Holodomor Article Cover

Hunger as a Weapon: Parallels Between Holodomor and General Sherman’s March to the Sea

The Holodomor, which was a deliberately created famine that took place in the Ukraine between the years of 1932-33, was carried out in the breadbasket of the USSR. This awful episode in the history of Russia was only possible because both Britain and the Zio-American Empire were keeping the rest of the country fed during…

Japanese POW article

Japanese POW Camps and Things To Do When Your Ship Gets Torpedoed !

For the “Allied” nations to accuse the Japanese of misbehavior during World War II is hypocritical in light of what was done to the cities of Germany and Japan, but also for what was done to India concerning the Bengal Famine. When it comes to committing atrocities, none of the “Allied” armies were model citizens; for…