Is Transhumanism A War Against Both Men and Women? Part 2.

For those who did not read the first part of this article, here is a link to Part #1. …..

Is Transhumanism a War Against Both Men and Women Part. 1

Part Six – 1959, The First Mention of Transhumanism and COVID-like Diseases in Science Fiction:

When I was nine years old back in 1964, a relative of mine gave me a copy of an issue of Science Fiction Anthology Magazine which was printed in 1959. One particular story has been stuck in my mind ever since I looked at this old magazine. This magazine article contained the first mention, to my knowledge anyway, of what is now called Transhumanism and of COVID-19-styled Hoax Diseases.

The setting for this story was in a future urban-styled society which was not dissimilar from the one that was described in Huxley’s “Brave New World.” To build the megacities that made up this civilization, The State/The Corporations developed Insect/Human Hybrid beings which had the physical abilities of insects and the intelligence of humans. In this story, fertilized eggs that would eventually turn into these insect/human Hybrids were frozen until such time as new insect Hybrid workers were needed. As the cities continued to expand both outwards and upwards, the work of building this city-state became increasingly dangerous, so large numbers of these insect Hybrids were constantly being killed or worn out; however, this high turnover rate for these bug-men did not pose a problem because new bug-men could be readily obtained from the breeding facilities.

The fly in the ointment for this story was the fact that something of the human spirit still resided within these insect/human Hybrids. In this story’s setting, books had been banned, but there were a few books that were still being passed around clandestinely. One particularly human-spirited Hybrid came across a book that was written about labor unions. From this book, that Hybrid got the idea to unionize all of the other Hybrids. After getting the idea to form a union for the Hybrid workers, that particular Hybrid went on strike himself for better working conditions. The Government/Corporate response to this one particular Hybrid’s refusal to work was to send in the police in to wipe out that pesky unionist Hybrids so that all of the Hybrids could then be replaced by robots.

The image seen above show the famous robot character from the cartoon television show named Futurama. Image courtesy of 

This old magazine tale actually revolves around one human/insect Hybrid who is trying to survive the extermination of his people. In this story, the police are the only characters that would pass for anything which resembles regular humans. The police remained more or less human because it was felt that only regular human types who posessed human levels of intelligence could keep everybody else in line. Allowing the police to remain essentially human permitted the development of a super-secretive underground movement amongst the police that was opposed to the Government/Corporate State.

The chief protagonist of the story eventually gets caught and a certain policeman steps forward to volunteer his services for disposal of that particular Hybrid. The policeman takes the Hybrid who is the main character in this story outside of the city to allegedly blow his brains out; however, the policeman chooses to first only fire several shots from his pistol into the air, then he tells the Hybrid to flee into the surrounding forest.

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The prospect of being released into the forest terrifies the Hybrid because all of the humans and the Hybrids alike had been led to believe that there was an always-fatal plague which was raging in the forests around the city that would kill anybody who went there. When the Jewish-controlled mass media first started going on about the COVID-19 Hoax back in 2020, at that time, I was instantly reminded about the fake plague which appeared in that old science-fiction story.

Description of the COVID-19 hoax and descriptions of the fictitious plague from the old science-fiction story were so very similar in their nature and in their purposes that the whole COVID-19 story seems quite suspicious for this reason alone. In the old story from the science fiction magazine, when the Hybrid expresses his concern about entering a forest that supposedly contains a fatal disease, the policeman just laughs and tells the Hybrid, “There is no plague. It is all a lie which is used to convince the population to keep themselves penned up in the cities where they can be easily controlled.”

In this story, the Hybrid questions the policeman as to why the policeman is helping “him.” The latter reveals to the Hybrid (who has no name, but only an identification number) the existence of The Underground. The Underground have set themselves the task of helping as many humans and Hybrids to escape into the forests as possible. When asked about the danger of the underground being discovered, the policeman tells the Hybrid they are not too worried about being discovered and punished because rooting out The Underground would demand that the Corporate State act openly, and acting openly would start giving rebellious-minded individuals ideas about resisting which The State had taken such great pains to convince people was impossible.

