Have You Heard About Ireland’s Golden Age?
Part One- In the Beginning
The “Fir Bolg’ (Men of the Bag. They were called this name because they carried their possessions in haversacks.) were the original Aboriginal/Cro-Magnon inhabitants of the island that we call Ireland today.
A group of mysterious beings called the Formorians came to the island and established their iron-fisted control over it. These Formorians possessed tremendous power, and although the island could not be freed from these terrible Formorians, the Fir Bolg still kept up a front of resistance wherever they could. Fighting against the Formorians represents the beginning of the Ireland’s penchant for resisting oppression.
We have a photograph of a modern Fir Bolg here with Kid Rock. Image courtesy courtesy of musicrader.com
The Formorians are a difficult species(?) to describe because they came in a multiplicity of shapes and sizes. The Formorians existed in forms varying from those of quite attractive humans, through a number of deformed humanlike manifestations, in addition to an assortment of animal and human hybrid forms. Formorians also existed in the forms of many unnatural and completely animal-like bodies. Formorians all possessed seemingly godlike powers, and almost all of them carried an arrogant, nasty, and predatory disposition (in the broadest sense of the term).
The Formorians were said to have come from the sea, and most modern people have taken this idea to mean that the Formorians came from across a conventional earthly ocean of seawater, or from under the seas that surround Ireland; however, these people are ignorant about the actual beliefs of Ancients Europeans. Anyone who thinks that the Formorians came from across a sea of earthly ocean water are very ignorant about the Atlantic Seaboard and its islands. It was not the physical seas that these ancients were referring to; no, they were referring to the seas that exist between worlds.
Another type of Formorian. Image courtesy of makeameme.org
The Ancient Teutons saw this place where the Formorians originated as an abyss that exists between worlds; the Ancient Celts and the ancient Indians both saw this same void as a sea or an ocean. Both views are essentially correct. When Vishnu thinks The Universe into being, then Evil enters this universe by way of the sea that surrounds Vishnu’s new universe. Some Islamic Scholars think that the Formorians were an evil race of Djinni. Djinni were very familiar to the Islamic and Pre-Islamic Arabs, and I do agree that accounts of Formorians and Djinni sound very similar.
Part Two – The Coming of Tuatha de Danaan
The meaning of the name Tuatha de Danaan is “People of The Goddess Danu.” These people were renowned for their great beauty and wisdom, their godlike powers, and their generally benevolent dispositions; however, they could be deadly when seriously crossed. They were also shapeshifters.
These Tuatha de Danaan people were said to come from four cities that lay in each of the four directions away from Ireland. They were, I am convinced, closely connected with the Nordic Extraterrestrials, and these are not the same sorts of connections that some people may supposed; but nonetheless, they are closely connected. The four cities that these old Irish traditions mention, I am convinced, rest on four planets within the Corona Borealis (the constellation of the Northern Crown), perhaps they are from the same planets as the Nordic ET’s.
Image courtesy of stock.adobe.com
The Tuatha de Danaan landed on the island of Ireland and fought a great battle with the Formorains where the Tautha de Danaan destroyed most of the Formorians and drove the rest into the sea (between the worlds). The formorians were destroyed by the Tuatha de Danaan, except for a few individual Formorians who joined the Tuatha de Danaan and were later accepted among them.
The beautiful and greatly loved Healing Goddess Airmid who taught the Irish herbalism, began as a Formorian but sided with the Fir Bolg who the Formorians were oppressing, then she eventually joined the Tuatha de Danaan when they arrived. The Fir Bolg and Tuatha de Danaan adopted a live-and-let-live approach towards each other for the most part, although the former certainly appreciated the latter delivering them from the reign of terror that was associated with the Formorains.
The image above shows an artistic rendering of the Tuatha de Danaan. Image courtesy of go deeper.info
The war between the Tuatha de Danaan and the Formorians was part of an apparently global conflict that was recurring between the Sky Gods and the Governments of the Earth and the Earth Gods and the Peoples of the Earth. This war is also remembered in India and other parts of Asia. In some of the old stories, the Formorians are also referred to as Sky Gods while the Tuatha de Danaan are frequently referred to as Earth Gods.
