extra mjolnir pendant

How to Choose a Mjolnir / Thor’s Hammer Pendant that is Right for You.

What is a Mjolnir Pendant? Image above shows a white gold pendant sold by the LoniDesignGroup store on etsy.com  $482 Mjolnir pendants have been uncovered at countless archeological digs in Scandinavia and what is today called Germany along with the northern parts of what is today called France. The classic mjolnir symbol represents the hammer…

Ireland Cover Article Image 2

Did the 3rd Reich Support Irish Independence?

Cover image courtesy of  dallasvintageshop.com Bright Blessings to All! HITLER & IRELAND Deutschland Go Bragh (“Go Bragh” is Gaelic for !!!NOW!!!). A thunderous shout of protest erupted from a meeting of Irish immigrants and their descendants in Boston upon the announcement of the United States government’s Declaration of War Against the 2nd Reich in 1917. Federal…

White Terror Article Image

Is the Media-hyped Menace of “White Terrorism” Actually Jewish Kabuki Theater?

Article written by Alba Imperator   WHITE TERROR, JEWISH PSYOP: the psychological operation of ‘White Terrorism’ and the Jewish Cabal Cover image courtesy of worthpoint.com A Note about the posted Links: Links are provided for a bit of extra information, but none of the material presented should be taken as completely true. Even if information…

LA Homeless Camp

Signs of Our Times

Cover image of a Los Angeles homeless encampment courtesy of spectrumnews1.com It is Happening to Every Religion, but maybe not Voodoo — at least for now! Voodoo image courtesy of redbubble.com The Protocols of the Elders of Zion have gradually replaced almost every mainstream religion’s teachings, except mine, which is National Socialism. You see, I…

The Final Battalions

The Final Battalions are a special group of humans, both men and women, who are called to stand with the gods when the great and final cosmic war descends upon Earth very soon. Our Earth realm is the center of cosmic creation and both men and women are the highest manifestation of consciousness within the…

Goebbels Radio Address

Our Hitler: A Public Radio Address from Hitler’s 53rd Birthday

Our Hitler Goebbels’ 1942 Speech on Hitler’s Birthday At this time, a film called The Great King is playing in movie theaters across the Reich. This film chronicles the hard trials and historic challenges that Frederick the Great endured during the critical phase of the Seven Years War which took place before he led his army to…

Holodomor Article Cover

Hunger as a Weapon: Parallels Between Holodomor and General Sherman’s March to the Sea

The Holodomor, which was a deliberately created famine that took place in the Ukraine between the years of 1932-33, was carried out in the breadbasket of the USSR. This awful episode in the history of Russia was only possible because both Britain and the Zio-American Empire were keeping the rest of the country fed during…