Is There Epidemic Abuse Toward Police and Military Service Dogs?


Preface – Modern Origins of Animal Rights


The widespread abuse of dogs among police and military organizations around the world has recently been brought to my attention, and documentation of this abuse has mostly come from the United States and the United Kingdom. Being a “Cat Person” myself, I had not noticed this disgusting abuse of service dogs until it was pointed out to me.


Image courtesy of Nora! Yes! on 

After learning about the terrible abuse that is heaped upon police and military dogs, I pondered how to approach this great criminal tragedy from a National Socialist perspective, considering that the concept of Animal Rights was an important philosophical corner stone of the Third Reich’s ideology. The idea of animals having any rights at all was originally conceived of by an Irish member of the British Parliament in the middle of the 19th Century, but nothing substantial was accomplished in this area until the Third Reich instituted a whole network of strictly enforced laws that guaranteed at least some legal rights for animals.

“The Great One” (Adolf Hitler) was always a well-known lover of animals. There are many stories of the love that he shared with his dog Blondie. Once he became Chancellor, Hitler had a vast array of critically important duties that he had to perform, so he put the project of developing and enforcing a systematic program of Animal Rights Laws into the capable hands of another great lover of animals, Herman Goering. As director of the Third Reich’s animal welfare initiatives, Goering developed educational programs that helped the German Folk remember and truly understand the need for treating animals ethically. Goering put in a stellar performance in his role as the Third Reich’s of Champion of Animal Rights, as can be seen in the present day. In our time, all laws that are intended to protect animals trace their lineages back to the Third Reich, Herman Goering, and Adolf Hitler; honest campaigners for animal rights readily admit as much.

Image courtesy of

Image of Hitler and his trusty dog Blondie relaxing at the “Eagle’s Nest” furnished courtesy of

References With Commentary –

The information provided below is sourced from a discontinued website called

The information provided below is lengthy and detailed, yet it is interesting and informative. We encourage you to read the full excerpt.

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Police brutality by any other name is still the same…

The cult of hanging dogs to unconsciousness, is firmly established in K9 units of the military and paramilitary (police and sheriffs and some “dog training” academies). These cruel practices are generally hidden from the public, and the perpetrators deny doing such things. There is also kicking, slamming dogs to the ground, and electro-shocking. On the rare occasions when the brutality is exposed, it’s passed off as “training.”  However, I learned a secret in my years working in law enforcement, and this secret is that torture is, in fact, a manifestation of sick and twisted minds. This torture of dogs within miliary and paramilitary contexts is carried out for the purpose of macho posturing, showing off, temper tantrums, and such behavior has little to do with actual training.

I frequently hear people say that this abuse must surely be a thing of the past, believing it’s been stopped. That’s good wishful thinking, but as you read this, it is still going on. If you care about these dogs, then I will not recommend supporting K9 programs, nor being fooled by their public displays.

And if you care about the welfare of your own dogs, then do NOT drop them off for “training” at a school that you do not have thorough personal knowledge about (including their employees). You should also never leave your dog with a training school where any of their practices are kept hidden. It is very unwise to leave animals with strangers. It’s best to have them trained with you participating, and if anything shocks you, speak up, demand accountability, remove your trusting animals from any potential abuse, and bring light to the situation for the other animals that may be abused there.


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Most of us have seen and heard the rosy promotional stories about police/sheriffs and military K9s and their handlers. We’ve been shown videos and photos of the dogs going after padded sleeves and wagging their tails while being petted. We are told about the strong bond and loving partnership between the handlers and their K9 “partners.”

One might ponder, though, how many other types of partnerships exist where one partner is hanged almost to death and kicked in the gut by the other. This is what often goes on behind the scenes in K9 training.

In my nearly 18 years of employment at the Ventura Police Department in Ventura, California, I saved a lot of documentation and attempted numerous ways and means to report this abomination, but my efforts to obtain help for these dogs always went unrewarded.

In 1981, I witnessed a K9 named Armin being hanged, and throughout the following years I witnessed various other brutal abuses of the Ventura PD’s K9s. Since then, I have discovered that police, sheriffs, and military agencies across the USA and around the world are hanging their dogs to unconsciousness with sharp-pronged steel choke collars (euphemistically called “pinch” collars by the handlers) or nylon slip collars, and these brutal actions are allegedly being done for the purpose of training.

This “technique,” as the handlers refer to it, is called “choke out” or “stringing up.” If a handler is tall enough, his “partner” is hanged just by being lifted off the ground and held there until he becomes unconscious. This is what Lieutenant David Inglis did to Armin in my presence, in order, he said, “To teach him not to whine…” (while being hanged), “…To take his correction like a man.” Armin had been lying quietly on the floor, perfectly behaved, when Inglis suddenly hoisted him up and choked him out. Armin’s pleading and his choking cries were heartrending, but Inglis and the other officers present showed no normal human reactions: no pity, no compassion, and no remorse.

K9s are also strung up from tree branches, just like any other lynching victim. Police and military service dogs are also hung from fences or anything else their leashes can be thrown over.  The only difference between the K9s and other victims of lynching is that after going through the torture of being slowly hanged (often with the pronged choker, which stabs while it strangles), the dogs are not allowed the relief of death. Once they become unconscious or nearly unconscious the hanging stops and the dogs revive, gasping for air, and then go through the nightmare of being hanged and strangled many times throughout their careers.

Other violent abuses include “helicoptering,” which involves swinging dogs around at the end of their leashes like a helicopter blade as fast as possible, then slamming them to the ground. This slamming to the ground is often followed by a kick in the stomach or the ribs. Dogs are raised up on their hind legs and dragged across an entire field while being choked with their “pinch” collars.


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  1. Denials & Justifications

Ventura PD K9 “Edu”

In my experience, there are two basic ways that handlers, “trainers,” and department heads will respond to being asked about or confronted about hanging, helicoptering, and kicking.

The first way is bald-faced lying. Many will vehemently deny that they have even ever heard about such things or, if they do acknowledge having heard of them, they will tell you with a solemn, innocent expression, “Our department doesn’t do that,” or they will say, “That used to be a common way of training, but it hasn’t been done for the past 20 years.”

As I will address later, these “training methods” are well known in dog training circles. When K9 handlers say they have never heard of choke out or stringing up, this HAS to be a LIE.

Before Armin was choked out in front of me, two of his K9 handlers, Corporal Paul Morton and Corporal Don Bales would stand around my workstation and brag about hanging their K9s. However, after David Inglis hanged Armin in my presence, and I subsequently called the local newspaper, a reporter called the station and spoke with Sgt. Larry White. The reporter advised me that Sgt. White told him that the Ventura Police Department’s K9s were never hanged.

I wrote a memo to Chief Ray McLean, and his response to me included, “…the situation you witnessed was the exception rather than the rule, and I have issued instructions to personnel of the Department that such a procedure is improper and not to be repeated.” In addition, he wrote, “I selected Tyson Kennels as the trainer who trained in methods that were acceptable to me… I am confident in the selection of Tyson Kennels as the supplier of our K9’s.”

I discovered later that this was simply a patronizing appeasement because David Inglis and the K9 team were hanging and kicking dogs regularly. The only thing that changed was that I was harassed and taunted for speaking out.

Three years later, I approached the new Chief of Police, William Colston, after an officer who cared about what was going on told me that Sergeant George Morris’s K9 bit Sgt. Morris and Sgt. Arth while Sgt. Morris was forcing the suffering dog to work with a cracked vertebrae.

