Is There A Connection Between Jews and Wildmen?


(This Subject’s Relevance for Intentional National/Racial Socialist Communities)


Part One – What Exactly Do I Mean By “Wildmen”?

The terms “Wildmen,” “Giants,” and “Bigfoot” (or Sasquatch) are oftentimes conflated with each other, and incorrectly if you want to get technical about it. However, for the purposes of this blog I will only be discussing “Wildmen” as the term is correctly defined.

“Wildmen” are human beings who have gone Feral, and when I say “Feral” in this context, I mean that these people have gone FERAL on another level than most people could ever even imagine possible! When I speak of “Wildmen” here, I am talking about a Planet of the Apes level of feral. I am talking about a Tarzan level of feral that is combined with a Cormac McCarthy’s The Road level of savagery, and mixed with a good dash of the Road Warrior. These Wildmen that I am discussing here live deep in forests, and they live like completely wild animals! I have never heard of Wildmen being anything else but males, and I have never heard of Wildmen being anything besides ostensibly “White.”

Image courtesy of

Wildmen are hairy, exceedingly filthy, and most of the time they walk around almost totally naked. Sometimes Wildmen are dressed in the ragged remnants of clothes, or they are dressed in the skins of animals which they have killed. Some survivalists have taken to living the deep woods and they live totally off the grid; however, many of these hardcore survivalists live in this type of wilderness isolation with their wives and families. Although many of these dedicated survivalists have chosen to live primitively, they have still not degenerated into sub-humans like “Wildmen.” Despite their rather rough and semi-feral nature, most survivalists have clearly maintained the lion’s share of their humanity.

Wildmen commonly run in packs, but not always. Wildmen typically hunt in groups and they chase down any types of animals which they can catch and overcome. At the conclusion of a successful hunt, these feral packs of Wildmen tear their prey to pieces and devour them on the spot raw. MANY, BUT NOT ALL, WILDMEN ARE ALSO CANNIBALS! Wildmen seemingly prefer to hunt for children and women but they will take men if they think that they can get away with it.

Image courtesy of

Wildmen pose a serious problem for park rangers and other law enforcement personnel, especially in and around the Great Smoky Mountains National Park which sits along the border between Tennessee and North Carolina. Wildmen have also been spotted in and around Yosemite National Park in Northern California, plus sightings of Wildmen have been noted in subtropical rainforests on the islands of Hawaiian and Kauai. Wildmen are likely to be living elsewhere as well; the places named previously are just the locales where I am aware of their existence.

Part Two – Some History and Incidents

  • Wildmen were unknown to the Cherokee Indians of the Southern Appalachians before the coming of European Settlers. Apparently, as soon as European settlers arrived in the Appalachian Mountains, the Wildmen began to appear. My Daddy’s people were among the earliest Europeans to arrive in the area, so they were also very familiar with Wildmen as I learned from talking to some of my older relatives.
  • Cades Cove, Tennessee is near the Smoky Mountains. During the Second American Revolution there were a number of small and isolated farms scattered along this eleven-mile-long stretch of river. At that time, all the local men were away serving in the Confederate Army when a group of Wildmen started attacking these vulnerable homesteads in the area; however, the Wildmen were unaware that a large Confederate cavalry patrol was operating in the area. Upon being notified of the situation, the Confederate cavalry patrol tracked down the Wildmen and hung all of them (There were five Wildmen in this case.) During this event, many of the Confederate cavalrymen were mountaineers themselves, so they knew about the nature of Wildmen before this incident ever happened.
  • Confederate Cavalry who operated in the very mountainous, heavily forested, and remote regions of Appalachia had to deal with Wildmen and their depredations on many occasions during the American Civil War. One of my great-grandfathers served with the 9th Alabama Calvary during the Second American Revolutionary War.
  • Back in the Late 1960’s one of my cousins and myself were stalked by one of these Wildmen in the woods near the Smoky Mountains. On that night, the Wildman ran off when he saw my daddy arrive.
  • Several years ago, a forest ranger in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park shot and killed a Wildman that attacked him. This individual was still in reasonably good shape, which indicated that he had not been in the woods too long. The local law enforcement agencies were able to actually identify this Wildman from his dental records and fingerprints. This Wildman had gone missing from Pennsylvania a few years earlier, and his family had filed a missing person report for his disappearance. This dead Wildman apparently had been a college student who had come under the influence of some extremely radical anarchists.


