What is National Socialism’s Stance on Caste?


  (A Postscript and Part 2 of; Towards A Classless Society With Adolf Hitler)

Part One- The Third Reich and Social Class

Certainly, if you have superior men and women, then you want them to marry each other and produce offspring like themselves. Intelligence, character, and leadership ability do tend to run in certain families across generations, so this means that every society needs something of a caste system. What Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP were trying to do was create a New Aristocracy that was based on Merit which would in time become a leadership caste. As far as the Third Reich’s National Socialist government was concerned, establishing something as close as possible to a classless society was an intermediate step or a transition stage towards building a new elite. Before Hitler assumed the post of Germany’s Chancellor, the existing German social order was almost totally moribund, and it was holding back the German Folk from achieving their true potential.

During Hitler’s term as Chancellor, there were certainly members of the Old Lesser nobility who were intelligent and brilliant leaders of high character. Many of the worthy and good members Germany’s old aristocracy were also dedicated members of The Party and loyal followers of Adolf Hitler; however, these people were in the decided minority. As for the Greater Nobility, they had become a bunch of useless drones, and for this reason, The Chancellor stripped them of their titles and abolished them as a coherent group. Meanwhile, Germany had members of the middle class and the working class who were very competent, but they were being held back purely because of their family backgrounds. The mirror image of the situation facing Germany’s working class and middle class was a situation were Germany’s high nobility were elevated to positions that they could not do competently purely because of their family connections.

Part Two – The United States and Class

The National Myth says that the USA does not have any actual Social Classes, but this idea is a damned lie! The present situation in the USA represents this lie taken to its most superlative level. In present-day America, the status of nobility is achieved, maintained, and expanded by force of money alone where monetary fortunes are kept tightly within certain bloodlines. With such present-day Zio-American imperial elites, their marriages are very often nothing more than thinly veiled business partnerships between wealthy families. In contemporary America, rich kids are restricted to marrying other rich kids in order to increase family fortunes and to keep the money out of the hands of those beneath each family in social standing. The super rich marry other super rich so that they can remain amongst the superrich. Likewise, the merely rich also marry others like themselves and they never deign to marry members of America’s middle and working classes.

In such systems as these, children inherit their family fortunes, and these fortunes are inherited regardless of their stupidity, lack of character, irresponsibility, and incompetence. Moreover, the very rich tend to hire financial professionals to manage their family fortunes so that these fortunes are not just frittered away. When professionals are hired to manage a rich family’s finances, inheritors of these vast fortunes are just given a substantial slice of the recurring profits to do with as they wish in exchange for not interfering with the professionals who are actually managing the family’s fortunes or businesses. Arrangements such as these are called “Trust Funds” or “fiduciaries.”

Ironically, these trust-fund arrangements work by maintaining investment portfolios that are made up of stocks, bonds, futures, interest-yielding bank accounts, and even land ownership. When proper trust funds are created, these fortunes and assets are actually inaccessible to the scions who have inherited these vast piles of wealth. For these inheritors, they are only granted access to the dividend-derived wealth that these fortunes continually produce and the most that they can actually do with these large piles of money is to change the fund managers, but once again, the powers that are granted to interchangeable fund managers are tightly restricted by well-laid covenant contracts. The covenant legal contracts that govern the actual executive powers which are granted to trust fund managers are carefully crafted by teams of adroit layers who work for periods of many years to fine-tune these centuries-long contracts.

A very well-made trust fund is practically indestructible, so these arrangements guarantee that a family will stay wealthy over generations. The only thing that can affect trust funds is a dilution of the wealth over time, and this dilution happens when increasing numbers of people try to live off of the proceeds of single inter-generational trust funds. That being said, really well-constructed trust funds are built to adjust for inflation and they are designed to deal with the issue of dilution from increasing numbers of dependents as the generations pass, so people who are born into such arrangements may not become stratospherically wealthy from their trust funds, but they will never really need to work either.

