THE SECOND COMING OF ADOLF HITLER   Introduction: The individual known as Jesus Christ is what is called a “Composite Character.” A Composite Character” is defined as a “literary device” that is formed by combining any number of other individuals to create a vehicle which is intended to deliver a particular message. These other characters…

Will Harnessing Vril Energy Create a New Golden Age?

Will Harnessing Vril Energy Create a New Golden Age?

VRIL ENERGY 101 Introduction – What Is Vril Energy? Vril Energy is the Background Energy of The Multiverse, of which this Universe is a part; this is the most basic definition of Vril Energy! Vril exists beyond Good and Evil, and beyond any conceptions of Male and Female. Vril Energy is called by Neo-Platonists “The One.”…

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What did Adolf Hitler have to say about Personal and National Self-determination?

HITLER AND SELF-DETERMINATION Mental, Spiritual, and Political Self-Determination Part One – Mental Self Determination I will begin with The Great Adolf Hitler devas’ definition of True Intelligence, which he very succinctly defined as, “The ability to engage in independent analytical reasoning.” Adolf Hitler took great pains to make it clear that He Did Not Want a…

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A Hyperborean Program for Self-Actualization

By Loki… HYPERBOREAN PROGRAM Index ➤ Self ➤ World ➤ Enemy “A Self that is stripped of every moral and every dogma that is indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of the blood will be able to gallantly march towards the Origin and no force in the universe will be capable of stopping it.” -Nimrod de Rosario  Introduction This work is a presentation of a basic program that leads the asleep toward a state of wakefulness, the domesticated towards the state of a warrior Berserker who is along the path of immortality against the Will of  “The One” the “God” of monotheism who is the Demiurge. It prescribes a basic template for the transmutation of the aspirant into an Immortal Siddha. However, it is not a cowardly flight from reality but the doorway to Eternity, a black hole toward the Green Ray beyond the spatio-temporal density of ‘The One,” the creation of His matrix prison. Herein is discussed a tripartite mode of action in “the world” of ‘The One” for the active warrior in his engagement with the enemy, namely “The One” and his legions. It prescribes a strengthening of the soul across all lines from basic exercise and physical life to spiritual tactics that are brought together as a synchronism of spirit and matter to deploy in the assault against the foe. An extensive and prioritized bibliography is provided to amplify one’s arsenal of weapons for war. The works cited here…


What Lessons Does the Life of Baron Roman Ungern-Sternberg Have to Offer?

UNRAVELLING THE LIFE OF BARON ROMAN VON UNGERN- STERNBERG by Martin T. Understandably enough, the life history and adventures of Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg has generated little favorable interest across the West in recent decades because we live in an epoch where an anti-Bolshevik and anti-Semite such as Ungern-Sternberg will not receive a warm reception….

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What is Meant by the Word “Socialism” within the Context of National Socialism?

COMMENTARY ON ROSENBERG’S “MYTH OF THE 20TH CENTURY” & DREXLER’S “MY AWAKENING” OR “WHAT IS SOCIALISM AND WHY AM I A SOCIALIST?” Preface: Jews & the Jewicized Rosenburg in his book invented a new word, “Jewicized”. The meaning of this word is a non-Jew who has taken on the Jewish way of thinking and has…

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Will Introducing a Formal Caste System Improve European Society?

Are Hierarchies based on Caste, Race, and Gender an Outcome of Divine Will? The Divine Will manifests itself on the Earth plane/Midgard as a differentiated order of organic life that consists of sentient beings which develop in relation to each other and ultimately in relation God (in the sense of the Supreme Being). This order…

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How Your Friendly Neighborhood Ubermensch Got His Groove: Are Supermen the Key to White Liberation?

Editor’s Note: This article is an opinion piece written by John N.    The Step by Step Guide to White Liberation White Racial Greetings Comrades! Have you ever thought that there are issues facing our Race that have no viable solution in sight? With all the racial tension and subhuman violence that is now plaguing…