Alfred schaefer free

Alfred Schaefer’s German Prison Letters read by Brian Ruhe with Monika Schaefer

Below is a link to a video of Brian Ruhe with Monika Schaefer

Alfred Schaefer’s German Prison Letters read by Brian Ruhe with Monika Schaefer

On July 26, 2019 Alfred Schaefer had to face the Inquisition in Germany. He is serving a 3.2 year sentence and may get even more just for speaking his views on the holocaust. On this day his sister Monika Schaefer joined Brian Ruhe as he read two letters he received from Alfred. Please write to Alfred. His address is posted on Monika’s website at:

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My Worldview

You have my permission to please copy any of my videos to spread the word. Please post them on Facebook. I am Brian Ruhe, a truther who is interested in the biggest problems facing the whole world. I have made over 2000 videos since 2011. I have taught Buddhism for 20 years and am the author of two books.

Brian Ruhe’s books are available at Amazon.

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