Family fortunes are made initially not so much by hard work and intelligence, but they are made more by wheeling and dealing and gaming the system, plus these initial fortunes are made by buying-off politicians. The trick to getting rich is to get good people to work for you, then claim their work as your own, and finally to rake in the profits that come from what these great people produce while your producers are paid as little as you can get away with giving them. This wealth that comes by way of trickery and greed is one of the many evils that National/Racial Socialism was created to eliminate. There are only exceedingly rare exceptions to this rule of great wealth being generated by great dishonestly.

You cannot build a constructive caste system out of such social practices as building fortunes by theft and trickery because at some point such a system will produce a revolution when the common people have had enough of these ways of  being in the world. Such a system where the non-productive rich just keep getting richer, while the working poor just keep getting poorer, and enough of the middle class are ground down into the ranks of the workers is currently occurring in the United States.

An editor’s note about old money from James Rousse:

When I and my siblings were older and enrolled in school, my mother went back to work first on a part time basis, then later on a full-time basis. One of my mother’s first part-time jobs was working as a coordinator at a philanthropic organization in Southern California. In the years that my mother worked at this job, her work brought her into contact with other women who were part of the WASP old money set in California, but also the Northeast. Interestingly, these families were living quite well from inter-generational trust funds that were a legacy from fortunes which were made as far back as the 18th century. Some of these women came from families that traced their lineages back to New England, and these families were still living comfortably from fortunes that were initially made from whaling ships.

As Jung-Freud on the Unz Review website has noted time and again, the WASP(White Anglo Saxon Protestant) country club set did actually represent the elite of American society until around the 1930. The 1930s marked a sharp turning point in American life because this was the decade where a new batch of German-Jewish and Russian-Jewish elites took the reins of power away from the old Anglican WASP elites.

Needless to say, the immediate effects of this changing of power dynamics have not been truly felt by American society until more recently, but decades of Jewish subversion have now brought us all to the point where Jewish power can no longer be hidden or denied like it was in the past. It seems to be that the old WASP elites have never entirely disappeared, but they just are not as elite as they once were. Today, the WASP elites constitute a sort of B-grade of C-grade type of minor elites who are still somewhat wealthy, but they lack the kind of institutional power that is possessed by the Jews.

 Other beneficiaries from old fortunes which my mother worked with lived off of money that arose from lucky farmland purchases in California which were eventually sold to developers for exorbitant prices. Once a fortune is made from an initial real estate sale, this initial money is often invested in more real estate along with the perpetual development of stocks, bonds, and high-interest bank accounts, so if the people who earn these initial fortunes play their cards right, then long-standing intergenerational wealth will result.

A personal example of this phenomenon of intergenerational wealth is a pair of brothers I know from school when I was growing up. This family was modestly wealthy while I was in my teens, but both brothers are now very wealthy as older adults. This family’s wealth arose because the paternal great grandfather of these two brothers had purchased farmland near the beach in Southern California in the 1890s then sold this large parcel of land to developers in the 1950’s for an exorbitant price.

Following this land sale, the great grandfather of these brothers invested his money in further real estate developments elsewhere, then passed the wealth on to his children and grandchildren. Both of these brothers did not get their full monetary inheritance sums until they were both in their 40s, but once their inherited chunks of money arrived from their paternal grandmother passing away, both brothers took their inheritance money and purchased more than a dozen local rental properties eachwhile also dumping more money into their extant fiduciary investment portfolios. Both of these brothers have children of their own, and these children will never need to hold jobs. 

These old money people are an interesting lot because they give their children particular names and they exhibit their own particular tastes and peculiarities. For example, the old money set still actually do name their daughters Buffy and some of their sons are still unironically still named Chip. Yes, I have actually met a few old money types who were named Chip and Buffy. (These same old money types were the first people to start naming their daughters “Madison” and “Brooklyn” but these snooty-tooty names for girls have inevitably trickled down over time, so now we see girls with these former old-money names gyrating around stripper poles.)

These old-money people typically live in posh neighborhoods (Marin County and Palo Alto are California favorites in this regard) and they have a real taste for driving Volvos and vintage German cars, particularly BMW and Mercedes station wagons. These people also send their children to ritzy private schools and summer camps, plus they typically own sailboats, and they have multi-generational country club and yacht club memberships. This crowd also tends to spend their holidays with extended family at fancy hotels and they like to travel to Europe a lot.

