Is Transhumanism A War Against Both Men and Women? Part 1.


Prelude – In The Beginning Was The Bible:

The Bible clearly spells out in no uncertain terms that there will be No Races, Classes, or Sexes in “God’s Kingdom”. Such things as Miscegenation, Multiculturalism, Communism, and Asexuality (the absence of sexual differences) are all fundamental elements of Transhumanism, and all of them trace their origins back to The Bible which thus lays out the foundations for the world of Transhumanism which would come much later.

Introduction – What Is Transhumanism?

Transhumanism is considered by many to be the next step after Homo Sapiens in Humanity’s evolution. Although Transhumanity is developed from natural humanity, Transhumanity represents a totally different species of man that is superior to that which it came out of. Under the Transhuman agenda, old natural humanity first becomes obsolete, then finally goes extinct. So, as we see, whether we like it or not, The Bible is now paving the way for Transhumanism.

Added to that which was brought over from Judeo-Christianity is: (1.) The mixture of Human DNA with that of various plants and animals where one wishes to add certain of their attributes and capabilities to those of humans.

The image above shows the charted named “Barf” from the old 1987 Mel Brooks movie called Spaceballs. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

(2.) The merger of man with his technology, most especially computers, which results in what you could call either a Computerized Human/Animal/Plant Hybrid or a Hybrid-Humanized Computer, which is one and the same thing, a Transhuman.

Image above furnished courtesy of TD-Vice on

Most Transhumans will be produced in factory laboratories as test-tube babies on a “need be” basis as already existing units wear out or are destroyed or damaged, or more Transhuman slaves can be manufactured if an expansion of the existing slave pool is needed.

Actually, there is another possible way to produce slaves, which will no doubt also be at least tried out. These other types of Transhuman slaves will have altered human physiology so that Humanity becomes Asexual. Mass asexuality means that each individual will be both male and female, but not really either male or female in a traditional sense, so that each individual can be directed to reproduce on command.

However, the Nobility or Master Class of Transhumans are in a different situation. They will not replace the Super-Rich of today’s world; no, not at all. The Super-Rich will become the new masterclass for a brave new Transhumanist world. Essentially what this amounts to is that the present Oligarchs plan to have their consciousnesses and their minds digitized and loaded into Transhuman bodies. Thus, they will have achieved literal immortality for themselves because when those new bodies eventually wear out, as all machines must, then they can easily have themselves transferred to a new body ad infinitum.

The image above is provided courtesy of hybridgothica on 

In marked contrast to the long-living elite Transhuman class, the various Slave types can simply be mass produced as needed, then discarded when needed. Transhuman slaves will be bioengineered to be docile, so there will never be a chance of a slave revolt. What will the Jewish Global Plantation actually look like?

The answer is quite simple, Just Like an Anthill. That having been said, a new Transhuman world order will be like a giant anthill that has a virtually immortal aristocracy. The great mass of worker-slaves in a Transhumanist world will exist for no other purpose than to serve the collective ant mound and by proxy they will be serving the immortal ones who run their anthill world. After a certain point is reached, then Natural Humans will no longer be needed, and indeed, once natural humans are no longer needed, then they will become a definite threat to the smooth operation of the Global Jewish Plantation. At this point, an attempt will be made to exterminate the remnants of natural humanity.

Image courtesy of lancewilkinson on

Part One – Human Standardization

 It should be obvious already why The Human Race must be standardized if the change to Transhumanism is to be successful and total. Various sorts of people will be required in order to do the various sorts of jobs that need to be done; however, within each job category, every individual will be interchangeable with every other individual. Unnecessary differences will only result in lack of efficiency.

The image above is furnished courtesy of the r/BarcodePorn forum use Puzzle-Headed_ Look 53 on 

Part Two- Some Historical Background:

 The subject of Transhumanism is inseparable from that of Feminism. Part of the false-history of the Feminist movement involves supposed for a widespread presence of Female Warriors in Ancient Times. This is supposed to be proof that Women have absolutely no need of Men to defend them.