Part Three – How Does Anyone Become a Wildman?

– Supplemental Commentary by James Rousse

After doing a bit of searching on the internet, I learned that myths of “Wildmen” trace back to Europe and go back as far as Roman Times and the times of Ancient Greek City states as well. The oldest literary reference to a Wildmen is found in the old Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Wildman character is named Enkidu.

One could argue that perhaps these tales of “Wildmen” were cases of mistaken identity when Europeans encountered various types primates during their travels outside of Europe; however, there is most likely some truth to these old tales of humans going wild after living in a forest for too long. For example, the recognized early Christian Saint John Chrysostom went into a period of exile where he lived as a hermit alone in the woods of what is today known as Syria, and he was only retrieved from his life in the woods by force in the end. When Saint John Chrysostom was finally captured by a hunting party, he was so hairy and disheveled that the hunters who caught him claimed he was barely recognizable as a human being. Artwork depicting wild men was also prolific during the Medieval period in Europe, and several coats of arms, tapestries, and carved pieces from those times depict Wildmen.

The image above shows a portrait of Wildmen that was made by Albrecht Durer in 1499. 

The image above is sourced from a late 15th century tapestry from the city of Basel in what is today known as Switzerland. During this time Wildmen were popular figures of culture and legend who were referred to as “Woodwose.” The old English tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight also features a “Wildman” or Woodwose.  The image seen above is furnished courtesy of 

After doing a bit of research on the topic, I have concluded that there are fundamentally two types of Wildmen. The first group are born as “Wildmen” and “Wildwomen.” This set of people exist in very small numbers, and they live deep within forested areas that are far from town, cities, or villages. This first group is made up of small numbers of people who have retreated from society for a plethora of reasons that vary as much as people do. In the process of this collective retreat from common human civilization, some women join in this way of life voluntarily, and some women join this party as unwilling captives; but either way, small breeding populations of isolated Wildmen develop over time.

The image above shows an illustration from the late 14th century Book of Hours. The image at top shows biblical figures and wild men are seen in the images at bottom. The lower left illustration shows Wildwomen with their feral children. The image above is included to illustrate how feral humans can potentially establish small breeding populations out in wooded areas. The image above is furnished courtesy of

These isolated breeding populations of Wildmen degrade in intelligence over a relatively short set of generations and they change physically over time until they become quite hairy as well as being rather large and physically robust. Living a very rough and primitive lifestyle naturally selects for physical robustness, but this type of rough living also dramatically triggers gene switches that can easily alter genetic expressions withing one lifetime, so these triggered gene switches can certainly alter peoples’ phenotypes across short spans of a few breeding generations. Incidentally, geneticists and researchers have been pretty shocked at how quickly common house-cats have genetically and phenotypically changed once they have gone wild in Australia, so it seems that human beings are not too different in this regard.

The second type of Wildmen are those people, mostly men, who have voluntarily chosen to abandon living in society and instead chosen to live simple and basic lives by surviving in relative isolation out in forested areas.

The website titled published an article titled The Wild Man of the Woods which was written by Luke Manget. In this blog, Manget mentions a book titled: Wild Man’s Revenge,” in The Wild Man Within: an Image in Western Thought from the Renaissance to Romanticism. This book was written by Peter L. Thorslev Jr. and it was published by The University of Pittsburgh press in 1972. Thoslev’s book provides many real newspaper articles from across the United States that attest to the “Wildman” phenomenon being real. Thorslev’s collection of newspaper articles seem to chronicle the phenomenon where ordinary men walk away from their obligations as men as well as their obligations being members of society, and this walking away is done by going completely wild and living off the land in wilderness areas. This same collection of writings also seems to describe encounters with generational Wildmen who have become larger and physically altered after generations of very rough and primitive living.

