bullies. Respect for the police must be earned and any deference to police by citizens must not be derived solely by fear. Forced deference to police officers that is based solely on fear engenders hatred amongst the general populace over time.
The police must be adequately armed so that in all cases they can deal with criminal elements, including criminal gangs; however, the police must never be armed beyond what is strictly necessary to maintain public order, otherwise they are nothing more than military organizations which squelch freedom for the general population. Police personnel who abuse the public’s trust must be punished with double severity because bad police conduct undermines peoples’ trust in the whole institution of government.
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Police must demand respect, but they must never demand respect by leveraging brute force alone. Police must earn the public’s respect by showing impartiality, professionalism, and good character. The police must always walk the fine line between showing a certain level of aloofness to the general population, which only engenders mistrust, and excessive familiarity which only encourages some people to take advantage of a policeman’s misplaced trust.
This next time represents is a big change. The police must be depoliticized, that is, they must operate beyond the reach of political parties. The job of any proper law enforcement organization is to maintain legitimate law & order and not to serve some particular politician or some particular political party,
Finally, a law enforcement organization cannot be made into a tool of social engineering and still do its job. No law enforcement organization must ever be subject to hiring regulations that are intended to give preferential treatment to various so-called “downtrodden minorities” (Negros especially!). No law enforcement organization must ever by beholden to hiring people of a particular sex, creed, or freakish sexual orientation. Furthermore, Negros most certainly must stop receiving free passes that exempt them from needing to obey the law because “Their ancestors were slaves.” In more functional societies, Negroes will be treated just like everybody else whether they like it or not.
The image above shows a mural of George Floyd. 2020’s George Floyd case involved a black criminal in Minneapolis, Minnesota who most likely died from medical complications associated with a drug overdose, but Floyd was detained by a group of four police officers before being loaded onto an ambulance where he later most likely died of heart failure. The Zio-American Empire’s Jewish media complex leveraged the George Floyd incident to stir up public sentiment against European people across the Zio-American Empire and points further afield. The death of George Floyd and the massive media incident that Floyd’s death ignited set a precedent from that point forward which established that Blacks in America are to be awarded a special and protected status when dealing with law enforcement personnel.
The image seen above shows the four police officers who were accused of being complicit in George Floyd’s death. The four men who are seen above were on-duty as Minneapolis Police Officers and they were all present during the incident of George Floyd’s death. The officers indicted during the George Floyd incident of 2020 were Derek Chouvin at far left, J. Alexander Kueng at center left, Thomas Lane at center right, and Tou Thou at far right. The image above is furnished courtesy of
Part One – National Socialist Law Enforcement
Crime was out of control during the years of the Weimar Republic in part because Jewish Bankers had impoverished the country which in turn make it imperative that many people needed to steal to survive. However, beyond the ugly necessity for German people to leverage crime as a survival measure, there was also a general demoralization of society during the Weimar years which was the byproduct of corrosive Jewish influence. The political and economic circumstances of Weimar Germany are a lot like what we are currently seeing in Germany and other “European Societies,” including the Zio-American Empire. The Weimar Republic was also marred by a widespread feeling of hopelessness as things steadily deteriorated further and further.
In the year before The Great One was appointed Germany’s Chancellor by President Hindenburg, nearly three thousand Germans committed suicide. The vast majority of those who committed suicide in the year preceding the Chancellors appointment where men who were formerly breadwinners for their wives and children. These dispossessed male breadwinners were workers and small farmers who were no longer able to provide for their families. During that same year that the Chancellor took office, German deaths from starvation roughly equaled the number of suicides. It was children who disproportionately starved to death during Germany’s Weimar years.
The image seen above shows Berlin in 1932 during the Weimar Republic. Image courtesy of
Society was coming apart at the seams during Germany’s Weimar Era, and this was happening while many Jews were getting richer and richer while also sinking further and further into absolute depravity. As the Jews grew progressively wealthier and more depraved, they also dragged the German Folk down with them. When the Jews dragged the German Volk down with them during the Weimar Republic, one unmistakable symptom of this sickness was an ongoing collapse of law & order.