The reality is that while the occasional Female Warrior in some, but certainly not all, more-or-less Traditional Societies did make an appearance; however, female warriors were very much the exception and not the rule. Female warriors are occasionally mentioned among the ancient Celts as well as among some Non-European peoples. Despite scholars finding the odd mention of a female warrior sprinkled across history here and there, no authentic reports from among the Germans and the Norse that describe female warriors have ever been uncovered.

Contrary to what many people think, The Valkyries were/are not warriors at all. Valkyries are Odin’s Daughters, and these women are the appointed “Choosers of the Slain” from among the greatest heroes. Those who the Valkyries find worthy are carried away to Valhalla by these Valkyries only after being properly slain in the heat of battle. The vast bulk of Valkyries serve the Heroes in Valhalla, and are already the wives of the ones they serve in Valhalla or they soon will be the wives of fallen heroes.

The image above is provided courtesy of Erik Oreal on 

There have only been two women that were notable military leaders in history, but female political leaders are another matter altogether, Boudicca in Roman Britain, and much later Grania in Ireland were both women led a very successful wars against the English invaders. The thing is, most scholars now believe that Boudica was not really a military commander at all, but she did serve as a powerful personality figure who was successful in the task of providing an inspirational personage for the soldiers to rally around. Like Boudica, Joan of Arc was also not really a military leader, but she was an inspirational figure who provided a needed cult of personality from whom legions of real soldiers could draw motivation.

—————————- Amazons——————————————

This topic requires special treatment not just because of its importance to the development of the mystik of Feminism, but also to the topic of Lesbianism and Female Bisexuality as well. The phenomenon/movements of Amazons, for they were not an ethnically homogenous group, existed at various times amongst tribal peoples stretching from Thracia (Bulgaria) along the shores of the Black Sea to the Trans Caucasus Region.

The image above shows an old Greek decorative vase that features an artistic rendering of an Amazon warrior from antiquity. The image above is furnished courtesy of

Normally any men or boys who fell into their hands were killed outright. To recruit their numbers, they had two methods to choose from. The first method of keeping their numbers from falling to nothing was to raid surrounding tribes and carry off their young girls, who they would raise to be like themselves. The second option was to kidnap men whom they would either pressure, coerce, or trick into impregnating them.

The image above comes from an old episode of the cartoon television series named Futurama. In the Amazon Women in the Mood episode the show’s characters find themselves trapped on the all-female planet of the Amazons. The image above is furnished courtesy of blackmagikmIke on the r/futurama forum from 

Tricking and misleading young men into impregnating these Amazon women would not be too difficult given the nature of young men, but these young men did not realize that having sex with these women who were member of all-female war bands was not really a fantasy come true, but instead, these visits were a prelude to torturous deaths. After a physically captured or duped and misled man had served his intended purpose, then he would then be killed. Male babies would normally be killed, but occasionally male babies were given to one of the surrounding tribes. Lesbianism was of course common among the Amazons but bisexuality was more frequent out of necessity.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of mightymrfarts on r/funny forum from 

This section is largely based on the writings of the Roman General known as “Pompey The Great.” He carried out a long and very successful campaign in the Trans-Caucasus Region, which ultimately brought this area into the Roman Empire. During this campaign, Pompey the Great was fighting against a tribal confederacy that included the Amazons, so the Amazons fought the Roman Legions who were led by Pompey.

Image provided courtesy of Bigpapanasty432 on the r/Futurama forum from 

When Pompey finally decisively defeated the local tribes, including the Amazons, the Amazons disappeared because they were unable to accept the fact that they had been defeated in battle by men. Technology may change over time, but, “The more things change the more they remain the same.” The resemblance of the old Amazon tribes from Roman times to present feminists appears quite uncanny; obviously, the same spirit is at work.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of ThePrideSpider on 



                                         Effeminate Men & Masculine Women

 Much closer to our own time, and more directly affecting us in our present time, is the movement to produce the effeminate men and masculinized women. When did this trend begin in the Zio-American Empire? The answer might surprise you.

It started in the Northern States during the period of the Second American Revolution (We are referring to The American Civil War for all you Yankees out there.). It began at a communal settlement on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Then spread this trend expanded widely across The North very quickly.