I was fortunate enough to have letters sent to Chief Colston from a couple of formidable outside sources, including Elliot M. Katz, the president of In Defense of Animals, but the cover-up continued. In a memorandum to me. Chief Colston wrote, “I am informed that both Tyson Kennels and our training program began phasing down on the ‘choke-out’ several years ago and it has been at least three years since any of our dogs were ‘choked-out’ or ‘hung-up’.”

Either the chief was lying, or whoever told him this was lying.

I suggested (and so had one of the letter-writers, Dr. Charles Kuell) that in order to clean up the K9 unit, the obviously abusive handlers must be removed. Chief Colston declined to do that, and his new “policies” regarding handling K9s, which were a SHAM, were co-authored and signed by none other than David Inglis!

The following year, a man who was doing repairs on my car gave me a ride to work. As we passed by the back of the police station, we saw K9 handler Dennis Peet swinging his K9 (named Donner) around violently. The dog’s body was flying back and forth like a rag doll. The man asked me, “What is he doing?” I said, “They call that training.” He replied, “That’s terrible.” Shortly thereafter, I came into possession of a death report on Donner. The 4-year-old German shepherd died from “severe hemorrhage into [the] chest”

Through the years, I continued to hear from sympathetic police officers that the K9s were still being hanged, helicoptered, and kicked under the instruction of David Inglis. By the way, when I asked Inglis why he hung Armin, he told me that he was “teaching him not to whine, to take his correction like a man,” he also boasted, “If you think that was bad, you should have seen what we did to them in the army.”

Complaints were being made at the Ventura PD front counter by passers-by who witnessed abuse of K9s at the rear of the station. People (including me) were complaining to the city manager’s office, the sheriff’s department, animal regulation, and the humane society, all to no avail.

I heard from three different people who have trained with Inglis that the nickname for his training course was “Hang ‘Em High Club.”

In January of 1998, I became aware of an incident involving David Inglis manually strangling a sheriffs deputy’s K9 (named Kirn) while his wife Debbie kicked the dog in the testicles. This incident was recorded, ironically, at Dave and Debbie’s request because they were angry with Mrs. Annemarie Brown for allegedly “bad-mouthing” them on the internet about what a police report which they filed describes as their “correction method.” David and Debbie Inglis filed a police report at the Ventura PD charging Mrs. Brown with battery after having failed to get her kicked out of their K9 and Schutzhund training club.

Mrs. Brown witnessed hangings and kickings by David Inglis before (she told of a dog named Pasha who died of a ruptured spleen two hours after being slammed to the ground and kicked by David Inglis), but found the incident with K9 Kim particularly horrendous. She said that Debbie Inglis commented afterwards, “Heh, heh, heh, did you see all that gland juice squirt all over us?” I have this testimony on audiotape, recorded by an attorney.

The police report states that there was an “altercation” between David Inglis and Mrs. Brown at a meeting they were attending, and Mrs. Brown shoved David Inglis and struck Debbie Inglis in the face. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown reported that it was David Inglis shoving Annemarie backwards through the parking lot with his chest while shouting threats, and that Debbie charged at her and ran into Mrs. Brown’s hand, which she had held up in front of her for protection. 

It ended up with Debbie Inglis pressing charges for battery, claiming Mrs. Brown intentionally hit her, and Mrs. Brown was arrested by citation.

In my opinion, all of this was done to intimidate Mrs. Brown and keep her quiet, but  the police report is evidence for the ongoing horrific abuse of K9s. The “correction method” plus the lies and cover-ups have continued.

A lot of people are successfully intimidated according to Mrs. Brown. Two members of the “Hang ‘Em High Club” told her she should file a charge of battery against David Inglis, and they would back her up all the way on this matter. Mrs. Brown tried to do that, but he was left sitting in the lobby of a local police station for nearly 3 hours while a call for an officer to take her report was cancelled. Later, when a warrant for the re-arrest of Mrs. Brown was issued, these same two people were listed on the warrant as witnesses against her.

When I tried to report the harassment of Mrs. Brown to the Ventura District Attorney’s office, I had as much success as Mrs. Brown when I attempted to file a battery charge against David Inglis. The Chief Deputy DA, Jeffrey G. Bennett, didn’t seem very interested at all in what I told him about Mrs. Brown being harassed. He appeared to be more interested in the dog hanging, but he only asked if I had witnessed dog hanging, and if Mrs. Brown had witnessed dog hanging. I told him yes on both counts. Mr. Bennett asked me to turn all my documentation over to him, but I didn’t trust him based on his demeanor and his disinterest in the harassment of Annemarie Brown. I told him I would not give him my documentation, so he gave me his business card and told me that he could not tell me about the outcome of our discussion, but that he would contact Mrs. Brown. I checked with Mrs. Brown at a later date, and I found out that Mr. Bennett had not contacted her.

In October of 1998, several police dog handlers in Essex, England, went on trial for hanging and kicking their K9s after one of the dogs, named Acer, died from being hanged over a fence and kicked in the stomach while being strangled at the end of his choke collar. Someone inside the station had leaked this terrible incident to the press. The press then reported it and the public demanded justice, so there was a trial. I received this information from news reports, and it was confirmed by an employee of the Essex Police Department via email. 

The headline on the BBC News, dated October 12,1998 reads: “Officers Deny Cruelty to Dogs.” That’s nothing new to me! Some of the handlers were reportedly jailed and fined, but the Essex Police Department employee wrote to me that the head instructors who had instituted this abuse were not among those that were punished.

In the March 5 ,2000 issue of The Daily Herald (Everett, Washington) sits the following excerpt from an article about a K9 named Yukon: “Before he even got to Snohomish County, Yukon the police dog already knew failure and how it felt to be hanged… They hoisted him up by his steel choke chain and leash and watched him struggle and squirm like a fish on a hook. Yukon’s tongue popped from between his jaws. His eyes rolled back into his head until he blacked out. But the ‘stringing up’ didn’t work as planned. When he regained consciousness, Yukon lunged for a trainer and bit again.”

While this description should be disturbing to anyone reading it, the focus of the article is not about the torture of Yukon, but the amount of taxpayers’ money being wasted on trying to train this dog and the lawsuits involved because he would not stop lashing out against his abusers and civilians.

In the May 18, 2003 issue of the Bakersfield Californian, there appeared an article about the Bakersfield K9 unit titled, “Every dog has its duty.” The following excerpt is from that article about the training of a dog named Nitro:

“Then Nitro makes a mistake, jumping toward the non-aggressive man. Johannes Grewe, a police service dog trainer, pulls hard on a blue rope tied to a pinch collar around Nitro’s neck. The animal squeals and careens in a heap on the patchy grass.”

I sent a letter to the Bakersfield Californian, and it was printed on June 1, 2003. I referenced the quote about Nitro squealing and careening in a heap, and registered my disgust that a reporter could write about it so matter-of-factly. I wrote about the effects of the “pinch” collars, plus I wrote about my experiences witnessing cruelty, lies, cover-ups, and retribution with the Ventura PD along with the “Hang ‘Em High Club.”

A couple of weeks later, there appeared a letter that was allegedly written by the wife of a K9 handler. This letter stated that people could not possibly understand the relationship between her husband and his K9. 

