Laws of Nature Cover Image

The 20 Eternal Laws of Nature that Govern Our Lives

Cover image furnished courtesy of EcoTour Adventures and Editor’s Note: The list furnished below is provided courtesy of John N. and does not necessarily reflect the Thule Society’s official beliefs.   We Believe in the Laws of Nature as they are Revealed through Science, History, Logic, and Common Sense 🔹 What is Nature? The broad answer to this question is not difficult: Nature is simply the whole cosmos and the universe in total including the innumerable natural laws that…

Ragnarok Cover Image

Ragnarok in Technicolor

WHAT IS RAGNAROK? What is Ragnarok? The short answer to the previous question is this: Ragnarok a titanic and decisive battle between the forces of Good and the forces of Evil that marks the closing of one age and the beginning of another, and in our case, Ragnarok is a time difficulty that will end…

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Flight of the Valkyries

DAYS AND NIGHTS IN VALHALLA   By Randall Hilburn   My very ancient ancestors once intermarried with the inhabitants of Alfhiem who once lived in much closer proximity to the world of mortals then they do presently. So, I have the blood of the Light Elves in my veins, and it is to Alfhiem that…