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The story ends with the Hybrid journeying into the Forest and eventually discovering then joining a breakaway agrarian society that is experiencing something of a mini-golden age.

It doesn’t take much intelligence to recognize the most profound prophetic implications in this story.

I will now briefly discuss the subject of AI (Artificial Intelligence) which is to a significant degree intended to replace the vast bulk of Humanity altogether. AI is being pursued with gusto at this time because as long as you use any part of The Human Psyche, then you run the risk of a throwback and rebellion. For the purposes of this blog, that pretty much says it all, but in actual fact, replacing humans with robots and computers kills two birds with one stone because you can also eliminate 7 1/2 billion of what Old Man Rothschild has called “Useless Eaters.”

The image above is furnished courtesy of the National Introvert Society account on 

These so-called “Useless Eaters” are people who contribute nothing to the increasing wealth of the world’s Oligarchy, even while they consume The Earth’s limited resources. Circumstances are dictating to the Oligarchy that AI be rushed into service before it has become a proven technology, so for this reason, AI is being put into service in spite of the fact that it remains unreliable, unpredictable, and even downright dangerous!

The image above is taken from a 1999 Futurama epidote titled “Hell is Other Robots” The image above is furnished courtesy of

This story about the Hybrid insect men also brought forth the ideas of: Digital Currency, a Cashless Society, Debit Cards, and Fully Automated Stores which were all part of the system that was set up by the Corporate State to control the population. If The State were so inclined, they could Zero your Debit Card Balance and the targeted individual would face starvation. In this same old science fiction tale, purchases were limited so that nobody could stockpile anything. Debit Cards were also used to track the movements and spending habits of individuals that The State was interested in.

From the elements that were discussed in the old story about Hybrid insect men, we can see that many developing elements of present-day society were already being anticipated back in 1959. From a strictly technical perspective, all of the elements that were outlined in the story about Hybrid insect men could have been implemented some time ago.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of jivicaghawk on 

Part Seven – Does the Arrival of Indians and Other Types of Migrants in Mass Serve as a Precursor for Switching to Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism?

 Supplemental Commentary by James Rousse

Much can be said about artificial intelligence and automation replacing people across the world, and much can be said about transhumanism creating genetically modified creatures that are essentially less than human, but there is an intermediate step in the process of replacing people with trans-human creations and full automation. The intermediate step in the process of replacing humanity with cyborgs, robots, and genetically engineered chimeras is to import masses of Indians and other Third-worlders.

At this time, if automation is not readily applicable yet, then labor needs of every type can be filled by replacing the local people with Indians. Right now, if the elites had their way, then they would replace every population around the world with Sub-Saharan Africans and Indians. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series of books, the evil lord named Sauron wanted to replace Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Hobbits with Orks and Goblins because Orks and Goblins would make better servants to his needs, and now we are facing a similar situation where Jewish oligarchs are intent on replacing Europeans with Orks from Sub-Saharan Africa and Goblins from the Indian subcontinent.

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In Tolkien’s mythology Orks tend to be large along with being very violent and savage, but they are also quite dim-witted. By contrast, Goblins are smaller and less violent than Orks, but Goblins are also a bit smarter and more cunning than Orks. Like Orks, Goblins are also very filthy and morally bankrupt. In short comparing Sub-Sharan Africans to Orks and Indians to Goblins is an apt analogy.

Replacing European people with Indians is now a favored practice because Indians can be paid less, and unlike European people, Indians harbor no delusional ideas about seeing more equitable distributions of wealth nor do they hold daft ideas about having more egalitarian management structures. At this time, the Indian subcontinent has around 1.9 billion inhabitants that are spread across six sovereign nation states, so if anyone in Europe or North America is unhappy about things like poor wages or bad working conditions, then Indians can simply be imported to take the jobs of these ungrateful complainers.