After another couple of weeks, on July 1, an entire column appeared that was written by Sgt. Glen Grundeis of the Bakersfield K9 unit. The title of the column was, “Police dogs get best of care.” Grundeis’s article contained the following statements:

“I do not recall anyone making the complaint that our canine partners are abused… In the 15 years that I have been associated with the K9 unit, I cannot ever recall any bleeding, suffocation or vocal cord injuries associated with the use of the pinch collar—With the exception of one fractured toe, I cannot think of any training-related injury to any of our dogs that required veterinary care.

“Regarding the use of pinch collars – yes we do use them, and due to the amount of muscle mass and hair around our dogs’ necks, traumatic injury is virtually non-existent… By design, as opposed to a slip collar, they will not tighten beyond a certain point.”

The last part is definitely hooey, particularly since the “pinch” collars close tightly enough around Ventura Police Department K9’s throats to cause them to pass out from strangulation. Corporal Paul Morton brought his K9 Basko into the station with a bloody hole in his neck shortly after K9 Armin was hanged in front of me. When the civilian desk officer, Linda Selon, asked him why Basko was bleeding, he said, “I choked him out for getting sloppy.” This would confirm that the “pinch” collars (with prongs that extend into the dogs’ necks) can perforate the skin and cause bleeding.

Sgt. Grundeis declined to address what prompted my letter in the first place:

“The animal squeals and careens in a heap on the patchy grass.”

In addition, he wrote that I had not attended any of their twice-monthly training sessions, and “The Bakersfield Police Department has always been open to the public and media about the use and of training of our dogs. We have trained under the presence of veterinary staff and the SPCA.” He also utilized what now appears to be the standard rhetoric of PDs everywhere (I heard a similar version voiced by Ventura PD K9 handler Ray Harer on our local channel 6 Ventura TV station):

He went on:

“As far as abuses…I have no idea what she is talking about. I can say without reservation that it has never been done here – nor would I or our contact trainer tolerate any handler who abused the animal he has been entrusted to by God, the citizens of this community and our Police department.”

I’ll let readers come to their own conclusions regarding those last few dramatic remarks, but I will address the statements about their training sessions being open to the public and the media. Ventura PD has said the same thing, in fact, when VPD became aware that I was caught up in the aftermath of the manual strangulation/testicle kicking incident, emails were sent throughout the department inviting everyone to training sessions. I’m sure these would have been lovely, laundered shows. I believe they are being much more careful now about when and where they abuse the dogs than they were before.

At the end of the May 18, 2003; Bakersfield, Californian article (page D10), is this: “After a high-speed chase. Hale pulled over a car and the driver left the vehicle. Twenty-five feet from the auto, the driver started running back to the car. ‘Stop or I’m going to send my dog,’ Hale said when the man was 10 feet from the auto. He didn’t comply, so Hale released the dog, which raced over and bit the man’s left arm as he tried to close the driver’s side door. When the driver became compliant. Hale said, ‘Zak out.’ The shepherd released its grip. Among the charges against the man was Penal Code 600, assaulting a police dog.”


I was recently surprised (Sept. 4, 2003) while watching a police pursuit on channel 11 (Fox news). K9s were deployed, and in the midst of the search, the reporter began telling viewers that the dogs are trained with praise, rewards, and play. The reporter is Rod Bernsen, a former police officer.

So, now we are getting the standard public relations rhetoric in the middle of a pursuit! They keep imprinting that image on the viewing public’s consciousness:

Praise, rewards, play, you are getting sleepy, praise, rewards, play, and when you wake up all you will remember is that they are trained with praise, rewards, and play. On October 21, 2003, Jim Belushi appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show and discussed his hobby – Schutzhund training – saying, “It’s all praise, rewards and play.” No, Jim, it is NOT!

In 1998, I met a young man who told me that what I witnessed at Ventura PD he had also witnessed in the military. He told me “It’s too bad we can’t do anything about it.” I told him, “Well, I’m going to try, anyway.”

George Marshall, of Ojai, California who has been “training” and hanging dogs for many years, wrote a letter (which appeared in the Ojai and Ventura Voice newspaper on January 4, 2002). In this letter, Mr. Marshall noted that what I decry (hanging, helicoptering, slamming and kicking) “is pretty much standard practice the world over in general police dog training.”

The tactic of (justification) is used to convince us that we the public are ignorant of what it takes to train a service dog, and this argument is typically peppered with sarcasm and insults when it is used. This plan emulates the writings of William Koehler, the dog lynchers’ chosen authority on the subject. Koehler’s books on “training” for dogs also advocate for severe beatings and near-drowning for dogs.

During our 6-week published debate, Mr. Marshall wrote:

 “Opinion stemming from emotional abhorrence of a subject does not equate with objective analysis… emotional anthropomorphic concepts of how to train dogs does not fly in the world of reason and reality. Dogs are not a sub-hominid species with abilities to rationalize.”

Mr. Marshall continues,

“I, too, have been accused of ‘cruelty’ and ‘brutality’ by a number of microcephalics whose reason is also occluded by emotions substituted for logic and comprehension. It is said that I have been ‘seen’ (?) brutalizing dogs; ‘helicoptering’ them (whatever that is) or grabbing one by the scruff of the neck and tail, lifting it over my head, and slamming it to the ground (without killing it? – that’s quite a feat). I have not, as yet, been cited for all these dastardly deeds (over a 10-year spread). Are these people ‘seeing’ more than they ‘see’? “

The previous quote is filled with “The Old Smoke and Mirrors Strategy.” First, Mr. Marshall tried to convince readers that these “techniques” are justifiable. Later, he reverts to tactic of (denial) to put across the idea that people (“microcephalics”) who in his words have “seen(?)” him doing these things to dogs are either lying or somehow didn’t see correctly, and denies that he knows what helicoptering is, even though these alleged liars reported seeing him do it. He offers up another form of abuse I didn’t even bring up, even though I had seen it, which is (“grabbing one by the scruff of the neck and tail, lifting it over my head and slamming it to the ground..”).

As for the part where Mr. Marshall says, “I have not, as yet, been cited for these dastardly deeds…,” this is similar to what Sgt. Grundeis included in his column (“We have trained under the presence of veterinary staff and the SPCA”). There are two avenues here:  #1., the handlers can put on a staged show for the SPCA, the veterinary staff, and the public. #2., the other side of the coin is that some SPCA’s alleged humane societies and veterinary staff are just as much a part of the “good-old-boys network” as any other business agencies with financial and/or political ties.

I attended a meeting of OCPA (Orange County People for Animals) in 2000, and the guest speaker was Jeffrey P. Bennett who was currently on the City Council for Corona, California. Mr. Bennett has started a movement to build a memorial for military K9s that were left behind after the Vietnam war. At this meeting, Mr. Bennett showed his video, and it was very moving because it detailed the bond between the soldiers and their dogs. However, when it came time for him to answer questions, I asked him about the K9s that were being hung to the point of unconsciousness, he then became evasive.

He answered my question with one of his own: “Do you know what breed of dog has the record for biting people the most? Cocker spaniels.” When I tried to pin him down about the hangings, he suggested that dogs such as Rottweilers are bred to be aggressive (he admitted to being a breeder), and he admitted that Rottweilers must be handled with “some form” of force. I replied, “Who’s fault is that?” and he acquiesced to that statement. He has a website in which is states that the K9s who serve in the military and the police are “not pets, but trained soldiers.” I say that Mr. Bennett’s ideas about dogs serving in the military are also insanity because dogs don’t have any concerns about memorials for them, but they certainly do suffer horribly while being hung.

