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How Your Friendly Neighborhood Ubermensch Got His Groove: Are Supermen the Key to White Liberation?

Editor’s Note: This article is an opinion piece written by John N.    The Step by Step Guide to White Liberation White Racial Greetings Comrades! Have you ever thought that there are issues facing our Race that have no viable solution in sight? With all the racial tension and subhuman violence that is now plaguing…

What were the Goals and Scope of Adolf Hitler’s Eugenics Program?

ANCIENT ARYAN CITY FOUND IN THE CANADAIN HIGH ARCTIC Prelude…… A book called “Hitler’s Table Talk” was edited by Martin Bormann, and in this book, Bormann and others recorded Hitler’s informal after-dinner conversations with various individuals. During Hitler’s Chancellery, it was common practice for Hitler and his closest confidants to get together for a general…

Grey Alian Hybrid

Adolf Hitler, Eugenics, and the Higher Realms

The following article was written by Brian Ruhe. Enjoy!   Do Adolf Hitler’s Ideas About Eugenics Harmonize with the Grey Alien Agenda? There is a lot of misinformation circulating concerning what Adolf Hitler envisioned for the future of eugenics, and the Thule Society now intends to set the record straight. There is misinformation surrounding pretty…