Here are a few excerpts that are taken directly from Manget’s article”

In 1871, a wild man was rounded up by a squad of citizens near Morgantown, West Virginia. Described as “half man and half beast,” covered in rags “with long brushy hair, giving him the appearance of a gorilla more than a human being,” the putative wild man said his name was Thomas Foley, a native of Ireland. Foley had lived in Connecticut for some years before fleeing for the wilds of West Virginia, where he had been for only two years. After one of the squad-leaders brought him home and dressed him in nice clothes, he took an opportunity to escape and bolted for the mountains, tearing off his clothes as he ran.

The people that encountered wild men responded with, at best, curiosity and, at worst, vile contempt. They almost always tried to capture him, and occasionally, they killed him. The so-called “Wild Man of Camas” was killed by an axe by a group of emigrants through Idaho in 1883. After having caught wind of the presence of a wild man in northwestern Nevada, a group of citizens led a posse into his camp. Upon seeing the posse, the “infuriated demon” (a 40-year-old white man) took off running toward the horses, but members of the posse opened fire, chasing him back into the forest.

Four hunters encountered the naked man in the forests of East Tennessee, and after following him back to his lair, they attempted to seize him and haul him back to Cleveland, but the man used his brute strength to overpower the men and run.  A posse later returned for the wild man, captured him, and sent him to the insane asylum, where, according to the report, “he now reposes in comfort.”


The Strange Tale of Marie-Angélique Memmie Le Blanc

The tale of Marie Le Blanc took place primarily between the years of 1720 and 1731 in France. Marie was a member of the Meskwaki tribe of Native Americans who live in what is today known as Wisconsin, but Marie’s estimated time of birth was 1712 in what was at the time part of French Territory in North America prior to the Louisiana Purchase. Marie was adopted by a French woman with some degree of wealth who took her adopted daughter back to France on a sailing ship and was scheduled to arrived in the port of Marseilles during an outbreak of the bubonic plague.

According to some reports, the ship that was carrying Marie to France became wrecked in a storm along the French coastline and this shipwreck incident left Marie and another girl alone and orphaned on an unknown beach. Soon after becoming orphaned, Marie began walking the forests of France alone, and this walkabout through France is believed to have persisted for around 11 years from 1720 to Marie’s eventual discovery in 1731.

The image seen above shows a lithographic print from the pamphlet published about Marie Le Blanc’s tale of going wild in the French woods. The image above is provided courtesy of hyaenagallery on 

Marie’s eventual return to civilization happened near the village of Songy in the province of Champaign. Champaign is in the northeastern part of France while Marseilles is in the south of France along the Mediterranean coastline; Marie obviously traveled many miles during her 11 years of exile. Marie was eventually captured by a group of local French country folk who used hunting dogs and groups of men on horseback to finally track Marie down and apprehend her. When they local people of Songy captured Marie, she was filthy, mostly naked, and had long unkempt fingernails and toenails. When Marie was discovered, she had darting eyes that constantly moved from side to side, and she had forgotten how to speak. Marie also tended to drink water on all fours like a wolf when she was discovered. While walking the forests, Marie carried a wooden club and a metal-tipped spear to defend herself against wolf attacks.

Marie’s story was recorded by French writer Marie-Catherine Homassel Hecquet and edited by the French scientist-explorer Charles-Marie de la Condamine. The pamphlet outlining Marie’s amazing story was published in Paris during 1755.  Interestingly, Marie is said to have lived to the age of 63 and spent some time living as a nun in a French convent. Marie was provided for during her later years by none other than the queen of France, and she died living in a modest Parisian flat.

The story of Marie Le Blanc is worth noting when thinking about how people go feral because when Marie was discovered she had lost most of her humanity for all intents and purposes.

