
What Lessons Does the Life of Baron Roman Ungern-Sternberg Have to Offer?

UNRAVELLING THE LIFE OF BARON ROMAN VON UNGERN- STERNBERG by Martin T. Understandably enough, the life history and adventures of Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg has generated little favorable interest across the West in recent decades because we live in an epoch where an anti-Bolshevik and anti-Semite such as Ungern-Sternberg will not receive a warm reception….

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Will Introducing a Formal Caste System Improve European Society?

Are Hierarchies based on Caste, Race, and Gender an Outcome of Divine Will? The Divine Will manifests itself on the Earth plane/Midgard as a differentiated order of organic life that consists of sentient beings which develop in relation to each other and ultimately in relation God (in the sense of the Supreme Being). This order…

LIfe After World War 11

From out of the Ruins: Reflections on Life After World War II

Cover image courtesy of CartBeforeTheHorse shop on KOSHER NOSTRA IS NOTHING NEW  THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING AS THE JEWISH KOSHER NOSTRA! Jewish organized crime syndicates have been around for a very long time; they date back to ancient Babylon, Ancient Rome, and the old Greek city states. The present…

Zeppelin Cove Image

Life of a Zeppelin Part 1: Was the Hindenburg Fire a Case of Sabotage?

An Opinion Piece by James Rousse  For the last few years I have been reading and meditating on the subject of hydrogen-filled dirigibles, but nothing really developed from this sideline interest for quite a while; however, an email that I received from a friend and fellow Thule Society contributor inspired me to write an article…