Part The- The Arrival of Milesians
The name “Milesians” name means “Sons of Mile.” These “Sons of Mile” were a group of brothers who led a migration from Galatea in the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula to Ireland circa 800 BCE. At that time, Galatea had become seriously overpopulated and Mile was a major chief of the Celtic Galatians. Here begins a clear Aryan connection to Ireland. The Galatians originated as one of the Aryan Horse Tribes from Eastern Europe and Western Asia, but as they migrated towards Europe, they divided into two groups. One group eventually settled in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula and the other settled in the central Anatolian Peninsula. The group that settled in the Anatolian Peninsula became the Galileans who are referred to in the Biblical New Testament.
When the Milesians arrived in Ireland, there was conflict between them and the existing inhabitants. How bad this conflict was is actually difficult to ascertain in light of what subsequently happened. The event that subsequently happened was the Tuatha de Danaan withdrawing into what was apparently a parallel dimension, then becoming the Faeries/Fey/Sidhe. However! There was a great deal of intermarriage between these three groups which resulted in these three groups merging into each other to create the Irish People of today. The faeries or the “Sidhe” remained separate, but intermarriage was, and still is, possible between Sidhe and humans.
Image for the old Black Sabbath song called Fairies Wear Boots is furnished courtesy of soundcloud.com
The island of Ireland was given the name Eriu because the goddess named Eiru was in time accepted as the goddess for all of Ireland by all three groups. The name Eriu would be anglicized into the name Ireland later in time. Hibernia was the name that the Romans would eventually use to refer to the island of Ireland.
The name for a female horse “Mare” is the name of the Irish horse goddess. The name “Mare” harkens back to the ancient origins of horses. This same goddess is known as Rhiannon by the Britons and Epona (where we get the word “Pony”) by the other Celts. The horse cultures of Asia also honor this same goddess for bringing them the horse despite her being an Aryan Goddess.
Image courtesy of wojakland.com
Part Four – The Druids
The Druids came to Ireland with the Milesains.
Druidry existed among the Celts and also existed among the Germano-Celts while the Ancient Teutons proper did not have Druids themselves; however, the ancient Teutons always showed Druids a great deal of respect and they always gave the Druids free passage through their lands. Among the Milesians, Druids could be either male or female, and Druids were very often married; however, Druids were not always married to other Druids.
New Druids were identified by Elder Druids from early childhood by their spirits, then these young Druids-in-waiting were chosen to be trained accordingly. Druids were chosen from all classes of people from the lowest to the highest, and they were not just chosen from amongst established Druid families. Furthermore, just because one or both parents were Druids, this did not necessarily mean that all that couple’s child were going to be druids as well. A person’s individual spirits was what made them a Druid. The greatest honor any family could receive was to have one of their number identified as a Druid.
The image above shows the most famous Druid of them all, Getafix from the Asterix and Obelix comics. Image courtesy of asterix.fandom.com
There were a number of real benefits to being a Druid, but along with these benefits, there were also great number of responsibilities. No male Druid had to work to support himself because every tribe supported male Druids, and all women were supported simply for being women. Male Druids were also the only men who were exempt from military service. Male Druids were generally exempted from military service; except, “Bards” were expected to accompany their tribe’s warriors into battle to inspire them to fight hard and to record their tribe’s deeds with poetry and the music of harps. Indeed, it was the Brads who advanced in front of the other warriors during the heat of battle. It was also strictly forbidden to harm a Druid, even the Druids of an enemy tribe.
The catch to these Druid privileges was that each and every Druid was expected to bring very real and tangible spiritual benefits to their tribe. Failure to fulfill their obligations and duties meant that male Druid could be cast out to fend for themselves and female Druids would simply be stripped of their titles and duties. If male Druids were ever to become arrogant, greedy, dishonest, or abusive towards other members of their tribes, then they could expect to be killed by the warriors of their tribes who were acting on orders of the chieftains. In such cases, the chieftain was acting under authority that was derived from the Law of the Brehons which every Druid was sworn to uphold.
Brehons were the school of Druids who were known as Law Givers. Brehons had to memorize the law in its entirety, and they had to be capable of reciting any law code precisely on demand as the need arose. The Bards (The Memories of the Tribe) and the Brehons were just two out of many specialist schools for Druids.
Image courtesy of theintrovertedattournay.com
To the ancient Celts, everybody’s role was clearly defined by law, and so long as an individual acted within that law, then everybody else was bound to support and defend that person. However, if an ancient Celt acted outside of the law, then such a person was automatically considered an outlaw (an individual who acted outside the law) and such people could be either expelled or executed, depending on the offense.