The idea was to have a COMPLETE reversal of the Social Roles that have traditional been associated with men and women. In this colony, the men would stay at home and be homemakers and raise the children under the authority of the woman. While the men were expected to stay home and take care of the children, by contrast, the women were expected to go forth and act as breadwinners, protectors, and to behave as the absolute heads of households.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of 

The way of life that was practiced at this isolated colony in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan was taken to an indigotic extreme at the beginning of The War. During the course of the American Civil War, proposals were actually made to raise an army of women to subdue The South while the men stayed at home and took care of the homes and raised the kids. But when The Confederacy refused to roll over and play dead, and when the Confederacy began to inflict hundreds of thousands of casualties on Lincoln’s Army, the ardor that these “Liberated Women” felt for going to war cooled real fast. Once again, the resemblance to the spirit of our present day is uncanny.

Part Thee – Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”:

This book appeared in 1932. Its author was a particularly obnoxious British Jew, but that does not change the fact that this novel is among the most “prophetic” science fiction stories that has ever been written, and despite this book’s old age, it is still very relevant to our present discussion.

Some years after Aldus Huxley published his book Brave New World, George Orwell (Eric Blair) would write his book called “1984,” which is the story of a brutal world government which enslaves humanity. “Brave New World” is also the story of a global slave state, but in this case, Brave New World, depicts a so-called “Nanny-State” rather than a police state like what is depicted in Orwell’s “1984.”

The image seen above shows Eric Aurthur Bliar, who went by the pen-name “George Orwell” in a 1943 photograph. THe image above is furnished courtesy of

One could aver that Aldous Huxley’s fictitious society that is created in Brave New World used rewards and incentives to control the populace or we could say that this society uses the carrot as opposed to the stick to get its way. The idea of “the carrot” refers to the practice of motivating a stubborn mule to work by rewarding him with carrots for complying with a person’s wishes. On the other hand, a stubborn mule can also be pushed to work against his will be being beaten with a stick.

In contrast to the society that is envisioned by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, the government that is envisioned in Orwell’s book called 1984 is a rough police state that operates on the premise of fear, intimidation, and harsh punishments. Given its hard and martial nature, the government that is envisioned in 1984 could be said to operate on the principle of “the stick” as opposed to the carrot. What we are forced to put up with, for the moment anyway, is a developing hybrid of these two systems: What we have on our hands is a sort of system that operates with a vile combination of both the carrot and the stick.

The image above shows Aldous Huxley in 1954 at the age of 60 in 1954. Image furnished courtesy of

 (*) Note; The first of these science fiction tales of a dystopian future was the 1927 German Silent Movie by the legendary movie maker Fritz Lang which was titled “Metropolis.” Fritz Lang was a World War I German Army Veteran. Lang’s film that was titled Metropolis set the standard for everything that was to come later along the same lines, even up to the present day. Understanding the movie called Metropolis is useful in helping for gaining an understanding of the formative years of the NSDAP’s philosophy.

The image above shows an old promotion poster for the film Metropolis. The image above is provided courtesy of

The image above is sourced from the 1927 film titled “Metropolis.” The image above is furnished courtesy of

Metropolis is a significant work of art because it foreshadowed what many of The Folk were afraid lay ahead for them unless something changed radically and soon. The Folk’s needed and hoped for radical change wound up being The Hitler Revolution. Yet again, in our time, the same nightmare threatens to rear its ugly head unless something is done; therefore, we are headed into another Hitler Revolution.

What we see in “Brave New World” is the blurring of differences between male and female as much as possible including physically. In Brave New World, we see the first hint of what would come to be called “Unisex Fashion.” This is where the fashion idea of Unisex clothing comes from. Also, there was the complete removal of all body hair from both sexes mentioned in Brave New World; this is also where that idea of removing all body hair first arose. Since breastfeeding was no longer allowed in Brave New World’s fictitious setting, womens’ breasts atrophied until women became flat chested like men. We can also see this change beginning to take place now. Also, in the society that is envisioned in Brave New World, men and women performed the same tasks as much as was possible while men and women also performed the same social functions as much as possible.