I’ve received many combinations of denial/justification emails from K9 handlers around the world, mostly as a result of appearing on an online chat about dog health where one of the members was a police officer in the UK named Derek Tumbull. This British police officer defended what dog lynchers like to call “aversive” training, but he was on the wrong chat for that subject. The other members were not receptive to the idea of hanging and kicking dogs. Lacking support for his position, officer Tumbull went to another chat where the majority of the members supported his views, and these supporters of Tumbull inundated me with emails, some of these email messages were outright hostile while others were trying to play George Marshall-William Koehler-styled mind games.

I did receive a couple of supportive messages after that fateful online chat session, but one of the authors asked that I keep his email to me private because he was concerned about retaliation from his peers.

I informed the participants in that notable online chat that I didn’t have time to respond to all of them individually, but I was printing out their messages for distribution because their posts would be very educational to the public. The moderator of this chat immediately wrote to me and said, “All email sent through BPSCA is copyright 2000 by its original author. You must get permission from the original author before redistributing their material.”

If they believe in what they are saying and doing, and that it IS the truth, then why would they care whether or not I share their “words of wisdom” with others? It reminds me of when Captain Houghton (my top police department supervisor at the time David Inglis hanged Armin in my presence) told me that  if I wrote a letter to the newspaper about the hanging of Armin (and if it was printed), then he couldn’t guarantee that I would not be harassed at work, harassed in public, or harassed as a private citizen (which ultimately did happen later on).

I received a forwarded message from the notable online chat that I mentioned earlier, and this message said, “Please advise hoe to unsubscribe (sic) from list.” Shortly thereafter, I was declared by the moderator of that online forum to be a “dangerous woman,” and I was removed from an online forum that I never asked to be a member of in the first place!

In the tradition of tactic #2 (justification,) a K9 handler from Australia, who signed himself as Grant Teeboon (The Paw Man, Police Dog handler, 22 years of service, ICQ#12854070) wrote: “I have personally partaken in the training of hundreds of Police and Service dogs. I have seen many things done to dogs that many civilians would not understand (as you obviously do not) and could easily take out of context.” Most of the rest of his messages contained the standard insults and baiting.

There is nothing to misunderstand or take out of context about Mr. Teeboon’s comments: torture is torture. These dog abusers can make up all the fancy sounding excuses and euphemisms that they wish, but it doesn’t make their actions any more acceptable or any less criminal.

A good example of the classic Denial/Justification argument was posted on Amazon as a review of a book that I wrote on the subject. It was submitted by a K9 handler who identifys him or herself as wardog72 from San Antonio, TX.

It starts with the denial:

    “While there are techniques to train dogs that are vile, they are very rarely used. I myself have not used them and know of no one else that has…”

This comment continues with the justification:

    “Normal dog training uses techniques that to a tree hugger animal activist would seem cruel. However, when you have an 80 lb. shepherd that in a moment’s notice can rip your bicep off (seen it), obedience is priority one. Dogs do not come out of the womb obedient… there is a point in time compulsion (physical correction) is required.”

In the July 1, 1998; issue of the Star (Ventura), there appeared a letter written by Patrick Musone. This letter was printed in response to another letter regarding the stabbing of a cat by a private citizen. Mr. Musone wrote: “Having worked in law enforcement and public education for 25 years (he was at that time employed at Ventura County Animal Regulation), it is my belief that anybody who goes out of his way to maliciously kill an animal – either by aiming for it on the roadway, setting it on fire, offering it to a vicious attack dog, poisoning it, shooting it, hanging it, dragging it behind a vehicle, stabbing it, or simply beating it to death – probably isn’t going to care about your civil rights either…”

I found Mr. Musone’s address in the phone book and wrote to him, thanking him for his letter and telling him about the hanging of the police dogs, I did this hoping for a reply. I did not receive one.

In November of 2002, a young woman named Tzilla Yanai submitted an affidavit which was printed on the internet. Ms. Yanai’s affidavit was about a married couple named Bryan and Claudia McNulty. She met this couople in South Africa and they invited her to the United States to “learn more about Schutzhund training and to assist in training dogs for the show ring.”  

Ms. Yanai stayed with the McNultys and was shocked by their treatment of the dogs, which included making them live in small air travel crates 23 1/2 hours each day, even though the McNultys had many acres of property. The dogs were brutalized in various ways, including repeated electric shocks applied to a young bitch until she was wetting herself and yelping (This torture was done for not coming back when called at a previous time, which she could not have understood). Ms. Yanai also wrote that Bryan McNulty shot a dog with a rifle, killing him in her presence, and that he also often boasted of having slit the throats of many dogs. 

The affidavit was responded to by Molly Graf, USA Northeast Regional Breed Warden, Eichenluft Working German Shepherds. Molly told Ms. Yanai that she should send her notarized letter to several people in Schutzhund, including National Breed Warden Johannes Grewe (the same Johannes Grewe, I presume, who “pulls hard on the rope attached to a pinch collar around Nitro ‘s neck. The animal squeals and careens in a heap…” in Bakersfield). She further advised that it would be helpful if more people would step forward as witnesses to Bryan and Claudia McNulty’s abuses. She commented, “Bryan McNulty is now an apprentice judge for USA…Claudia McNulty is Regional Breed Warden and member of the Breed Advisory Committee.”

I emailed Molly and wrote that I know how difficult it is to get people to “step forward” and report what they have witnessed, but that I have in my possession a police report in which Mrs. Brown describes the manual strangulation of a K9 by David Inglis while his wife Debbie kicked the dog in the testicles, EXPECTING THAT SHE WOULD BE INTERESTED IN THIS DOCUMENTATION.

Molly’s response to my email was, “In Schutzhund, training is not supposed to be all fun-fun for the dogs.”

I believe that Molly’s reply to my email SPEAKS VOLUMES as to the amount of tolerance for dog abuse and torture in Schutzhund style dog “training.”

After my letter was printed in the Bakersfield Californian on June 1, 2003; I received information from a citizen of Lompoc, California. Many people in that jurisdiction had been trying to have their local 9-year-old K9 named Bandit retired, because he was suffering from liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, severe Thoraco-Lumbar spinal disease with spondylosis, intervertebral collapse, and arthritis.

I received volumes of documentation from Lompoc, which included a letter to Lompoc’s Mayor Dick DeWees that stated, “I have seen in the media that police K9s are treated with respect and as officers, and yet in a case like this they are still treated simply as property and as tools.” David Inglis has referred to the K9s as “tools.”

The chief of police and the mayor declined to retire Bandit, even with all his serious ailments, and sent him south to Ventura for additional “training” with David Inglis. David Inglis retired as a lieutenant from the Ventura Police Department in 2000, but he is still conducting K9 training for them and other law enforcement agencies as of the time for this writing.

July, 2006; Fox 10 news in Miami Dade, Florida, had reported that an anonymous source  reported a K9 being kicked to death by his handler, Sgt. Cockfield, and this killing happened because this dog had barked at the wrong time during training. The Miami-Dade police department circled the wagons after this revelation, and as usual, they stated that they would thoroughly investigate the cause of death of the dog, and they added, as usual, that the dogs are treated exceptionally well, the same as any other fellow officer.