Part Five – The Failed State
The Aryans Horse Tribes which came by way of Western Siberia, Central Asia, and the region that would eventually become European Russia had what were called High Kings. A High King would exercise power over all the local Aryan tribes, and the occasional non-Aryan ally tribe as well whenever the these collected tribes were threatened by an outside power. Aside from times where a great external threat loomed, a High King had no power because real day-to-day ruling was vested in the authority of tribal chieftains.
After the establishment of an Irish proto-state in the early 1st millennium BCE, Ireland had a High King who dwelled on the Mount of Tara. During ordinary times of peace, an Irish High King exercised no influence beyond the Mount of Tara itself, and this was the case because ordinary political power rested in the hands of numerous clan chieftains.
Image courtesy of wojakland.com
Among the Aryan Tribes, women were considered to carry the future of each tribe within themselves; so, as a consequence, women possessed a great many rights. The rights of women mostly revolved around each tribe’s need to provide for them and protect them. Unlike men, no woman was ever required to be a warrior because the lives of women were considered too valuable to risk in combat. As the ancient Celts saw things, every tribe existed because The Gods wanted them to exist, and every tribe existed because The Gods had a purpose for them; therefore, even the womenfolk of enemy tribes were given the same protections under law. To the old Celts, every tribe always had to punish crimes against females because such crimes were considered crimes against The Gods. The old Celts also believed that if crimes against women were not punished, then the wrath of the Gods would come down upon entire tribes.
Image courtesy of brotheringod777 on DeviantArt.com
Over the course of the next three to four centuries, Ireland collapsed into what we would now call a failed state. When Ireland descended into a collection of failed states, local chieftains fell to fighting among themselves in an endless and unfocused war to see who would become the most important tribal chieftain. During this time, every chieftain in Ireland considering every other chieftain to be his rival. The welfare of each respective clan was forgotten about in this bloody ongoing barroom brawl between tribal leaders which engulfed the entire Emerald Isle.
During Ireland’s time of warring chieftains, under no circumstances would one chieftain help another; therefore, roving bands of bloodthirsty brigands roamed the no-man’s-lands between the territories of constantly warring clans, and these bandits preyed on anybody and everybody. During this time, law and order totally collapsed and with this collapse of law-and-order organized society collapsed as well. In these troubled times, nobody in Ireland was safe in their persons or their property. Even basic morality began to be a thing of the past during these dark times, so women were no longer respected; and therefore, women as well as men were always in great danger. I think the best modern-day comparison to this situation would likely be Libya after Quaddaffi was deposed.
Image courtesy of wojakland.com
As a result of Ireland’s state of total anarchy, it was clear that either some foreign invader would eventually come waltzing into Ireland and easily take over, or more likely, the Irish were going to end up destroying themselves. By any sane estimate, it was all too obvious that Ireland was finished and soon to become a proverbial footnote of history.
Part Six – Finn McCool and the Fenians
As Ireland teetered on the brink of a final abyss, the Irish Race suddenly produced a truly legendary and heroic leader who would be the first of a number of great Irish heroes over the following millennia. It was Finn McCool who would restore the Irish in body, in mind, and in spirit. It was McCool who brought a return of peace, justice, and prosperity to The Emerald Isle, and it was McCool who created his own unique Chivalric Tradition. McCool’s Chivalric Tradition restored women’s place to one of dignity and honor. This same time frame also ushering in an epoch which is known as The Irish Golden Age. It does seem that the Irish had to stand at the very gates of hell before the doors of greatness would be opened for them.
Finn McCool was the son of an Irish chieftain who married a princess of the Tuatha de Danaan, so some people still consider McCool to be a Demigod. Whatever McCool might have been, he was certainly the true Father of Ireland. McCool was the son of a Tribal/Clan Chieftain who married a princess of the Tuatha de Danaan; therefore, from his father’s side of the family, Finn McCool inherited a desire to see a united and peaceful Ireland, and from his mother’s side of the family, McCool inherited intense feelings for the sacredness of Irish land itself.
Image courtesy of snugglymisha on drawception.com
The Sidhe somehow wove themselves into the very fabric of Ireland itself, so they saw themselves as having a sacred trust to preserve and protect the lands within the Emerald Isle.
Eventually, McCool would travel to Ireland’s Mount of Tara and enter the service of Ireland’s High King. While staying on the Mount of Tara, McCool began to strongly encourage Ireland’s High King to reclaim his authority and restore order. At first, the High King refused to heed McCool’s words because he believed that he could only exercise his rightful power if Ireland was faced with an outside and existential threat. This limit to the High King’s power stemmed from a belief that the High King himself shared with pretty much everybody who was living in Ireland at that time.