Speaking in round numbers, during 1933, Germany had a population of upwards of 66,000,000 people, but Germany had a National Police Force rather than local ones. For Germamy, having a national police force meant that all police personnel were under a central administration instead of being divided up under a number of more-or-less independent local police departments like what the Zio-American Empire has now. During the Chancellor’s tenure, there were upwards of 150,000 Ordnungspolizei (Ordinary or Criminal Police) to police for the whole country. This gave a rough ratio of One Policeman to every Four Hundred and Forty inhabitants. Adolf Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler to be the National Police President and placed the Ordnungspolizei under Hummler’s command, while although the Ordnungspolizei were still under Himmler’s command, these men were not part of the SS. Himmler, like some of the other individuals in high positions throughout the Third Reich, filled multiple offices within the administration.
The image seen above shows Austrian police in the city of Vienna on March 11, 1938 soon after Germany annexed Austria as part of what is now called the “Anschluss.” After Austria merged with Germany, the police in Austria simply kept their same uniforms, but they did begin to wear red swastika armbands. Image courtesy of
After his first couple of years in office, The Chancellor turned things around for Germany, so the German crime rate plummeted as one would expect. As the Germans regained their normal good character and love of order after The Chancellor assumed leadership, they quickly regained their belief in a bright future. After the Third Reich was established, the German birth rate went up, whereas under the Weimar Republic the German birth rate had been perpetually plummeting.
Germany’s precipitous drop in crime and its notable restoration of healthy birth rates was made possible by ending corrosive Jewish influence across the country which had almost destroyed Germany during the Weimar years. Soon after Hitler assumed the German office of Chancellor, the German government soon realized that employing 150,000 police personnel was no longer necessary, so their number of German police officers was reduced to roughly 60,000 active personnel across the entire nation. Maintiainging 60,000 police officers for the entire nation of Germany gave a ratio of one policeman for every 1,100 inhabitants, which is a truly extraordinary figure under any circumstances.
Despite achieving a record low number of police officers to citizens, the Germany’s crime rate still continued to plummet, so that by the year 1940, a further reduction in the size of Germany’s national police force became possible. In 1940, the number of national police officers across all of Germany was reduced to around 30,000 which provided a ratio of one policeman for about every 2,200 inhabitants, and this is an unheard of figure even to our present day.
These excess German policemen were voluntarily transferred to the Waffen SS and formed into the 4th “Polizei” SS Infantry Division which would go on to see much bloody combat in the northern portion of the Eastern Front around the Soviet city of Leningrad. During the Siege of Leningrad, Finnish allies and the “Polizei” held part of the outer perimeter around that surrounded Soviet city where they were tasked to defeat any Soviet relief attempts.
The image above is the division logo for the 4th Polizei SS Division. Image courtesy of
The image above shows the SS 4th Polezei division in action on the Eastern Front. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of Bigjarofwasps on the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division forum from march 22, 2017 on the website titled
I remember reading an interview with a German woman who lived in Germany during World War II, and when she was asked about the crime rate in the Third Reich, especially during the worst part of the war, her response was, “It Was Virtually Non-Existent.” Today, we supposedly live in a “free and democratic society;” however, crime is now rampant across the entire European world, including all of Europe’s diaspora nations like the Zio-American Empire and Canada. The Third Reich’s lack of crime when compared to today’s Western nations speaks well of Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, and the German Folk in general.
Image courtesy of ‘5taka on
Urban Black teenagers are the single biggest crime demographic in every Western nation; this is who makes the streets of our towns and cities unsafe across the Western World whether the weapons of choice for these melaninated mischief-makers are knives, like they are in the United Kingdom, or firearms, like they are in the North America. Image courtesy of
Part Two – The Militarization & Israelization of American Law Enforcement
(A) Donald Trump’s Upcoming Reign of Terror.
Trump has been publicly vowing that the very second after he is inaugurated as the Zio-American President, then he is going to begin getting rid of all “Anti-Jews” in the United States, which includes everyone who opposes israeli activities in the Middle East, or criticizes the State of Israel, and/or lends any type of support for the Palestinians. In this case, we are not just referring to “Anti-Jews” in the classic sense. No, Donald Trump has long maintained that he is the best friend that Israel has ever had, so he is also declaring that he is going to use whatever means are deemed necessary to eliminate “Anti-Jewish” sentiments on all American college campuses. Trump has also vowed to enforce “American Patriotism.” Trump has been doing all that he can to encourage Israel’s diabolical Prime Minister named Bibi Netanyahu to use nuclear weapons on Iran. Israel now possesses around 400 nuclear weapons, and trump is promising to “Blow Iran to Bits” once he becomes the Zio-American Imperial President.
