Will You Embrace the Truth?

The keys to understanding our history and present-day conditions have many connections to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. The Thule Society will provide you with these keys, but only you can open the door to the world of truth that awaits. Embrace the truth – One lie at a time.

Do You Believe...

If you said YES to any of these, you have missed the point and need a number of history lessons.
That’s okay, we’ll help you find the way!

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Adolf Hitler with Peace Sign

Was Adolf Hitler Actually a Pacifist?

  Was Adolf Hitler A Pacifist? Adolf Hitler’s reputation as a peace maker or pacifist is a topic of contention among historians. While some argue that Hitler had shown anti-war sentiments in his early political career, others emphasize his subsequent aggressive actions and involvement in World War II. The question of whether Adolf Hitler can be considered a true pacifist remains a subject of debate, reflecting the complexity of his ideology and actions. Adolf Hitler: The Pacifist In the late

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Nazi UFO Cover image

Does the Luftwaffe have Spiritual Roots?

UFO’S and the REBIRTH of the LUFTWAFFE Part 1. The Conventional and “Factual” History of The Luftwaffe The Luftwaffe was the most National Socialist of the three regular branches within the Third Reich’s gestaltic military machine: the Wehrmacht (Army), the Kriegsmarine (Navy), and the Luftwaffe (Air Force). The primary reason that the Luftwaffe was so strongly National Socialist in nature when compared to the other two main branches of the Third Reich’s military complex was because the Luftwaffe was only

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National Socialist UFOs

Will The Imperial German Space Program Fly Again?

The Imperial German Space Program, once a subject of great intrigue and speculation, has long faded into the annals of history. Despite ambitious aspirations, it ultimately met its demise amidst the chaos of World War I. While its contributions were overshadowed by subsequent advancements in space exploration, the program’s legacy remains a captivating testament to the early dreams of space travel. Part One In my last incarnation, I was a Test Pilot in the Luftwaffe and I also served in

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Viking Pepe 2

Are You Prepared to Survive the Axe Age?

SURVIVING THE AXE AGE (Kali Yuga) (Being A Preface to My Soon Coming Article “Towards A Classless Society with Adolf Hitler”)   Introduction – What is the Axe Age? According to my Norse Seer Predecessors, the Battle of Ragnarok takes place just as The Prince of Darkness and His Armies of Darkness finally succeed in overrunning all of Midgaard. There are three “phases” which in schematic (not necessarily literal) sequence lead to the overrunning of Midgard. That is, these phases

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General Pepe Cover Image
Coffee Talk

Is America Inching Towards a Military Dictatorship?

ADOLF HITLER, THE WEHRMACHT, AND MILITARY COUPS (A Lesson for Present-Day Americans)   Part One – Why Bring This Up? I am beginning to hear rumblings from reliable sources that certain elements within the hierarchy of the Zio-American Empire’s military are planning to seize control of the empire’s government and set up Donald Trump as the empire’s new president. Let me make myself perfectly clear, this is neither an attempt to vilify Donald Trump, nor is this an attempt to

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Self Determination Cover Image

What did Adolf Hitler have to say about Personal and National Self-determination?

HITLER AND SELF-DETERMINATION Mental, Spiritual, and Political Self-Determination Part One – Mental Self Determination I will begin with The Great Adolf Hitler devas’ definition of True Intelligence, which he very succinctly defined as, “The ability to engage in independent analytical reasoning.” Adolf Hitler took great pains to make it clear that He Did Not Want a bunch of Blind Followers in the NSDAP. Instead, he wanted people who had done their own research and reasoned things out for themselves, then came to

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Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament

In his final hours, Adolph Hitler writes his Political Testament which provides insight to his struggle for world peace.

‘My teaching is hard. Weakness has to be knocked out of them. In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the world will shrink back. A active, dominating, intrepid, forceful youth — that is what I am after. Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness in it. I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey…. In this way I shall eradicate the thousands of years of human domestication. Then I shall have in front of me the pure and noble natural material. With that I can create the ‘new order‘.’

-Adolf Hitler

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The Thule Society is a religious organization and fundamentally peaceful group of people who are primarily focused on education and personal growth.