Was Juan Peron A National Socialist Luminary Part 2.
Link to Part One Here:
Juan Peron: An Oracle of National Socialism Part 1
Part Four – International Synergy
There are Five Parts to International Synergy:
(1) Capitalism
(2) Communism
(3) Vaticanism
(4) Freemasonry
(5) Zionism
While International Jewry ultimately lies at the heart of International Synergy, it would be a grave mistake to think of these five parts as merely being Jewish instruments because each of these five factions has their own life and their own agenda. These five factions occasionally may have very real conflicts between one another, none the less, they always end up serving the cause of International Jewish Finance when the dust settles. These five factions within the scope of International Synergy all wind up serving International Jewish Finance when all is said and done because they all desire absolute and unchallengeable control of planet Earth. Each part of International Synergy is an essential and jealous component of the Jewish World Order. International Synergy is what All National Socialists Everywhere are battling against. International Synergy is a single and ravenous monster that has a central brain, yet it still possesses five heads that each also have their own brains.
(1) Capitalism –
Capitalism, whether it is practiced by Jews or Non-Jews, has, to paraphrase Peron, “one and only one goal, and that goal is maximum profits by any and every means necessary.” To further paraphrase Peron, “Capitalism is an invention of the Jews, so a Capitalist is a Jew, at least in spirit.” (Every Capitalist is at least Jewciized if they are not born Jewish.). The whole system of Capitalism is a Jewish invention to begin with, so Capitalism ultimately serves the interests of International Jewish Finance which truly controls it. By its very nature, Capitalism is Internationalist and Multicultural, while also being fiercely anti-family. Nations, cultures (or races), and families all interfere with the free operation of Jewish Market Capitalism, and this is the case because Market Capitalism exists simply to produce maximum and constantly increasing profits. Capitalism leads towards greater and greater concentrations of wealth in fewer and fewer hands, and those hands tend to be International Jewish Finance. Capitalism is not a question of scale, but instead, Capitalism is really a matter of spirit and motivation. Capitalist enterprises can be anything from giant multinational corporations down to small local businesses, but Capitalism is really defined by motivations.
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
As was proven under the Third Reich, large industrial enterprises and wealthy industrialists are not intrinsically incompatible with National Socialism, provided that their ultimate motivation is promoting common welfare for The Folk and not just seeking profit at all cost. Reaping financial profits is fine so long as these gains do not destroy the common good of people, animals, and the natural world.
Financial Parasitism or “Vulture Capitalism” is always outlawed in every National Socialist country because this is where International Jewry has always made the overwhelming bulk of its truly ill-gotten fortunes. Under National Socialism, there are no Stock and Bond Markets and No Trading in Currencies. Under the auspices of National Socialism, there is absolutely no speculation on anything of financial value, whether this value is real as in the case of land, or artificially created as is the case with cryptocurrency. (Commodities for example).
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
These financial speculations are forbidden by National Socialist because they all drain money from productive private-sector portions of an economy plus these speculations also lessen the effectiveness of whoever provides essential social services. Speculation concentrates wealth in the hands of those who engage in more of the same: Parasitism. Speculations also result in the almost universal use of debt-based currencies, like what we new see across most of the world. All of this speculation and debt-based currency permits Parasites to live off of the work of others while producing nothing themselves, well nothing except increasing levels of poverty along with all that comes with it such as oppression and exploitation. Capitalism just creates more poverty while it also wages an endless war on Man, Nature and the Natural World.
Under National Socialism, the Worker is not robbed of his deserved fruits and rewards for whatever labor he has performed, nor is the Businessman deprived of his fair profits. When National Socialism is in effect, there is more than enough wealth for both the Worker and the Businessman to prosper and enjoy a good life; however, this arrangement can only exist after Financial Parasitism has been eliminated.
Image courtesy of freepik.com
(2) Communism –
The only essential difference between Communism and Capitalism is: The State takes the place of The Corporations; otherwise, they are identical in every important aspect. Under both Communism and Capitalism, The Worker is exploited as much under one system as another. In one case, The Workers are exploited by Capitalist Management, and in the other case, The Workers are exploited by State Bureaucrat Management.
