Evil Donald Trump

Is Donald Trump Actually the Anti-Christ?


Concerning Donald Trump’s recent staged and fake assassination attempt, the technical details of how this particular piece of political theater was performed is one factor out of many. One could certainly aver that it is essential and always useful to understand how such operations as Trump’s recent staged assignation attempt are carried out; however, we should never let the specific details of this event and others like it distract us away from the most important question which is: Why Was This Operation Carried Out?

The immediate answer to that previous and key question would at first seem, and correctly so, that Trump’s recent fake assassination attempt was orchestrated to provide a cover for installing Donald Trump in the White House one more time. Rigging elections that make use of electronic voting machines is really a simple matter, but when elections are rigged, one must make the election results believable for those who lack “Genuine Intelligence.” (The term “Genuine Intelligence” is defined by The Chancellor as: “The ability to engage in independent analytical reasoning”). Those who lack Genuine Intelligence amount to about 80% of any population, while about 15% of any general population is just plain rotten to begin with; therefore, these numbers leave about 5% of any general population who have the capacity to actually think for themselves, well at least to some degree anyway.

NPC Meme
Image courtesy of bbc.com

Anyone who is familiar with “Scripted Prophecy” should find it easy to recognize that Donald Trump is the fulfillment of an important part of more than one “Scripted Prophecy.” According to our small-hatted friends, El Trumpo is the Jewish Messiah (World Ruling King). Trump’s family name is, by his own admission in 2016, originally Drumpfh, which is a German-Jewish family name. According to a couple of Jewish sources that I once consulted, Trump also is in the process of becoming the Anti-Christ character that is spoken about in The Bible.

Evil Trump @
Image courtesy of openart.ai


What can I add to the matter of Trump being a false leader that is likely to be unknown to my readers? Well here goes, Trump/Drumpfh is the fulfillment of the “Prophecy” of the DAJJAL which is found in the Koran. This old Islamic prophecy about the Dajjal is truly fascinating because it is clear that the Dajjal of the Koran is the same character as the Antichrist from the Bible. The Koran goes into much more detail than the Bible concerning the prophecy of the Anti-Christ or Dajjal, so much more detail in fact that the Koran makes this matter crystal clear to anybody who is capable of objective analyses: DONALD TRUMP IS THE DAJJAL!

On the surface, the Dajjal wields vast power, but this power that the Dajjal possesses is not actually real at all — the Koran states very clearly that the Dajjal’s power is really nothing more than an illusion. Once the lies and illusions of the Dajjal are swept away, then the Dajjal is easily seen to amount to nothing substantial at all. Donald Trump has been labeled a fraud, and I wholeheartedly concur: DONALD TRUMP IS ACTUALLY THE GREATEST CON-MAN THAT HAS EVER LIVED!

Image courtesy of stock.adobe.com

Donald Trump’s whole life has amounted to nothing more than one continuous con-game that is being played by a megalomaniac. Do your own objective research my friends and you will see that the record of his cons would fill volumes; however, Donald Trump is now running the greatest con-game of them all.

Dark Carnival
Image courtesy of freepik.com

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What is our world going to be like during the reign of this self-appointed God-King who goes by the name of Donald Trump? Make no mistake about it, Donald Trump considers himself to be more than a mortal man, and he believes that he rules over lesser men by a divine and God-given right. You might ask: “What God Does Donald Trump Worship?” The answer is: DONALD TRUMP WORSHIPS ONLY ONE GOD, AND THAT GOD IS DONALD TRUMP!

If you take a good look at Donald Trump’s bases of power at this time, then you can readily see the sorts of people and the sorts of philosophies that will figure prominently in his government:

(1) His core voting base, as everybody knows, is Evangelical Christians, so we can therefore deduce that Trump’s government is going to be a THEOCRACY which pushes a particularly virulent strand of Calvinism. Trump’s next regime is likely to consist of a virulent strand of Apocalyptic Protestantism that gets much of its mojo from the Book of Revelations. Trump’s particular brand of theocracy also sports Calvinist underpinnings that provide a dangerous recipe for religiously fueled wars.

Demonic Preacher
Image courtesy of freepik.com 

(2) The Zio-American Empire has been growing more and more militaristic ever since the days of Ronald Reagan and Trump is considered to be the heir to Ronald Reagan that is going to bring Ronald Reagan’s old plans to their ultimate fulfilment. Thus, we can all deduce that the Zio-American under Trump’s tutelage will glorify MILITARISM.

Evil Military
Image courtesy of freepik.com 

(3) The Republican Party, and Donald Trump are the most Republican of Republicans. The Republican political party is the party of LAISSEZ-FAIRE CAPITALISM, as it always has been since its inception in the 1850s. The old Republican political park is also closely associated with the Jewish operative and Rothschild banking dynasty front-man named Abraham Lincoln. Trump’s Vice-President is one J.D, Vance of Ohio whose only qualifications for high office is that he is a successful big-businessman. So, during Trump’s next presidency, the country/Zionist-American Empire is going to be run like a for-profit business with Donald Trump as CEO. Under this new regime, both Trump and J.D. Vance will be a throwback to the old Robber Barons of the 19th century.

Evil Capitalist
Image courtesy of freepik.com 

(4) Donald Trump came up as one of the chief lieutenants in Meyer Lansky’s outfit. Lansky is the former head of a major Jewish organized crime syndicate. Upon Lansky’s death, Donald Trump took over Lansky’s old organization. Trump’s involvement with Meyer Lansky is the reason that Trump rose to such prominence in New York City’s real estate business. New York City’s real estate business has ALWAYS been the exclusive stronghold of Jewish organized crime factions, so Trump’s government is naturally going to reflect the most flagrant GANGSTERISM.

Evil Mobster
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(5) Donald Trump has long ago repeatedly pledged his undying support to the state of Israel. Trump has also told the Israelis that he is the greatest friend that they have ever had or ever will have, so we are going to see an ongoing flow of the Zionist-American Empire’s tax dollars continue to migrate over to Israel while constant wars are fought for Israel’s interests. In the coming years we should expect to see the tax dollars and the citizenry of the Zionist-American Empire waging wars for Isreal. So, under Donald Trump’s rulership, we are going to see ZIONISM being in even more control of the Zionist American Empire than it already is under “president” Joseph Biden.

Why Jews
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com 


When you combine: Theocracy, Militarism, Laissez-Faire Capitalism, Gangsterism, and Zionism, with a megalomaniacal and superlative con-man of a “leader,” then what do you think is going to happen?  Well, you have the recipe for bloody Civil War for one thing.

Civil War Movie

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of variety.com 

As soon as Donald Trump won the nomination at the Republican National Convention, which is the same thing as him being “Elected” President, then the “Talk” started. By using the term “Talk” I can only describe Trump’s words as being very threatening and even EXPANSIONIST, and these dangerous words are already being directed at the rest of the World. MAGA=Make America Great Again. What does this acronym mean in terms of practical Zio-American Imperial foreign policy? What the term “MAGA” seems to mean when thinking in terms of Zio-American Imperial foreign policy is this: the Zio-Anglo-American Empire is going to be Rulers of the Earth, and everybody else had better get in line and learn to know their place and to follow their given instructions.

Picking cotton
Image courtesy of motherjones.com 

The only way that I can interpret the words which came out of this recent Republican National Convention concerning the Zio-American Empire’s foreign policy is to note that Trump did not explicitly state that the rest of the world had better know their place and stay in it, but he definitely smiled broadly and clapped loudly when somebody else used words to this effect. Although Trump did not say so openly, he might as well have just told the rest of the world that they will be forced to obey the dictates of the Zio-American Empire and its Jewish masters.

Have a happy North American Civil War and a happy World War Three everyone!

Nuclear Bomb
Image courtesy of freepik.com 


I will close with a brief discussion that outlines a hypothetical situation. Let us suppose that somehow things hold together for the Zio-American Empire over the next few years and Donald Trump finishes his next term as President. If Trump finishes his next term as president, then this means that Constitutionally he can never be President again. Does anyone honestly believe that Trump is going to be willing to step down as required by law at the end of his second term as the Zio-American Empire’s president?

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No doubt, it seems likely that Trump’s base of fanatical supporters will do whatever it takes to help keep him in office after his second term ends, even if this means that the original United States Constitution will have to be amended or even suspended to allow Trump to serve longer. Failing a reorganization of the original American Empire’s constitution, there is likely to be a seizure of power where Trump makes himself dictator for life. (Just asking, could Trump’s refusal to lawfully abdicate the office of Zio-American president be what touches off the “Prophesied” Great Tribulation?)

Evil trump Caesar
Image courtesy of opoenart.ai

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn


tinfoil hat

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