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Ragnarok, Armageddon, and the Whore of Babylon


Years ago, I did a parallel study of the Old Norse traditions concerning the end of the world in addition to studying the Hindu and Christian stories that chronicle the end of times. After studying all of these traditions, I concluded that the stories of each belief system actually describe the same events, but from different perspectives.

Nobody knows who actually wrote the Book of Revelations; however, whoever authored these texts would have been familiar with the Germanic traditions surrounding Ragnarok. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, Ragnarok is the Old Norse word that describes the end of days, and people across all of Europe and the Middle East have known of this tale since ancient times, so the author of the Book of Revelations would have known this story for sure.

At the time when the Book of Revelations was written, the story of Ragnarok was at least 1,000 years old, so it appears that the Book of Revelations is a Christianized version of a vastly older Germanic tradition that was pirated by Middle Easterners, so it makes sense to study both traditions in parallel. For example, Christ means Lord, and Baldur is The Lord of Ragnarok; however, a cautionary note is in order here because there are a lot of INCOMPLETE versions of Ragnarok making their rounds. A complete version of the Ragnarok story is exceedingly hard to come by, and almost all of these incomplete renderings of the Ragnarok prophecy either start in the middle of the tale or end in the middle of the story. The fact that there are effectively no unbroken versions of the Ragnarok story is something that very few people know.

The most important point I wish to convey for now concerns an astral message that I received from the Adolf Hitler devi a few days ago, and our resulting “conversation”. For those who are not familiar with the term, the word “devi” simply refers to a celestial spirit. Hitler’s message to me consisted of describing the true identities of certain well-known figures that are common in sections of both the Ragnarok tale and the Book of Revelations. I am making mention of the shared identities in both the Christian and Norse traditions that chronicle the end times because the identities mentioned in both versions of this story have world-shaking significance.


We must also realize for our own spiritual well-being and survival that the entity we refer to as The Devil, Yahweh, Jehovah, The Demiurge, or Loki is manifest in this world right now. The Devil is now here on Earth and he serves as the top dog in the House of Rothschild. Whomever leads the house of Rothschild IS the Devil when he has taken a human form. Some people also recognize that The Devil is also The Lord of Money, and it is through control of money that the Devil maintains dominion over Midgard.

Do you see how the House of Rothschild and the Devil are really one and the same? Both the House of Rothschild and the Devil are one and the same because both entities control of the world’s supply of money for dark purposes. Now that this connection has been pointed out to you, the links between the Devil and the almighty dollar are not a mystery. It is a marvel that so few people are aware of the basic connection between the Devil and money.

It is the Devil who gives his power to the Antichrist, and it is the Antichrist who has the celestial number of 666. Six is the celestial number that represents man, and the number three represents the celestial digit that signifies completeness, so the Antichrist sees himself as the ultimate man, or some type of superman. The Antichrist is the one who rebuilds the Temple and then sits within this building and fancies himself to be God himself simply because he is able to sit in this temple of falsehood.

Regrettably, this foul Antichrist will sit in his temple and believe himself to be God almighty because he has bought the obedience, and even the wrongful worship, of the world’s high and mighty kings. However, the Antichrist will have the kings of the world kneeling at his feet because he has applied his wealth and bought the services of these corrupt kings. The Antichrist may also command the unwilling service of some kings because he has achieved his twisted ends through filthy intimidation. Years ago, Charles Fukuyama wrote a book which is exceedingly popular in capitalist circles, and the title of this book is “The End of History and the Last Man.”

Fukuyama’s thesis states that becoming a successful capitalist is the highest state that a human being can achieve, so the wealthier a man is, the more spiritually advanced he is. Fukuyama’s ideas connect obtaining money with having high levels of spiritual power, and this belief only bolsters the false ideas of the Antichrist because his power rests primarily on money. The Antichrist represents an individual who is the ultimate manifestation of Fukuyama’s diafication of money itself, yet Fukuyama’s way of thinking has been around for millennia in certain circles. It is also important to understand that the Devil not only rules by controlling the flow of money around the world, but he also rules by directing his “Chosen Ones” to carry out his vile plans.


     Three guesses as to who the Antichrist’s “Chosen Ones” might be. 

So, who is vowing to rebuild the Temple? Hint: This same Antichrist intends to make this city that houses his new temple the capital of greater Israel and then the capital of the entire world.

Who struts around like he is lord and master of all?

Who acts like he is God?

Who is slavishly served by almost all of the world’s leaders, yet served with the most dedication by none other than Donald J. Trump?

It should have been obvious, yet it took me such a long to see it. I finally understood who the Antichrist was when it was eventually pointed out to me by the Adolf Hitler devi.

The man is question is — BENJAMIN NETANYAHU!