Mountain Man Mick Dodge

Mick Dodge starred in a television show that aired on The National Geographic Channel which was titled The Legend of Mick Dodge. Dodge’s National Geographic Channel program began in 2014 and ended in 2017. Mick Dodge has his own entry, and he founded a startup company in 1994 that sold the idea of exercising in the woods. Dodge’s fitness company was called EarthGym, and even to this day, Dodge still runs a company in the Mount Shasta areas of California that does similar things. Dodge publicly claims that he is not a “Wildman” and he never was a Wildman, and this is basically true because Dodge always maintained contact with local community members during a period of 25 years where he mostly lived in the forests of the Olympic Peninsula alone in nature. By contrast to Dodge, true Wildmen avoid any contact with mainstream society.

The image above shows Mountain Man Mick Dodge. Image courtesy of 

Dodge’s life story is worth noting here because although he never really did become a true Wildman, Dodge did live alone in the woods for months at a time over a period of about 25 years, so he does have some knowledge of the Wildman life. An article that appeared on the website from February 19, 2014 outlines how Dodge was serving in the United States Marine Corps at Fort Lewis Washington when he was in his 20s, and during those years, he began to camp in the local woods by night to avoid a long walk to his off-base home each night. These nights spent sleeping in tents on the edges of the woodlands near Fort Lewis gave Dodge a love for living in the woods. After his discharge from the Marine Corps, Dodge later began taking long solo hiking trips into the nearby woods around Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia, Washington. Dodge’s long hiking trips into the woods of Washington’s Puget Sound region often lasted for weeks without end, and during this time, Dodge met true Wildmen who lived in the woods outside of Seattle and other cities in the Puget Sound area.

Image of Mick Dodge furnished courtesy of

Dodge has noted that he often feels out of place in the modern world, and he often feels overwhelmed by the constant stresses which are brought about by modern living, and he is not alone in this regard. Dodge has also stated that true Wildmen tend to avoid contact with the outside world so they are generally not very dangerous to others. What Dodge notes is that true Wildmen tend to network with each other out in the woods, yet they still avoid contact with mainstream society as much as possible, so the true number of Wildmen who are lurking in the woods at any given time may be much larger than the general public would ever suspect.

The Tale of Christopher McCandless

I learned about the life of Christopher McCandless by watching the 2007 feature film titled Into the Wild. A film about McCandless’s life was made after the release of a 1996 book that was titled Into the Wild. The book titled Into the Wild was written by Jon Krakauer. The movie about McCandless’s life details an idealistic young man who travels around America on foot and forsakes the modern world in favor of aesthetic pursuits. McCandless’s Wikipedia entry notes that he was a big fan of Henry David Thoreau, and he was also inspired to try his luck living in the wilderness after reading Jack London’s book titled Call Of The Wild. McCandless eventually retreated to Alaska in hopes of just living off the land in splendid natural isolation; but instead, he just wound up starving to death. McCandless’s dead body was eventually discovered by a hunter in September of 1992 out in the Alaskan wilderness near Fairbanks. Upon his discovery, McCandless’s body was estimated to have weighed around 67 pounds at the time of his death.

The image seen above is a photograph that was found undeveloped inside a camera near McCandless’s dead body. The image seen above is certainly one of the last photographs of McCandless. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

The story of Christopher McCandless is worth noting here because it shines some light into the types of men that would retreat from the world and choose to become Wildman. It seems that although McCandless never actually became a Wildman; none the less, he could have easily gone in this direction if he had chosen to live in a more hospitable climate in a place like Western Washington state or the Smoky Mountains. Christopher McCandlass may have also permanently become a Wildman if he had somehow managed to figure out a way to survive on his own out in the Alaskan wilderness.