Also in 2006; I wrote a second letter to the L.A. Times about a Santa Ana police K9 officer named Ygor, who is the subject of a lawsuit for biting indiscriminately (shades of K9 Yukon), and who lost an eye in a TRAINING ACCIDENT.  The Times did not print either one of my letters. In looking up K9s who were trained in Ventura County, I see quite a few who have been permanently injured in alleged TRAINING ACCIDENTS. (Note to the sadistic abusers: I have printed them out and sent them to others, so trying to delete them now would be fruitless).


Page 4.

III. Not Just the Police & Military

It seems that Schutzhund (utilized by police and military) is synonymous with hanging, helicoptering, slamming and kicking, but it is not only members of the police and military who do these things.

An obedience trainer bragged to me about stringing up dogs back in the days when dog lynchers felt more free to brag.

In the early 1990’s, a couple of friends and I visited the old rescue kennel for Save The Animals Fund in Glendale. Across the street there was a dog training academy. The woman who ran the rescue kennel told us about dogs being hanged from fences at the academy.

A young woman named Renee Premaza, who has a radio show in New Jersey titled “Wednesdays in the Dog House,” reported that she had entered her dog, Jack, into a sheep herding class to have some fun and exercise because he is a herding breed. This training turned ugly for her when the trainer suggested hanging Jack because he was not cooperating during a trial and resisted being grabbed by his collar, so she removed Jack from that class.

A September 1998 issue of Prevention Magazine contains an article titled: “Seven Signs of a Safe Trainer,” by Amy Marder. The author of this article is a clinical assistant professor at the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine and an animal behavior consultant to the Massachusetts SPCA and Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston. She relates how a dog trainer hung a dog named Saber, cutting off his airway so that he could not breathe. Saber lost control of his bladder and bowels and then he was helicoptered and slammed to the ground. The article states that this is not an isolated incident, but this type of thing is typical of methods which are still used today.

I received a news item through email that states the following, “Cloud 9 Pet Resorts Animal Protection license has been revoked by the Department of Agriculture as of August 24,1999 and an investigation is ongoing at this time. Fox 5 TV aired a video tape demonstrating cruel training techniques— The owner of Cloud 9, Clay Horbin, had promised to change his training techniques. Mr. Horbin failed to follow through with that commitment… Henry County Bureau of Police Services and the Attorney General’s office are conducting their own independent investigations. There will be a hearing for Cloud 9 on September 1, 1999; at 10:00 AM in Room 201 of the Agriculture Building in Atlanta, Georgia, across the street from the Capitol. Security guards will be posted.”

I wrote to Fox 5 and asked for a copy of the videotape. I told them I was willing to pay for it. I did not receive a reply, so I don’t know what is on that video tape. However, whatever is on that tape is described as cruel.

I am aware that some dog groomers use these “techniques” to make dogs compliant, and I also recently received information from a show dog breeder that there are trainers for the show ring who hang dogs too.

I have a copy of the Inglis Police Dog Academy brochure, and it states that they also “train” for AKC, obedience and the breed ring, search and rescue, private, group and in-house dog training.

I’ve printed out web information showing that “stringing up” is still commonly used and discussed. Thes cruel practices are NOT “all done (and finished) 20 years ago,” as many handlers have told me.

On one site, “Dealing With The Dominant Dog,” Ed Frawley, “Professional Dog Trainer and K9 Handler” writes:

“The problem is that not a lot of people know how to deal with this. It involves a nylon slip choker and hanging the dog until he comes close to passing out… It’s about a tough dog understanding that you are tougher, and you can kill him if you want.”

And, yes, the dogs do believe they are being killed. Having the breath choked out of you is one of the most painful and terrifying things that can happen, and the perpetrators know it.


Page 5.


  1. Why?

The question, “Why do they do it?” has been asked of me many times. It took me many years of exposure to this deviant behavior to be able to get a clear focus on this subject. There is a lot more going on here than “training.” Some people have said it is simply a faster way to train, but the behavior and attitude of the main perpetrators (the ones who insist upon “training” in this fashion) is, in my estimation, perverse.

Why would David Inglis boast to me after hanging Armin, “If you thought that was bad, you should have seen what we did to them in the army” ? Why would Debbie Inglis, after kicking K9 Kim in the testicles while her husband manually strangled him, according to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, comment, “Heh, heh, heh, did you see all that gland juice squirt all over us?”

Why would Bryan McNulty, after shooting one of his dogs (crippled from being kept in a crate) say, “Good target practice” ? Why would Corporal Don Bales shout across the room so I could hear, “We need to pick up some lumber so we can build rafters to hang the dogs from” ? Why would Sergeant George Morris say to Officer Bob Balding in my presence, “What you do is give the dog a lot of grief with the choke chain, and when he tries to snap at the chain it’s the same as if he bites you, and you hang him for that” ? Why would Corporal Paul Morton brag, about his K9 Basko, “He stops on a dime, and takes a dump on command, or he gets hanged”? Why is Inglis’ training course nicknamed the “Hang ‘Em High Club” ?

In November of 200; I downloaded an article (“Obey or be corrected”) from OOZE magazine in the United Kingdom. The article was about a man named Stephen Barry King who traveled from Oregon to London, England; where someone got footage of him hanging a dog. Many complaints were made against him in Oregon and in London. An assistant dog trainer, Kristen Beck, was quoted as saying, “He beat the dog so bad that it s**t all over itself and on the floor.” Linda Alien of Portland, Oregon, witnessed King hanging a dog. Her neighbor ran toward him yelling, “Leave that dog alone!” Mr. King said “I am a f***ing cop. Get out of my face or I’ll f*** you up… Other neighbors were standing in their driveways looking on. King yelled at them, “You want some, I’ll kick your asses too. I could kill you too.” The article states that King is not and has never been a policeman.

Stephen Barry King claimed he trained dogs for the Portland Police force in Oregon, which is information that he included in his promotional literature. Ooze magazine checked with Portland PD and found out that he attended a few training sessions with them as an observer, but he never assisted in the training. In my estimation, Mr. King is what is known as a “wannabe,” who mimics the most low and depraved actions of some police and K9 handlers.

When a reporter from Ooze magazine called King’s office to confront him about the abuse which they had on tape, they reached an assistant of King’s named Lottie. Lottie was asked if she approved of Stephen Barry King’s training methods. She replied, I wouldn’t train with him if I didn’t. When the reporter asked, “So you think it’s acceptable to hang a dog?”, Lottie replied, “What do you mean hang?” When the reporter advised her that Ooze had video evidence of King hanging a dog, she replied, I’m sorry, I can’t answer any more questions” and hung up the phone.

Update: As a result of efforts by the staff of Ooze Magazine and pressure put on the RSPCA by private citizens, Stephen Barry King went on trial in 2002 for “causing unnecessary suffering and cruelly terrifying” the dogs who he had “trained,” by hanging and helicoptering. He was fined 2,500 pounds, ordered to carry out 100 hours of community service, and he was banned from having any contact or custody of dogs for a period of eight years.


Page 6.

  1. Suggestions to Expose and Eliminate Lynching and Other Abuses of Dogs

Many people have made complaints at humane societies, animal regulation departments, sheriff’s departments, police departments, etc.

I have also filed complaints with the City Manager’s office, the District Attorney’s office, Congressman Elton Gallegly’s office, and former Senator Jack O’Connell’s offiece. Making complaints to the authorities hasn’t worked.