Historically, Communism has been financed by International Finance and Multinational Corporations which may seem like a logical contradiction because Communists claim to stand against Big Business and the exploitation of workers, but the Communists ultimately have exactly the same goal as the Capitalists, and this goal is the endless enrichment of the so-called “Boss Class” whether this “Boss Class” is made up of corporate honchos or Communist Party big whigs. Ultimately, International Jewish Finance is behind both of these monsters which ensures mutual cooperation between Capitalism and Communism in the end. Capitalism and Communism both work towards the same end because they both benefit of the same people.
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
Peron described how wealthy Jewish Capitalists often oppress workers; therefore, workers grow ready for a revolution of some type. When the workers grow restless and very angry due to Capitalism exploitation, then less wealthy Jews see a golden opportunity to grab a piece of the big pie for themselves by taking it from their fellow Jews. When capitalism grows excessive, the less wealthy Jews then approach the downtrodden workers and claimed to be their spokesmen and their champions; this routine always spells the beginnings of a planned Bolshevik Style of revolution among the working classes. Having nowhere else to turn to at the time, many workers wind up “Drinking the Kool-Aid” and consuming poisonous Jewish Communist bait that is placed in a trap.
Image courtesy of celulapop.com.br
Once the well-meaning but misguided workers finish putting their supposed Jewish “champions” and “advocates” into power, then “The Cure” winds up being at least as bad as the Capitalist sickness, and many times the Communist “Cure” for the ills of Capitalism winds up being even worse than the original sickness from which the workers were struggling liberate themselves. Every time a Communist Revolution happens, the Workers always realize a bit too late that the real “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” is not government by the workers themselves, but rather it is government by a vicious and absolute dictatorship that is run by Jewish Bolshevik masters! This analysis is based on Peron’s personal study of Communism, which is absolutely brilliant because it explains so much in a very clear and easy to understand manner.
During one well-known Communist Revolution, there was a violent clash between two factions of International Jewish Finance, and as is usual, it was the Goyim who did all the fighting and dying during this spat between dueling Jewish interests. In this conflict, dupes from one faction fought it out with dupes from the other faction. This nightmarish bloodbath is known as The Russian Civil War which was followed closely by Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution. (The same thing has been said by Russian commentators in recent times when they speak about the motivations behind the Russo-Ukraine War. Many astute Russian bloggers such as Rolo Slavsky have called the Russo-Ukraine war a spat between different collections of Jewish oligarchs, yet it is Russians who are dying in large numbers to perpetuate this useless conflict.)
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
(3) Vaticanism –
The simplest way to describe this concept is to call it the Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, or the Organization of the Roman Catholic Church which are both centered in Vatican City. The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church pertains to the organization of the church and not to Catholic teachings and Catholic ideas that do not relate to matters of organization and hierarchy.
Image courtesy of hpure.tudelft.nl
Argentina is a predominantly a Roman Catholic country, and like most Argentinians, Juan Peron was raised Catholic. However, as I will presently explain, Peron ended up breaking with The Catholic Church. While he never publicly renounced The Catholic Church’s doctrines as they relate to an individual’s spiritual path, he did grow grew increasingly critical of the Vatican before the public as time passed. However, Peron eventually reached a point where he no longer differentiated between Catholic doctrine and Catholic hierarchy, so he began to condemn Catholicism in general.
Image courtesy of indiewire.com
Whenever attempts were made to overthrow or undermine him, whether these attempts were successful or not, Peron always discovered that The Vatican was invariably involved in a significant way. The Vatican even supported and sponsored Atheistic Communists, which were almost invariably Jews, so long as these groups were seeking to depose or undermine Peron. The Vatican’s support for anyone who opposed Peron began before there was any official friction between him and The Church, however, the Vatican’s support for anyone who disliked Peron was the eventual cause of Peron’s difficulties with The Catholic Church.
In light of his personal experiences when dealing with The Vatican, Peron drew the logical conclusion that International Jewry had infiltrated and taken control of The Roman Church, and they were now using it as a front organization for the aims of International Jewry. For example, Pope Pius XII sincerely supported Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini while the rest of the people within The Vatican itself were clandestinely doing all it could to help insure an Allied victory. The Vatican even went so far as to support Godless Communism, as well as Western Capitalism, so long as this support would help ensure an Allied victory at the end of World War II. What these three things that are named Communism, Capitalism, and Vaticanism all have in common is their manipulation by International Jewry. Catholics, whether they are Capitalist or Communist, ultimately serve the same master as Perone finally recognized.
