CNN story on Brian Ruhe
Prominent white supremacists still on YouTube in wake of ban
YouTube said it would ban such content 6 days ago
It’s such “an honour” for me that CNN did this story on me:
YouTube said it would ban such content 6 days ago
By Kaya Yurieff, CNN Business
It’s such “an honour” for me that CNN did this story on me:
The Prince of the Power of the Devil (Installment Part 2) The American Experience I – Before Andrew Jackson There were two factions within the American Ruling Class circles even before semi-independence was gained from the British Crown. One faction essentially wanted to carve out a decent life for their selves and then…
This is another original essay by James Rousse, first published here, at the Thule Society. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”National Socialism Meets Ayahuasca”]
ADOLF HITLER, THE WEHRMACHT, AND MILITARY COUPS (A Lesson for Present-Day Americans) Part One – Why Bring This Up? I am beginning to hear rumblings from reliable sources that certain elements within the hierarchy of the Zio-American Empire’s military are planning to seize control of the empire’s government and set up Donald Trump as…
Happy Birthday Angel Hitler This excellent article by Lorenz Kraus comes from Renegade Tribune at: April 20, 2018 Lorenz Kraus 29 Comments Angel Hitler’s 129th birthday is today. It is our feast day. Feast on these truths. What did Hitler want? Hitler wanted a German-serving government to protect blood-Germans on traditional German soil. Hitler is…
DIVINATION (A Position Paper for the Thule society) Why Discuss Divination? President’s Notes on Divination: One of the Thule Society’s present members has studied various types of divination and spell casting for several years, yet I was not sure exactly what our organization’s official position on this topic would be, so I petitioned Randall…
On the 18th of June, 1945, a little over 6 weeks after the death of Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess wrote the following words in a letter to his wife, from his prison cell: You will readily imagine how often during the last few weeks my thoughts have turned to the years gone by: to this…
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