Is Your Television Set Just a Spigot for Jewish Mind Control?

 (The Mechanism of Programming)

Preface – Reasons & Parameters

This particular study is principally about older television technology whose programming mechanism I understand perfectly well. I know something about older television technology because I spent many a day discussing how this technology programs peoples’ minds with a technical insider who was familiar with how this technology does its job.

Image courtesy of uhhsamarai on the r/PhonesAreBad forum from

I used to discuss the particulars of television technology with a friend and associate of mine who worked for Auburn University. My friend worked in Auburn University’s department that taught people the technical aspects of television. He was something of a whistleblower obviously.

I will not address the present-day HD (High Definition) television technology here because I do not know very much about its programming mechanism, but I do know it has to have a programming mechanism of some type. Older television technology was just too successful at controlling people’s minds for the ruling Jewish cabals to just drop their whole television mind-control project, so new HD television technology has to have some type of mind programming contained within its formula.

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The Pentagon required television set manufacturers to use the bandwidths that were used by the older Analog Televisions for some undisclosed purpose, but I suspect it had something to do with the Pentagon’s Weather Control/Weather Modification/Weather Engineering/and Weather Warfare Technology. HD Television was introduced to replace the original Analog Television technology; however, HD television technology is not in reality superior to old analog television technology when considering television’s true purpose.

One thing that you can do with HD television technology that you cannot do with old analog television technology is to easily alter images. You just need to have the necessary software, plus you need to possess the necessary expertise that is required to make use of this specialized software, and if both conditions are met, then altering the images that appear on HD television is relatively simple to do. If you know what you are doing, then you can remove images and/or add images to an HD television broadcast. As a result of HD television’s malleability, you can never really trust a HD picture or film, but actually proving that an alteration has taken place also requires the same software and expertise that are needed to alter these broadcasts.

Image courtesy of the ChilliJonCarne channel on 

Introduction – Black & White Television

Television was invented in the late 1920’s, but this technology remained a plaything and a status symbol of the rich until around 1947 when Zenith began to produce the first televisions that were widely available to the middle and lower classes. Early black and white television sets worked well, they were also reasonably priced, and they could be mass produced.

Large numbers of television stations were established soon after televisions sets became affordable to the masses. Most independent television stations were soon absorbed by the existing giant Jewish-owned media conglomerates such as ABC, NBC, CBS. Those major television networks which formed during the early years of mass television broadcasting constituted the vast bulk of all television stations for many decades. Although these massive television networks ostensibly operated in competition with each other; however, in reality, they actually all used the same Superstations in partnership during the 1940s and the 1950s.

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The old Superstations for television broadcasting required a lot more money and resources to build and operate than localized television broadcasting stations. Superstations were called “Superstations” because they could broadcast a clear signal out for hundreds of miles in any direction. These early superstations were all converted to regular television stations by the late 1960’s. The older Pre-1947 television sets were not very good and the signals that were sent by early television stations could only reach for several blocks or they could extend for a few miles at most. Besides, early pre-1947 television sets had to be hand-built, so they were all extremely expensive to produce

During World War II, the Luftwaffe developed a guided glide-bomb which carried a television camera and a transmitter. This old World-War-II-era guided bomb was dropped from a bomber then guided to its intended target by an individual who was operating a joystick and watching a television receiver. These early television-guided bombs were very effective. One of these electronically guided bombs was used to sink the Italian battleship Roma whose crew had turned traitor and were going over to the Allies. One of the Luftwaffe’s television-camera-guided bombs was piloted to strike an expansion joint on the treasonous Italian battleship, which caused this huge ship to break in two pieces and sink in less than three minutes. The Roma’s sinking left no survivors.

Image of the Battleship Roma, furnish courtesy of

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In the old and very famous black and white movie “Sink The Bismarck,” one sees the legendary duel between the Bismarck and HMS Hood. This segment of the movie was the actual film of the fight between the Bismarck and the Hood that was taken with a television camera which was located onboard a German ship named the Prinz Eugen.

The image seen above shows the legendary Battleship Bismarck in 1940. Image courtesy of

The image above shows the HMS Hood in 1924. Image courtesy of

The Prinz Eugen was a heavy cruiser that accompanied the battleship Bismarck. The huge flash one sees midships of the Bismarck at one point during this mighty naval duel is the actual detonation of the 15-inch round that was fired by the Hood which truly found its mark on the Bismarck. Very quickly after the Bismarck is struck by one of the HMS Hood’s might main cannons, one sees a 15″ round from the Bismarck strike the Hood in return, then you see a series of massive explosions that literally tear the great battlecruiser Hood apart. After the Hood took that solid punch from the Bismarck’s huge main cannon, we can then watch the British ship quickly vanish beneath the ocean’s surface. This clip from the movie recorded the actual event.

The image above shows the some 38-centimeter cannons that the Bismarck had, except the image above was taken on the Bisamarck’s sister ship the Tirpitz. 