The image above shows Pope Benedict XVI. Image courtesy of theguradian.com
Image of Pope Benedict XVI courtesy of bbc.co.uk This gentleman looks like he has a kind heart underneath his trappings of political office as a Catholic clergyman.
Peron noted that in spite of some surface appearances, Vaticanism was inherently hostile to National Socialism. Peron’s observation that Vaticanism is inherently hostile to National Socialism arrived kind of late in his political career because the Catholic Church is a semi-independent front for International Jewry.
While Peron did not persecute Catholics, he did work tirelessly to reduce the presence and influence of the Catholic Church’s Hierarchy within Argentina. Peron worked to decrease Catholic influences in Argentian because he recognized the Catholic Church is a vehicle for Jewish subversion that almost always operates in collusion with the Zionist Occupation Government (Z.O.G.) in Washington D.C.
Image courtesy of southpark.fandom.com
So, you might ask, “Wasn’t Adolf Hitler a Catholic?” yes, Adolf Hitler was Catholic in a sense because he was born and christened into The Church, plus he attended Catholic mass services regularly until he turned fifteen. Hitler also served his the last several years in the Catholic Church as a choir boy. However, when he turned fifteen, Hitler became legally able to make his own decisions about attending church, so he never attended another Catholic church service for the rest of his life, nor did he seek anything from a Catholic priest ever again. His relationship with Pope Pius XII was one of friendship and alliance, not one of Pope and Layman.
(4) Freemasonry –
The occult nature of Freemasonry was developed out of Kabbalistic Judaism. The purpose of Freemasonry is to infiltrate and control governments and organizations. Freemasonry also strives to control individual people and events from behind the scenes for the ultimate benefit of International Jewry.
Image courtesy of pixelsquid.com
Image courtesy of freepik.com
The fact that Vaticanism and Freemasonry have on occasion violently conflicted with each other, like during the French Revolution, does not alter the fact that they both ultimately serve the interests of International Jewry.
The worst form of Freemasonry is Scottish Rite which covers the overwhelming majority of Freemasons. The Grand Orient de France (Masonic Lodge) may have started in France, but its scope is now worldwide. Grand Orient de France Masonry is a major conduit for the evil that is committed by International Jewry, and many of the world’s movers and shakers are members of this lodge or one of its subordinate offshoots. Sometimes Freemasonry will take on a Christian veneer when such things are deemed necessary, but in substance, it remains an offshoot of Kabbalistic Judaism.
Image courtesy of freepik.com
Many rank-and-file Freemasons are totally unaware of Freemasonry’s true nature, so these legions of common men who belong to Mason Lodges unknowingly serve as tools, dupes, and cash cows for Jewish interests. Freemasonic middle management knows more than the masses of low-level initiates, but only Masons at the highest levels know the whole story of this organization. It is at these highest levels that Masonry becomes a purely Jewish organization which pursues the sole interests of International Jewry. Freemasonry and National Socialism are mutually exclusive pursuits for obvious reasons. Masonry always tries to undermine National Socialism while National Socialist states will always suppress Masonry.
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
(5) Zionism –
In this case, the Jews start to operate in the public view, but only up to a point. Everyone needs to be familiar with “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” because this body of writing covers what Zionism is really all about.
Organized Zionism was formally launched in 1897; but in reality, political Zionism has existed as long as there have been Hebrews. Zionism really began with (Israelites and Jews) around the First Millennium BCE. Zionism is simply the philosophy of the Hebrew, including Jewish Supremacy. Zionism includes the belief that Hebrews/Jews have been divinely ordained to rule the entire world; therefore, anybody who stands in their way must be destroyed by whatever means are necessary. Until 1897, Zionism was not usually called by the name of Zionism; for example, the Zealots(early Zionists) were the ones that provoked the Roman-Jew War of 70 CE. It was the Zealots who were the forerunners of today’s Zionists, but the Zealots were motivated by the same spirit as today’s Zionists.
