Is Transhumanism A War Against Both Men and Women?     Part 1.

Is Transhumanism A War Against Both Men and Women? Part 1.

MEDUSA’S GAZE:  IS TRANSHUMANISM REALLY A WAR AGAINST MASCULINITY AND FEMININITY ? Prelude – In The Beginning Was The Bible: The Bible clearly spells out in no uncertain terms that there will be No Races, Classes, or Sexes in “God’s Kingdom”. Such things as Miscegenation, Multiculturalism, Communism, and Asexuality (the absence of sexual differences) are all fundamental…

Will Harnessing Vril Energy Create a New Golden Age?

Will Harnessing Vril Energy Create a New Golden Age?

VRIL ENERGY 101 Introduction – What Is Vril Energy? Vril Energy is the Background Energy of The Multiverse, of which this Universe is a part; this is the most basic definition of Vril Energy! Vril exists beyond Good and Evil, and beyond any conceptions of Male and Female. Vril Energy is called by Neo-Platonists “The One.”…