Will You Embrace the Truth?

The keys to understanding our history and present-day conditions have many connections to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. The Thule Society will provide you with these keys, but only you can open the door to the world of truth that awaits. Embrace the truth – One lie at a time.

Do You Believe...

If you said YES to any of these, you have missed the point and need a number of history lessons.
That’s okay, we’ll help you find the way!

Latest News & Opinion

Muslim Soyjak

Is There a Natural Alliance Between Islam and National Socialism?

  Prelude:  by James Rousse   ➤  Race is more important than religion. I would rather live in a town full of White Muslins in Bosnia than in a town full of Christian Sub-Saharan Africans regardless of where this town full of Sub-Saharans might be located. I would also prefer that my daughter married a White Muslim man from Turkey or Persia than a Black man from anywhere in the world who is a Christian. Remember, blood is thicker than

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Lone World Article Cover

Should you Work as a Lone Wolf Activist?

➤ A NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT: This article was written by our man in Argentina, Franco. The information in this publication is perhaps a bit less relevant for Americans because America still has a quasi-functioning constitution that still guarantees freedom of speech to at least some degree; however, this article is quite pertinent for National Socialist activists in places such as Argentina and sadly Germany as well because both of these countries have no freedom of speech provisions. The Thule

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Child Abduction article cover
Abducted Children

Are National Socialists Sworn Enemies of Child Traffickers?

NATIONAL SOCIALISM VS. CHILD TRAFFICKING   Image of David Bowie in portraying Goblin Kin Jareth in the film Labyrinth furnished courtesy of pdxmonthly.com  A Word About Goblin Kings In the 1986 film named  Labyrinth, the now-deceased rockstar named David Bowie played a character named Goblin King Jareth. David Bowie put in a very memorable performance in this film, and the character he played was known to abduct children and spirt them off to another reality where these kidnapped children would be

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Latin American Cover Image

Did Latin American Nations Play a Crucial Role in the American Civil War?

THE EARLY HISTORY OF UNITED STATES AND LATIN AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS (Race, Culture, and The Racialist State) Note: A philosopher once observed that among the citizens of every nation there can be found what might be called “superpatriots.” If a given nation ever succeeds in alienating any members of its core of superpatriots, then what results is not a general sense of disillusionment like you might find in the general population, but instead, you wind up with a group of people who

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Jewish Space Laser #3

Was the 2023 Lahaina Fire In Hawaii Started by Energy Weapons?

WEATHER WARFARE: The MEANS & GOALS of the DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS USED AGAINST LAHAINA, MAUI in the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS   *PART ONE*  Overview This section discusses why the Siege of Lahaina matters.   *PART TWO* (Randall Hilburn’s Notes ) Will be my analysis of the whole “Siege of Lahaina”.   *PART THREE* (ANALYSIS) Yes, I do consider it to be a literal siege. Finally, *PART THREE* (SPIRITUAL RAMIFICATIONS) will place it in the context of Ancient Vedic Prophecy.   *PART FOUR* (SPIRITUAL RAMIFICATIONS)

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Don Quijote and Sancho Panza at the windmills in sunset

Battling Windmills: Is the Western World Fighting Imaginary Enemies?

September 29/23 Editor’s Note: The author of this article submitted his writing in a weird fire format that has led to text alignment problems for this article. The text formatting issues with this publication have been difficult to fix, so please accept our humble apologies. Although there may be some text alignment issues, this article is still readable, so we hope you enjoy this submission from one of our new contributors. ( I will petition this author to submit his work

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Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament

In his final hours, Adolph Hitler writes his Political Testament which provides insight to his struggle for world peace.

‘My teaching is hard. Weakness has to be knocked out of them. In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the world will shrink back. A active, dominating, intrepid, forceful youth — that is what I am after. Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness in it. I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey…. In this way I shall eradicate the thousands of years of human domestication. Then I shall have in front of me the pure and noble natural material. With that I can create the ‘new order‘.’

-Adolf Hitler

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The Thule Society is a religious organization and fundamentally peaceful group of people who are primarily focused on education and personal growth.