The image above is believed to be the very last image of Christopher McCandless. Image courtesy of

The Homeless Pipeline

It seems that people who are mentally ill or marginalized in general would be the most likely candidates to take up the Wildman path and retreat into the forests because the regular world has nothing to offer them but alienation and grief anyway. In recent years, I have seen a sharp increase in the number of camps that are filled with homeless people who are living in the forests near my home, so it seems that living as Wildmen and even living as a few Wildwomen is not too much of leap for these people.

The image above shows a homeless encampment from December 2023 in Portland, Oregon. Image courtesy of 

As of 2024, America is beginning to resemble Germany’s Weimar Republic more and more, so a progressively worsening economy combined with lack of public funding for mental hospitals and supervised group homes for the mentally ill has resulted in an explosion in urban and suburban homeless populations. This lack of support for the mentally ill is not really an issue with funding, instead this is an issue concerning the Zio-American Empire’s national priorities. Money will always be available for funding wars that benefit Jewish interest, but for some funny reason, there is never enough money for crucial pursuits like providing services for the mentally ill. This explosion in homelessness across the Zio-American Empire could easily translate into and explosion in the number of people who move into the woods and go completely feral.

The Cannibalism Connection

As noted by Mick Dodge, most Wildmen are reclusive, so they are really not too dangerous to the general population; never the less, there is still a troubling issue with Wildmen descending into cannibalism. It seems that when people are properly hungry and desperate, then cannibalism can creep in one way or another. Most survivalists have noted that people will steal for food after three days of hunger and kill for food after six days of hunger, so when hunger gets bad enough, then even relatively sane people might just slip a bit in regard to cannibalism. The r/Zombies forum on has a post which notes that it took the Donner Party about two months of starvation before they resorted to eating their own dead, so perhaps two months without food is as good a guess as any for how long it might take for contingency cannibalism to set in.

Regardless of how long hunger persists, it seems that an awful lot of degraded and primitive people around the world practice rampant cannibalism, so perhaps descending into cannibalism is just a byproduct of descending into a wild state of consciousness. The native people of New Guinea and Sub-Saharan Africa are notorious cannibals even up to this day, and the Aboriginals of Australia were truly awful cannibals when they were first contacted by European explorers and colonists. Early Spanish accounts of the Aztecs also note that the Aztecs may have achieved some type of advanced society, but they were also terrible practitioners of cannibalism.

Image of Australian aboriginals furnished courtesy of 

Aside from woeful tales of ritual cannibalism, numerous accounts of encounters with primitive tribal people note that these folks are not the clean and pure “natural” people that romantics might make them out to be; but instead, primitive tribal peoples tend to be horribly violent, promiscuous, and crass. And oh yes, primitive tribal people also have a troubling penchant for cannibalism. It seems that when people degrade to low “natural” states of consciousness, then they lose their moral compasses and they soon descend into cannibalism, so it seems that Wildmen could easily fall to the same proclivity as other primitive people as time passes.

The author named Anthony Malcolm Daniels who goes by the pen-name “Theodore Dalrimple” has noted that English liberals of times past imagined that if people are stripped of religious guilt and denuded of emotional repressions, then a clean and pure type of person would emerge; however, Dalrimple has noted that the English underclass of our times has never lived up to the romantic ideals of the Left. Dalrimple has noted in his book titled Life at the Bottom that the British underclass who subsist on state welfare are now living the old romantic dream of people who are not burdened by religious guilt or sexual repression. Dalrimple has instead asserted that when people are not subject to religious strictures, nor external discipline, or forced sexual restraint, then they become barely human animals as opposed to the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau’s concept of the “Natural Man.” Rousseau envisioned man in his natural state as morally perfect, pure, unspoiled, and clean personages, but the British underclass seems to refute Rousseau’s ideas about human nature.

Cover image of Life At The Bottom furnished courtesy of

Part Three – Appalachian National Socialist Intentional Communities

How many times have people tried to establish either a full-blown, or at least a quasi-National-Socialist intentional community or family group? Even if such communities are in fact perfectly legal and impeccably law abiding from a technical standpoint; none the less, these communities still wind up getting ruthlessly and illegally suppressed by the Zio-American Federal Government at the behest of the JDL (Jewish Defense League), the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. If you try to set up such a National Socialist intentional community in America, then you know what is coming.

