Will You Embrace the Truth?

The keys to understanding our history and present-day conditions have many connections to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. The Thule Society will provide you with these keys, but only you can open the door to the world of truth that awaits. Embrace the truth – One lie at a time.

Do You Believe...

If you said YES to any of these, you have missed the point and need a number of history lessons.
That’s okay, we’ll help you find the way!

Latest News & Opinion

Viking Pepe 2

Are You Prepared to Survive the Axe Age?

SURVIVING THE AXE AGE (Kali Yuga) (Being A Preface to My Soon Coming Article “Towards A Classless Society with Adolf Hitler”)   Introduction – What is the Axe Age? According to my Norse Seer Predecessors, the Battle of Ragnarok takes place just as The Prince of Darkness and His Armies of Darkness finally succeed in overrunning all of Midgaard. There are three “phases” which in schematic (not necessarily literal) sequence lead to the overrunning of Midgard. That is, these phases

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General Pepe Cover Image
Coffee Talk

Is America Inching Towards a Military Dictatorship?

ADOLF HITLER, THE WEHRMACHT, AND MILITARY COUPS (A Lesson for Present-Day Americans)   Part One – Why Bring This Up? I am beginning to hear rumblings from reliable sources that certain elements within the hierarchy of the Zio-American Empire’s military are planning to seize control of the empire’s government and set up Donald Trump as the empire’s new president. Let me make myself perfectly clear, this is neither an attempt to vilify Donald Trump, nor is this an attempt to

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Self Determination Cover Image

What did Adolf Hitler have to say about Personal and National Self-determination?

HITLER AND SELF-DETERMINATION Mental, Spiritual, and Political Self-Determination Part One – Mental Self Determination I will begin with The Great Adolf Hitler devas’ definition of True Intelligence, which he very succinctly defined as, “The ability to engage in independent analytical reasoning.” Adolf Hitler took great pains to make it clear that He Did Not Want a bunch of Blind Followers in the NSDAP. Instead, he wanted people who had done their own research and reasoned things out for themselves, then came to

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Ukraine is winning

Is the Ukraine’s Azov Battalion Really a Collection of Larping “Nazis” and Fake National Socialists?

PART I. FAKE NAZIS AND REAL UKRAINIAN NATIONAL SOCIALISTS “Neo-Nazi’s,” like what we are seeing now and have seen prior to the Russo-Ukraine War in the Ukraine, stand in relationship to genuine National Socialism about like the Takfiri Islamic Terrorists (ISSIS, Al Queda, etc.) stand in relation to Islam as a whole. Actual devout Moslems consider Takfiris to be heretics and not actual Moslems, and Islamists such as Hezbollah consider Takfiris to be heretics as well. Islamists are actual guerrilla

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self improvement cover image

A Hyperborean Program for Self-Actualization

By Loki… HYPERBOREAN PROGRAM Index ➤ Self ➤ World ➤ Enemy “A Self that is stripped of every moral and every dogma that is indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of the blood will be able to gallantly march towards the Origin and no force in the universe will be capable of stopping it.” -Nimrod de Rosario  Introduction This work is a presentation of a basic program that leads the asleep toward a state of wakefulness, the domesticated towards the state of a warrior Berserker who is along the path of immortality against the Will of  “The One” the “God” of monotheism who is the Demiurge. It prescribes a basic template for the transmutation of the aspirant into an Immortal Siddha. However, it is not a cowardly flight from reality but the doorway to Eternity, a black hole toward the Green Ray beyond the spatio-temporal density of ‘The One,” the creation of His matrix prison. Herein is discussed a tripartite mode of action in “the world” of ‘The One” for the active warrior in his engagement with the enemy, namely “The One” and his legions. It prescribes a strengthening of the soul across all lines from basic exercise and physical life to spiritual tactics that are brought together as a synchronism of spirit and matter to deploy in the assault against the foe. An extensive and prioritized bibliography is provided to amplify one’s arsenal of weapons for war. The works cited here constitute ammunition for the most lethal weapon of all… the mind. These works can subsequently be integrated into oneself and serve as a guide to create an integral unit of body, soul, and spirit which is an alloy of tungsten carbide; oricalchum, and immortal vajra. The work is presented in simple point-form making it accessible to as wide an audience as the author deems appropriate. It is the authors’ express intention that this work be as widely disseminated as possible and ideally with no profit motive, only the motive of victory against the foe. For the author it is a distillation of a lifetime of dilettantish study and groping in the darkness and confusion of the Demiurge’s penitentiary. May it serve as a guide through his world of illusion and densest matter and enable the aspirant to attain the light of the black sun in the last battle for the destruction of ‘The One’ and his earthly emissaries who chain all in the prison of this tortured earth. To victory and to Valhalla, back to origins- to Hyperborea. ➤ SELF Exercises for Body; Soul and Spirit Physical Exercise Martial Arts

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black History month Cover

February is Black History Month. Are Any Blacks Worthy of Our Respect?

Good Morning All…   THE FOUNTAINHEAD OF SOUTHERN REDNECK IDENTITY It was understood even back in very ancient times that the Men of the North (Europeans) were incompatible to live in close proximity with the Men of the South (Africans). This difficulty of sharing living space between Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans was especially prevalent between the Germanic/Celtic/Baltic Race of far northern Europe and the Bantu (which is aSub-Saharan Black African race) that originated in western Africa. Indeed, these two groups are

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Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament

In his final hours, Adolph Hitler writes his Political Testament which provides insight to his struggle for world peace.

‘My teaching is hard. Weakness has to be knocked out of them. In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the world will shrink back. A active, dominating, intrepid, forceful youth — that is what I am after. Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness in it. I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey…. In this way I shall eradicate the thousands of years of human domestication. Then I shall have in front of me the pure and noble natural material. With that I can create the ‘new order‘.’

-Adolf Hitler

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The Thule Society is a religious organization and fundamentally peaceful group of people who are primarily focused on education and personal growth.