Is America Inching Towards a Military Dictatorship?
(A Lesson for Present-Day Americans)
Part One – Why Bring This Up?
I am beginning to hear rumblings from reliable sources that certain elements within the hierarchy of the Zio-American Empire’s military are planning to seize control of the empire’s government and set up Donald Trump as the empire’s new president. Let me make myself perfectly clear, this is neither an attempt to vilify Donald Trump, nor is this an attempt to defend Joe Biden who is a man that I heartily detest by the way. What I am discussing at this time is meant to serve as a warning about the danger that is inherent in letting a military determine who is and who is not going to be the head of a country, especially if the Zio-American military becomes the kingmaker as they will likely succeed in doing. I intend to contrast this with the German approach towards such matters. (I had originally planned to work on something else first, but then this topic just came up, so this discussion is something that I felt needed to deal with straight away.)

Part Two – The Pretext
The pretext falls into two areas: First, the Zio-American Empire’s present military is becoming too sissified, wussified, and pussified to suit these Zio-American wannabe military strongmen. The other is more in the nature of a downright lie.
According to Donald Trump AND his Generals, the Zio-American empire was winning the war in Afghanistan when he left office, then Biden and the Democrats took over which then sissified the military and gave the whole game away. This version of events ignores the fact that the war was lost years ago anyway, even before Trump ever assumed the largely symbolic office of the Zio-American president, and this war in Afghanistan was likely always anyway. While occupying Afghanistan, the Zio-American empire committed the blunder of reinforcing its defeat which is always what happens under such circumstances when military campaigns turn into disastrous routs. Let us face the facts, the Afghans have been conducting successful guerilla warfare campaigns against strong invaders for at least 3,000 years, so these people are not exactly greenhorns at the guerilla warfare shuffle.

Here are the original and only purposes for the Zio-American invasion of Afghanistan in number order:
(1) To build an oil pipeline from Turkmenistan (which is an oil-rich Zio-American puppet state), across Afghanistan to the port of Karachi in Pakistan. After the Taliban began to ask more for the right-of-way to use this proposed overland oil pipeline than the Zio-American empire was willing to pay, this act helped to spark a military invasion from the Zio-American empire and its lackey suzerains. This Zio-American plan to build an oil pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to the coastline of Pakistan went belly-up after Zio-American bullying alienated Pakistan who is a nuclear power.
(2) Afghanistan had at the time the world’s largest known deposits of lithium ore, but as of now they are second only to Bolivia in this regard. Lithium is used in both batteries and detonators for hydrogen bombs, so big business has a keen interest in maintaining a constant supply of lithium. Afghanistan, which is commonly called “The Graveyard of Empires” also holds the world’s largest deposits of a number of rare earth metals which are used in various high-tech weapons and other gadgetry such as cellular telephones and personal computers. Again, the Taliban was asking just too damn much for themselves as far as Uncle Sam was concerned, so old Uncle Sam figured, “Why pay for Afghanistan’s resources when we can just take them? China has come along now and the Chinese are agreeing to pay the Taliban’s asking price for these natural resources, which is yet another case of Washington cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

(3) The Zio-American Empire also invaded and occupied Afghanistan to protect opium production in this country. Afghanistan was by far the world’s largest producer of opium until the Taliban decided that it was their religious duty to stamp out the opium production in their country. The Zio-American empire depends on the international opium trade to fund their various black ops around the planet, and the Zio-American empire still uses their secret opiate trade so that nobody has to go to Congress and ask for funds.