The image seen above is the cover to a 1995 book by Jess Walter that chronicles the United States Marshall Service’s questionable 1992 raid of Randy Weaver’s home which rested on Ruby Ridge/Caribou Ridge in northern Idaho. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of

When Donald Trump takes office as the US president once more in early 2024, he has vowed to immediately start getting rid of anyone who is prone to publicly criticize Jews. Trump has also pledged to make “Anti-Semitism” (which means any criticism of Jews or the State of Israel) a capital crime.

In our present day and age, we have to start dealing with threats that come from above; these threats include things like drones, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), and various kinds of more conventional aircraft and helicopters along with an assortment of Smart Weapons and Guided Missiles. It is also worth mentioning that directed energy weapons are likely to be used against National Socialist intentional communities along with more conventional aerial attacks from crewed aircraft and drones. In such cases, National Socialists who wish to live in intentional communities will need proper detection systems and fitting weapons to defend themselves from Zionist aerial attacks. Needless to say, National Socialists need proper training for how to maintain and use defensive measures against these aerial attacks as well as a reliable supply of munitions.

Image courtesy of army 


We National Socialists obviously do not have the time, money, resources, and expertise to construct anything like what we are seeing in Western Asia right now:

(a) Hamas in Gaza,

(b) Hezbollah in Lebanon

(c) Houthis in Yemen

(d) Iran in general

This lack of existing defensive infrastructure means that finding large and stable natural cave systems is now of paramount importance for those who are looking to establish National Socialist intentional communities. Finding good natural cave systems demands choosing a mountainous region with natural LIMESTONE FOUNDATIONS that provide an abundance of large natural caves which already have plenty of water and natural ventilation: this means that these intentional communities need to be established in the Southern parts of Appalachia.

Southern Appalachia is precisely where Wildmen are most frequently encountered.

Image courtesy of

Southern Appalachia is also the very same area that has recently been devastated by weather-controlled hurricanes and floods. The recent damage to Southern Appalachia which was wrought by Hurricane Helene was orchestrated to get the native population off the land so that the lithium ore deposits which sit underneath the ground in this area can be exploited by the military/industrial complex. I also suspect that Hurricane Helene was created to discourage people from establishing intentional communities in an area that is ideally suited for just such pursuits.

Any National Socialist intentional community that is established must have a Free Corps formed to protect it and others in the area that are like it. Another problem one encounters in this region is the issue that many of the best locations which are above ground have already become occupied by gated luxury communities that are filled with retired and rich Jews from the Northeast. These luxury gated communities hire private contractors (aka mercenaries) to keep unwanted individuals away.

Image courtesy of 

Part Four – The Jewish Connection to Wildmen

At certain universities around the country there are JEWISH PROFESSORS WHO PREACH AN EXTREME FORM OF PHILOSOPHICAL ANARCHY that makes an IDEAL out of the basic lifestyle of the WILDMEN. Their target audience for this drivel is young White males who already have extremely liberal and anarchic leanings anyway. Of course, these well-paid Jewish professors never practice what they preach, and the ones that they preach to are never young Jews.

Once again, as Adolf Hitler was so fond of saying, “Dig deep enough into any serious problem and there you will find at least one Jew in a prominent position.” What exactly are the Jews up to by encouraging this kind of behavior? I am not entirely sure, but I do know that the Jewish media complex tries to suppress stories about Wildmen. Part of this Jewish cover up of Wildmens’ very existence is most likely done to protect the tourism industry in certain areas which is so lucrative for the Jews and their associates. There is a great deal of mystery that has grown up around this old phenomenon of Wildmen. The Jews did not start the phenomenon of Wildmen, but they are prominent in its continuation and expansion in present times; this can be said for sure.

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Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn

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