Is There  Epidemic Abuse Toward Police and Military Service Dogs?

Is There Epidemic Abuse Toward Police and Military Service Dogs?

ANIMAL RIGHTS AND NATIONAL SOCIALISM Preface – Modern Origins of Animal Rights . The widespread abuse of dogs among police and military organizations around the world has recently been brought to my attention, and documentation of this abuse has mostly come from the United States and the United Kingdom. Being a “Cat Person” myself, I…

Is There A Connection Between Jews and Wildmen?

Is There A Connection Between Jews and Wildmen?

JEWS & “WILDMEN” (This Subject’s Relevance for Intentional National/Racial Socialist Communities)   Part One – What Exactly Do I Mean By “Wildmen”? The terms “Wildmen,” “Giants,” and “Bigfoot” (or Sasquatch) are oftentimes conflated with each other, and incorrectly if you want to get technical about it. However, for the purposes of this blog I will…

Is there a Link Between Dragons and National Socialism?

Is there a Link Between Dragons and National Socialism?

ENTER THE DRAGON! (Dragons in the Aryan Tradition) Introduction   n  Western Countries, most people’s idea of Dragons are generally a very negative, and these ideas are formed from a combination of fictional films and fictional literature. This fictional film and literature that portrays dragons negatively is of course put together by the usual Judeo-Christian…

Are the Dwarves of Legend Connected to National Socialism?

Are the Dwarves of Legend Connected to National Socialism?

THE SECRET OF BERCHTESGADEN & UNTERSBERG: (ADOLF HITLER, ARYANS, AND THE DWARVES)   Introduction – A Sacred Precinct The area in the Alps around the charming Alpine town of Berchtesgaden and nearby Mount Untersburg has long been a very sacred area to Aryans from their first arrival in Europe millennia ago up to the present…

Class Tensions Article Cover

Can National Socialism Erase Economic Class Tensions?

TOWARDS A CLASSLESS SOCIETY WITH ADOLF HITLER (Being A Follow Up to My Previous Blog “Surviving the Ax Age”) Part One – Introduction to Aristocracy/Nobility There are three forms of Aristocracy, depending on what the aristocracy is based upon: ➤ Aristocracy of Blood ➤ Aristocracy of Money ➤ Aristocracy of Merit With the first type…

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