In the fictitious world where Brave New World takes place, both men and women were required when called upon to contribute their sperm and their eggs to laboratories where babies were fertilized in test tubes, then gestated in glass container, and finally the children were raised in state-run creche facilities. In Brave New World, the State became the parents for all children and traditional biological-based parenting was no longer allowed. While men and women retained their sexual organs in the society of Brave New World, everybody’s sexual organs were greatly shrunken due to a pronounced lack of natural use. Needless to say, we are now beginning to see society moving in this direction.

Image furnished courtesy of 

In Brave New World’s setting, people were psychologically programmed so that when they heard any criticism of The State or of Society in general they would immediately lapse into something like a sexual frenzy, these artificially contrived and Pavlovian sexual frenzies were of course designed to take people’s minds off of whatever forbidden information they were being exposed to at the moment. Our present society is also being deliberately sexually superheated along very particular lines in order to keep people’s minds off of revolution.

As of today, internet pornography is used as a means of keeping the masses distracted and demotivated towards revolutionary activity, just as sex was used for the same purposes in Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

This brings up my final point for Part Thee, and this final discussion point is the matter of what were called “Happy Pills” or “Soma” in Brave New World. These artificial and chemical “Happy Pills” were plentiful and they were readily supplied to the working/slave population. These Pills kept people in a perpetual state of euphoria and wellbeing while also inducing a very artificial sense of deep gratitude to The State for providing them with these Happy Pills readily and free of charge. These Happy Pills were also terribly addictive because they were designed to be very addictive. Not surprisingly, within this story, anybody threatened a slave’s supply of “Happy Pills” would witness that slave become savagely hostile towards whomever was potentially going to compromise their supply of soma. So, in Brave New World, you have a population of drugged-up and sex-obsessed slaves. Can we not see this kind of society being developed around us now?

Image courtesy of 

Part Four – 1955 To 1975 & The Great Brainwashing:

The Vietnam War lasted from 1957 when Eisenhower sent in the first Zio-American imperial troops into Indochina as “Military Advisors” until 1975 when the US was finally forced to retreat from Vietnam during the “Fall of Saigon.”

The Zio-American Empire’s military involvement in Viet Nam also coincides with a Jewish-propelled program of social engineering that completely transformed American Society. In large part, the Vietnam War and the Cold War in general were distraction from a relentless international Jewish program of social engineering that took place while the Jews were busy remaking Zio-American society into a creation that was more to their liking.

There were of course a great many facets to this Jewish program (more like a pogrom) of social engineering, but for the purposes of this blog, I will discuss only on three aspects of this sinister campaign to remake America: Feminism, The Sexual Revolution, and The Destruction of the Traditional Family. All three of the agenda items that were mentioned in the previous sentence were launched and run by Jews at the highest levels.

The Jewess Gloria Steinem is often referred to as the “Mother of Feminism” because she set the standards for all that contemporary Feminism has become. The whole point of Feminism being that men must be put into a totally submissive position vis-a-vis women, that is if men must be tolerated at all.  Within the confines of orthodox Feminist ideology, we see the ground being prepared for a move to eliminate men altogether, which just happens to be a goal which was on occasion blatantly stated by Steinem and other old-time feminists.

The image above shows Gloria Steinem giving a lecture at the Lindon Banes Johnson library in 1975. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

At the same time that Gloria Steinem was running about pushing a vile Feminist agenda on an unsuspecting American public, Sexual Libertinism was being relentlessly pushed by Jews as well. Libertinism is an old 17th Century term which refers to what we would call an “Anything Goes” sexual license. The Jewish agenda to push for mass-scale Libertine sexual practices was meant to take advantage of the basest human attributes such as: hedonism, selfishness, and irresponsibility.

Libertine sexual ways are actually nothing new, the aristocracy of Europe and China were notorious Libertines at certain times during centuries past, and the aristocracy of Ancient Rome and Ancient Babylon were well-known to be profligate Libertines. Despite its long history, Libertine sexuality has traditionally reserved for those who were rich and privileged. If the rich and privileged engage in Libertine sexual mores, then such behavior is certainly bad for society as a whole; none the less, if only the rich and privileged are practicing Libertines, then the damage to society remains limited and contained.

