Will You Embrace the Truth?

The keys to understanding our history and present-day conditions have many connections to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. The Thule Society will provide you with these keys, but only you can open the door to the world of truth that awaits. Embrace the truth – One lie at a time.

Do You Believe...

If you said YES to any of these, you have missed the point and need a number of history lessons.
That’s okay, we’ll help you find the way!

Latest News & Opinion

Suburbia Cover

Are the Suburbs a Physical Manifestation of Our Collective Moral Failings?

An article by LOKI The Bourgeoisie Pig Mind Let us begin an analysis of suburbia by noting that the long-standing and inveterate drive to create suburbs was, and still is, urban decay. Some may argue that the earliest days of suburbia’s expansion, which were back in the 1950s, were driven by people’s desire to have more living space for their families by owning single-family houses with surrounding yards as opposed to living in more crowded townhouses and apartments within cities.

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Crystal Ball Image

A Divine Idea: Should You Study Divination?

DIVINATION  (A Position Paper for the Thule society) Why Discuss Divination?   President’s Notes on Divination: One of the Thule Society’s present members has studied various types of divination and spell casting for several years, yet I was not sure exactly what our organization’s official position on this topic would be, so I petitioned Randall Hilburn for further clarification. The subject of divination is worth discussing at some point because Christianity explicitly forbids practicing divination, although the Bible does make

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another year

Are Recent Crazy Weather Trends the Work of Angry Elves?

THE FINAL WARNING Introduction – What is Alfhiem? Alfhiem, is the world (Dimension) of the Light Elves, or Nature Spirits. Alfheim is also one of the Eight Worlds (Dimensions) within the Germanic Tradition. Alfheim interfaces with the World of Men (Midgard), which is the ninth world that rests in the center of the cosmos, yet all of these realms from ancient Germanic lore exist as part of a Greater Earth. In reality, these nine world of the old Germanic cosmology are

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What Lessons Does the Life of Baron Roman Ungern-Sternberg Have to Offer?

UNRAVELLING THE LIFE OF BARON ROMAN VON UNGERN- STERNBERG by Martin T. Understandably enough, the life history and adventures of Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg has generated little favorable interest across the West in recent decades because we live in an epoch where an anti-Bolshevik and anti-Semite such as Ungern-Sternberg will not receive a warm reception. Historians, if not “History” itself, has rendered its collective verdict against the Baron: he is nothing more than a berserker and a historical bit-player who

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Socialism articl cover

What is Meant by the Word “Socialism” within the Context of National Socialism?

COMMENTARY ON ROSENBERG’S “MYTH OF THE 20TH CENTURY” & DREXLER’S “MY AWAKENING” OR “WHAT IS SOCIALISM AND WHY AM I A SOCIALIST?” Preface: Jews & the Jewicized Rosenburg in his book invented a new word, “Jewicized”. The meaning of this word is a non-Jew who has taken on the Jewish way of thinking and has also become partners with and indistinguishable from his Jewish masters. The Jewicized are not Jews by blood, nor do they necessarily accept all Jewish ideas,

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Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament

In his final hours, Adolph Hitler writes his Political Testament which provides insight to his struggle for world peace.

‘My teaching is hard. Weakness has to be knocked out of them. In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the world will shrink back. A active, dominating, intrepid, forceful youth — that is what I am after. Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness in it. I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey…. In this way I shall eradicate the thousands of years of human domestication. Then I shall have in front of me the pure and noble natural material. With that I can create the ‘new order‘.’

-Adolf Hitler

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The Thule Society is a religious organization and fundamentally peaceful group of people who are primarily focused on education and personal growth.