Image courtesy of polit.reactor.cc
In 1892, which was five years before the official founding of Political Zionism, the British Government with the permission of the Ottoman Authorities, conducted a census of Palestine where they discovered that there were 0 Jews, and we mean NO Jews, living in Palestine and Jerusalem at that time. Indeed, there were no Jews living in Palestine since the Romans eliminated most of the Jewish population which resulted in a small number of survivors fleeing the area around 70 CE. After 1897, only a few Jews (less than 3,000) (wolves in sheep’s clothing) were able to trickle back into Palestine before the Balfour Declaration was initiated. After the Balfour Declaration was passed, a steadily increasing flood of Jewish squatters and savages began to trickle into the Arabic land that was commonly known as Palestine.
Juan Peron’s chief contribution to National Socialism’s understanding of Zionism was showing Zionism within its proper context of International Synergy, then showing how the various components of The International Synergy work together. Using military parlance, he shows us what can be called “The Force Structure” of International Jewry. It is International Jewry that is the mortal enemy of National Socialists.
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
Part Five – Juan Peron and the Beginnings of “Third World”
The concept of “First World” began during the Cold War, and this idea stated that the “First World” consisted of wealthy Capitalist states and their accompanying satellites. The Second World was originally defined as being Communist nations such as the Soviet Union and Communist China along with their satellite nations such as Romania and East Germany. It was Juan Peron who developed the concept of “Third Word.” Peron’s concept of “Third World” denotes nations which stand apart from the first two.
Juan Peron’s old notion of “Third World” encompassed those nations that were dedicated to the principles of Justicialism (Social Justice), or in other words National Socialism. Despite Juan Peron’s more noble concept of what constitutes “Third Word,” this term now carries a vituperative connotation. In today’s world, the term “Third World” describes nations that are very poor and backwards. For those who have done a fair amount of international travel, they understand that the borderlines of what constitutes a “Third World” nation are often very fuzzy and hard to define; none the less, the concept of Third World nations is not entirely imaginary or arbitrary either. Some nations certainly qualify as “Third World” but other nations seem to be rather borderline in this manner. For example, the nation of Haiti squarely qualifies as “Third World,” but other nations such as Colombia offer a rather blurred picture in this regard.

Image above furnished courtesy of citiesalliance.org
What happened to the Third Reich, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan had nothing to do with the correctness or incorrectness of their National Socialist Social ways other than the fact that International Synergy saw their ways of doing things as a threat and set out to destroy them as a result.
Peron was very clear about his intentions to maintain the racial and cultural integrity of each Folk. Peron also made it very clear that he understood Adolf Hitler’s ideas about racial matters and The Folk.
Like Adolf Hitler, Leon Degrelle, and Martin Borman, Peron saw every National Socialist State within a worldwide context and not in isolation. The Great One’s first concern was with the German people, but he recognized that the Third Reich did not exist in a vacuum. Hitler understood that German people had to survive in a world that was interdependent at least to some degree. (This is in no way an argument for any equality of cultures.) During Hitler’s time, the only strategic mineral where Germany had self-sufficiency was coal, everything else had to be imported. Hitler clearly understood that it is simply more productive over the long haul to obtain needed minerals through peaceful trade than through force, so why sacrifice the lives of good men to obtain something that you can obtain peacefully through fair barter?
There are really only two paths that a nation can follow according to Peron, and these two paths are International Synergy or National Socialism. Ultimately, the only way to defeat International Synergy is to have a worldwide confederation of National Socialist states. A worldwide confederation of National Socialist nations would give the Jews nowhere to run to and no real way to conceal themselves, so such a system would severely limit Jewish abilities to cause trouble.
The Third World as it was originally envisioned was therefore not a racial concept. The Third World = National Socialist. As Peron saw things, The Third World was the post-war beginning of the Worldwide National Socialist Confederation which had originally been envisioned by The Great One. This imagined confederation of National Socialist nations is by no means dead, even though this concept is sometimes distorted. According to Peron, any nation in the world is really a Third World country as long as they reject International Synergy and embrace Justicialism/National Socialism.