To their credit, the WASP old-money set tend to take a rather unassuming approach to their wealth, and within these circles throwing money around and making ostentatious displays of wealth are considered truly gauche. I suppose these people are a vast improvement over vulgar “Nouveau Riche” types and their wealth is quite benign when compared to the influence of rich Jews; however, these people still constitute a parasitic group at the end of the day because as the generations pass, such families only get wealthier at the quiet and subtle expense of others

Part Three – Feudalism

(A) Introduction|

Feudalism establishes two sets of laws, one for the Nobility and one for the Serfs. Having a two-tiered legal system is a guarantee of social instability and revolution; this fact has been proven time and again across the span of European History. What we have in many so-called Western Countries at the present time is Feudalism, except our present nobility is predicated solely upon having copious amounts of money; this is especially so in the Zio-American Empire.

The word Serf comes from the expression “To Serve.” The serf exists to serve the noble. This sounds a bit like slavery, does it not? Yes, the arrangement of having serfs and nobles sounds a bit like the living arrangements that were associated with old chattel slavery because such arrangements are like chattel slavery, just in a different form. Classic chattel slavery is well known to everybody, except in the case of Wage Slavery (The notion of wage slavery is not just a Marxist concept) the chains are made of money rather than iron, but these chains are nonetheless very real and they serve exactly the same purpose.

Wage Slavery is an absolutely essential component of Capitalism, which like Communism, is a Jewish invention. Both Capitalism and Communism are just two sides of the same International Jewish coin. Capitalism and Communism are both just ways for Jews to accomplish the same goal of setting up their planned Jewish Global Plantation. It matters not one whit to the laborer which system he labors under, because any economic system or any social order that is created by Jews is all the same for the working man, be this labor in a state-run enterprise or a multinational corporation. It must never be forgotten that in almost all cases, when there is a Jewish capitalist or a Jewish communist system, only those who are loyal to their Jewish masters are ever allowed to rise.


(B) Origins|

The pagan tribes of Europe possessed a tribal aristocracy which was made up of the most capable families. Under the auspices of this old pagan way of life, special status was carried over from generation to generation in a way that somewhat resembled a caste system.  However, there was a catch or a qualification within this system. For these semi-aristocratic families, if they wished to maintain their high-status positions, then the common good of their tribes had to always remain paramount. In the old pagan system of governance, there was nothing to stop individuals from moving from one place to another if they so desired, so people gravitated away from unpopular chiefs and towards popular ones. Not surprisingly, when the Roman Church introduced Christianity, the great mass of people rejected Christian teachings and kept to their old ways.

Despite facing huge amounts of popular resistance, the early Catholic Church eventually came to wield enormous power because Christianity promised those who held power within their tribes that they would have absolute power over their people if they were to force their underlings to accept Christianity. For pagan tribal leaders, any power which they might wield under the new aegis of Christianity was of course beholden to the dictates of the Roman Church. When pagan leaders accepted Christianity in exchange for wielding more power, this increase in power meant that they were no longer accountable to the common good. Under the new Christian way, European community leaders had to put the interests of The Church first and the interests of their communities second.

The arrival of Christianity also marked the arrival of Feudalism in Europe. Under the new Christian order, the old pagan tribal elites became the new Christian nobility. After Christianity became established as the new state religion of Europe, the formerly free pagan tribesmen of Europe were reduced to the status of serfs while the Roman Church hierarchy skimmed wealth from the peasants and nobles alike. The warriors who had formerly been the protectors of The People, were bought off by the nobility, and in exchange for a “peace of the action,” the warriors helped the nobility and The Church to keep the peasantry in line.

If there is a buck to be made at all, then Jewish merchants and Jewish money-changers soon show up looking to make handsome profits. In exchange for a cut of the proceeds, the nobles and the warriors both protected the Jewish merchants and Jewish money-changers as all four groups ruthlessly exploited the peasants. All of this exploitation that was directed against the peasant class set the stage for an explosion. This explosion from the angry and exploited peasants came in the form of what is now a suppressed episode in German history that is commonly called “The Peasant Wars.” The Peasant wars had a huge influence on the development of Adolf Hitler’s philosophy, along with the foundational underpinnings of the NSDAP, and the foundational underpinnings of National Socialism in general. The influences of the German Peasant Wars cannot be overestimated because these influences are among the most important wellsprings from which National Socialism arose.