The image seen above is a painting by Frederic Lenditz that is furnished courtesy of 

The real problems with Libertine lifestyles truly arrive when Jews go about telling the common people that they can indulge in Libertine manners as well as the rich. The real reason that the aristocracy has been Libertines for so long is because the richest members of any society are effectively insulated from economic reality, so the true consequences of their bad behaviors are not felt as quickly nor as keenly. Concerning the rich toying with vices, this issue extends to drugs as well as sexual profligacy. Even to this day, the rich tend to drink more alcohol than the middle class or the working class because the rich do not suffer the true consequences for their bad behavior to the same extent as those who are middle-class or working-class. For those who are middle-class or working-class, dabbling in Libertine sexuality comes with steep and immediate consequences that are not present for the rich.

The rise of mass-scale welfare programs has also helped to spread old Libertine ideas downward across society because welfare programs effectively remove many of the consequences that have been traditionally associated with sexual profligacy and wanton consumption of alcohol and other intoxicants. Not surprisingly, welfare goes a long way to making Libertines out of urban underclass men and women because the state is there to mitigate the consequences of people’s bad behavior. Predictably, having masses of non-working underclass Libertines inhabiting large cities leads to broken communities at the lowest levels of society.

Image courtesy of

When coupled with Feminism, Libertine sexual mores become an attack upon genuine Love and Romance. This Jewish campaign to promote Libertine sexual mores has been quite effective over the last sixty years, now we see that traditional love between men and women has been largely replaced by an atmosphere of suspicion, antagonism, and exploitation. The subject of Abortion Rights grew out of all of this promotion of Feminism and Libertine sexuality to a large extent. Easy access to abortions makes for a great bedfellow for Libertine Sexual mores because easy access to abortions provides an easy and convenient way to dispose of the vast multitudes of unwanted babies that are constantly being produced in the wake of Libertinism that is spawned from our Jewed-up and sexually overheated Western Society.

Some form of Marriage and the Family is the absolute prerequisite for any organized and functioning human society across time and space. Friedrich Engels (German), yes that Friedrich Engels, in his book “The Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” spent a lot of time proving why this is so. Furthermore, Engels wrote that a functioning family required a strong Father Figure to be in charge of his family. Engels also wrote that both parents must wield Parental Authority over their children for a family to function. What Engels put forward was the concept of an ideal family that was just a traditional family, but a traditional family without religious regulations, strictly speaking. Engels believed that men are harder to psychologically manipulate than women and parents are harder to psychologically manipulate than children. (The Jew is well aware of this fact.)

The image above illustrates a point that the public education system has been hijacked by Talmudic Jewish Communists as a means of furthering Jewish interests. jewish power is heavily dependent on the ability to control narratives, so not surprisingly control of the public education system is a prized thing for Jews. The image above is furnished courtesy of

Image above furnished courtesy of

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By attacking the whole concept of traditional Marriage & Family the Jew was striking at the very cornerstone of organized human societies. When Jews strike at the foundations of families, they do this because they intend to pave the way for the introduction of their Transhumanist Agendas.  Both Jewish Communism and Jewish Capitalism make it superlatively importance to destroy The Traditional Family and the institution of Traditional Marriage. Traditional family life and traditional marriage practices are not always attacked in the same order by Jews, but both of these intuitions are always attacked at some point whenever Jewish agendas are put into motion.

At the conclusion of the nearly six decades of intense brainwashing, the stage is now set for launching the Transhumanist Agenda as a practical program. People have been prepared for the arrival of a new Transhumanist agenda without their ever knowing it, but these decades of preparation have taken place behind the scenes of course. Despite decades of well-laid plans being put into motion, something unexpected happened that flushed the whole Transhumanist agenda out into the open for anyone who happened to be paying attention at the time.