Image courtesy of booru.soyjak.st
Originally, Southern South America was generally Pro-Axis with Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Paraguay being aligned with the Third Reich, and Brazil being officially aligned with Fascist Italy. Imperial Japan was also looked upon favorably by most of South America during the 1930 and World War II. However, in every single case ,the United States/Zio-American Empire threatened any South American nation that was sympathetic to the Axis cause with military invasion and regime change if they failed to join the Allies. Unfortunately, at that time, these Axis sympathizers in South America were just too weak to think of openly defying Z.O.G in Washington. That having been said, all of these South American nations except for Brazil managed to contribute nothing to the Allied war effort with Brazil reluctantly providing only limited and temporary assistance to the Allied military effort. Mainly Argentina of course, but also Brazil and Paraguay, would provide refuge for those seeking to escape from the bloodthirsty vengeance of International Synergy in the years following World War II.
It was in these South American countries that Peron began his work of building his envisioned Latin American Third World, of course, he had no intention of stopping with just South America. Argentina, Chile, and Brazil went so far as to actually conclude an agreement that established this Third World National Socialist Confederation in South America, but Z.O.G in the United States intervened and clandestinely (With The CIA) managed to overthrow the governments of these countries. After overthrowing South America’s National Socialist governments, the Zio-American Empire installed brutal, corrupt, and incompetent puppet dictators of The International Synergy variety.
Image courtesy of GrandDukeZnagarra on the r/WojakTemplate forum from reddit.com
Miguel Serrano was a Chilean diplomat during Peron’s lifetime, and in that capacity, he and Peron got to know each other during the negotiations to start a new Latin American National Socialist Confederation. Serrano and Peron quickly became close friends and remained so until the ends of their lives. While Peron was not a mystic like Serrano, Perons still held Serrano’s work in very high regard, and he said so publicly. (Note: Being a Chilean Diplomat, Miguel Serrano was able to travel widely and publicly say a great deal about National Socialism because he had the benefit of Diplomatic Immunity.)
Peronism is not dead across Latin America, even today, but it survives in an attenuated and often corrupted form. Still, Peronism remains fertile soil in which National Socialist leaders of vision can plant their seeds.
Just a note in passing: How many know that Chile has a long and close relationship with Germany that goes all the way back to the Pre-World War I Second Reich? During the Second Reich, the Chilean government brought in senior professional German military officers to recreate the Chilean military along Imperial German lines. As can be seen in videos on the internet, the present-day Chilean military still maintains a distinctly German appearance no matter how much this offends certain parties.
The image above shows Chilean army members swearing allegiance to the Chilean government in a public military parade back in 2023. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of the r/MilitaryPorn forum on reddit.com
Part Six – The Real Evita Peron
The popular image of Evita outside of Argentina is that of the quintessential “party girl;” however, this trope is purely a Broadway and Hollywood invention which is intended to conceal the real woman. At the time Juan Peron met her, which was not too long after the death of his first wife Aurelia, Evita was already an elegant and very accomplished actress. Evita maintained a flamboyant and classy image her whole life, up until her death from cancer in 1952, but in Eva’s case, looks can sometimes be deceiving. Underneath all the beauty and glamor beat the heart of a convicted National Socialist woman and activist. Evita always passionately supported her husband in everything he did and all that he stood for. When she acted on her own apart from her husband, it was invariably according to National Socialist principles and for Justicialist goals. Isabella, who was Peron’s third wife, was also a convicted Justicialist (NS). Isabella took over as President of Argentina after Juan Peron’s death in 1974, and she continued with all of her late husband’s policies until she was overthrown in a Zio-American-sponsored CIA coup.
Evita Peron always worked tirelessly to improve the lives of Argentina’s common people, especially the women and children. Evita always worked to improve such things as nutrition, health care, and education along National Socialist lines. In a manner reminiscent of the NSDAP, married women were supported by The State in their roles as wives, mothers, and homemakers.
Image courtesy of ReconCookies on deviantart.com
Conditions had been terrible in Argentina until Juan Peron came to power and put his wife Evita in charge of reforming Argentinian society and ensuring social justice for the women and children.