(B) Militarization of the Police.
This process of militarizing common civilian police forces has been implemented in three areas:
1st – Material.
For some years now, many law enforcement organizations have been building up reserves of military equipment. These reserves of military equipment include armored personnel carriers, other light armored vehicles, plus huge quantities of stockpiled ammunition.
The image above is from January of 2018 and it shows a military armored personnel carrier that is “on loan” from the Zio-American military to the city of Vacaville, California’s police department. As noted in the article where this image first appeared, the armored personnel carrier seen above is used for such purposes as serving arrest warrants at residences and fulfilling searches of private property after formal search warrants have been issued. Yes folks, 20 police SWAT team members will arrive for search warrant cases and simple arrest warrant cares, so we can say that all too many American police departments have been militarized. The vehicle seen above was provided to the city of Vacaville by a the Federal 1033 Excess Property Program and The California Public Safety Procurement Program (CPSPP). Image courtesy of
2nd – Personnel.
Law enforcement personnel are now almost entirely made up of very recent veterans of the US Military, including those who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course, most police have always had military experience, but this current scenario is different because police personnel are now being deliberately recruited from the military. This new crop of militarized police officers conducts themselves as if they are still in Afghanistan and Iraq, and regular American citizens are now viewed as potential resistance fighters by these people. I have lived under Martial Law due to natural disasters happening on a couple of occasions so far; therefore, I know what I am talking about.
Image of American soldiers who are serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan is furnished courtesy of
3rd – Operations.
Large-scale police operations increasingly take on the appearances of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and this phenomenon is easy to understand after considering where current police personnel are coming from. To a certain extent, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya were all learning exercises for what is now being foisted on the general population of the United States.
4th – Israelization of the Police.
This issue is really a simple matter because nearly all of America’s Police personnel are currently, or have been for some time, trained by ISRAELI POLICE PERSONNEL who are being brought in for this specific purpose. Israeli Police have honed their skills brutalizing Palestinian men, women, children, teenagers, old people, livestock, and household pets. The Israelis have committed this mass-scale and limitless cruelty against the Palestinians for decades now, so the increasing brutalization of America’s police forces can easily be explained by observing who has been training them. American Police are being trained by Israeli Police to view American Citizens in the same manner that the Israeli Police view Palestinians.
The image above shows Israeli police arresting tow Palestinian men who had participated in political protests on May 18, 2021. Both of the men who is being arrested in this photograph are Palestinians who hold Israeli citizenship, and the Palestinian men who are seen in the photograph posted above are just two arrestees out of around 1400 detainees from that particular Israeli police campaign. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of
Part Three – Civil Disorder or Civil War?
(1.) The Order of Battle for Government Forces:
Direct involvement of the US Military in domestic affairs is highly problematic because the use of military resources is so dependent upon international situations vis-a-vis possible war(s) with Iran, Russia, and China, for example.
The American Citizenry, meaning those who still retain the knowledge, will, and means to resist military occupation, will be opposed by an “Alphabet Soup” of Federal Agencies who are operating under DHS (Department of Homeland Security). The functions of these “American Alphabet Soup” organizations are very similar to those of the NKVD during the days of the Red (Jew Bolshevik) Terror in the USSR which lasted up into the late 1940’s. State, county, and local law enforcement agencies will fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security, possibly along with elements of the National Guard.
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The Department of Homeland Security employs many different types of “Agents” who often wear uniforms that designate them as police. Image courtesy of
The DHS was ostensibly set up in the wake of 9/11, but around the time when the DHS was officially set up, I was already aware that Washington already had everything worked out regarding creating such an organization well before the orchestrated Jewish terrorist attacks of 9/11. The big terrorist attacks that took place back on September 11, 2001 at least partially happened because America’s ruling Jewish elites were looking for an excuse to put their planned Department of Homeland Security it into actual practice. Those few of us who were “in the know” concerning the planned Department of Homeland Security’s founding were anticipating a False Flag Event happening to justify founding this organization’s creation at some point.