The Zio-Americans have repeated to themselves “USA No.1” so often that they began to see this trope as a given truth; therefore, they simply could not handle being bested by a ragtag army of despised “Ragheads.” The word “Raghead” is the term that the Zio-American military applies to the non-Jewish inhabitants of the Middle East. That or the term “Sand- Niggers” is often used to describe non-Jewish Middle Easterners. By contrast, the Israelis are always referred to most touchingly as “Our Only Ally in the Middle East” by the Zio-American empire’s military establishment.
Part Thee- Living by the Sword; The Zio-American Empire’s Military from the Late 1950s Onwards
This fine little problem actually originates with the establishment of the National Security State in the years immediately after World War II when the Zio-American empire’s military organizations were brought under one central administration, which is the Department of Defense, with the frequently-rogue US Air Force also eventually being established as being part of the Zio-American empire’s Department of Defense. The so-called Intelligence State (CIA, etc.) was also established as part of this new order. The private/pirate-sector collection of corporations and contractors of all sizes also grew to become the Military/Industrial Complex in its present-day incarnation, and this private/pirate sector “defense” industry is also part of the Zio-American Department of Defense (war). This founding of the Zio-American Department of Defense (DOD) and its concomitant private/pirate sector military industrial complex coincided, not by accident I am sure, with some other events.

The United Nations, was indeed founded to be a One World Government, BUT WHAT ALMOST NOBODY HAS EVER REALIZED, is that this organization was originally intended to operate under the control of the Zio-American empire’s government that is headquartered in Washington D.C. In truth, the United Nations was actually created specially to serve as an instrument of Zio-American foreign policy. I discovered this fact by looking at Zio-American diplomatic correspondence with the other World War II “Allies.” Interestingly, by the end of World War II, members of the “Allies” ALWAYS referred to their alliance as THE UNITED NATIONS. At the end of World War II, this conflict was also being spoken of as a contest between the “Axis Powers” and the “United Nations,” which were no longer being referred to as individual states.
The establishment of the state of Israel took place under the auspices of the Zio-American-controlled United Nations, although Zionist influence over US foreign policy was tremendous from the administration of Woodrow Wilson onwards; that having been said, this Zionist control over the American Empire would not become absolute until the assassination of John Kennedy at which point Israel and the United States became a single country for all intents and purposes.

The launching of the Cold War, which was originally done by Winston Churchill, was used as an excuse for the establishment and continuation of the National Security State. Although this fact was kept hidden from the masses in various Western countries, the existential threat posed by the Soviet Union ended when Stalin began to force the Jews out of positions of power within the USSR.
What developed across the Western nations and the Zio-American empire in particular over time from the late 1940’s to the late 1950’s was a group of senior military officers who essentially lived by the sword. This group of officers believed that the Zio-American empire existed solely to support the military, and the taxpayers were there just to fund the military. This same group also believed that war should be engaged in for its own sake and to establish one’s superiority over the other militaries of the world, with the exception of Israel of course. In the case of Israel, the Zio-American empire’s national security state would merge with the Zio-American empire’s military establishment over the course of time. This merger between the Zio-American empire’s military establishment and Israel’s military establishment originally involved only a few rogue individuals; however, the number of people involved in this rotten merger grew over time to their present dominant position.

This quest to be unchallenged No.1 in war on the part of certain Zio-American Air Force generals in the late 50’s would grow into an effort to instigate an all-out nuclear war with the USSR in order to prove their superiority over the Russians. In the 1950’s the US Army War College launched a study which was assisted by a number of former generals and senior staff officers of the Wehrmacht, and in this study a hypothetical conventional ground war within the Soviet Union itself was analyzed. The conclusion from this study of a hypothetical invasion of the Soviet Union was that the Zio-American empire simply could not succeed in an attempt to invade the Soviet Union. Logically, if the Zio-American empire had to deter the Russians in some manner, then nuclear weapons presented the most attractive option, except engaging in a direct nuclear contest with the USSR was an exchange which neither side could win.
In light of a potential nuclear war’s fundamentally unwinnable nature, many senior civilian officials within the Zio-American government began to seek some sort of understanding with the Soviets in order to prevent an unwinnable nuclear World War III from coming to pass and potentially ending much of the life on planet Earth in the process.
Public interlocutors working for for these rogue military elements would often appear to be civilians, and these people would frequently accuse civilian peacemakers of being “Soft on Communism ” or even accuse their rightful critics of being “Fellow Travelers in Communism.” They would also accuse these well-meaning peacemakers as being outright “Closet Communists” in hopes garnering public support for a military confrontation with the Soviet Union. Luckily, these rogue elements with the Zio-American military-industrial complex lacked the needed support among the highest levels of the military to make their evil schemes a reality, that and president John F. Kennedy dismissed one of these key individuals from his position.