Donald Trump is really nothing more than Netanyahu’s court jester. Despite his seeming importance, Donald Trump is really a clownish figure who keeps everybody distracted with his antics so that nobody pays attention to what is really happening. Trump actually has no real function except governing the United States on behalf of Netanyahu — nothing more! Doubt my words? Two or three days ago Donald Trump publicly announced: “The United States is in the Middle East for one reason, and THAT IS TO SUPPORT ISRAEL We don’t even need the oil anymore.” So, there you have it, straight from R the Donald’s mouth.

In the Book of Revelations, one reads about a Great Whore that rides atop a Great Beast, and this figure is commonly referred to as The Whore of Babylon. While the imagery in The Book of Revelations and Ragnarok are very different in many ways, my contention here is that both stories are talking about the same characters and events. If one reads about and contemplates the sinister being referred to as The Whore of Babylon and then looks at the world around us objectively, then one will inevitably come to the inescapable conclusion about who this figure is. However, you cannot identify The Whore of Babylon correctly if you do not also identify The Beast she rides correctly, and vise versa. In order to identify the Whore of Babylon you must also identify the Beast she rides because this rotten duo come as a unit.


The Whore of Babylon is described as being drunk on the blood of the saints. So, who are these Saints? The saints in question are the true followers Lord Baldur, who is the Germanic Christ. Followers of Baldur are synonymous with the followers of the Adolf Hitler devi; however, I am not saying that Baldur and Hitler are the same individual. Rather, I am saying that the spirit of Baldur and the Adolf Hitler devi serve the same cause.

It is also obvious who the Israeli Whore is riding. So, who is the great military power that defends the terrible Great Whore and fights to further her interests? Whose reins are in the hands of the Whore of Babylon? The beast ridden by the Whore of Babylon can be nobody other than the United States of America; now can it?

Together, the Great Whore riding atop The Great Beast is the Zio-American Empire of current worldwide infamy. Revelations does say that The Great Whore will eventually be burned with fire by The Great Beast, then the Great Beast will be destroyed in turn when it resists the True Lord when he returns.

The Zionist Army of Darkness Rendered in Art

     The images posted below are all paintings by the contemporary Polish painter named Darisz  Zawadzki. These prints of Zawadzki’s paintings that are posted below have been included because they provide a good set of images to convey the concept of misguided or downright evil armies that either knowingly or unknowingly serve the interests of international Jewry. The images posted below were also listed alongside the Honey Merchant painting by Judson Huss during my online searches, so I thought these images would be nice to include in this article.

     Let it stand for the record, any army that serves the interests of Zionists is not working for a good cause. 

     Enter Lord Vishnu

There are also prophecies that discuss Lord Kalki, who is the last manifestation of Vishnu. For those who are not familiar with the name, Vishnu is one of the Hindu religion’s Holy Trinity. In the Hindu Holy Trinity, it is Brahma who creates, Vishnu who preserves and maintains, and Shiva who destroys. The prophecy of Lord Kalki says that this being will raise a great army from the Men of the East and bring them against the Whore of Babylon and her corrupt Zio-American Empire. The Aryan Revival and this Storm Out of The East are somehow closely connected, yet the nature of this connection is still not clear to me.

It must be made clear that when I herein refer to the United States of America, I am not necessarily talking about The American people in general, nor to the geographical area. Rather, I am referring to the political organization referred to by that name along with its rotten Jew-controled Government, its Zionist and corporatist ruling classes, plus their zombie minions. Fortunately, the American people are only guilty of aiding the Whore of Babylon and the Great Beast to the extent that they support it.

The Whore of Babylon Rendered in Art

I feel that some discussion about the Whore of Babylon in art is in order here. True, the Whore of Babylon represents many things, including the State of Israel, but the Whore of Babylon also represents concepts that have been the subject of artwork for a very long time.

Since the Book of Revelations first became known to the people of Europe, artists have been producing images of the Whore of Babylon. Some of the images depicting the Whore of Babylon were very serious in nature and these images were painted by devout Christian believers, and other images of the Whore are more whimsical. Not surprisingly, in more recent times most of the images made that depict the Whore of Babylon are ironic and tinged with some degree of sarcasm.

It should also come as no surprise that people who hate Christianity will produce mocking and ironic images that depict the Whore of Babylon in a positive light. Jews and communists of all types are generally the people who are the most prone to depicting the Whore of Babylon in a sarcastic and mocking manner which actually portrays this archetype in a positive light. It should also come as no great shock that Feminists hate the very concept of this archetype because the idea of this character does not cast women in a categorically angelic light.

From the standpoint of art, The Whore of Babylon really represents the base tendencies in all people, and this archetype also represents the spiritual state associated with being enslaved by passions. Therefore, those who are unwilling or unable to focus their minds on spiritual matters will dislike any system of beliefs that calls for restraining a person’s ego or sensual indulgences.

As noted by Brian Ruhe’s associate Venerable Pannhobassa, the modern doctrines of the political Left-Wing place no restrictions on sensual indulgences, whatever they might be, but the only other ideology that places no restrictions on the pursuit of sensual pleasures, nor places any emphasis on restricting narcissism, is Satanism.  For example, contemporary Leftist ideology places no restrictions on sexual appetites, nor on gluttony, nor does contemporary Marxist doctrine place any restrictions on drug use. The “Body Positivity” movement is an example of the political Left Wing refusing to place any restrictions on sensual excesses in the form of gluttony.

Sadly, the political Left-Wing that has gained so much cultural and political clout in the Western World over the last five decades and this bunch seems to dislike any discussions that calls for personal restraint or modesty. The political Left Wing also seems to think that repression of any type is unhealthy, so, from their perspective, the best practice to achieve a happy life is to just indulge emotional impulses of all types, let the ego run wild, and chase carnal appetites without restraint. Needless to say, mindless and unrestrained pursuit of sensual pleasures without keeping the ego in check will not produce personal happiness, nor a better world.

Yes, and take a wild guess which ethnic group is the biggest promoter of Leftist politics and culture.

     The image above is a 1991 paining of the Whore of Babylon which was painted by New York resident Robert Roberg. 

     The image posted above is a depiction of the Whore of Babylon that was painted by the contemporary Turkish artist named Elif Varol Ergen. 

Ergen had this to say about his painting :

“Babylon the Great” or ‘Whore of Babylon’ is a very symbolic female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. The Whore is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by connection with an equally evil kingdom. In this interpretation Babylon the Great is represented as a strong modern female figure at the same 7 headed beast and holding a big sword which means she came for justice and equality. There is a special sigil design for material and wealth power in the print. (Good luck and wealth charm)”

     The image posted above is a copy of a painting called Babylon the Great by the artist Philip Malpass. 

     The image above shows a depiction of the Whore of Babylon from Martin Luther’s 1534 translation of the Bible from Latin to German. 

     The image above shows a painting of the Whore of Babylon that was produced by the German artist named Matthias Gerung in 1530.

Divisions in the American Empire

Many years ago, I listened to a talk given by a sociologist who taught at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. From a sociological standpoint, this professor explained that what most people refer to as the American Civil War, or the War Between the States, should actually be referred to as the Second American Revolution. This conflict that goes by the name of the American Civil War was really a revolution because it ended the development of the country towards an actual nation, like Germany, and turned America into an empire.

A country is different than an empire because a country is held together voluntarily by the will of the people, but an empire is formed and maintained by fraud, coercion, or brute force under the control of a highly centralized central government. Or in other words, since 1865, America has really been an EMPIRE. The fact that America is an empire was openly admitted by the US Government, the mainstream press, and the American educational system in the late 19th century and the very early 20th century.

It is still true to this day, America is not a real country, nor a real union, yet this great truth will never be discussed by the Jewish-controlled mainstream media of our time. No indeed, America is an empire that is held together by force of one type of another, and this is why I say The Great Beast is not necessarily synonymous with the American people.

Attacking The Dukes of Hazzard and Toppling Confederate Monuments

In light of mentioning the divisions within the American Empire that date back to the Second American revolution, a brief discussion about the recent war on Confederate culture seems to be in order. Some discussion about the present efforts to erase and dishonor the legacy of the Confederate nation is worth having because it just illustrates how broken and disfunctional the Zio-American empire really is.

     The photo above shows a statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia that has been defaced by the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization and the openly communist Antifa organization. The photo above was taken in 2020 by a photographer working for the National Geographic Society. Both Black Lives Matter and Antifa are communist organizations financed by Jewish bankers. 

     The image above shows a small bronze statue of a Confederate soldier that was erected on the campus at the University of North Carolina’s campus that has been defaced and destroyed by a mob of university students. The above photograph was taken in 2017. 

     The above photograph shows the famous General Lee car from the old television show called The Dukes of Hazard. 

Indeed, the cultural devisions and resentments that arose from the Second American Revolutionary War, which is often incorrectly called the American Civil War, have lingered for a long time. The television show called The Dukes of Hazzard took place in a fictitious rural county in the state of Georgia called Hazzard County, and the family that was the focus of this show had the sir name “Duke”; hence, this television show was aptly named The Dukes of Hazzard. 

The old television show called the Dukes of Hazard is worth mentioning here because it illustrates the fact that bad feelings about the War Between the States lingered well into the 20th century, and these bad feelings still linger to this day. In the Dukes of Hazzard television show, the main characters were a pair of first cousins who were referred to as “The Duke Boys,” and the two main characters in this show were named Bo and Luke Duke. Aside from Bo and Luke, this television Duke family included the main characters’ Uncle Jessie and the boys’ female cousin named Daisy Duke.