Will there be any Civil War within America’s law enforcement establishment? Data from my contacts concerning any potential civil war within the greater Zio-American Law Enforcement community is about ten years old, but at that time, I was informed that only about half of all law enforcement personnel would obey the government’s orders to make mass arrests of political dissenters. I was told that around half of all law enforcement personnel would side with the federal government and the rest would side with the citizenry.
My informants also told me that any potential conflict between these two factions within the greater American law enforcement community would be very violent due to the Israelization of America’s police forces. Forget the official images of the CIA, FBI, Mossad, and MI6 (British Intelligence); they are reality the same organization which is dominated by International Jewry. This information comes by way of Juan Peron who is the former National Socialist leader of Argentina.
The image of Juan Peron with his third wife Maria Estella in the 1960s. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of
Image courtesy of Junssi e/tard on
There are a couple of organizations whose status requires some special explanation:
(a) US Marshals.
Originally, this organization was set up on the Federal Level for legitimate law enforcement reasons, but their role has been changed to one which is principally concerned with suppressing political dissent under the DHS.
Image courtesy of
According to the website, the Federal Marshalls now run what are effectively military special forces units which are called the SOG or Special Operations Group. The image above is also provided courtesy of As listed on website, here is what the the Federal Marshalls SOG group does:
“SOG is a flexible, modernized unit with a diverse skill set that conducts specialty federal law enforcement operations in any environment, both within and outside the United States. SOG’s specialty operations span the range of federal law enforcement missions. The five main overarching missions of SOG are: Enforcement Operations, Court Security & Judicial Protection, Asset Seizures, Witness Security, and Prisoner Transportation. Amongst these five main missions, SOG conducts service of high threat arrest and search warrants, deals with the Marshals Service Top 15 most wanted, high threat extradition, offers perimeter security for court facilities and judicial residences, has an on-site tactical operations team, a counter assault team for high threat vehicle movement of judges, juries, and prisoners, and provides tactical support for crowd control situations.”
It seems that the Federal Marshalls SOG group is a military unit that is directed agains the American public, and against National Socialists in particular, but hey, what does the Thule Society know anyway?
(b) US Coast Guard.
This organization was originally organized as part of the United States Treasury Department, so the Coast Guard would only fall under the US Navy’s control if war was declared and only so long as that state of war remained declared. The original purpose of the United States Coast Guard was to conduct Search & Rescue operations along with the task of maintaining aids to nautical navigation such as buoys and lighthouses. The US Coast Guard also operates icebreaker ships where and when they might be needed. The United States Coast Guard was additionally commissioned with the task of rendering Marine Law Enforcement in waters that fall under US Jurisdiction but still remain outside the jurisdiction of individual American states. Now the US Coast Guard forms part of the DHS, so they are becoming more and more militarized; whereas, before the US Coast Guard was essentially just a paramilitary organization.
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The image seen above is furnished courtesy of
The image seen above is provided as a recruiting poster on the website Indeed, the image that is posted above conveys a sense of confidence in the United States Coast Guard’s professionalism and proficiency.
(c) The Central Intelligence Agency or “The CIA”
The CIA is allegedly not supposed to conduct operations within the borders of the Zoo-American Empire, but this old stricture is now completely ignored. For example, a number of mainstream journalists actually work directly for the CIA, so the stories that are being fed to the American public by these compromised journalists are products of the CIA. Some noteworthy American journalists such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper are known to be Mossad agents.
Image of the CIA logo is provided courtesy of
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Image courtesy of GlowNiggerSOL on
(d) The Federal Bureau of Investigation or “The FBI”
The FBI is not supposed to operate outside of the Zio-American Empire, yet most countries of the world have FBI branch offices operating within them. Allegedly, the FBI was set up for the purposes of fighting crime and foreign espionage; however, the FBI has always been used to suppress political dissent. The primary targets of the FBI are those who oppose the oligarchy that runs the Zio-American Empire plus individuals which high-level FBI officials have it in for, whatever their reasons might be.
We must never forget what lengths the US Government will go to suppress political dissent. Remember the case of Ernst Zundel? In the case of Ernst Zundel, the American government permitted the arrest of an American Citizen by the law enforcement of another country to happen on American territory, then the FBI permitted Zundel to be transported to that other country to stand trial in what was a known kangaroo court.
Image of the FBI official seal is provided courtesy of
Image courtesy of
(e) BATF (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms).