Eventually, Finn McCool was able to convince the High King that simply protecting Ireland from an external threat was not what The Law actually stated if one were to think about such matters objectively. McCool pointed out that The Law really commissioned the High King to protect Ireland from ANY great threat, not just external threats. The Brehons ended up finally agreeing with McCool, and this agreement amongst the Brehons convinced the High King to finally take action against Ireland’s rampant lawlessness.
Image courtesy of airdropalert.com
The big question now became with what force was Ireland’s High King supposed to act if he really commanded no warriors of his own. At this time, the laws pertaining to High Kings were created to prevent any king from ever grabbing power that he was not given to him legally, so under normal circumstances, any army that a High King might command neede to be filled with men who were donated by clan chieftains.
Image courtesy of knowyourmem.com
As things stood, no army that was made up of warriors who were donated by tribal chieftains would serve Ireland’s High King because an ongoing power struggle between many chieftains was precisely what had created this whole God-forsaken mess to begin with. In short, no chieftain would spare any of his warriors for their High King’s needs so long as no outside invasion of Ireland was imminent. No Irish chieftain during that time would lend a single warrior to serve the High King’s needs because every chieftain wanted all his warriors serving him personally to further his own ambitions.
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
Finn McCool clearly saw that an army of warriors who swore loyalty to Ireland’s High King and Ireland herself was needed if the High King was to have any real authority under the current circumstances. This new army that served Finn McCool, Ireland’s High King, and Ireland alone had to be totally impartial in all of its dealings with the general Irish population, plus this army had to be seen as invincible so that everybody would be too afraid to challenge these warriors.
For some years, Finn McCool traveled around all over Ireland convincing many of the most renowned warriors across the island to join his cause. When a sufficient number of great warriors had joined McCool’s cause, then he brought them together and implemented strict discipline along with exceedingly rigorous physical training and weapons training. McCool turned this new collection of warriors into an organized, cohesive, and effective fighting force that served his purposed and those of Ireland’s High King alone. These great warriors would come to be called Fenians, which simply means “Followers of Finn.”
Image courtesy of wojakland.com
McCool and his group of Finnians began to travel about all over Ireland while putting a stop to every endless tribal conflict. If necessary, these local tribal conflicts were ended by crushing every opposing side within that conflict. All disputes between clans and tribes were from then on adjudicated by the High King on the Mount of Tara. The Fenians also tracked down and mercilessly exterminated all the brigands and highwaymen that had previously plagued the island.
Pretty soon, the Finnians developed a most-fearsome reputation. Eventually, the mere presence of Finnians became enough to quell any looming disorder; thus, criminal behavior came to be regarded as suicidal. Thanks to the Finnians, perfect peace began to settle upon the Emerald Isle at long last and crime soon becoming virtually non-existent as well. Under Finian protection, any woman, child, or elderly person could travel about anywhere on the island and feel perfectly safe.
The name Fenian would make its reappearance in modern times after the British Crown’s failed genocide attempt against the Irish during the deliberately misnamed Irish Potato Famine of the mid 19th Century. This more-recent group that called itself The Finnians was a guerilla force which was then organized to free Ireland from (((The British Crown.))) This more modern group which went by the name Finnians, along with other similar groups like the IRB (Irish Republican Brotherhood), and the United Men of Ireland would be eventually absorbed into Michael Collins’s IRA (Irish Republican Army). The name Finnian is now sometimes used to refer to any Irishman who is engaged in armed struggle against (((The British Crown.)))
Image courtesy of rapedbyakoala on the r/ShitEiraboosSay forum on reddit.com
Part Seven – Finnian Chivalry
Simply stated, the term “Chivalry,” when it is used within this context originally referred to Finn McCool’s program that restored women to their former honored and sacred place within Irish society. This Finnian code did not just demand that men should treat women in a certain way, but instead, this code also demanded that women must conduct themselves in ways which demanded respect. As part of this new way of being, sexual relations outside of marriage were heavily discouraged for both men and women.
The popular stories about Knights, Ladies, and Damsels in Distress have the acts of Finn McCool and the Fenians as their original inspiration. The popular idea of the Christian Knights came about much later than the Finians, after The Crusades. The idea of Chivalry arose during The Crusades because certain Islamic Knights called Paladins were encountered by Europeans during distant Crusader military campaigns; therefore, the traditions of Fenians and Paladins were blended into each other and given a Christian context.