Part Three – The Peasant Wars

 (A) Introduction|

The German Peasantry had the most developed Folkish sense, so they refused to convert to Christianity and they originally had no concept of money either. The traditional Volkish nature of the German peasantry necessitated a number of Popes in Rome calling for crusades to force the European peasantry to accept both Christianity, Feudalism, and a Money Economy with its accompanying Jewish money lending system. The Priest, The Noble, and the Jewish Merchant/Banker were all integral parts of the same Feudal system.

Germany was officially declared “Converted to Christianity” on four separate occasions during the course of the centuries-long Peasant Wars. On three separate occasions, the Crusader armies departed, then the peasant folk rose in rebellion and slaughtered the Christian priests, the greedy and entitled nobles, plus the merchants. After ridding themselves of their oppressors, the German peasants returned to worshipping their native gods, goddesses, and their native spirituality. Every one of these peasant uprisings against the corrupt Christian/Jewish social order spurred the Catholic Church’s headquarters in Rome to call for yet another crusade by whichever Pope was in power at that particular time.

(B) The Struggle for Heligoland |

This is a small archipelago in the North Sea off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein, and its inhabitants were ferociously loyal to the Old Ways and they refused to accept Christianity. In a bloody campaign that lasted 10 Years +/-, a crusader army exterminated the entire heavily armed and warlike population. Even the Crusaders admitted that the number of Crusaders that died while attacking Heligoland ended up being larger than the entire native population of the island.

A number of Crusader invasions against Heligoland were actually totally wiped out after setting foot on this tiny island. The main reason for the Crusaders being wiped out in such profuse numbers from attacking Heligoland is because the Roman Church insisted on the Heligolanders being exterminated. The Roman Church was determined to eliminate the Holigolanders because The Church was afraid that if they did not wipe out all of the Heligolanders, then the Heligolanders resistance efforts would serve to encourage other pagans all over Europe to revolt. One of the main reasons that the native pagans were able to hold out for so long was that they moved into the numerous “caves” that honeycombed the island.

The image above shows Heligoland from the air in contemporary times. 

(C) Florian Geyer & Gotz Und Berlichengen |

These individuals were themselves noble knights who in their time led highly successful peasant armies against The Church. By contrast, at that time, the other nobles were abusing the peasantry, and the merchants were exploiting the peasantry. I am most familiar with the former, so I will be mostly focusing on him. Florien Geyer and his Peasant Army would at one time control a sizable portion of Southern Germany. These two noble knights, military geniuses, and popular leaders, were considered by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP to be the first National Socialist heroes and they were both regarded as the first proto-National Socialists. Two Waffen SS Divisions would bear their names: the Florian Geyer Cavalry Division and the Goetz Und Berlichengen Panzergrenadier Division.

The image posted above is a portrait of Gotz und Berlichengen

(D) “The Burning Times” |

This refers to the period of time in European History when the Church in Rome directed the large-scale burning of people at the stake for alleged “witchcraft” either directly or indirectly. These witch burnings were what initially ignited The Peasant Wars. In this blog, I will focus on just the part of the subject of witch burnings and how they related to the Peasant Wars because to address this subject in its European (and New England) totality would require a whole other blog by itself.

German academics, when referencing official government records, have estimated that around 2,000,000 people were burned at the steak within what we would now recognize as Germany. This mass burning occurred under the auspices of the so-called Holy Roman Empire and these awful events happened long before German unification in the 1860s. Of the 2,000,000 people who were burned in what is today known as Germany, approximately 80% of these burned out folks were women, and of those burned women, around 80% were either widows or older unmarried women.

These women were what you could call “female peasant village elders” who were very respected and valued by the local peasantry for their wisdom. Thus, the term “wise women” is often used to describe these people. The Church and their cohorts would call them “witches,” because this weaponized word held such negative connotations for those who were ignorant of the true situation. It would be a gross oversimplification to think of these massive industrial-scale witch burnings as being a simple matter of spiritual practices because there was much more to it than what appears on the surface.