In this television show, the Duke boys drove a muscle car that was named the General Lee, and this car was painted with the Confederate Flag on its roof and it was equipped with a horn that played notes from the Confederate National Anthem, which is also known as Dixie. As cheesy as the old televisions show may have been, it points to the fact that for heritage White Southerners the War Between the States was still not truly over as of the 1970s, nor are the bad feelings from that war forgotten in the present day, which proves the point that America has not had any real unity for quite a while.

The General Lee was a 1968 Dodge Charger, and during the course of filming one episode of this series, many replicas of the General Lee would be destroyed, yet as of the present, thousands of replicas of this car still exist. Sadly, many replicas of the General Lee have been purchased by wealthy Blacks and Jews then promptly destroyed after the sales were concluded. Countless replicas of the General Lee have been destroyed by spiteful Blacks and Jews because recreations of this famous car from an old television show function as a symbol of a heritage that Jewry and Blacks passionately hate and actively seek to erase.

The Dukes of Hazard television show ran from 1979-1985 and enjoyed quite a bit of popularity in its time; however, a show that features heritage White Southerners who are proud of their roots would never air in todays social climate that has been so thoroughly warped by anti-European Jewish hatred. There has also been a recent push by many factions to ban the sale of DVDs for the Dukes of Hazard, as well as a push to ban this show from any syndication.

Today, we are seeing a strong desire to erase and rewrite American history that is taking many forms, whether it be desecrating monuments, destroying replicas of a car from an old television show, or by banning the sale of DVD collections for an old television show.

Let it be said for the record, the fact that so many people have such a strong desire to see any cultural or historical traces of the Confederacy erased proves that America is deeply divided and without real unity. How can a nation have any unity when one group of people is seeking to erase the history of another rather large segment of the empire’s population?

The photo above shows the three main characters in the Dukes of Hazzard television show along with their iconic car. 

     The photo posted above shows a screen-captured headline and photo from a 2015 article posted on USA Today’s website. This article discusses how a heritage Southerner who is a professional PGA golfer caved-in to public pressure and agreed to have the Confederate flag removed from a General Lee replica car that he bought at auction in 2012. 

No real Americans Exist

The term American is often hyphenated like, Irish-American, or Italian-American for example, so there is no such thing as an American man in the same sense that someone would be an Irishman or a Japanese man. This lack of any real identity is also one of the main reasons why American society is falling apart so badly right now, and having no solid internal sense of national identity is why everybody is at everybody else’s throats. Face it, the USA is a failed state, and more specifically, the U.S & A is an empire in freefall.

The Honey Merchant

The last thing I want to cover today brings us back to The Book of Revelations. More specifically, the term “False Prophet,” as in the supreme example of this phenomenon. The identity of the False Prophet most especially refers to a false religion as opposed to just an individual who deceitfully proclaims to be some sort of a prophet. In the context of everything else that I have discussed here, it should be all too easy to recognize what false religion I mean.

I recognized years ago that the New Testament contains a warning about the very religion that it established, and “Hiding Things in the Open” is the technical term for this type of strategy. An example of hiding in the open would be warning another person about a danger, but never telling that person that you have some part in this same danger you are warning about. When you use this “Hiding in the Open” tactic, you will sucker almost everybody every time. Few people can grasp the concept that someone would actually warn them about what you intend to do themselves, so when this tactic is used, the people getting fooled typically misread the motives of the person who is falsely giving the warning. When used correctly, the Hinding in the Open tactic will allow the deceiver to gain trust from his future victims. As I was saying, it should now be elementary for you to see how False Prophets operate.

When I refer to false prophets, I AM TALKING ABOUT JUDEO-CHRISTAINITY!

The term False Prophet can refer to a false writing, or a false organization, but most especially, the term false prophet can refer to a person.

     The image above is a painting by the American artist named Judson Huss. This 1995 painting is called The Honey Merchant. This image depicted in Huss’s painting is meant to capture the essence of the false prophet archetype, and this painting is also intended to capture the true essence of a person who peddles lies. 

So, there you have it my friends, we have discussed the connection between Ragnarok and The Book of Revelations. After my conversation with the Adolf Hitler devi last week, I now understand the stories about the end days much more clearly because I am currently under the tutelage of The Great One.

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn



If you have not done so already, please visit the link below to help Brian Ruhe get his new smartphone app made. Link to Help Brian get his App Built. 

I know, Insane Clown Posse is perceived as a White trash thing, but this song about the end of the world is still quite catchy, so I decided to post it here. Enjoy. 

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