Fritz Tower

The Towering Intellect of Fritz Todt and the Defense of Nuremberg

By the end of World War II, firestorm bombings were used by the UK, USA and USSR to fry, dry-bake, and suffocate the populace while leaving the infrastructure intact. (The USA was already using their desert testing areas for these methods rather than nuclear bombs, but Japan received both of these devastating tactics.) During World…

Coastal Gun Battery

The Murder of Fritz Todt and the Sabotage of Normandy’s Defense

What happened to cause Fritz Todt’s plane to “accidentally” crash on February 8, 1942 has never been conclusively established, but it is well known that Winston Churchill wanted him killed. Given the fact that Churchill wanted Todt killed, some people have speculated that Churchill had Todt’s plane sabotaged. More can be learned about Fritz Todt…