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The Indian subcontinent has such a massive population that this section of our globe can fill jobs in Europe, North America, and Oceania that vary from such positions as janitors and farm laborers all the way to highly paid professional jobs such as physicians and engineers. Do Indians do a good job at their chosen vocations? Well.. no… but they will work for cheap and they do not harbor any dangerous pipe dreams about equality like Europeans tend to do.

In summary, look for floods of Indians and other Third-worlders to come pouring into every White nation and even into more Asian nations such as Korea and Japan in the coming years as the push towards replacing people with machines speeds up.


Part Seven – The Dating Scene at the Dawn of Transhumanist Society:

The prospects for a Single National/Racial Socialist Male finding a partner in this Society are not good considering the driving forces that are behind this Society which I have been discussing. For contemporary National Socialists, both men and women, finding someone to marry, to love, and to procreate with is like picking your way through a minefield with you knowing that sooner or later you are going to step on something and be blown to pieces, that is UNLESS YOU RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS OF BLIND LUCK BEFORE YOU ARE BLOWN UP!

Finding a good spouse who is also a suitable breeding partner is so difficult now because getting married and having children is the very thing that our present Society has been set up to destroy. Women have been systematically brainwashed by our Society for many decades to look upon men in a certain, more-or-less Jewish-Communist or Jewish-Feminist manner, (Feminism and Communism are both Jewish. Feminism is really just a division of Talmudic Jewish Communism that substitutes the dynamics of men and women for the old dynamics of capitalist and workers.). Today, very few women can conceive of any deviation from this Jewish Communist and Jewish Feminist way of seeing the world.

Image courtesy of GibeHug on 

I can analyze the situation for young National Socialists who are struggling to marry in today’s rotting and Jewish-controlled Western nations; none the less, it is difficult for me to give practical advice due to certain peculiarities of my personal situation which serves to stand me apart from the average National Socialist male of our time. I am an Aryan Shaman, and have been for years. Just like what normally happened in the Ancient Days with the Shamans of Our Aryan Ancestors, I Have married my spirit guide, who is a woman of the Sidhe. In this case, I do mean marriage in a literal sense and not in a figurative or symbolic sense. For now, I must leave this discuss at that.

In 2000, a book was published that was titled “The All-Consuming Century, How Consumerism Triumphed In The United States” by one Gary Cross, who is a Sociology professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. According to Cross, American Civilization IS Consumer Civilization! From this book and from my own experience and observations, I gleaned the idea that the far too often our wretched and far-too-often spiteful business of dating is the way that it is due to the very Consumerist nature of American Society, and of course we know who is ultimately behind American Society. The mercantile nature of American Society HAS TURNED BOTH MEN AND WOMEN INTO COMMODITIES, AND IN THE PROCESS DEHUMANIZED BOTH MEN AND WOMEN!

Image furnished courtesy of MEMEL4ND on

Thing is, using consumerism to dehumanize both men and women has always been the ultimate intention of such plans. Today, people shop for partners like they shop for anything else, with absolutely no thought given to the human dignity or needs of the prospective partner. People now shop for perspective spouses in the same way that they shop for automobiles because they give absolutely no consideration for the psychological needs of an automobile which they are considering purchasing.

Today’s world is a far cry from the Old Tribal Days when maintaining the social cohesion of The Tribe was the only way to insure anybody’s survival (Proto National Socialism). With the coming of the corrosive influence of Judeo-Christianity, we began to see the emergence of an increasingly extreme pedigree of individualism which has finally culminated in the present-day Consumerist Society.

Image courtesy of waunart on

Consumerist Society is now coming to an end in The Proverbial War of All Against All, or A War of Everybody Against Everybody Else. Try finding a mate in the midst of such a disintegrating society; which, if the Jewish Oligarchs have their way, will soon not need such archaic ideas as love, sex, and marriage. As “humanity” enters a New Technological & Transhumanist Civilization, present-day humanity will be deliberately rendered extinct!