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
Both of these groups were similar in their treatment of women, although the religious and cultural contexts for each group were of course very different. Each member of these two groups was required to always defend the weak against the strong regardless of the dangers involved and things like that. King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, Camelot, and the whole genre of stories about this group of famous knights ultimately stem from these same general traditions.
Image courtesy of Crypto_Genghis on X.com
This would be a good place to mention that the real King Arthur was actually Welsh; however, his influence extended far beyond Whales. King Arthur’s legend spread throughout the British Isles, including the Hebrides Islands, the Orkney Islands, the Shetland Islands, and into Brittainy which sits across the English Channel in France.
Part Eight – The Irish Golden Age
I will go so far as to emphatically state that what Ireland experienced in the later part of the First Millennium BCE after Finn McCool had imposed law and order was what one can call a Mini-Satya Yuga. Ireland’s mini-Satya Yuga is commonly known as the Irish Golden Age. All of the best elements that are present within Irish Culture trace their origins back to this time, including the arts like music and poetry that the Irish have become so well known for producing. Irish Druidry would reach its apogee during this period as well.
Faced with by no outside enemies, and now maintaining a truly peaceful and prosperous society throughout the island, Ireland’s people were then free to concentrate on their spiritual development instead of focusing on war and survival. During this era, the sometimes-rocky relationship between the Tuatha de Danaan and the Irish people metamorphosed into a sense of mutual community and kinship. Trade also flourished within this environment, so Ireland’s soil and the land itself began to heal and blossom along with the Irish people.
Image courtesy of Reviews Possum on x.com
I will add in passing that the Hawaiian Islands had a similar experience at the time when King Kamehameha unified the islands and before the true arrival of European colonialism. Perhaps there are other historical examples of mini-Saya Yugas that I am unaware of.
Part Nine – Conclusion: Then There Was Adolf Hitler
Why did so many Irish support the Third Reich in the 1930s and 1940s? The exact number of Irish supporters for the Third Reich during the 1930s and 1940s is still unknown, but these numbers were not small. Why? Because if Hitler and the Third Reich had been left alone, then they would have done for all of Europe what Finn McCool had once done for Ireland. Hitler would have ushered in a European Golden Age that was led by Germany and governed from the city of New Berlin/Germania.
Image courtesy of freepik.com
Under Hitler’s guidance, a new pan-European Satya Yuga which was governed from New Berlin would have been a lot like the Irish Golden Age that was governed by High Kings on the Mount of Tara. Many Irish people recognized what Hitler was really all about during the Third Reich’s time, so they rallied to his standard. Furthermore, as both parties well knew, the Third Reich’s Japanese Allies were trying to do with their Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere exactly what Hitler was trying to do in Europe.
Image courtesy of ImagesofNetwork on the r/ImagesOfUSA on reddit.com
There is No Time for Bitter Tears Mourning What Might Have Been.
As Yogi Bera is famous for quipping, “The game ain’t over till it’s over.”
Our mortal enemies who are centered around International Jewry have managed to bend our path; however, they are far from having defeated Adolf Hitler or National Socialism. Adolf Hitler is alive and well where it matters and he is completely beyond the reach of our common enemies. The Third Reich remains, and it is untouchable. Italian Fascism is also beginning to make a comeback among many Italians. As for Japan, in spite of every Jewish attempt to stamp it out, the Old Japanese Spirit is once again growing among a number of Japanese people who are slowly reawakening. No, my friends, the game is far from over.
Let us stand firm my kamerads and continue our struggle without flinching. Although the sky now appears very black, the Sacred Sun is about to rise once more. Even now, the sky is beginning to lighten up a bit, so let us remain faithful to Our Fuehrer and let us remain relentless in his service. Let us never cease to espouse his words of wisdom and to tell of his glorious deeds. For Our Folk who still have ears to listen, and for our folk who still have brains to understand, and for our folk who still possess Ancient Aryan Courage, let us all override all the obstacles that our enemies are able to throw in our paths.
Image courtesy of nicepng.com
Even now, our enemies are wavering because they are rotted out by their own devilish natures, and they are also on the verge of collapsing under the weight of their own corruption.
Stand Firm.
Odin Witt Uns!
Heil The Gods!
Heil The Folk!
Heil Adolf Hitler deva!
Deutschland Uber Alles!
Erin Go Bragh!
Randall Lee Hilburn