This is the most blatant case of a government agency being set up to persecute the American citizenry because they are exercising their constitutional rights. The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms exists for no other purpose than to DISARM THE AMERICAN CITIZENRY, most specifically, the BATF really exists to disarm America’s WHITE CITIZENRY!
Image of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is furnished courtesy of
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I personally knew some of people who were disarmed by the BATF. The incident to which I am referring took place in a town of about 10,000 plus people. When this incident of disarming occurred, an F-4 Tornado plowed through the middle of town leaving much of the place flattened and many people were rendered injured or dead after the tornado had done its dirty work. In the aftermath of this tornado, many people were trapped in the wreckage. Even as many people sat trapped in the town’s wreckage, the very first outside “help” arrived very shortly after the tornado came through.
The ATF kept the firearms of the dead and those who managed to survive this ordeal had to prove that they owned their firearms and that had to prove that their firearms were properly registered before they were returned, otherwise their guns were confiscated.
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One individual who I was personally acquainted with was a big-time gun collector and he kept his collection (well over one hundred guns) locked within a huge vault in his basement. Now let us keep in mind, all my gun-collector friend’s firearms were kept well within every legal government regulation. All of my friend’s guns that required registration (aka non-black-powder weapons) were registered; however, after the tornado destroyed my friend’s house, the ATF were the first to arrive.
When the ATF arrived on the scene, they broke into the vault which was still intact and took every item in my friend’s perfectly legal gun collection, including a number of old muskets. Upon arrival, these AFT agents carried a list with them, so they knew exactly what they were looking for well before they ever arrived at that particular disaster scene. After stealing all of my friend’s guns, these ATF agents promptly left the area while leaving my friend and his family still trapped in the rubble of what used to be their family home. After finally being dug out of the rubble, my friend worked to get his gun collection back. In order to get his registered guns returned, my friend was forced to prove that he “Legally Owned” each and every one of the guns in his large collection; however, he was never able to get his black-powder muskets back. The ATF confiscated my friend’s collection of old muskets because he had never registered them; however, the law actually states that antique (like his were) black-powder guns do not need to be registered.
(2.) Donald Trump’s New Red (Bolshevik Jewish) Terror and Its Resistance
I am principally thinking about what will happen when Trump becomes president for the second time. I am more concerned about the possibility of the Zio-American Empire collapsing into total anarchy much more than I am concerned about the empire descending into an all-out civil war.
The image above shows a large homeless encampment from January of 2023 that sites under a viaduct in the city of San Francisco. The city of San Francisco is presently notable for its profusion of homeless encampments, but San Francisco is far from the only city that now has many large homeless enclaves. Sadly, the number of homeless encampments is now exploding across the Zio-American Empire and the sizes of these numerous homeless encampments are growing at a shocking rate as well. The image above is furnished courtesy of
By their very nature, civil wars allow for organized society to keep existing under competing governments while each faction claims to be the legitimate faction. If a civil war happened, then the times would be hard but survivable; however, with American society being what it is now, I doubt that we would see something as nice as an old-fashioned civil war develop. If the Zio-American empire were to truly come unglued during Trump’s second presidency, then it is most likely that we would see a dog-eat-dog type of free-for-all where everybody is fighting against everybody else while whatever remains of the Zio-American federal government frantically tries to put down all opposition against its plans for absolutist rule. This free-for-all type of conflict scenario where people fight like dogs over whatever remains of the Zio-American Empire’s spoils opens the door for some “Mad Max” types of fighting.
Image courtesy of Reda and Nuclear Snail Studios on
Image courtesy of Lucy King on
The American population is indeed armed to the teeth, so at some point they are going to turn those weapons on each other as well as against the federal government, criminals, and undesirable immigrants. A “Mad Max” type of all-against-all war scenario can come about because there is no more feeling of kinship amongst Americans. American culture has long been dominated by the spirit of consumerism and its attendant extreme individualism which translates to a “War of All Against All” or the “War of Everybody Against Everybody Else.” When people have no real communities left, and everybody is out for their own selfish interests, then society can easily begin to unravel like it is now doing and the result is inevitably Chaos and Anarchy! However, chaos and anarchy can be negated if the Zio-American Federalist faction wins out in a war of all-against-all, but this scenario will result in abject slavery for almost everybody.