These “wise women” were very attached to the Old Ways, so they influenced the peasantry accordingly. These so-called “witches” were very skilled herbalists as well as keepers of old pagan traditions. The peasants depended on these traditional wise women for both spiritual guidance and for healing; therefore, such practices enraged The Church because the peasants were going to the wise women for guidance instead of to the Christian priests.

The Church wanted to eliminate competition and consolidate its control over the peasantry, so it makes perfect sense that church officials would try to extirpate as many village wise women as they could. Early male physicians were also burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft because Christianity viewed any and all sicknesses as “God’s” punishment for sin. If Christianity viewed sickness as a punishment for having committed sins, then the only route for mitigating sickness was to find a Christian priest, then petition that man for healing.

Very often, land was owned by these village wise women, and remember that these women were often widows; therefore, local nobles coveted whatever land these women may have owned. With an eye towards appropriating more land, local nobles very willingly helped Christian institutions to get rid of village wise women in exchange for gaining ownership of their land claims — nobles only appropriated whatever land The Church did not insist on taking for themselves. Witch burnings also provided an excellent route to settle old personal scores because all a person had to do to see a personal rival tortured and killed was denounce that person to The Church for being a witch.

There were also cases of individuals scheming for the same high office in The Church, and in such cases one person would denounce their rival as a Witch. In such cases, these witch trials were always decided by torture.

The name “Inquisition” has been routinely misapplied to the “Burning Times.” Basically, “The Inquisition” as they are commonly called, mainly went after what The Church called “Christian Heretics.” In this case, the term “Christian Heretics” denotes those Christians who taught and/or believed doctrines that the Roman Church did not officially approve. Although the Peasant Wars would eventually grow to involve fighting for many things, these conflicts were initially ignited because the Peasants simply wanted to defend their ancestral ways and their beloved wise women.

(E) Florian Geyer & His Army of Wotan|

Geyer’s Peasant Army was called The Army of Wotan to signify that he and his were both dedicated to the service of Wotan, who is the German equivalent of Odin from the classic Norse mythology. Geyer and his army have been frequently misidentified as Christians in order to hide what they really stood for, but this bit of misinformation can now be dispensed with.

One of the things that Geyer and his men did was to travel about rescuing “wise women/witches” from the clutches of The Church, the nobles, and the stake. Those who were responsible for this wonton epidemic of torture and burnings lived in mortal terror of being captured by Florian Geyer and his Army of Wotan. Those behind the witch burnings were terrified of Geyer and his men because these warriors showed absolutely no mercy to their enemies and they were known to burn perpetrators on the same stakes where their witch-burning victims had perished earlier.

Eventually, whenever Florian Geyer and his peasant army were around, these Christian witch burnings stopped and the perpetrators of these burnings cleared out while they still could. I will not dwell on the tortures which were inflicted on these unfortunate women, except I will say that these witch burnings often had a dark and sadistic sexual nature and outright rape was actually a common part of these events. Not surprisingly, the odds of rape increased proportionately with the attractiveness of the women who were slated for burning.

(F) Conclusion|

The whole point of all these witch burnings was to establish feudalism in Germany and across all other parts of Europe upon a solid, but perhaps fiendish, foundation. These witch burnings were a large part of what made the Early Middle Ages into the Dark Ages. These witch burnings reflected a time when the Ancient German civilization was being replaced by feudalism and it was refusing to go quietly. The German peasantry, however, never totally forsook the Old Ways, but these old ways were just driven more-or-less underground for centuries until the Great One came along and made pre-Christian German ways an essential part of his new National/Racial Socialism. In other words, the Peasant Wars planted the earliest seeds of what would one day sprout as National/Racial Socialism.

Part Four – Napoleon Bonaparte and Reforming Nobility;

Much, but by no means all, of the French Nobility were killed off during the French Revolution. However, in a number of cases the French nobility brought down destruction upon their own heads because of their abuses against the common people. During the French Revolution, the Jews and the Freemasons took advantage of the popular discontent, then they used this discontent to seize power. After a period of time known as “The Terror, ” Napoleon had to seize power himself to save France from utter destruction. The “reign of terror” is marked by France being so badly managed by Jews and Freemasons that some semblance of order needed to be restored on way or another.