These rogue Zio-American military elements wanted to turn the Cuban Missile Crisis into an all-out World War III, but President John F. Kennedy by-passed them. When afterwards Kennedy began to broach the subject of negotiating an end to the Cold War with Kruschev and Russia and Kennedy also began to launch a peaceful and scientific joint space program with the USSR, the Zio-American war-hawks began to think in terms of assassination for Mr. Kennedy. Others were also involved in president Kennedy’s assassination, but the Zio-American military war-hawks would play a prominent part in this conspiracy.
Kennedy was also going to end ALL US involvement in Vietnam, plus he canceled the planned Zio-American invasion of Cuba which was intended to put the corrupt dictator Batista back in power and open the door for the return of Meyer Lansky’s Jewish mafia into every aspect of Cuban life. Fidel Castro had recently kicked the Jewish Lansky criminal gang out of Cuba, so international Jewry was fairly sore with Mr. Castro at that time.

Groups involved in the Kennedy Assassination:
(1) The National Security State
(2) Meyer Lansky’s Criminal Syndicate
(3) Anti-Castro Cubans
(4) Israel’s Mossad – Because Kennedy was blocking Israel from obtaining Nuclear Weapons.
Part Four – My Personal Observations from within the Zio-American Military
I left the service in 1980 and I was already hearing talk at that time about the need for a military government in the United States. Perhaps this military government would speak through a nominal civilian head, but the body of this new government would be the military who would be wielding the genuine power behind the scenes. Essentially, under this arrangement the civilian veneer of the government would only exist to handle the absolutely necessary civilian matters that the military junta did not want to be bothered with. For a society like I have been referring to actually take shape, the obstacles at the time which kept the Zio-American empire from experiencing a military takeover existed in three general areas. In order of importance being:
(1) There were still too many general and flag officers (admirals) who were still loyal to their oaths that committed them to upholding the US Constitution which mandates civilian control of the military.

(2) The leadership of the three militaries: Army, Navy, and Air Force, including the would-be conspirators simply did not trust one other enough to establish a true military government. Just witness what was soon to happen with the Grenada clown show: The Marines were/are a branch of the Navy. The Coast Guard at the time was still under the US Treasury Department, so this organization was not part of the National Security State, but that all changed after the big terrorist attack that happened back on 9/11/2001.
(3) Back then, most of us rank-and-file service personnel would have actively opposed a military takeover because our military was just coming off of defeat in Vietnam, the Mayaguez Incident (a humiliation at the hands of Cambodia), and the debacle involving the hostages in Iran. All of these previously mentioned outcomes stemming from just plain corrupt and incompetent leadership to one degree or another, especially at the level of the Pentagon whose RAMPANT MILITARISM many of us were opposed to because we had to exist with it every day for so many years.

I am trying to warn people about the dangers of living by the sword. My heartfelt conviction is that times and people have changed and there is now sufficient support for a successful military coup, even though a certain degree of “civil war” within the military is likely to be involved. Over the years, militarists have been steadily eating away at the Zio-American empire’s relict Constitutional Government and they have been laying the groundwork for a seizure of power which they are finally going to attempt at some, likely soon to occur, opportune moment.
Part Five – The German Experience
I will be discussing the Regular German Army (Wehrmacht), which though it had an enormous influence on the Waffen SS was still separate from the Waffen SS. The men who served in the Waffen SS of course took an oath to serve Adolf Hitler personally. By contrast, the Wehrmacht took an oath to serve only the constitutional head of the greater German state, which happened to be Adolf Hitler. This is one of the main reasons why Hitler insisted on only coming to power by legal means. As long as Hitler was alive, the Wehrmacht was bound by their oath to support him. Afterwards they were bound by oath to support his legitimate successor, Admiral Donitz. The self-serving cowards and traitors who illegally surrendered the Third Reich to the “Allies” had actually violated their sacred oaths and had no legitimate authority to do so. I wonder how they are enjoying Helheim since they have forsaken honor? The Allies had to abolish the Wehrmacht altogether to render their oaths null and void.