How popular was Evita? How grateful to Evita were the women of Argentina? In elections it often happened that Juan Peron and Evita would garner 100%, that’s right 100% of the women’s vote. The men were generally represented by a group of extremely powerful labor unions aligned themselves with Peron and Justicialism. Peron could always count on very active support from Argentina’s large labor unions. During attempted coups, labor union members fought in the streets alongside the Argentine army, and university students,
The 1955 Coup
In that year, a long running CIA Plot to remove Juan Peron and his Justicialist Party from power came to fruition. The Zionists and International Synergists initially planned to eliminate Peron altogether, but they backed off from killing him once they realized just how popular he was. In free elections he always poled upwards of 95%!
In 1955, the CIA had bribed certain ambitious and corrupt senior officers of the Argentine Navy to stage a bloody Military takeover and gave them a free hand while promising them full Zio-American support so long as they followed Washington’s dictates. What they set up after their successful coup against Peron was a corrupt, vicious, and completely incompetent dictatorship, but this incompetent dictatorship was totally subservient to International Synergist interests.
As you might guess, conditions got worse and worse over the next several years after Peron was deposed which left Argentina seething with unrest just beneath the surface. Finally, in the early 1960’s, a group of Argentine army generals decided that they had finally had enough, so they staged a military coup and quickly took over. The first thing they did after their coup was to hold free elections like they promised. Just as they had anticipated, Juan Peron won the Presidency with 98% of the vote.
The image seen above shows a Juan Peron election poster from the 1954. Image courtesy of todoperon.org
The Argentine army was a very positive force in the life of Argentina during the Peron years because they helped keep Juan Peron in office, and they ensured that the citizens of Argentina had free elections despite constant Zio-American/CIA subversion. Washington has always seen Argentina as a recalcitrant American colonial possession.
Part Seven – Juan Peron and The Justicialist Party’s Assessment of Various Historical Personages
(1) Joseph Stalin –
Right after the end of World War II, Joseph Stalin began driving Jews from positions of power in the USSR. I will focus here on just what Juan Peron himself said about this historical episode. Juan Peron seemed to have knowledge of what was going on at the highest levels of the Soviet Government during this time, yet it is unclear whether or not he was in some kind of clandestine communication with Stalin.
Society in the Soviet Union was disintegrating under the influence of Jews, and according to Stalin, the Jews were doing everything they could to destroy “The Traditional Russian Family Structure,” including undermining marriage and trying to prevent parents raising their own children. Of course, Stalin was not speaking in religious terms regarding this views on maintaining the traditional family unit; none the less, he still recognized that societies stand or fall based on the strength of “Traditional” family structures.
Under Stalin’s orders, laws were passed to encourage, restore, and protect “Civil Marriage”, as well as the “Traditional Family” within in a civic-nationalist context. Stalin’s family laws, although obviously lacking a religious context, were actually very conservative otherwise. The Jews never forgave him for shutting down their little “Family Values” party. Likewise, “Free Love” was not an invention of American hippies of the 1960’s; no, it was a practice invented by the Jews who ran the USSR at one point in time. (The 1920s were a heyday for “Free Love” in the old USSR, and this terrible Jewish social experiment engendered the kind of bad results that one would expect.) Stalin stated very straightforwardly that The Jews were destroying the country with their assault on traditional morality and family, so he intended to put a stop to it in the only way possible, which was by driving the Jews from any and all positions of power.
Image courtesy of wojakland.com
(2) Che Guevara –
“He was the best of us.” – Juan Peron. When Juan Peron stated that Ernesto “Che” Guevara was “The Best of Us,” he meant that Guevara was the greatest living National Socialist in Latin America. “Though he spoke in Marxist terms, he was in every sense in reality a National Socialist.” – Juan Peron. For the record, Ernesto “Che” Guevara was an Argentinian of 100% Basque decent who came from a prominent family in Buenos Aires and trained to be a medical doctor as a young man. ( No, Mr. Guevara was not a “Spic,” a “Beaner,” or a “Taco Nigger.”) I have read Che’s two most famous books “Motorcycle Diaries” and “Back on the Road.” I have also researched the man extensively using other sources, so I kind of came to the same conclusions as Juan Peron about Mr. Guevarra long before I learned what Juan Peron had said about him. In Latin America, appearances can be particularly deceiving, the lifetime of Ernesto Guevara being a case in point.
Image courtesy of jfr_______1 on the r/WojakTemplet forum from reddit.com
(3) Moammar Ghadaffy –
Juan Peron referred to him as a Libyan, and ultimately an African (in a general sense) National Socialist. Moammar Ghaddaffy took power over Libya in 1969, so Peron certainly could offer an opinion about his fellow head of state.