The Coming of Color Television and the Beginnings of Mind Control:

 The potential for mind control that exists within the television technology was discovered early on; however, black and white television images are technically ill-suited for this purpose. I am not of course talking about broadcasting the propaganda itself, that is the actual message which can of course be conveyed by any number of means; but rather, I am referring to how propaganda messages can be literally implanted into peoples’ brains by the television sets themselves. When color television was first introduced in the Early 1960’s, it became possible to apply the television technology itself as a means to deliver propagandistic programming to the unsuspecting masses.

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Have you ever noticed how films of people watching television in the old days show them watching a flickering screen that has no discernable image? We see flickering screens in old depictions of televisions sets that are in use because the images that are seen on television screens do not actually exist on the screens themselves — this fact is of critical importance.

Within every old color television set that uses a cathode ray tube, behind the television set’s glass screen there is what is called “The Gun.” The television set’s component that is called a “Gun” is named as it is because this item resembles a gun. When a television set is receiving a signal, then that television set’s gun is sweeping over the interior surface of the set’s glass vacuum tube as it sends out and mixes together beams of light that have the three basic colors of red, blue, and yellow.

Image of the three primary colors furnished courtesy of of

When a person sits in front of the television with their eyes receiving the set’s beams of light from the gun, then this light beam bypasses the normal thought processes of the person who is watching the television set and directly enters that person’s brain. When a television set’s broadcast image is seen by unsuspecting watchers, then the images that the broadcasters have intended to send to their viewing audience are created only in the brains of the viewers themselves.

An image that is coming from a television set actually exists nowhere else besides the viewer’s brain. A broadcast television image is of course constantly being reinforced by the television set’s broadcast audio signal which one receives through the ears and vice versa. Background music, etc. is used to adjust the mood of the people who are watching a particular television broadcast so that these viewers become more receptive to the programming that is being conveyed into their brains.

The image featured above is provided courtesy of 

The Results:

 Remember, the entire message that a television program contains has been made to bypass a person’s normal thinking process altogether. Whenever a person watches a television program, then that program’s real intended message exists within each viewer’s brain itself from that point forward. People who watch a television program tend to think that the message which they have just received from their finished program has come from within their minds; however, the message which they have just received was inserted into their consciousness from the outside.

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When people watch television programming, then their thoughts are no longer their own. After watching a television program, that program’s viewers are now motivated by what they honestly think are their own ideas — Viola! Now, we have mind control in action! Ever wonder why nice kids who watch a lot of violence on television sometimes end up finally becoming violent people themselves? Well, there was your answer.

Susceptibility and Resistance:

 Most people have weak Spirits; however, the primary fault for this sad condition itself lies in Modern Western Culture itself, and this is the case because people living today are never taught how to think with genuine intelligence. Today, people are simply programmed to do what they are told by the Jewish-controlled mass media, and they are programmed to believe what they are told by the Jewish-controlled mass media establishment.

The image above is furnished courtesy of AI-Visions on 

Few people know that their brains are the receivers of their consciousness rather than the sources of their consciousness; therefore, most people who are living today are simply unaware that we must always strive to ensure that it is our consciousness which our brains are receiving and not somebody else’s broadcasts. Concerning the topic of watching television, why even put yourself at risk by listening to what you already know is meant to deceive?  Talk about hiding things in the open!

Television Networks:

 – The word “Networks” is used to describe television broadcasters because nets are used to catch fish. By using the term “networks” television broadcasters are admitting that television is a trap which is used to net the unwary.

NBC logo furnished courtesy of

ABC logo furnished courtesy of

CBS logo furnished courtesy of

Television Programming:

 – When they use the word “Programming,” television producers are telling us precisely what they are doing; namely, programming the unwary.

Television Broadcasts:

When using the term “Broadcasts” television producers are once again telling us just what they are doing; specifically, they are broadly casting about a net that snares the unwary. A few people, for whatever the reason, are born with innately Strong Spirits, and it is the people who have innately strong spirits that also know how to use true intelligence. Those who have strong spirits can override attempts at programming and they can automatically analyze the messages that television is attempting to broadcast directly into their minds.

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These same strong-spirited people instinctually know how to analyze their own thoughts in order to make sure that their thoughts are really their own. One must be careful when analyzing their own thoughts and also looking for implanted ideas because this analysis is tiring. Fatigue that is induced through analyzing one’s own thought process can actually allow some programming from a television set to slip its way into a person’s mind, so the best course of action is to avoid watching television altogether in order and reduce the risk of being deceived to begin with.

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 While one may find a written source that is intended to deceive, it goes without saying that reading by its very nature demands analysis before each word can be internalized. The fact that the act of reading requires a person to perform analysis is the reason why the vast majority of all people do not read except when they absolutely must. Most people dislike reading because they hate having to think by using genuine intelligence. When in the act of reading, one can still be deceived of course, but one cannot be simply programmed by the written word in the same manner that one can be programmed by watching television.

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Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn

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