Basically, Napoleon saw a genuine need for a Nobility which resembled a Ruling Caste; however, most of the old French nobility had disqualified themselves from ever becoming part of anything resembling a new type of nobility, that is if they had survived the French Revolution at all. Napoleon recognized that many in the old French nobility had provoked the popular unrest which the “terrorists” had manipulated in order to achieve power, yet there were still some members of the old nobility who put the welfare of the French people first and deserved their title of nobility, there just were not very many of these people.

Napoleon finally ended up creating a new nobility which combined the very best elements of the old nobility with outstanding individuals from the other classes who had proven their worth. Under Napoleon’s leadership, some of France’s old nobility were stripped of their titles, some nobles kept their titles, while others who were not born into the nobility were given new noble titles. The new French nobility that Napoleon created was not dissimilar in principle from what The Chancellor and his party would later set out to achieve in Germany.

Part Five – The Roman Experience;

In the days of the Early Roman Republic, the Romans were primarily an agrarian people who lived without slavery and had no concept of money. Agrarianism, along with the true absence of anything resembling Slavery, plus the absence of Money, were/are very ancient Aryan concepts/practices, and this ancient Aryan freedom-loving character carries through to today’s living people of European descent. This European love of freedom goes a long way towards explaining why there is such a crushing effort to rid the world of Europeans.

Urban society, slavery, and a money-based economy only arrived in Europe at a later time; specifically, after the Romans had made the mistake of allowing Jewish moneychangers/lenders (in modern terms Bankers) to take root in Rome. In Rome, where was a group of highly successful, independent, and respected large farm families called the Patricians. The Patricians earned their positions of leadership due to their hard work, their high character, and their commitment to the welfare and culture of Rome and its people.

The Patrician way was to do all of their own work and to only hire help when and if they it was absolutely needed. These Patrician families produced a bumper crop of brilliant political and military leaders whom the Plebeians (commoners) trusted and gladly followed. I will give a well-known example of great Patrician leadership in action: The Roman Senate had to declare war against another people who were living on the Italian peninsula, so the Roman Senate determined that a man by the name of Cincinnatus was the citizen that was best qualified to command their army.

Cincinnatus has the fine city of Cincinnati, Ohio named after him. The city of Cincinnati’s greatest claim to fame is the old television show from the 1980’s WKPR in Cincinnati

During this time, the Romans had no profession standing army, so every adult male citizen was automatically a member of the militia by default. Romans, most especially the Patricians, did not consider military service to be a responsibility or a duty, but they did consider military service to be a right that was due to every man for being free citizen. For the early Romans, to not be called up when there was a war was considered to be a grave offense to a man’s dignity.

With the spectra of war looming, a delegation from the Roman Senate was sent to Cincinnatus’s farm to notify him that he had been appointed to command the gathering Roman army. When the men of the Roman delegation rode up to Cincinnatus’s house, they found to find his wife and daughters cooking and doing housework, etc. The arriving Roman delegation then told Cincinnatus’s wife that they needed to speak to him. In response, Cincinnatus’s wife pointed out into the fields and said, “He is plowing.”

Next, the Roman visitors rode to where Cincinnatus was plowing a field behind a team of oxen and informed him of his appointment. Upon hearing this news, Cincinnatus put aside his farm work and soon left with the Roman delegation. The war ended very soon with a total Roman victory thanks to Cincinnatus. After observing the required spiritual celebration of thanksgiving that followed a military victory, which was called a Triumph, Cincinnatus told everybody that he was going home because he still had spring plowing to do.