At this time, my own suggestions to expose and eliminate lynching and other abuses associated with the Shutzhund style of training include:

1. Contact media and let them know you are aware that these “methods” are still being employed.

2. Try to get an investigative reporter in your town to do some investigating.

3. Do investigations on your own and attempt to get video evidence. This has to be done very carefully.

As George Marshall was so accommodating to admit in a public forum, lynching, helicoptering, slamming to the ground and kicking “is pretty much standard practice the world over in general police dog training.” If the majority, who do it won’t admit to it, then how can we tell them apart from the few who don’t?

It is the obligation and responsibility of those who do NOT torture the dogs to HELP EXPOSE those who DO if they don’t want to be lumped in with the abuser in the court of public opinion. Since the non-abuser attend field trials and competitions together with the abusive offices, then we can know for sure that this information passes freely among K9 trainers. We know that even the non-abusive K9 police handlers have information about the rampant dog abuse that goes on across all too many police departments.

Anyone who wishes to report abuses to this site may do so anonymously via e-mail and their identity will be protected. Any information received that leads to action against the offenders will be rewarded.

I am considering initiating one or more online petitions, and I would appreciate suggestions as to where they should be addressed.

With the help of concerned individuals and organizations, I am able to offer a cash reward for videos that identify the exact locations and the perpetrators while they are in the act of hanging, helicoptering, and/or kicking dogs during “training” sessions.

Thank you for visiting this site.

Contact information:



Part One – Dogs in Law Enforcement, Marine Life Saving, Search & Rescue, Military, and Dog Training


(a) Dogs As Lifeguards. This mainly involves, at least the past use of NEWFOUNDLANDS as rescue dogs by the Canadian Coast Guard. The Newfoundland breed of dogs bear this name because that was where this breed originates. Newfoundlands are considered one of the so-called Giant Breeds, and these types of dogs are indeed the second largest dog breed of all, and they are extremely gentle dogs. When these dogs are used for marine lifesaving, a lifeboat will pull close to an individual who is in the water that needs rescuing. During these maneuvers, the Newfoundland dog will jump in the water, no matter how cold and rough that water might be, then the dog and the human supervisor will very carefully get the rescued individual into the boat. The Newfoundland dog will grab the distressed swimmer and pull him towards the boat while keeping his head above the water and the Newfoundland dog will do this without hurting the person needing rescue.

The image above shows Krypto the Super Dog. Yes, Superman also has a super dog. Image courtesy of

Image of Superman and his trusty K9 companion Krypto furnished courtesy of

Newfoundland dogs are not really trained for this purpose because they have a natural predilection for this sort of behavior. As a cautionary note for anybody who might consider adopting a Newfoundland, they are noted for having tremendous appetites and they are known for only eating meat. A full-grown Newfoundland consumes about 18 pounds of food per day.


(b) Dog Training. The popular image of dog training is basically that of a human patiently teaching a dog how to perform a task, then rewarding the dog for performing that task until a given task becomes habitual for that dog. As can be seen from the attached reference materials, far too often, especially in law enforcement and the military, the dog training is carried out by way of torture and sadistic punishment. Many schools of dog training rely on is terrorizing dogs into performing the desired tasks so that these poor dogs performs such tasks out of fear of punishment rather than from desire for a reward and/or because they want to.

Image courtesy of

(c) Search & Rescue Dogs. These types of dogs fall roughly into two categories. Bloodhounds and Cadaver Dogs which translates to dogs that are trained to find live people and those trained to find dead people: a dog cannot be trained for both purposes. Some breeds work better for one purpose or for the other purpose. Sometimes, law enforcement and military canines are retrained for Search & Rescue after they have gotten too old for their regular duties. However, I have to wonder if such activities would be successful if the dog had the experience of being abused in training and/or by its handler. If he wishes, a dog can simply refuse to track and no number of threats could make hum do so if he did not wish to perform such tasks because just running off is far too early under such circumstances. A good S&R canine must really love what they are doing because there is just too much riding on them to make them uncooperative by mistreating them.

(d) Bomb and Drug Detection Dogs Law enforcement agencies of all types including customs and border enforcement organizations around the world use dogs that are trained to sniff for either drugs or explosives. Airports and maritime port facilities are common places where dogs that are trained to sniff either drugs or explosives are deployed. Drug-sniffing dogs are also a common sight at bus stations around the world, and these same types of dogs often make appearances at work places and schools. At least within the civilian sector, dogs that perform these types of duties are generally treated fairly well because they are not expected to attack armed persons during combat scenarios; however, drug-detection dogs that serve in military environments may find themselves under attack from drug users or drug dealers.

Law enforcement organizations and anti-terrorism forces often use trained dogs to locate bombs, but militaries also deploy dogs to search for unexploded ordinance and deliberately set traps that contain explosives. Generally, it is better for a dog to be designed for detection duties than attack duties because it is the attack and guard dogs that receive the harshest treatment.

Image courtesy of K9Danka from 

 (d & e) Law Enforcement & Military Dogs. Now we get into two totally different areas where the canines are not co-workers and companions, but instead, these unfortunate dogs are more often than not simply seen as expendable tools that are used just like any other inanimate throwaway object. I will cover these two areas in detail in Parts Two and Three.

Image courtesy of ADL on


Part Two – Law Enforcement Dogs


 As is well-covered in this article’s attached reference material, and elsewhere, American Law Enforcement has for several years grown increasingly thuggish in is general behavior towards the public with a diminishing number of exceptions to this overall rule. The abuse of police dogs is simply a natural outgrowth of this trend towards increased police thugishness towards the citizenry.

The obvious question to ask is of course, “Why Is This So?” There are a number of answers which are all valid and easy to determine:

(1) Potential candidates for police officers are psychologically screened to identify the desired sorts of individuals: under these circumstances, having PTSD from war service can be seen as a positive asset in a candidate because such men will subconsciously continue to think just like they did while they were over there in that distant war zone while serving in the military.

Image courtesy of William Hatchett on

(2) The new hiring preference for Zio-American law enforcement personnel is for military veterans with particular specialties like military police, prison guards, etc. who also have a large body of pertinent experiences built up from places like Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. These former military servicemen tend to view “Civilians” basically the same way as they viewed the citizens and resistance movements in those countries where they completed their military service. These men who served in the Zio-American Empire’s elective wars overseas tend to retain a perpetual “Us vs. Them” mindset when dealing with the general public whether they are consciously aware of this fact or not.

“The old helpful police officer of the popular imagination,” while not yet totally extinct, is rapidly becoming extinct. The old helpful police officer is now increasingly being replaced by militarized police officers whose principal function is maintaining government control over the population who they habitually view with suspicion. The current state of policing across the Zio-American Empire is a paramilitary force masquerading as police officers who obey government orders without question. In this highly charged and poisonous environment, police dogs are increasingly seen as expendable and inanimate tools and weapons to be used against the enemy, just like how they are used in the military.

Image courtesy of

(3) Israeli Training of American Law Enforcement. Israel’s training of Zio-American imperial police officers is perhaps the most important answer of all as well as an explanation for  the context of Zio-American militarization of police forces. ISRAELI POLICE OFFICERS ARE NOW ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAINING NEARLY ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES.American police officers are trained to view civilians the same way Israeli police officers view Palestinians – as the enemy. In typical Israeli police fashion, a dog is viewed as nothing more than another weapon that one can use against a hated enemy. To Israeli police, a dog is simply an object that possesses no more intrinsic worth that the club that an Israeli police officer might use to beat a little Palestinian boy. “Dig deep enough into any problem of significance and there you will find at least one Jew in a prominent position.” – Adolf Hitler. Well, as you can see, this particular problem with American police becoming increasingly militarized is fairly lousy with the Israelis.


