Confederate Flag

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the ADL Wants to Ban Your Flag, Snuff Your Speech, and Control Your Mind

New York State’s Governor Andrew Cuomo is far too stupid to realize that he is just driving the descendants of the Confederacy underground and making us stronger when he bans the Confederate flag. Cuomo is also going a long way towards causing the very thing he is trying to prevent when he tries to get…

Snow job

Edward Snowden is a Lying Agent who has been Working for the Elites the Whole Time!

I’ve never trusted Mr. Edward Snowden, and this article shows his true colors. Yes, Mr. Snowden’s true colors are in the dishonest part of the rainbow: The mass media makes Mr. Snowden out to be some kind of hero for the people that sacrificed himself and risked his life to protect our freedom. Snowden…