Over the long years, the classical Patrician families degenerated and ceased to be what they originally were. In their later incarnations, the Patrician families from Rome’s early years became rich slave-owning land-barons who saw themselves as possessing their positions in society by something like a divine right. These late-stage Patrician landowners drove small Plebeian farmers off their land and gobbled up these small farms. The small farmers could not compete economically with the big landowners because the Plebian farmers still had to do their own work, while the Patrician families had the benefit of using free slave labor. This new slave-labor-driven economy of the Roman Empire was perpetrated by a new class of land-owning Patricians. Rome’s new Patrician slave-based economy forced the now-impoverished Plebeians into the capital city of Rome and other provincial cities which in turn destabilized the whole Roman republic.

When the Plebian farmers were driven from their meager land holdings and forced into urban areas with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, this situation created a new and festering urban underclass across the Roman Empire that was wide open to the influences of demagogues and their Jewish moneychanger partners. As dispossessed Plebian farmers trickled into Roman cities, they became easy marks for predatory Jews who wrecked the Roman economy through debt and interest. (Now this sounds all too familiar to us former agrarian Americans doesn’t it?)

So, with the Roman empire, we see an aristocracy who originally more than deserved their privileged positions degenerate into a serious threat to the survival of the very people who first granted them those privileged positions: such situations as this must always be guarded against.

Part Six – The World War Two Italian Military Experience:

 How many people realize that before Mussolini was removed from power and imprisoned the first time he was not technically the Italian head of state? When Mussolini was imprisoned the first time, King Emmanuel Victor III was technically Mussolini’s superior because Italy was still a monarchy. When Mussolini returned to power and established the Italian Social Republic in Northern Italy (which remained part of the Axis powers), he became the official head of state.

Once established as the Republic of Northern Italy’s official and de-facto head of state, Mussolini proceeded to abolish the monarchy. Mussolini abolished the monarchy for good reasons that were based on his previous experiences, and this time he also did what his chief supporters had always urged him to do. Mussolini’s close advisors had correctly judged that the Italian king was a complete political opportunist who was determined to stay in power by supporting whichever side that he thought was winning at any given moment. IL Duce’s fatal blunder was trying to work within the established order rather than abolishing it like he was advised to do.

By initially trying to support the monarchy, Mussolini saddled himself with many serious problems that he did not have to face. One really troubling problem that Mussolini faced was the fact that the Italian Army, Navy, and Air Force, were all Royal Institutions. Holding the designation of a “Royal Institution” meant that every branch of Italy’s military operated under the authority of Italy’s king who was an ignoramus as well as a craven opportunist. As a result of the king’s bumbling incompetence, the Officer Corps of the Italian military was generally drawn from the ranks of a corrupt and degenerate Italian aristocracy.

Men who were sourced from Italy’s entrenched aristocracy were poor military commanders for the most part because within this system the social status of one’s family was paramount, so each military commander’s personal competence or professional qualifications were ignored. Being commanded and “led” by a privileged and incompetent officer corps tended to wreck the morale of Italian military forces during World War II, and this pervasive morale problem inevitably brought repeated disasters to the battlefield.

Despite its nepotistic a corrupt nature, there were still capable and even brilliant Italian military leaders who were sourced from the corpulent aristocratic class; however, these men were just too few and far between to reverse Italy’s overall poor military performance during World War II. Italy’s poor military performance during World War II serves as a shining example what eventually happens when aristocratic status takes precedence over professional qualification and competence.

The image above shows Mussolini with Italy’s King Victor Emmanuel III

A typical example of Mussolini’s troubles with incompetent aristocratic military officers: Mussolini had to invade Greece to forestall a British occupation of that country which he knew was coming soon. Despite Mussolini’s ample foresight concerning Britain’s impending invasion of Greece, the Italian general who was in command of this operation was a completely incompetent aristocrat, so he totally bungled Italy’s military operations on the Balkan peninsula. This aristocratic Italian general’s bumbling of the Albanian campaign meant that the enemy forces were soon able to control half of Albania. The Italian military’s woes in the Balkans persisted until Mussolini sacked the first general and put another general in charge who knew what he was doing.

The image seen above shows Mussolini, King Victor Emmanuel, and Adolf Hitler watching a military parade in Rome during 1938. 