Conclusion – National/Racial Socialism and Returning to The Ways of Our Ancestors:

How is Racial Socialism going to be possible without us returning To the Ways of Our Ancestors? Returning to the ways of our ancestors cannot be done in any long-lasting systematic manner without separating ourselves from Jewicized American Society (aka the Military/Industrial Complex). In the long run, you cannot live a Consumerist and Jewicized society without being influenced by such an environment; well, at least to some degree anyway. I have now lived long enough to unequivocally say the society of the Zio-Anglo-American Empire is disintegrating, whether in the United States, United Kingdom, or Israel. Furthermore, I know history well enough to recognize that The Empire is in the midst of total collapse because it is already showing all of the classic symptoms of an already doomed empire that is desperately trying anything it can to stay in business.

We must start thinking in terms of creating Intentional Racial Socialist Communities (ISRC) where we can ride out the storm that is already bearing down upon us. After this present storm passes, then we can all begin to gather together again to found a New and Better Order. Like the people who were forced to live in what they knew were decadent and crumbling societies during the later years of the Roman Empire and the Babylonian Empire, we should also not seek to revive the society that we are forced to endure now. Instead of trying to salvage and re-start our current rotting societies, we should strive to create entirely new ways of being in the world that draw from past wisdom, but we also need to blaze bold new trails into a golden new era.

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I do not think that there is any doubt that in these IRSCs that there will be many more men than women, and this lopsided gender imbalance will of course present a certain problem, or at least it would seem to. Leaving aside the matter of already married couples, what about the rest of the people who are living in these ISRC communities?

For some reason, there is a Sociological Law of Human Societies that rubs an awful lot of people the wrong way. This law states that “Human Culture Is Passed Down Primarily Through the Female Line.” Losing a few men, within reason of course, will not make any difference for the survival of a culture, but the exact opposite is true in the case of women. Not only do women carry the physical future of a Folk within themselves but they carry the cultural future of our Folk as well, this is why Traditional Peoples all around the world have always tended to discourage, when they have not actually forbidden women to serve as warriors. Prohibiting women from serving as warriors has always been more a matter of needing to save women for reproduction and for passing down cultural traditions than it was a matter of female weakness.

Image courtesy of 

Perhaps I am being overly pessimistic, and perhaps more of our Folkish Sisters will come forward than I am expecting, but I am sure that there will be many more men than women present in intentional Folkish communities during the near future, and this outcome obviously turns out to be an advantage for these communities. One thing is for certain though, members of these communities will have to start putting the good of the community ahead of their own individual desires if these communities are going to last and be stable at all. The only alternative will be an ending that is marked by chaos and the law of the jungle.

Okay, since there are going to be more men looking for mates than women that are available, what is to be done? Forced marriages, polygamy, or dog-eat-dog competition for the affections of the few women that are available as mates is going to prove fatal to these communities as this state of affairs goes without saying. So, how do you ensure that only the best stock is going to be siring children? A woman, assuming of course she has proven herself worthy in some fashion, will be free to choose whomsoever she wills, but only from among those men who have proven themselves. In what way will these men have proven themselves you will ask?

I will take a page from Shaka Zulu, the legendary Zulu Chief by way of inspiration. Men were only allowed to marry, on pain of death for violations, after their Impi (regiment) had repeatedly proven itself in battle.

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Likely we will not have to be so melodramatic, but I am convinced that we will have to institute something along those lines. Only by doing some great service for the community, including but not limited to in war, will a man earn the right to look for a wife. Will there be fierce competition for the few eligible women who have chosen to live in these communities? Most Certainly there will be competition for wives in future folkish communities, but this will be a competition to be of service to The Folk.

Under most circumstances punishment for serious violations of Tribal/Community Law will result in the violator being Banished (self-explanatory) and declared an Outlaw (Which means that they are to be killed if they are ever again found on Tribal Territory.).