The Wehrmacht was strictly non-political, just as its Imperial and Prussian predecessors. Military coups and governments were totally alien to the Wehrmacht’s philosophy because the very rigorous training they all received in German military academies resulted in the young cadets internalizing the idea that they were the servants of the Folk along with the state within which they lived and its legitimate head of state. These cadets would of course have their own political beliefs, but they were duty bound to keep the army out of politics and politics out of the army; period, the lies told by “Allied” and international Jewish propaganda notwithstanding.
After Napoleon had largely humiliated and destroyed the old Prussian army at the Battles of Jena and Auerstadt, Queen Louisa of Prussia succeeded in appointing two of her friends and advisors, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, to begin the difficult task of recreating a new and infinitely improved Prussian Army. Though they were both of relatively young ages for senior Prussian staff officers of that time, these two colleagues and friends were destined to change the world because they were both absolute geniuses when it came to the military philosophy of armies and their operation as systems. From the Prussian Army that finally defeated Napoleon, through the legendary Imperial German Army of World War I, continuing along with the Third Reich’s famed Wehrmacht and indirectly through the Waffen SS, we see the fruits of their labor. Technology was constantly changing but the basic system remained the same. Until the end of the Cold War, the West German Army (Bundeswehr) was the best army in NATO because it also operated according to the same system tried-and-true system.

Amongst the reforms instituted by Scharnhorst and Gneisenau was the depoliticization of the army like I have been discussing. Part of the reason for the decisive defeats at the hands of Napoleon, who was a first-class military genius, was an army leadership (politicians in uniform) that was more concerned with politics than with winning wars, which is not unlike what the present-day US military has become, and with similar results. Until near the end of World War II, the German Navy (Kreigsmarine) traditionally had ships named after Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. The Zio-American empire has forbidden the German Kreigsmarine from naming any more ships after these two men because, so they say, it glorifies German militarism and indirectly validates the Third Reich.
Part Six – Conclusion: Welcome to the Ax Age
Viking seers once foretold of a time of climate upheaval which will result in mass starvation worldwide. Could this be the result of weather engineering run amok as it is doing so now? According to these same old seers, immediately following this time of famine and just ahead of the Battle of Ragnarok comes a period of time they refer to as the Ax Age which has many parallels with the later stages of the Kali Yuga (Spiritual Dark Age) in the Hindu Tradition.
The Ax Age shall involve, for the purposes of our present discussion, a period of pointless and irrational conflict, violence, and warfare. “A time when there will be no honor to be gained by combat” as the Axe Age is described according to the old Viking seers. In reality, the Vikings considered combat for no constructive purpose to be dishonorable and a quick ticket to Helheim (the World of the Dishonorable Dead). My contention is that this whole Zio-American military coup and their way of living by the sword is just a natural product of The Ax Age that we are now living through. While we cannot change the “Spirit of the Times,” we had better not let ourselves get caught up in the spirit of the Axe Age either.

Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn
Thought i would send out the link from my video from 7th Novemeber 2018. Well worth a watch.
America is now getting closer and closer to the position of Germany just after the first world war, before Hitler came into power. The difference between Germany then and America now is that not only do American’s with their natural revolutionary spirit have the right to bear arms, but they are also blessed by the appearance of a pure devotee of the Lord on their land. His powerful spiritual message has also purified their hearts to various degrees, so when the second Hitler like figure comes amongst them, to lead them, then their power will be unstoppable.