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Did the 3rd Reich Support Irish Independence?

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Bright Blessings to All!


Deutschland Go Bragh (“Go Bragh” is Gaelic for !!!NOW!!!). A thunderous shout of protest erupted from a meeting of Irish immigrants and their descendants in Boston upon the announcement of the United States government’s Declaration of War Against the 2nd Reich in 1917. Federal Authorities came to break up the meeting that took place on the night or America’s World War I declaration of war against Germany; however, the authorities scuttled their plans when they realized that they were about to start something which they were not going to be able to control.

Image of 1915 police courtesy of Karen Merell on


Image of modern police courtesy of


As a result of this unexpected show or rancorous resistance to war against Germany, American citizens who were immigrants from Ireland or descendants of recent Irish immigrants were exempted from the draft (aka Conscription). An Irish American exemption from any World War I draft arose after leaders from the Irish-American Community warned Wilson that if he tried to make them fight for The Crown they would instead choose to fight for the German side.

Besides being the leaders of Germany, what did Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler have in common? Well, both men had crazy mustaches, and they were both staunch supporters of Total Irish Independence, even though both men knew that the Irish were committed to a Republican form of government.

Image of Kaiser Wilhelm II courtesy of

No doubt, the Kaiser’s mustache has since inspired generations of Harley Davidson accessory designers. Image courtesy of Julian McPeters on

(A suppressed bit of WW2 history: The 3rd Reich’s ally Finland was also a republic. Von Mannerheim, who was the Finnish president during World War II, was democratically elected. Leon Degrelle, who was a well-known National Socialist politician from Belgium, once said words to the effect that the 3rd Reich was what a True Government of, by, and for The People actually looked like. The US being a counterfeit.)

Image of Von Mannerheim courtesy of

Image of Leon Degrelle in SS uniform courtesy of


It is also worth noting that Germany rendered significant material help to Ireland’s Easter Rebellion of 1916.

Image courtesy of ARMAKOTH on


Germany’s Second Reich not only supported the Easter Rebellion, they also supported the later Irish Revolution, except this fact has been (((almost entirely erased from history.)))

Archival image of Irish Revolution fighters courtesy of

Artwork from the Irish Revolution furnished courtesy of

Hitler also commissioned the production of several militantly Pro-Irish movies, some of which clearly illustrate the assistance Germany rendered in the Irish struggle for full independence from the British Crown. As a result, these German movies supporting Irish independence have all been (((suppressed))) and you cannot see them anywhere, yet I have managed to see one of them before it was suppressed. This suppressed German movie that supported Irish independence was called “My Life for Ireland.” My Life for Ireland told a story about the Easter Rebellion’s principle leaders who were executed by The British Crown. A movie about these brave Irish patriots was produced by the 3rd Reich because these men were seen as heroic examples that National Socialists should emulate.

Image courtesy of

 Given Hitler’s pro-Ireland stance, there should be no surprise that so many Irish IRA members served in the Waffen SS, although they did not serve in separate units; none the less, they did also render assistance to Germany in other manners.


Erin Go Bragh

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn

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What could possibly be more Irish than Paddy O’Furniture?  Image courtesy of

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