Image courtesy of Walark on
We are not going to save the entity that is now known as The United States of America, and it is sheer idiocy to think that we can. In light of the Zio-American Empire’s impending collapse, WE MUST LOOK TO THE RESCUE OF OUR TRUE FOLK. Our “True Folk” are defined not just by Blood, but they are also defined by their Mind and by a Spirit that exists within a proper relationship to Nature. There must be a New and Renewed Spirit of Blood & Soil, and there must also be A New Order that exists within a New Homeland which is carved from the wreckage of our Old Order. Our Old Order is already in the process of destroying itself.
Many people might have already forgotten about the apocalyptic chemical fire that hit the town of East Palestine, Ohio on February 3, 2023, but others have not forgotten this incident at all. The incident that hit East Palestine, Ohio may have been somewhat localized, but it serves as a perfect example of how the current economic, political, and social order is slowly falling apart.
The incident in East Palestine involved a derailed train that was carrying thousands of tons of noxious chemicals, but the railroad company elected to deliberately set these chemicals ablaze instead of choosing to pay the money that was needed to clean up their mess. The Norfolk Southern Corporation also refused to install an improved braking system for their trains, and they were running their trains with overworked and and numerically deficient crews in order to save money. The train company saved some money by lighting their toxic chemicals ablaze instead of paying for a proper accident scene cleanup, so the groundwater around that area will be compromised for generations to come. Care for the environment must alway trump concerns for making money. Image courtesy of
We must reestablish ourselves in areas that are removed from cities where we can be self-sufficient and avoid conflict with others as much as possible. We must avoid conflict when possible because needless conflict detracts from precious resources that must be applied to pursuits like building new infrastructure and growing our population. We must be focused on building a future for the generations of our Folk who shall come after us. Will we become Isolated? Yes, for sure, but we will also become secure and we will be left in peace to build the future. The future is creating New Generations of Aryans who are raised in accordance with the Old Ways and the Ancient Wisdom of Our Folk.
Image courtesy of Ninel Lets on
Future generations of Our Folk must be raised to put the common interests of The Folk ahead of their own personal interests. After we have established a new civilization that is based on the ancient wisdom or Our Folk and the teachings of Adolf Hitler, then we will see a day when the police will perhaps no longer be needed, or at least very few professional law enforcement personnel will be needed, like in the heyday of the Third Reich.
The rural parts of the county that I grew up in covered roughly 500 square miles and had a population of around 35,000. Law enforcement in the area where I grew up consisted of fifteen sheriff’s deputies (circa the Early 1960’s).
Don Knotts played bumbling Deputy Barney Fife to Griffith’s Sheriff Andy Taylor on the sitcom The Andy Griffith Show. Image of Don Knotts and Andy Griffith furnished courtesy of
The overall crime rate in the part of Appalachia where I grew up was very low and violent crime bordered on nonexistent for the following reasons:
(a) The population were naturally very law-abiding, at least as far as anything truly serious was concerned; however, the people where I originally came from were generally not very religious.
Image courtesy of
(b) The relatively small Black population of my original home were left alone, but they were not allowed to run amok either.
(c) The sheriff’s deputies in my original home were old-school lawmen that were very professional and not afraid of anybody or anything. These old-school lawmen were very strict and they were also very fair, but they never bothered anybody who was not causing problems for other people.
The above photo shows the county sheriff and a few of his deputies in Culpepper County, Virginia during the year 1960. The image above is included to show how a typical rural county sheriff’s department in the American Southeast might have appeared back in the 1960s.
(d) Unless it involved something really serious, and sometimes even if it did involve a rather serious crime, the local citizenry’s men generally took care of local problems without involving the police or the sheriff’s deputies.
(e) The Ku-Klux-Klan was always very active in the area where I grew up, so serious criminal elements were very afraid of ever getting the Klan after them.
Image courtesy of
I can recall no cases of sexual crimes against children while growing up, and I can only recall a single case of rape. In that one case of the rape, the guilty party decided to turn himself in to the county sheriff’s office before the woman’s relatives and/or The Klan caught up with him. At his trial, the rapist decided that it was safer to go ahead and plead guilty than it was to risk having the judge release him because being released would put him in the firing line for the Klan’s particular brand of justice. That particular rapist preferred jail to the Klan’s wrath.
Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn