Do You Know the True Historical Origins of Saint Patrick’s Day?
European Paganism, from Eriu across Germania, and across the lands of the Balts, and to the steppes of the Slavs, may possessing many tribal, ethnic and geographic elements; none the less, despite its myriad differences, European paganism shares basic characteristics. All these old European forms of paganism were, of course, all Shamanic in nature, and shamanism is the original Spirituality of every race on Earth.
However, old shamanism is not what I will be mainly discussing today. Rather, I will be discussing a particular element of this old shamanism as it relates to the Indo-Europeans. The name Aryan, when correctly understood, refers to a sense of being noble and not to a general population.
To begin with, within the aegis of old shamanism, there is belief in a supreme source for all things: an infinite sea of potential if you will. This source of all things is also what the Neo-Platonists would come to call “The One,” or some Native Americans would call the Creator, the Great Spirit, or the Great Mystery. This basic idea of a great creator spirit is not specific to any particular race, nor to any particular ethnicity of True Men – this is a worldwide concept. The Hindu’s would refer to this same concept as the Mind of Vishnu.
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Within this infinite sea of potential, there appears The Logos (The First Thought, which is seen as the original Male Principal) and The Cosmos (The First Act, is seen as the original Female Principal). Simply put, the Male Principal Conceives and the Female Principal Creates.
Things now begin to take on a more anthropomorphic form in the sense that we are imagining the appearance of The Supreme Godhead: God The Father AND God The Mother. The various deities are their descendants and through them manifests the various races of our multiverse.
Before anybody misunderstands where I am going with all of this, I am not pushing anything like multiculturalism or miscegenation, nor am I advocating for irrational ideas about equality. Both Diversity and Hierarchy are absolutely essential if any system is to function in a healthy and stabile manner. All that I am saying here is that each sub-system within the space/time continuum has its assigned and necessary function.
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Uniformity is the unmistakable sign of a collapsing system. “Anybody” who is pushing for uniformity is, as Alfred Rosenburg so succinctly put it, the mortal enemy of ALL mankind (All races.) Such people are also the ultimate mortal enemy of all life on Earth. Rosenburg makes it perfectly clear that that this enemy who is constantly pushing for more uniformity of human races is the Jew and people who are Jewicized. In the name of delivering mankind from his troubles, both the Jews and the Jewicized are destroying humanity.
For our purposes here, the ultimate Parents of the Indo-European Peoples are The All-Father Odin and The All-Mother Frigga. Traditional Marriage and Family are Sacred Trusts that are bestowed upon us by Our Elders, these trusts are sacred because they mirror the relationships that people have with The Creator Spirit. The offspring of deities are other deities who branch off to ultimately originate multiple generations of various Indo-European Tribes. Reproduction can be sexual, be but many times this act is not sexual as the term “sexual” is commonly understood within nature.
Shamanism was the state of affairs when the first “Christians” came into contact with the Celtic and Teutonic Tribes of Europe. When Christian missionaries first arrived in Europe, “Christ” was initially presented as the First-Born Son of Odin & Frigga, and thus Jesus was considered senior to all his siblings. To the Teutons, the characteristics of Jesus simply meant that Christ was seen as Baldur by a different name. Christianity was thus presented as an addition to, or a further development of, what the Celts and Germans already believed. Many, but by no means all, of the Celts and Teutons readily accepted this “Christian” addition to their existing system of beliefs. There was no conflict resulting from early ideas about Christianity because such things were considered personal matters.
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This acceptance of Christ as Baldur was the state of affairs in Ireland when the first Christian missionaries arrived. The island of Ireland was originally called Eriu (Goddess of the Land) before the arrival of “Saint” Partick. The term Eriu is still sometimes used by hardcore Irish nationalists and the word “Eriu” was also the much-feared Irish battle cry. The Emerald Isle that we now call Ireland was called Hibernia by the Romans. When Christianity first arrived in Ireland, the Christians and Non-Christians alike freely intermingled with each other, that is until the Vatican got involved.
The Roman Catholic Church consolidated its control over most of Europe through a series of bloody military campaigns against Pagans and/or what The Vatican called “Christian Heretics,” which were just Christians who resisted the Vatican’s heavy-handed authority. Eastern Orthodoxy was able to maintain its independence militarily.
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In the midst of these “Holy Wars,” The Pope decided to bring Ireland under the iron-fisted control of The Roman Church, so an individual who has come down through history known as “St. Patrick,” was sent along with an army to impose and enforce Roman Catholicism on the island of Ireland. “Saint” Patrick may have been an amalgamation of different historical personages along with a montage of fictitious characters that were all rolled into one legend. A great slaughter of Pagans and Christian who were the so-called “Heretics” ensued after “Saint” Patrick’s arrival, but in the end, Ireland was made Catholic by forced conversion. Patrick’s message was a simple one, “Become Catholic or Die!”
The Druids of Ireland presented the Serpent for their emblem, as in “The Serpent of Wisdom.” “Saint” Patrick supposedly drove all the snakes out of Ireland, where there have incidentally never been any snakes to begin with; however, the tale of “Saint” Patrick symbolically refers to the literal extermination of the Irish Druids.
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Efforts to totally stamp out the genuine Old Religion of Ireland were not entirely successful because elements of the Old Religion were preserved by Irish peasants who lived in out-of-the-way places. The rural folk or Ireland maintained their atavistic traditions up until the 1890’s and the arrival of The Celtic Renaissance that instaurated Irish Culture (including the Pre-Christian Culture), which lead to the Irish Revolution where most of this island become free of the (((British Crown.)))
“Saint” Patrick’s Day was originally established to, as the saying goes, “Get up the nose of the English,” at a time when England was trying to stamp out every vestige of Irish Culture. So, remember, “Saint” Patrick’s Day began as a rather rambunctious act of defiance.
Erin = anglicized pronunciation and spelling of the Gaelic name Eriu.
go Bragh = rough English translation, a most emphatic, NOW!
Deutschland go Bragh = the cry of the Irish Rebels who also supported Germany in the time frame of World War I and the Irish Revolution. During World War I, the Irish supported the Kaiser because he guaranteed Irish Independence if Germany won the war. Also, many Irishmen were sympathetic to the Third Reich in the 1930s and1940s for the same reasons. To their credit, many Irish people are sympathetic to National Socialism till this very day.
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Erin go Bragh!
Deutschland go Bragh!