I will close out this second part with the story about an exception to the general rule of police treating their service dogs with cruelty.

Within the last year or so within the Birmingham, Alabama Metropolitan Area, there was a human canine patrol officer and his dog who were both out on a routine patrol. The officer pulled over a car for a minor traffic violation and a broken taillight. The human officer left his service dog in the police cruiser since this stop was for such a minor matter. At the beginning of this incident, the police officer did not know that the man who was driving this car was a young Black male who was an escaped felon from out of state. As soon as this felon’s car stopped, the driver jumped out and started shooting at the human officer. This at-large felon hit the human police officer with his gunshots several times and killed the police officer.

Upon the human officer’s death, the police dog jumped out of the car and come to the officer’s defense. The heroic police dog was shot and killed as well during this incident, but by this time, nearby police officers had arrived on the scene, so these other officers opened fire on the Black escaped felon immediately after getting into gun range.  The arriving police officers shot this vile Black criminal several times and killed him on the spot.

Image courtesy of

The policeman who died in this terrible incident was fixing to retire, and he had already begun the process of adopting the dog since it too was getting too old to work. The policeman and his companion were buried next to each other in a formal ceremony. Everyone who knew that deceased police officer insisted that he was one of the last of the old breed of police officers who was still on duty. Back in the day, those who became policemen did so because they really wanted to help others. Apparently, this may have been the only time anywhere in the country that both a policeman and his canine partner were killed together outside of automobile accidents.


Part Three – Military Dogs


What has been said about law enforcement dogs, could just as easily be said about military service dogs as well, except to an even greater degree. A dog who is serving in the military is viewed even more of an object than he is within a law enforcement context. When you are part of a system like in the US Military where absolutely no value is attached to human life, even of its own lower ranking members, then what chance does a dog have? In the military, both dogs and human soldiers are viewed as just objects to be used for the benefit of the Brass, the Politicians, and Bureaucrats.

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In militaries across the world, animals, not just dogs, and people as well, are routinely used as guinea pigs in tests of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. In the case of cats at least, these lovable furry friends are used to test the effects of various small arms bullets on living tissue. This practice of using animals as test subjects harkens back to the old U.S. cavalry days when horses that were too old for continued service were used to test new and more destructive bullets for small arms. Old army horses were also used for regular target practice by the American Army. (Ouch!)

It is now common practice in the Zio-American and Israeli militaries, which are now for all practical purposes one and the same entity, to train dogs for viciousness. These dogs are trained to be vicious because being this way makes them effective tools for interrogation and terrorizing prisoners when these dogs are directed by their sadistic human handlers. Viscous dogs are also deemed to be more effective at executing standard guard duties and being sent out as attack weapons during pitched battles.

Image courtesy of Avrilavignix on the r/Whatisthis forum from

Bomb detection dogs are trained to sniff out explosives, but other types of service dogs who are euphemistically termed mine-clearance dogs, are sent out to locate minefields and booby traps, essentially by detonating them. When used by the Israelis in Gaza, these tactics were not very effective because these dogs usually got picked off by snipers.

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I saw drug dogs used in the US Military to locate/combat the illicit drugs that the military was awash in. These dogs had to be trained to defend themselves, because the drug users and drug dealers that these dogs were trained to nab were always trying to kill these canines. Dogs that were chosen for the role of drug dogs came from breeds that have been traditionally used as guards, herders, and attack dogs, but only individuals from these breeds that can be properly controlled and disciplined are chosen for the role of drug-sniffing dogs.

Image furnished courtesy of jdk on the r/pics forum from


Another use for Military Dogs is delivery of an explosive device to a target. These dogs are used sort of like furry self-guided missiles, be those targets, minefields or whatever else. I will illustrate this principle with an example from the Eastern Front of World War II.

 As German Panzer Forces began to near Moscow in the Fall of 1941, The Red Army deployed a top-secret unit that was designated as the “Moscow Rifle Company.” This “Moscow Rifle Company” was provided with a considerable number of large dogs that were capable of carrying substantial payloads. The only place they would feed the dogs were under tanks with their engines running, so these poor dogs became completely conditioned to expect food waiting for them under the hulls of idling tanks.

These unfortunate tank-seeking dogs were deployed to the front line as the German Panzers began to approach Moscow, and each of these poor old dogs had a large pack of explosives strapped to its back. A metal rod that was attached to the detonator stuck up into the air on each dog’s deadly backpack. When the rod was bent over, the bomb would detonate. Before their fateful missions, these unlucky dogs were starved for a few days. As the German Panzers approached Soviet positions near Moscow, the bomb-carrying dogs were turned loose. When unleashed, these trained dogs ran towards German tanks and the crawled under the approaching German tanks where they were expecting to find something to eat there. The bellies of tanks were generally unarmored back in World War II, so as a result, many German tanks were destroyed in this fashion.

Image courtesy of Jeanette Hays on

 A dog could all too easily approach a tank without being noticed by the tank’s crew because under such circumstances every German tank crew had to keep themselves buttoned up inside the armored shells of their war machines. As a result of these bomb dogs lurking about on the frozen battlefield, the Germans had to assign snipers to follow along behind their Panzers to look out for what they called “Mine Dogs.”

One German sniper would later lament, “We all felt bad about destroying the dogs, but the despised Bolsheviks gave us no choice. We had to protect our comrades in the tanks who were depending on us. I remember one time in particular when I had to shoot this magnificent White Elkhound who was the finest looking canine that I ever saw. This dog was approaching one of our Panzers from the rear after it stopped to shoot at the Russians. The resulting blast blew a crater in the ground as big as the panzer.”


Part Four – Animal Rights and Judeo-Christianity


Judeo-Christianity (Judaism + Christianity) is established on the principle that Nature was created to serve Man, and Man has been commanded to have dominion over Nature. Under the auspices of Judeo-Christianity, Nature, including of course animals, have absolutely no intrinsic value of its own. As Jews and other Abrahamists see things, both Nature and animals of all types only exist to serve mankind in whichever way Man sees fit. Indeed, this idea of Man having total dominion over nature is codified within a specific Jewish commandment from the Torah, so attaching any more importance to animals or Nature is considered by Jews to be “worshipping the creation rather than the Creator;” therefore, reverence for Nature is expressly forbidden within this Abrahamic context.

Part of this Jewish and Abrahamic hostility to the natural world is due to the supposed sin of Adam and Eve that somehow enabled The Devil to take control of The Natural World; therefore, all of this man having dominion over nature business is part of Yahweh’s struggle against The Devil as Jews see things. Besides, as Jews see things, since the natural world is all dominated by The Devil anyway, Yahweh is going to end up burning it all up, including the animals. This is also why any talk of environmental issues, natural conservation, or animal rights is regarded as Devil Worship by Jews, Christians, Muslims, and their ilk.

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Modern concepts of effective Deep Ecology, Animal Rights, and National Parks all originate from The Third Reich. This is one of reason, but certainly not the only reason, that many Fundamentalist Christians regard National Socialism as Devil Worship.