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn

Swingers Clubs in the Pine Forest


Supplementary Commentary by James Rousse

The section featured below was written after a telephone conference with Randall Hilburn which involved discussing the real-world troubles that go along with running National Socialist intentional communities. Intentional communities are good, and they are needed, but some thought has to be given on the topic of how to manage unmarried men and women when these communities are still small. Once intentional communities grow large enough, then they will function like regular towns. 

So, what do swingers clubs and National Socialist intentional communities have in common? Well, in answer, swingers clubs and intentional communities that are set up by National Socialists are definitely not the same entities, but there are at least a few parallels between these two very different types of organizations which is worth mentioning here.

The image above is furnished courtesy of

As for the issue of swingers clubs, years back, I was living in Portland, Oregon and I picked up a free weekly publication while getting my morning coffee at a local coffee shop, and in this issue, the topic of swingers clubs was discussed for about 25 pages. I have some mixed feelings about swinger’s clubs in general on a personal level because one of my college friends and his wife were members of such an organization before my friend’s untimely death. My friend’s marriage was troubled in many ways, but I cannot say that swinging was really a fix for his marital troubles. The old adage for swinger’s clubs is, “Swinging will not save a bad marriage.”

For those who are not familiar with what a “Swingers Club” is, these organizations often operate as informal networks of heterosexual couples that are usually married, but unmarried couples are often members of these networks as well. Swingers clubs offer attached and established couples opportunities for both the men and the women to have sex with other people within the confines of an formal and consensual setting where both husbands and the wives know what is happening and give their full consent for infidelity within a tightly confined context. Swingers clubs are not just informal networks because some swingers clubs are incorporated organizations that actually have administrative staff and even own or lease commercial property. And no, swingers clubs are not illegal in America, and these clubs also operate legally in other nations as well.

The image above is furnished courtesy of ExpiredGoods on

Swingers clubs often host regular gatherings where married couples get together in varying numbers and enjoy having sex with one another, and sometimes these gatherings incorporate homosexual activity as well. Critics of swinger’s clubs would say that these organizations are just promoting and facilitation orgies, and this way of looking at things is not wrong. Members of these organizations say that these large formal gatherings allow married people to explore their sexuality and to add a bit of variety to their sex lives without having to deal with all of the drama and baggage that having secretive affairs brings about.

Whatever someone’s personal opinions about swinger’s clubs might be, the Thule Society simply cannot lend anything but official condemnation to these organizations because we stand against degeneracy. My personal experience is that the couples who attend swingers club functions are not total degenerates, but there is still a hidden danger contained in these organizations which the Thule Society must warn people about.

Degeneracy is like the snowballs in those old Warner Brothers cartoons in the sense that when Bugs Bunny flicked a small piece of snow down a mountainside, this snowball would grow to huge portions as it barreled down the mountainside and accumulating more snow as it rolled. Like a rolling snowball growing as it barrels down a mount side, degeneracy is one of those things where whatever degree of degeneracy is present now will only catalyze more degeneracy to develop in the future, so people have to be very careful about allowing even small amounts of degeneracy in their personal lives and into their communities.

The image above is furnished courtesy of

Ok, so how does a discussion about swingers clubs relate to a discussion about National Socialist intentional communities? The answer to this question is that swingers clubs are notoriously unwelcoming of single men, and so are most intentional communities.

Fact is, for single men who are not attached to women and have no children, if such men choose to live in an intentional community, then they will find themselves placed in positions of low regard and low status by their partnered community peers. We see disdain for single and childless men across every aspect of society, such as single and childless men being denied promotions at work and being denied positions of leadership in charity organizations and churches to name just a few examples of this phenomenon.

Image courtesy of

Not surprisingly, single men will not be granted much of a voice in how things are conducted if they choose to live in intentional communities that are located out in rural areas, but the labor of single and childless men will certainly not be turned away. It is also worth noting that families with children will tacitly regard single and childless men as potential pedophiles, despite whatever is said explicitly. Also, coupled men will always be uneasy about single men wanting to have opportunistic sex with their wives or girlfriends, and this is the case despite whatever is openly said.

