Donald Trum Staged Assassination




Part One – The Alleged Shooter

The individual that they, meaning the mainstream media has tried to pin it on is one Thomas Matthew Crooks. Crooks appeared to be a geeky young man whose life ended at the ripe old age of 20 solar cycles. His parents were members of the Democratic Party, but he himself was a registered Republican. Perversely, the mainstream media claims that Mr. Crooks became a registered Republican because he developed an admiration for none other than the former Zio-American president named Donald J. Trump. According to the official narrative, Crooks was a stereotypical geek during his high school years. Crooks was reportedly on the fringes of his high school socially, but he was reported to be quiet and harmless because he showed no external symptoms of harboring radical beliefs of any kind, nor did he show much potential for engaging in violent behavior.


How Crooks landed a job making a commercial for Blackrock, and what further connections with Blackrock he may have are still unknown.

Part Two – Thomas Matthew Crooks and his Changing Wardrobe

The first pictures I saw of Crooks’s corpse arrived on my computer 2-3 hours after the incident. The first images that I saw of Crooks’s corpse shows him wearing camouflaged clothing that is similar to what the US Military normally uses these days. However, later pictures of Crooks’s dead body, which were supposed to show him while he was shooting, show him dressed in solid grey, OR, these photos show him wearing what looks like a grey hoodie and white pants.


Part Three – The Layout of the Area & What the Hell Was the Secret
Service Doing?

The building where Trump’s wannabe assassin allegedly shot from was located 150 yards away from where El Trumpo was standing and bloviating during his planned political stump speech. The spot where Mr. Crooks was supposedly standing and aiming a rifle at the Great Trump-o-leeni was slightly above the place where Trump was flatulating again. Crooks’s shooting position was a building that had a flat roof and anybody who sits on top of this roof tends to stand out like a sore thumb. Anybody who occupies this roof stands out, especially to whoever is sitting on top of the building next to this spot. The building that sits next to Crooks’s shooting location just happens to be the spot where the Secret Service sniper who is officially credited for killing Crooks was holed up as well.

To get to the back of the building where he could climb up on top, Crooks would have first needed to cross a flat area that was covered in low-cut grass which is about 200 yards across. Carrying his AR-15 Rifle AND carrying an aluminum utility ladder across this large and open grassy area would have enabled Mr. Crooks to climb on top of the building where he met his end…YET… the Secret Service sniper who was assigned to keep watch over the entire area from the top of another nearby building is supposed to have not seen Mr. Crooks at all until after this wannabe assassin had cooked off eight shots at Donald Trump.

As the official story goes, a good number of spectators did see Crooks approach and/or stand on top of a nearby building that provided a great spot to take a few rifle shots at Trump while the former president was busy giving his latest syphilitic speech. Reports from witnesses noted seeing a strange man that was standing on top of a nearby roof while also holding a rifle; however, these crazy reports were ignored by the Secret Service and by local law enforcement personnel. There was also supposedly a group of law enforcement personnel who were initially milling around at ground-level around the same building where Crooks was preparing to take his little pot-shots at Donald Trump, yet they went somewhere else while Trump was yakking.

Official reports note that the Secret Service personnel who were present and on-duty that day went indoors and did not venture outside again until the shooting had stopped, but this behavior is quite odd considering that these people had been recently told that an unknown man was sitting on top a nearby building which just happened to provide a great trajectory for shooting at Donald Trump while he was giving his planned rally speech.

Near the far edge of the large grassy field that stood between Crooks’s shooting position and Donald Trump’s speech podium stands a water tower that has a catwalk around it. A sniper who was located on that catwalk would have a commanding view of the whole area, so why was this primo security location on the water tower’s catwalk ignored by both the Secret Service and by local Law Enforcement? Also, why was the water tower’s catwalk ignored by the alleged shooter who walked right past it?


Part Four – Is Donald Trump Actually a Communist?

Donald Trump seems to frequently give the standard raised-fist salute that is associated with Communists. Trump gave the classic Communist salute many times over the course of this particular piece of political theater before the shooting started and even after the shooting happened, so what exactly does this mean?


Part Five – Another Mind Controlled Assassin?

This whole assassination incident for Donald Trump screams that Thomas Matthew Crooks was perhaps another mind-controlled assassination patsy. Keep in mind, it is quite possible that Crooks squeezed off several rounds in the general direction of Trump while the real shooter was located elsewhere, then Crooks himself was killed to ensure that he could not talk and to ensure that everything could be squarely blamed on him. If Crooks was a mind-controlled patsy and a mind-controlled fall-guy, then he most certainly would not have known what he was doing on that day because he would have been blacked out consciously and controlled from elsewhere. Concerning the issue of Crooks being a mind-controlled patsy and fall-guy, this situation is very similar to the Robert F. Kennedy assassination in many ways. If anyone is skeptical about whether mind control can work or not, just go research the drug called Scopolamine.


Part Six – Relevant Personal Experience

I once served on a security assignment for a high-level NATO meeting which took place on the Naval Station in Orlando, Florida, so I do have some personal experience in matters that pertain to furnishing security at events which are filled with attractive assassination targets.

In a general sense, I know what has to be done and what is to be avoided when providing protection for a high-value assassination target such as a former Zio-American president. Security at the Trump Rally violated every rule there is concerning security protocols, and the people who were in charge of security at that campaign rally made every mistake possible under such circumstances. Incompetence and even stupidity can only be believed up to a point, and this incident is way past that point. The security that was provided during Trump’s assassination attempt is in the realm of staged political theater because it sits so far beyond the scope of believable incompetence.


Part Seven – Was this the Actions of a Lone-Nut Assassin or Was this Event a False Flag Attack?

We are now in an area where (((official sources))) are flat-out talking out of both sides of their mouths at the same time. The mainstream media are portraying Crooks as the standard “Lone Nut Assassin,” which is just like they have done so many times over the years with other assassinations, and this trend begen with Lee Harvey Oswald who supposedly shot president John F. Kennedy. We can see that this recent fake assassination attempt is a way to manipulate public opinion and thus insure the second election of Donald Trump for the Presidency. This is no doubt part of the reason for all of this recent nonsense, but there is another objective that the Zio-American Empire’s ruling establishment are also pushing, and this objective has the potential to be much more dangerous.

Though the Jewish mainstream media establishment is continually saying that they have no proof of a connection; none the less, they still keep trying to get people to believe that Iran is somehow behind this recent assassination attempt clown show anyway. The Jewish mass media establishment is claiming that Iran tried to assassinate Donald Trump in retaliation for Trump’s ordered killing of Iran’s generals named Soleimani and Muhandis. This fake and staged assassination attempt against Donald Trump could easily be used as pretext for war with Iran once Trump takes office once again. Iran is the principal impediment to Israel’s expansion across the Middle East, and Trump claims for himself the title of the greatest friend that Israel has ever had. Trump’s mindless support for Israel’s military expansion across the Middle East could potentially result in a nuclear war.

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn

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