Part Five – Transhumanism Is Outed, Alexander Solzhenitsyn “From Under the Rubble,” A Warning Ignored:

The image above shows Alexander Solzhenitsyn in a public meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 1997 shortly before Solzhenitsyn’s death at the age of 89 in 2008. The image above is furnished courtesy of  

I first encountered this anthology in the Mid 1970s soon after this literary work was translated into English. Solzhenitsyn put together a number of writings by a number of individuals who had defected from the Soviet Union. These defectors who spoke in Solzhenitsyn’s work intended to expose the reality of the Communist System; however, these astute defectors made no efforts to whitewash The West either. Within this work, The West comes across in many areas as being little better than the old Soviet Union.

There is one article in this anthology that is relevant to our present discussion. This relevant article was penned by an individual who had been a Bio-Engineer that was working on the Transhuman Program of the USSR. This same author took great pains to point out that the United States Government was also working on its own Transhuman project.

According to this author, it was understood by both governments that if they tried to openly implement their Transhumanist program too soon, then the general populations would never accept it, so such a program would have to proceed gradually and only after careful psychological conditioning of The Masses. It was unclear just how long the actual project was being worked on, but one can easily see that the period of mass brainwashing that I just covered was an essential part of the preparation for this program to be openly introduced.

Soon after I finished reading the Soviet defector’s testimony about Russia’s transhumanist agenda, I myself heard a Jewish-American scientist who was working on the US Transhumanist Program publicly state, “We must get beyond this whole Male-Female paradigm. We must develop a way of moving beyond it if we want an ideal society.”

The image above shows a “trans man” and his/her husband. And no, the photos seen above are real, the “man” that is seen above was born female, plus this “man” has female chromosomes and still retains a functioning female reproductive system, but this female-born individual has been taking heavy doses of artificial male hormones in order to at least appear masculine. The image above is furnished courtesy of

The image seen above shows Los Angles resident Bennett Kasper-Williams and his/her “husband” Malik. The above photograph was taken in October of 2020 before Kasper-Williams delivered a baby boy by way of a cesarian section operation. The image seen above is provided courtesy of the The New York Post’s website.  

All sorts of Transhumanist programs have continued to expand in breadth and depth over the decades, but at the time I read the Russian scientist’s deposition, the main focus of Transhumanism was to change human physiology so that there would be no sexual differences so that mankind would begin to reproduce asexually when they are directed to do so. Basically, the concept is that when an individual is directed to do so, they can simply make themselves pregnant.

Psychological studies were conducted in the USSR to determine the ultimate ramifications of such changes being introduced. Well, the ramifications are as follows, there will be no such thing as Love, there will be no such thing as Sexual Desire, and or of course, there will be no such thing as Families. Under this new system, Human Society will tend to resemble nothing so much as an anthill. The damage that would be done to the human psyche would be so devastating that it would result in the Total Extinction of Humanity. Did the Soviets end up balking at the suicidal nature of the project? I do not know, but one thing which I do know is that the United States Government continued to plow ahead on their secret Transhumanist agendas at an ever-accelerating pace until today.

What we have been seeing going on all across the West and those areas that are influenced by The West for a very long time is preparations for the REPLACEMENT of Homo Sapiens by a new Bioengineered and GMOed slave species which I will call Homo Transhuman. “Dig deep enough into any problem of significance and there you will find at least one Jew in a prominent position.” – Adolf Hitler. Not surprisingly, the world’s ongoing Transhumanist Agenda is truly loused up with Hebrews.

Image courtesy of 

I will close this section with the brief mention of my experiences that transpired whenever I have tried to expose what is going on with Transhumanist agendas. For starters, personal attacks against me have been vicious and relentless. Most people cannot handle campaigns of sustained personal attacks against them, so they lash out savagely when anyone brings it up to them. Most people who attack those that speak of Transhumanist agendas are not actually upset by these messages themselves, but they will still relentlessly attack anyone who brings these matters up.

People who are not familiar and knowledgeable about Transhumanist agendas react with such craziness and denial because such discussions are beyond their present locus of understanding about how the world operates. Those who are not familiar with the Transhumanist agenda typically accuse those who are “in the know” on this matter of being stupid and/or insane, or maybe just a liar.

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