Federation of Planets 2

Joining the Federation of Planets is an Absolute Goal for Humanity

Joining the Federation of Planets is an Absolute Goal for Humanity

by Brian Ruhe

Strategic planning is the process of reorganizing and reallocating people and resources to increase the return on what resources are present. Invariably, when strategic planning is done, then this process will emphasize some areas and de-emphasizing others. For example, when strategic planning is done more resources are allocated to areas with higher returns on investment and other areas see resources removed because they deliver lower returns for their investment. By developing better plans for expansion, and by discontinuing efforts that are negative or less fruitful, the Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler and all the people involved are now channeling their resources to maximize a more wholesome contribution to humanity.

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An example of our channeled resources being put into action was the release of about 20 hours of videos that included Jeff from the Vancouver UFO YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8o57EdDnGekG_yklcJc9IQ/.

Interacting with Jeff was the thing that allowed me to learn more about the possibility of our planet joining a federation of planets that extends across our galaxy. I have heard about a galactic federation from others within the field of extraterrestrial contact for years, but I did not trust their channeled sources, nor did I study this topic enough to build any faith in this idea. I was so skeptical about the idea of our humble little planet joining a big-time league of galactic high-rollers because this notion seemed to be a wishful projection rather than something that had actual evidence to back it up. I am convinced that Jeff has experienced many interactions with the elder Grey aliens, and I do believe that these aliens have been honest with him when they said they are part of a galactic federation. I also believe that these aliens that Jeff has mentioned do want planet Earth to join the galactic federation for the betterment of all life on our planet and for the betterment of the federation as well — this is a big shift for me!

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My understanding is that more than one alien species has been working for longer than a century and a half to upgrade human genetics in order to speed up our spiritual and physical evolution. According to Jeff, the aliens who are members of the galactic federation are most interested in developing humanity’s spiritual/inter-dimensional capacity, which includes the ability to communicate telepathically. To the aliens, consciousness means quantum dimensional consciousness, but developing a mass-level quantum-dimensional consciousness could take a long time.

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I may have been skeptical at first; but now, I buy into the idea of humanity joining the galactic federation, and I also believe that joining the galactic federation should become the new target goal for all of humanity. From a Buddhist view, the absolute goal of human life is to achieve enlightenment, and Jeff has explained that the Greys he knows are like Buddhists because are already spiritually advanced, so the focus and priority for them is to improve the situation for humanity as opposed to promoting their own interests. Fortunately, the subject of aliens is not incompatible with my Buddhist worldview. Like the aliens that Jeff describes, improving the situation for all of humanity is now my direction in life as well. I am a public figure with over 5,000 people listening to me each day, so I leverage my influence to raise the spiritual awareness of my audience and to lead them to larger truths.

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I suspect that the Buddha’s dharma is not contradicted by the dharma that the aliens teach because the Buddha taught both humans and devas alike during in his time here on earth. I also think there is harmony between the Buddha’s worldview and that of the Greys.

I am now inspired to study Jeff’s Mystic Book, and Jeff said that his book contains a code that will help humanity. Jeff also says that the book he wrote was downloaded to him directly back in 1993, and he said that when he met with an elder Grey alien in 2016 she told him to write it all down and get it published. Jeff’s book is mysterious, so I think it will be interesting to study this work and see what arises within my consciousness. I am also interested to find out what new connections I will be able to make after reading this fine publication. I presently have a paper draft of Jeff’s book that he printed out just for me, yet his priority is to get this book published so that other people can read it as well. Jeff’s book discusses aliens, but it is also packed with many more familiar spiritual and Vedic concepts.

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On Dec. 11, 2020 Jeff, myself, and others had a UFO Meetup on Zoom that lasted for 5.7 hours, and in the last part of this meeting, we had a high-level discussion about the galactic federation and how the present members of this group want humanity to become more spiritual.


Below is the link to this video:

Here are some notes from that meeting: Part 7 of 7 – this is my favorite part. At minute 1:10, Jeff shares more of the profound insights about how we have actually been part of the galactic federation of planets since WW II; however, most people simply do not know anything about the galactic federation of planets as of yet.  Although some national governments have known about the galactic federation since the 1950s, most people would wonder why these advanced aliens would ever want to bother trying to include humanity in their club. The other side to that earlier question would be this: Why would these aliens go to so much trouble making contact with our planet for all of these years if they were just lying to us? Look how humanity is so violent. Why wouldn’t the federation of planets get involved and intervene?

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In answer to the previous questions, at minute 11:00, Jeff says that true disclosure about the alien contact issue will change everything. Many people may think that the big governments of the world will tell the population the truth about contact with aliens, then everyone will simply go back to their jobs and their lives — but no! A full disclosure about alien contact with humanity will change EVERYTHING for the world’s people, and things will not be the same again!

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Brian Ruhe




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