Judaism is where the whole idea of animals as inanimate objects and tools originates. As Christianity increasingly loses its grip on The Western, olds pagan ideas about reverence for the environment are beginning to creep back into the public discourse. Admittedly, post-Christian Western culture has become even more openly materialistic than it ever was under the old Christianity, and this is the case in part because both Capitalism and Communism which now dominate our mental ecosphere are purely Jewish and materialist by nature. Despite the accelerated moral decay that comes with the collapse of Christianity across the West, the reemergence of reverence for Nature is one silver lining to the exit of traditional Christian morals.

The image above shows attendees to a Rainbow Gathering festival. Festivals such as Rainbow Gatherings are a good representation of the “Post Christian West.” Yes, Rainbow Gatherings, at least to some degree, are a showcase of superlative stupidity and all sorts of moral folly. Despite “Hippy Culture’s” montage of stupidity, moral rot, and spiritual rot, there is still a streak of good reverence for nature within this fetid stew. Image courtesy of

Scientism is a religious system in which Science takes the place of Spirit and Divinity. Scientism was originally created by Judeo-Christians as a means to discredit the old native spiritual traditions of peoples around the world. Eventually the Cult of Scientism became a veritable Frankenstein Monster which has now turned against its creators.

Image courtesy of


Part Five – From Animism & Shamanism to National Socialism


 The Great One once explained that he was going to resurrect Ancient Germanic Spirituality but in a form that is suitable for modern times. This matter is covered in Martin Borman’s book called “Hitler’s Table Talk”.

Just like every other True Human Race, the Aryans, including the Teutons (Ancient Germans), were Animists. The Teutons believed that every natural thing has a spirit, as do man-made objects that are created in accordance with the natural order of things. As long as one of these two criteria are met, then no object in question is never “inanimate.” As the old Germanics and other early peoples saw things, everything was sentient and intelligent, but to varying degrees.

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Both Dogs and Humans are sentient because all types of beings have at least some senses of themselves. Both Dogs and Men are intelligent, and each dog is aware of himself as a dog, so dogs do things that are fitting for The Dog Race. Man is aware of himself as Human, and so each Human thinks in the manner that is appropriate for Humankind. YET! Both dogs and humans are just parts of a greater Sentient and Intelligent Being which we call The Universe (The Immanent God manifests as The Universe as opposed to the Eminent God which stands apart from and supposedly creates the Universe.)

One race or one being is not more important than the other in the grand scheme of things because every entity has its own functions to perform. Every single entity and every distinct was has functions are just different. This example applies to all Natural things as well as all man-made things which are created in accordance with the Natural Order of things. This natural order includes the various Races of True Humans; THIS IS WHY DIFFERENT HUMAN RACES SHOULD NOT JUST MIX WITH ONE ANOTHER UNTIL THEY ARE ALL NO MORE!

Image courtesy of 

 Those who take on the spirit of the Jew in whichever way this transformation might happen have a spiritual father and a spiritual lineage which is from another universe that is completely antithetical to this one. Jews can never be an accepted as part of this universe because they are forever Hebrews (“Outsiders”).

 The “Founding Fathers” of National/Racial Socialism always took great pains to make it clear that their movement has its very foundations rooted in Nature and the Natural Order of Things. This means among other things that National Socialism was founded in the Animism of our ancient Aryan Ancestors.

Image courtesy of

Old Germanic Animism is where the concepts of Animal Rights, Deep Ecology, and National Parks originated.  Untersberg, just like every other mountain, has its Own Spirit. The Rhine, just like every other river, has its own Spirit. Efforts to preserve and restore the Teutoburger Wald (The German Forest) stemmed from this place being the birthplace and the nurturer of all that it means to be German. The Teutoburger Wald not just a place, but it is actually an active force in both the conception and development of the German Folk. The German Folk and the Teutoburger Wald will always stand or fall together because they are forever a part of each other. It goes without saying that other peoples have their own places that are similar to Germany’s Teutoburger Wald.

It is a well-known fact that The Great One was, and actually still is a vegetarian, and he hoped to eventually wean the German Folk off of meat altogether, but during his time as Germany’s Chancellor, The Great One permitted its consumption; of course, provided the animals had been treated humanely and killed humanely. To that extent, National Socialism has a practice around consuming meat that is similar to the Halal practices of Islam.

Image courtesy of Mu on

Jewish Kosher slaughter was outlawed by National Socialists because it requires torture to the animals concerned. (There are videos circulating on the internet which purportedly show animals being tortured as part of the killing process in Halal, but these videos are being posted by Jews. These videos in question are actually training films from Rabbinical Schools which are used to teach future Rabbis how to slaughter animals in the Kosher fashion. I know this because I investigated this matter myself.) The Great One did allow the consumption of meat in his presence, but that practice soon died out from respect for his wishes.

Animals have to be killed in a manner that does not result in the subject being terrified. How many people realize that if an animal is terrified at the time of its death, then its meat will be filled with adrenaline and so this meat becomes very tough? This is why your best restaurants only serve meat from humanely killed animals. That is also why Jewish Kosher meat is so foul-tasting and tough.

Vegetarianism allows the consumption of animal products that do not require an animal being killed to obtain them. Eggs are okay provided they are not fertilized. The Great One would frequently have such eggs with his breakfast. Until an egg is actually fertilized, then there is no chicken developing within it. Unfertilized eggs also taste much better and are more nutritious. Veganism, in complete contrast, forbids the use of any and all animal products. While Vegetarianism goes back for as long as True Humans have existed on the Earth, Veganism is a relatively recent and JEWISH INVENTION.

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The following will no doubt surprise many. As is discussed in the book titled “The Teutoburger Wald, The Battle That Stopped Rome” recent anthropologists have determined that the 1st Century German diet consisted of less than 10% animal protean. That means that the traditional German diet was around 90% plant based. Remember that The NSDAP was trying to return the German Folk back to what they once were during Roman times and before; therefore, The Great One’s vegetarianism should not be viewed as some kind of anomaly. The Teutonic Warriors of Hermann the Cherusci who annihilated the Roman Army under Varus ate a primarily plant-based diet. What animal protean they did consume came primarily from boar, deer, fowl, and fish; all of it wild.

Shamanism is less of a so-called religious system and more of a way of relating to The Universe of which one is a part, and every element of this shamanistic universe is alive, sentient, and intelligent. The exact details of a shamanistic tradition are determined by the Blood and the Soil which gave birth to this particular shamanistic tradition. The Shamanism of various peoples shares a number of things in common; they all have a broadly similar approach to the world around them. Yet at one and the same time each peoples’ Shamanism tradition is as unique as each race and their individual circumstances. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all or generic Shamanism, only a broad similarity in some respects.

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If World War II had not intervened to prevent it, then the organization which Heinrich Himmler was already committed to building “The Institute for Occult Research” would have been completed, This institute was planned to rest at the very highest point of Untersberg Mountain. Architectural renderings of the huge structure had already been prepared by Albert Speer. Among other things, this institute would have fleshed out the details of the intended renaissance for Ancient Germanic Shamanism in a form that is suitable for the present day. Untersberg has been the Sacred Heart of Germany ever since Ancient Times.

The musical group named Heilung is an interesting case of pre-Christian Germanic traditions finding a new place in the modern world. The image above is furnished courtesy of The Thule Society wrote a post about this group a few years ago. 

Heil Hitler deva!


Randall Lee Hilburn

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