Other Heads of State Who Were Less Known National Socialists
(4) Saddam Hussein –
Having read some of his work, I concur. In a public speech he once said, “I am an Aryan governing an Arab country.” This was right before the Z.O.G. establishment in Washington D.C turned on him after he stopped taking their orders.
(5) Hugo Chavez – Based on timelines, Juan Peron could only have known Hugo Chavez while he was a young army cadet and junior officer, so Peron had nothing to say about this man.
Chavez referred to Venezuela as a Bolivarian State, as does his legitimate successor Maduro, and as do other South American countries who are presently aligned with Venezuela. These Bolivar nations are governed according to the principles that were laid down by Simon Bolivar. Simon Bolivar was nicknamed “The Liberator” in South America because he was instrumental in freeing much of the continent from “Spanish” rule, (actually, Converso Jewish rule) in the Early 19th Century. Bolivar was a Creole from Venezuela. (In this case a “creole” refers to a White man of Spanish ancestry who was born in Latin America.) Bolivar’s policies did, and still do, bear a strong resemblance to National Socialism.
This should help clarify why the Zio-Anglo-American Empire really disliked certain well-known leaders and their movements.
Conclusion – Adolf Hitler and the Americas
Until Adolf Hitler became Germany’s Chancellor, his knowledge of the United States of America was extremely limited. Only after becoming Germany’s Chancellor did Hitler begin to learn the reality of who actually ran the United States of America at that time, and still does to this day. (The “United States of America” has in reality has been an empire ever since 1865, and this same political entity as been part of a merged with Zionism and the so-called “British” Empire since 1897.)
Image courtesy of the r/2westerneurope4u forum on reddit.com
Hitler originally envisioned the Western Hemisphere united under the United States in an associated in partnership with the Third Reich. However, once he assumed the office of Chancellor, he was quickly disabused of this false hope, but The Great One definitely had the right idea. As the Great One saw things, the Americas had to be united somehow, but the Americas needed to be united in a manner that would preserve the racial integrity of Aryans while also avoiding any Aryan imperialism and colonialism despite being led by Aryans.
What Juan Peron envisioned as a Latin American Confederation of National Socialist Nations was the beginnings of just such a Confederation of the Americas as the Great One had envisioned. Peron’s National Socialist confederation of South America would have been led by Aryans but not ruled by Aryans. Peron was himself of Aryan ancestry like I have already discussed. The entire foreign policy for the Zio-Anglo-American Empire, vis-a-vis The Americas, is geared towards causing constant conflict among the nations of the Western Hemisphere to prevent the appearance of just such a confederation as Peron started because Peron’s coalition will promptly put paid to any International Synergist plans for global domination.
Millenia ago, during the Aryan Golden Age of the Americas, the entire Western Hemisphere was governed from Tierra Del Fuego to the Canadian High Arctic by an individual known as Amaru (also known as Quetzilcoatl, Kukulcan , and others.). Amaru was described in human form as having blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and sporting a beard. Amaru was obviously very Germanic in appearance; however, he was also known to be a shapeshifter, so he had to be more than mortal. Concerning Amaru’s helpers, eone thing was stated for sure: This group of “Nordic” men who associated with Amaru were definitely mortal men.
With the assistance of his helpers, Amaru brought civilization, peace, justice, prosperity, and a higher state of consciousness for his subjects. Aryan Rule by Amaru, even though it was remembered as being rather strict, was universally described as what might be called paternalistic and benevolent. The mortal enemies of our race have attempted to wipe out any memory of this Golden Age in the Americas from mankind’s collective memory because it shows them up for what they are; namely, parasitic alien invaders and usurpers.
Image courtesy of Trey the Explainer on X.com
So, a United Western Hemisphere as envisioned by The Great One and Juan Peron, is the rebirth of the very ancient Aryan-led America(s). Obviously, there are a great many details to work out before Peron’s and The Great One’s plans for the Americas can be actualized, but this plan to restore an Aryan-led Confederated States of the Americas must always remain the ultimate goal for the Western Hemisphere after ensuring the preservation of our own Folk.
Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn