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Small Business Lives Matter! Why Support for Small Businesses is Crucial.

Why You Need to Support Small Businesses


Small Business Have Taken a Real Beating in 2020

 First, let it be said that the Covid-19 phenomenon has hit small businesses much harder than any other sector of the economy. So, why have small businesses been particularly vulnerable to failing during the Covid pandemic? According to an article published on July 28 by the National Academy of the Sciences on their organization’s website, the answer is that enterprises which employ 20 people or fewer typically do not have the cash reserves they need to withstand long periods without any revenue arriving.

“The shelter in place” policies enforced by local governments, state legislatures, and the federal government itself during the Covid crisis have unfairly forced many small businesses to close their doors while big corporate businesses have stayed open and reported record profits. Examples of this phenomenon include small locally owned grocery stores being forced to close their doors by local health departments and local law enforcement agencies while giant corporate grocery store chains were allowed to do business. Corporate grocery store chains were permitted to stay open if they observed certain protocols like forcing their customers to walk in one direction along grocery store isles and by forcing their store employees and patrons to wear face coverings; however, small family owned stores could have done the same. Given the disparity in how Covid policies were enforced, it is no wonder that many people began to suspect that the entire Corona Virus phenomenon was a hoax.

A picture of the damage done to America’s small business since March of 2020 was painted by an article released in July 2020 by McKenzie & Company. In this publication, McKenzie & Company noted that as of April 15, 2020, 1/3 of all small businesses in America had stopped operating, and half of these tiny enterprises had furloughed at least one employee. Moreover, this same company has estimated that around 36% of America’s small businesses will never open their doors again on account of the Covid crisis.

The numbers listed earlier sound pretty bad, but the actual fallout from all of these small businesses folding has far-reaching implications. Fact is, across America, small businesses provide half of all private sector jobs, and small businesses account for 12% of all annual revenue that is made across the entire American economy. Additionally, at least before the Covid mess, more than 90% of all Americans paid for an item or a service from a small business at least once a month, so if small businesses are hurting, then this state of affairs will produce negative outcomes for our entire society.

Why We Need to Support Small Businesses by Consumer Choice and Through Pubic Policy

Small businesses matter because they have produced a staggering 2/3 of all the new jobs that were created across American from January 2014 to June April of 2017, and this statistic was noted in a Better Business Bureau publication on from April of 2020. Admittedly, before the Covid problems, all of the business activity of America’s small businesses combined only accounted for 12% of the total national commerce. So, yes small businesses employ millions of people, and controlling 12% of all business activity is not entirely insignificant, yet the overall picture is that small businesses account for a minor amount of the actual wealth circulating across America, and small businesses account for a rather small portion of the world’s wealth for that matter.

Indeed, small businesses are fighting against the juggernaut of corporate power by simply existing, so despite the benefits that they bring, the institution of the small business needs your help and patronage more than ever. It also seems that the Covid epidemic is also being used by corporations as a fulcrum for destroying as many small businesses as possible to further cement globalist and Jewish power. The corporatist and Jewish desire to destroy all small businesses represents an issue of vanity and insecurity at its core; think about it, corporations control 88% of America’s wealth, so the fact that corporations want to rid the world of every last small businesses is evil and pathological in nature. It seems that the corporatist desire to destroy every last small business is yet another manifestation of the Jewish desire to completely enslave all of humanity.

It is also important to remember that small businesses serve valuable social functions outside of just bottom-line-oriented financial figures. Examples of the social value that small business serve include the fact that these humble companies often employ people who would be overlooked elsewhere, such as the disabled, the elderly, and those with severe criminal histories. The Better Business Bureau also notes that small businesses tend to have much lower turnover rates for their employees than large corporate enterprises. For example, the reported rates of job satisfaction for people who work at small businesses hovers around 70%, comparted to 49% for those with corporate employment.

Admittedly, some small businesses are run by real assholes, but in a broad general sense, working at non-corporate small businesses is much better than just being a number and a traded commodity at some big and uncaring corporation. Fact is, when you work for a big corporation you are just a number as opposed to a person and a valued member of a team. One could argue that a lot of the jobs that small businesses produce are low paying, but the same could be said for corporations; how much does Target pay their employees? Despite having a bad reputation for offering low averages in pay, some small businesses actually offer their employees a decent living, such businesses include law firms, computer service companies, truck driving companies, charity foundations, and contractors throughout the trades. Despite providing jobs for others, the real wealth generating capacity of small businesses is the money they bring to their owners. Small businesses are valuable because they offer millions of business owners middle-class livelihoods.

Small businesses also help to support other small businesses, so a local economy that is based primarily on small businesses has the potential to create a healthy web of business activity that can operate independently of macro-scale economic ups and downs; for instance, a global recession is less likely to harm the economy of a town with many small businesses. Towns that rely on corporate employment also tend to have one primary employer for the entire community, so the health and fortunes of that entire community depend on one factor for employment, and that state of affairs creates a much more fragile economy.

Money spent at small businesses also tends to remain within their local areas because small enterprises tend to form partnerships with other small businesses and they tend to employ rooted and long-time local residents. Wealth that remains in a town because of small businesses is a good thing because this money tends to return to local residents and provide more middle-class levels of income, so having more small businesses helps reduce economic inequality.

