The Prince of the Power of the Devil (Installment Part 2) The American Experience

The Prince of the Power of the Devil (Installment Part 2) The American Experience I – Before Andrew Jackson   There were two factions within the American Ruling Class circles even before semi-independence was gained from the British Crown.   One faction essentially wanted to carve out a decent life for their selves and then…

President’s Message

Back in the early days of this Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler in 2015 and 2016 I experienced a lot of rejection for standing up for the truth. I lost most of my old friends from the 1980s. I lost most of my Buddhist student friends from the previous ten years. I took refuge in…

Adolf Hitler Deva on The National Socialist Conception of Currency

Installment #1, The German Experience When the First World War commenced, the exchange rate between the American Dollar and the German Mark was 4 Marks to the Dollar. When our Fuehrer came to power it was something like 24,000,000 Marks to the Dollar. In between that point and when the two countries broke off diplomatic…

Jew with fly head


ADDICTION TO MAMMON This present system of government has to collapse totally before any meaningful direct action will be possible for correction. Success is dependent on popular support which will not be present until people have sufficient reason to turn against the system and those they can see are responsible for it. Believe me, that…

Sybil Temple

ADOLF HITLER Deva, Installment #10, “THE WAY FORWARD”

THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ADOLF HITLER Deva National Socialism In Cyclical Time ADOLF HITLER deva, Installment #10, “THE WAY FORWARD”   I think everyone can realize that this whole COVID19 fiasco shows that the civilization we live under, which is falsely called “Western”, doesn’t work, and that it is on the verge of collapse. Indeed…