From the Christian Bible: The Book of Mathew  Chapter 13: Verse 12

English Standard Version
For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

More often than not, life imitates fiction, and fiction imitates life. Say what you will about the Christian Bible, but the passage from the Book of Mathew the was posted above certainly offers some truth. The truth that this posted passage from the Bible’s Book of Mathew offers is the observation that for single men, life will likely just heap more trouble on them, and for partnered and married men, life will tend to offer them even more blessings than they already have.

For single men, being devoid of a woman to love constitutes a noticeably absence of something that is essential and critical for most men’s sense of wellbeing, and this lack of a wife is typically accompanied by a certain amount of social opprobrium which kind of adds insult to injury. In summary, society in general dislikes single and childless men and intentional communities do not represent a deviation from this hard fact of life.

The long and short of things is that single and childless men should be aware that their labor is valued by society but they themselves are certainly not valued. If single men are willing to go out and lay down their lives in battle, then this is also warmly received by society. In our present society, single and childless men do not really have many places in society where they are welcome at all, but they are always well received in places such as front-line combat units, commercial fishing boats, and remote labor camps. Beyond such utilitarian considerations, society generally does not want single men around anywhere, and intentional communities are no different in this regard.

The image above shows housing at a “Man Camp” at an oilfield worksite in West Texas. “Man Camp” is the term used to describe temporary housing for workers in remote oilfield locations. The image courtesy of

The image above shows pre-fabricated “Man Camp” housing for construction workers and oilfield workers. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

In light of how society views single and childless men, intentional communities would work best if they are limited to married couples and their children, but if single men should with to join such communities, then they should at least walk in with a full realization of their low standing amongst peers.

As for single women, young single women always find warm welcomes at swingers clubs, but intentional communities are a different animal than swingers parties. Older unmarried and childless women will receive markedly better treatment than single and childless men in intentional communities; however, old, single, and childless women will still find themselves relegated to marginal status in these communities.

Image seen above furnished courtesy of

The presence of young single women in intentional communities also opens such communities to the issue of married and partnered men being tempted to have affairs with nearby single women. Needless to say, partnered women may feel a bit uneasy having young and attractive single women around who will inevitably test the loyalty of their male partners. Aging women who are wives and mothers may also become a bit uneasy about their husbands or long-term boyfriends developing straying eyes when young single women are readily around in their communities.

Image courtesy of the Generation Hope channel on 

The presence of young and attractive single women within international communities also opens the door for polygamy to develop, whether this polygamy is openly practiced or done in a quiet and “under the table” sort of manner. Yes, there are polygamous intentional communities operating in America today, but these communities are all associated with breakaway sects one the Mormon Church.

Needless to say, polygamous Mormon communities need to expel around 30% of their male offspring once these boys reach their teenage years in order to keep their colonies in existence, so polygamy is really not a good model to follow for building intentional communities. Polygamy brings with it inherent tensions and instability that undermines any society, regardless of it size.

As things stand now, National Socialism and White Nationalism in general is very concerned with addressing the issue of European demographic decline, so those who are not presently reproducing and those who are not likely to reproduce in the future are not going to be valued much.

The image above is furnished courtesy of

Older adults who are past reproductive age can still be valued members of intentional communities, but this state of affairs is predicated on these older people being presently married or at least the parents of respected community members.

Image courtesy of


Establishing intentional communities for National Socialists is a needed and valuable next step in our process of building a new social order, and this endeavor has my full support, but present-day National Socialists must also understand that membership in these new communities and colonies is not necessarily a good fit for everyone, especially for men who are past the age of 35, single, and childless.

Living in a National Socialist community in a rural area is a more appealing and friendlier prospect for older women who are single and childless than it is for childless and single men, but such women will always have a low and marginal position in these intentional communities as well. Unmarried single women who are young and attractive also bring their own disruptive influences into intentional communities. When all is said and done, intentional communities are best started by groups of married couples who are raising their own children.

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