
What Lessons Does the Life of Baron Roman Ungern-Sternberg Have to Offer?

UNRAVELLING THE LIFE OF BARON ROMAN VON UNGERN- STERNBERG by Martin T. Understandably enough, the life history and adventures of Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg has generated little favorable interest across the West in recent decades because we live in an epoch where an anti-Bolshevik and anti-Semite such as Ungern-Sternberg will not receive a warm reception….

Spirit Rock Buddhism

Jewish Subversion of Western Buddhism: Spirit Rock Edition

Jewish Control Over Buddhism at Spirit Rock – Nov. 28, 2020 I am on the email list for the Spirit Rock Buddhist Center in California. The people who run Spirit Rock are really a left-wing, essentially-Communist, and totally subversive collection of Jews whose “Buddhist Center” is really just a poorly disguised communist organization. Spirit Rock is…