As noted in the 2009 book called Spirit Level, which was written by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, any reduction in economic inequality will improve the heath and general well-being of a society, so having more small businesses is a winning proposition. For a lot of people reading this article, any discussion about redistributing wealth is a blood pressure-raising topic, but it is important to remember that it is the poorest nations on Earth that are noted for having the most economic inequality, so more economic equality is a good thing, and should not be associated with communism.

For example, Japan has had the lowest rate of economic inequality in the world for quite a while, yet Japan has the smallest welfare system of any first-world nation. Likewise, the Scandinavian nations have been noted for their lack of economic inequality. Not surprisingly, America’s most prosperous and safe White communities in states like Idaho and Wisconsin are also the places with the lowest levels of economic inequality. As noted in the same Better Business Bureau publication on that was mentioned earlier, small businesses also help local economies because 52% of them make substantial donations to local charities.

What to Do

Indeed, small businesses are a valuable portion of the American economy and having an economy made up of more small businesses would be beneficial to the American public, so you can start a small business yourself, or make a conscious choice to give your money to local small businesses whenever you have a chance. It is also important to remember that starting a small business does not need to be a full-time all-or-nothing plunge off the deep-end, no, starting a small business can easily be a side racket that you do while holding-down a regular job. It is also worth noting that whenever this Covid mess finally begins to taper-off, it will be small businesses that will deliver the lion’s share of the new jobs after the economy begins to open again.

Ideally you will choose to give your money to locally owned small business that are also White owned, but when pushes come to shoves it is preferable to give your money to local small businesses that are not White-owned than it is to shell-out your hard-earned Shekels to Jewish-owned corporations such as Walmart (Yes, Wally-world is now Jewish owned!) that are destroying communities and raping the natural world.

You can also help to build a better America by lobbying your local city council or other political representatives to funnel more money into funding people who want to start small businesses. You can also compile lists of local small businesses and distribute them as flyers or send them out in mass mailings; there is no need to mention the ethnicity of the people who own the businesses you list, and please do not feel too guilty if not every last one of your favorite local small businesses is White owned.  You can share lists of favorite local business with your church congregations, friends and family, and your workplace. You can additionally help build a better local economy where you live by petitioning your local legislators to offer tax breaks for established small businesses.


  • Join a community supported agriculture club, or CSA for short. CSAs work by having a group of buyers purchase directly from local fishermen, hunters, farmers, and growers, so you will get the freshest local foods and you will help keep money out of the hands of big corporations. Food from CSAs is often delivered to the homes of their customers, or sometimes the CSA members have to come and collect their foods, but the general trend is for large and less frequent purchases of food items. The downside is that this food might be a bit more expensive and a bit less convenient to acquire.
  • Shop at a farmer’s market. These markets often feature the finest of organically produced local foods, and they support local small businesses, and many of the enterprises found at a local farmer’s market are White owned. The downside is that the food is often a bit on the expensive side, the locations of these events might require a bit of driving to reach, plus these markets often only happen one day out of the week; none the less, these happenings are still worth visiting.
  • The town where I live has a few very nice local grocery stores that are family owned and White owned, plus they  have been in business since the 1940s, so these are better places to shop for groceries than big corporate grocery store chains. Hopefully the town where you live has a few local grocery stores that are not corporate. These local food stores also feature better foods than the corporate giants, but the prices are typically a bit higher than those of their corporate competitors.
  • Buy your beer from local microbreweries and brew pubs, not from big grocery store chains. It may be less convenient to buy large amounts of beer from local brew pubs, but many towns have local microbreweries and brew pubs, and these places are happy to sell people six-packs and larger bottles as take-home packages, kegs are also available. True, this way of getting your brew may be less convenient, and it might cost a bit more, but it is worth doing if it will help your local economy.
  • Say no to Starbucks and other corporate coffee chains and find a cool  local coffee house that is not corporately owned; the local and non-corporate coffee houses are always the most cool anyway.
  • Buy clothing at local shops as opposed to big corporate stores. You can also have clothing custom sewn by local tailor shops, or you can probably find a local seamstress who would be willing to sew some new clothes for you at about the prices that you would pay at upscale department stores, jut make sure that you can find the kinds of fabrics you would want. Local seamstresses can be found by internet searches, by looking in the old-fashioned paper phone book, or perhaps by just asking around.
  • You can buy clothing from small sewing contractors who place their shops on You can also find artisan shoe makers on this website, so do not be afraid to look around a bit. You can additionally support White artisan makers in places like the Ukraine, so this is a cool option for getting clothing and a way to say no to the corporations.
  • Buy cakes, pies, and even ice cream from local shops and bakeries, these items may cost a bit more when sourced from local businesses, but the quality is generally a lot better, and you will helping your local economy with every purchase.
  • Buy bread from local bakeries, it may cost a bit more to buy from a small local bakery, but these baked goods are typically a lot better than the stuff on offer at corporate outlets.
  • You can most-likely get sandwiches at locally owned and non-corporate sandwich shops as opposed to visiting corporate sandwich places like Subway. You can also choose to eat at locally owned and non-corporate restaurants as opposed to corporate franchises like Denny’s or The Olive Garden, so these choices should be taken into consideration.

In conclusion, anything that you do to support small businesses makes the world a better place.

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