Upon his arrival, Mussolini’s new appointed general soon stabilized the situation in Albania which soon slumped into a protracted stalemate between Italians and Greeks in the mountains of central Albania. After the Italians stabilized the situation in Albania, German intervention (Blitzkrieg) arrived and quickly brought a successful conclusion to this campaign. Italy’s Balkan campaign concluded by the Italians keeping the Greek army bogged down in the Albanian mountains while the Germans swept into Greece and quickly routed the British army along with the rest of the Greek army that was not bogged down in Albania. After the British and Greek armies were routed in Greece itself, the remaining Greek and British soldiers were sent streaming into POW camps or there were forced to make a headlong retreat out of Greece.

Part Seven – Conclusion: Establishing A NEW Aryan Nobility:

It should now be obvious that there is an absolute necessity for creating a New Nobility and even Caste System if we are to ensure that the best people are going to be running things from generation to generation; however, it should also be equally obvious that that a new nobility CANNOT be created out of the existing class structure of our present Western societies whether that be Canada, Germany, or any other European-derived nation. Even though a new aristocracy cannot be built from what exists today, a new aristocracy will still wind up absorbing individual elements from what is in place now.

There is also the problem that great nobilities have always tended to degenerate over time; although they still tend to retain their original wealth and institutional power as this degeneration progresses over generations. Strangely, a purely fair merit-based social system poses the danger of stripping the lower stratas of society of their best elements, which inevitably create a system of peonage where an educated and wealthy aristocracy perpetually rules over an ignorant and impoverished mass of dolts.

Indeed, a new elite leadership must be based upon merit in order to start everything off on a good foundation; however, things can easily be carried too far in this direction as I was just saying. You also have to prevent a dog-eat-dog competition for positions among the general population because these sorts of arrangements are antithetical to any sense of Folk Identity. Excessive and fierce competition for every scrap on society’s table is harmful for a folk because such systems results in a “perpetual war of everybody against everybody.”

You also have to limit the scale of the nobility so that it does not become like a cancer that devours the state and the Folk. The solution that the Romans of the Early Republic came up with was the following: The Senate, which was the governing body of the Early Republic, passed laws that limited the number of Patrician Families. Under this early Roman legal system, additional Patrician families had to each be approved by the senate. If a family was to ever be granted official Patrician status, they needed to have an illustrious tradition of service to the People of Rome. In a few very unusual cases, the Roman Senate did strip various families of their Patrician status.


                     Points to Keep in Mind Regarding Aryan Nobility:

(1) The meaning of the name “Aryan” is Nobility.

(2) The name “Aryan” originally applied only to the Nobility of the so-called “White or Northern Races” of which there were originally three. Indeed, the Aryans functioned as sort of a Higher Nobility for the Entire Earth and all of the Races of Men (Jews, being aliens from beyond, are excluded from any designation as a true “Race of Men.”)

(3) The earliest Aryans are described as fair-skinned, blue-eyed, and red-haired. These early red-haired Aryans obviously stemmed from the “Men of the North,” but they were not necessarily synonymous with men from northern places. Aryans were forbidden from marrying outsiders, including members of other “White Races”

(4) At a certain point, Egypt became the central seat of Aryan Nobility, therefore, the original Ancient Egyptians were in fact Aryans. (The famous Ramesses family were all Aryans.)

(5) Egypt and more especially the Giza Plateau were referred to as “The Navel of the Earth,” and these areas were once the center of Aryan power.

To the North of Egypt lived the Men of the North who were the three “White Races”.

To the East of Egypt lived the Men of the East who were the three “Yellow Races”.

To the South of Egypt lived the Men of the South who were the three “Black Races”

To the West of Egypt lived the Men of the West who were the three “Red Races”.

(This designation of different peoples inhabiting different locations does not imply equality between all races; it just means the regions that had been assigned to them to live in. For the ancient Egyptians, race mixing (inter-marriage) was not allowed.)

(6) The Aryans were given the responsibility of being the world’s civilizers and teachers, but not the world’s rulers. Although they would sometimes dwell in other areas for a time as needed, their permanent home was always in Egypt.


It goes without saying that we are not going to recreate the exact circumstances that existed during the Last Golden Age, but this last golden age does give us a good general idea of what we must always be striving to become as a group.

Heil Hitler deva!

Randall Lee Hilburn

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