Gobekli Tepe

Does the Gobekli Tepe Archeological Site Offer A Relevant Message for Our Time?

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GOBEKLI TEPE, an article by Martin T. The late William Luther Pierce once made a comment that seemed quite fanciful to many people. Pierce, who is commonly regarded as one of the deans of American White nationalism, once opined that humanity reached its collective high-point around 10,000 B.C.E. However, recent decades have…

LIfe After World War 11

From out of the Ruins: Reflections on Life After World War II

Cover image courtesy of CartBeforeTheHorse shop on Etsy.com KOSHER NOSTRA IS NOTHING NEW  THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING AS THE JEWISH KOSHER NOSTRA! Jewish organized crime syndicates have been around for a very long time; they date back to ancient Babylon, Ancient Rome, and the old Greek city states. The present…