Is There  Epidemic Abuse Toward Police and Military Service Dogs?

Is There Epidemic Abuse Toward Police and Military Service Dogs?

ANIMAL RIGHTS AND NATIONAL SOCIALISM Preface – Modern Origins of Animal Rights . The widespread abuse of dogs among police and military organizations around the world has recently been brought to my attention, and documentation of this abuse has mostly come from the United States and the United Kingdom. Being a “Cat Person” myself, I…

Do You Know the True Historical Origins of Saint Patrick’s Day?

Do You Know the True Historical Origins of Saint Patrick’s Day?

THE TRUE GENESIS OF “SAINT” PATRICK’S DAY European Paganism, from Eriu across Germania, and across the lands of the Balts, and to the steppes of the Slavs, may possessing many tribal, ethnic and geographic elements; none the less, despite its myriad differences, European paganism shares basic characteristics. All these old European forms of paganism were,…

Have You Heard About Ireland’s Golden Age?

Have You Heard About Ireland’s Golden Age?

THE  IRISH  GOLDEN  AGE  AND  THE  ORIGINS  OF  THE  CHIVALRIC TRADITION . Part One- In the Beginning The “Fir Bolg’ (Men of the Bag. They were called this name because they carried their possessions in haversacks.) were the original Aboriginal/Cro-Magnon inhabitants of the island that we call Ireland today. A group of mysterious beings called…

Does China Really Control the Panama Canal?

Does China Really Control the Panama Canal?

Notes on Donald Trump’s Proposed Territorial Grabs Donald Trump started making this claim that he is “the King of Israel” back in 2016 while he was delivering a public speech. At the time, Trump was running for president against Hillary Clinton. Reportedly, Bibi Netanyahu has started making the same claim about himself rather recently. Some…

Was Juan Peron A National Socialist Luminary Part 2.

Was Juan Peron A National Socialist Luminary Part 2.

  Link to Part One Here: Juan Peron: An Oracle of National Socialism Part 1 ¨ ¨ Part Four – International Synergy There are Five Parts to International Synergy: (1) Capitalism (2) Communism (3) Vaticanism (4) Freemasonry (5) Zionism While International Jewry ultimately lies at the heart of International Synergy, it would be a grave…

What is the National Socialist Perspective on Law Enforcement?

What is the National Socialist Perspective on Law Enforcement?

A NATIONAL SOCIALIST PERSPECTIVE ON LAW ENFORCEMENT    Preface: Definition & Purpose   The topic that I will be focusing on here might normally be called the “Criminal Police.” The Criminal Police are the regular police who assumes official responsibility for combating normal criminal activity. However, the Criminal Police have increasingly become what might be…

Is American Law Enforcement Public Enemy Number One?

Is American Law Enforcement Public Enemy Number One?

LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE ZIO-ANGLO-AMERICAN EMPIRE Introduction – Criminal Police Human nature – currently being what it is – is coupled with the proliferation of /or mass immigration by large numbers counts of degenerate individuals from various not-so-good places. So, with human nature being what is in our present Axe Age, plus a huge inflow of…

Is there Any Historical Truth to Myths About Giants?

Is there Any Historical Truth to Myths About Giants?

  Introduction – What Does It Mean To be a Giant? There is a great deal of misunderstanding that has accumulated over the years about what the term “GIANT” actually means. A great deal of controversy now exists concerning the definition of what constitutes a “giant” from mythology, and this issue needs to be laid…

Is there a Link Between Dragons and National Socialism?

Is there a Link Between Dragons and National Socialism?

ENTER THE DRAGON! (Dragons in the Aryan Tradition) Introduction   n  Western Countries, most people’s idea of Dragons are generally a very negative, and these ideas are formed from a combination of fictional films and fictional literature. This fictional film and literature that portrays dragons negatively is of course put together by the usual Judeo-Christian…

Are the Dwarves of Legend Connected to National Socialism?

Are the Dwarves of Legend Connected to National Socialism?

THE SECRET OF BERCHTESGADEN & UNTERSBERG: (ADOLF HITLER, ARYANS, AND THE DWARVES)   Introduction – A Sacred Precinct The area in the Alps around the charming Alpine town of Berchtesgaden and nearby Mount Untersburg has long been a very sacred area to Aryans from their first arrival in Europe millennia ago up to the present…

Does A Germanic “Positive Christianity” Exist?

Does A Germanic “Positive Christianity” Exist?

BALDR – THE GOD OF POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY   Preface: There was a term used during the Third Reich to denote a hypothetical type of Christianity that is compatible with the Germanic Spirit. A specific term for Positive Christianity needed to be developed by the Third Reich because Judeo-Christianity in its various guises was seen as…

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