Will Harnessing Vril Energy Create a New Golden Age?


Introduction – What Is Vril Energy?

Vril Energy is the Background Energy of The Multiverse, of which this Universe is a part; this is the most basic definition of Vril Energy!

Vril exists beyond Good and Evil, and beyond any conceptions of Male and Female. Vril Energy is called by Neo-Platonists “The One.” Vril Energy can also be understood as an infinite sea of potential that exists outside of both time and space, but perversely, Vril Energy also exists within all of time and space. Once again, Vril Energy perversely and paradoxically contains all consciousness but is not itself conscious. The Logos “The First Thought” (Male Principal), and The Cosmos “The First Act” (Female Principal) have always existed within Vril, and both the First Thought and the First Act are just as timeless as Vril Energy itself! (Put that in your pipe and smoke it!)

This infinite sea of Vril potential is neither Good nor Evil — it is just there. How Vril Energy is used determines whether Good or Evil fruit is produced from the universe’s tree of Vril Energy. The Ancient Celts referred to Vril Energy as “The Sea,” as did some old-time Germans. The Vedas of India also refer to Vril Energy as being an infinite sea. Vril is also the raw material that The Creator uses to create things. Nothing is ever produced from nothing, and everything begins with energy, but energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. The Creator manipulates energy to produce the material world. Creator (Godhead) = God The Father (God) + God The Mother (Goddess). Consciousness manipulates energy to produce form. To briefly reiterate: Vril Energy is, of course, this Sea of Infinite Potential in which everything exists.

The image above is furnished courtesy of MUBI.com

Part One – Vishnu Creates the Universe
Vishnu and his beloved wife Shakti are riding on a luxurious barge that is floating on the surface of an infinite sea (Remember the Sea?). Vishnu lies sleeping with his head on his wife’s lap as she watches over him. He awakens and with her “encouragement” he then begins to imagine The Universe into being in the midst of The Sea. The Universe exists in a Golden Age, all is peace, prosperity, and perfection, then there is an invasion from out of the midst of this vast sea by the alien and predatory Rakshasas (Evil spirits) who then begin to corrupt The Universe.

The image above is furnished courtesy of abcnews.go.com

Shakti keeps diligent watch over Vishnu’s body, as he incarnates in various forms so he can enter The Universe over time to do battle with the Rakshasas. Vishnu periodically enters the universe in order to destroy those who have already invaded the universe, and Vishnu also enters the universe in order to prevent any more Rakshasas from arriving. Vishnu’s first incarnation in the Universe is as Rama, and his last one, which is to usher in a total victory and a return to a New Golden Age is Kalki. Savitri Devi was the first to recognize that the next to last incarnation of Vishnu was Adolf Hitler. The war between Vishnu and the Rakshasas is a fight to the death over who can make the best use of the energy which originates from The Sea of Vril. This is a battle that the Rakshasas are destined to lose.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of tumblr.com

Part Two – Evil Spirits in Human Form and Vril Energy

Vril Energy can be compared to the gasoline that powers automobiles; cars may be used for good or evil purposes — but gasoline simply provides the needed energy for cars to move either way. Vril Energy is like gasoline but not like a conscious force. What we saw in part one was a case where hostile alien invaders entered The Universe that Vishnu has created, then corrupting this universe by making use of the same energy field which Vishnu used to create this universe. As damaging as this contamination by way of alien invaders might be, this collection of alien miscreants is still at a distinct disadvantage when operating in our world because this Universe is created and maintained by the will of Vishnu. Concerning matters of our own universe, Vishnu has a home-field advantage which enables him to ensure that any harm these evil invaders do is only temporary.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of buzzfeednews.com

The essential take-home point for this moment is that these Evil Alien Spirits can manipulate Vril Energy to accomplish their foul purposes, but they can only manipulate Vril Energy to a certain point. The Aryans are the great civilizers of the world that Vishnu has created — that is our ultimate purpose. Our mortal enemies (We know who they are, don’t we?) must keep the Aryans ignorant of who they are along with their true history and their ultimate potential until they can manage to destroy the Aryans altogether. Jewish destruction of Aryan people involves keeping Aryans ignorant of Vril Energy, hopefully until it is too late for any surviving Aryans to make a difference.

Evil entities always intend to use Vril Energy for evil purposes, but other individuals may have what I will call “flawed purposes” when they use Vril Energy. Flawed purposes are not consciously evil, but they are more along the lines of being self-centered or selfish. People who use Vril Energy for flawed purposes often do so without necessarily realizing that their ends are selfish and flawed. In many instances where people use Vril Energy for flawed purposes, they still need at least some degree of legitimate technical knowledge involving how to make use of Vril Energy. When people are using Vril Energy for flawed purposes, then we must question their motives, but we must not make the mistake of underestimating their abilities even if we question their motivations, most especially if they are allowed to pursue questionable agendas in secret as they are now.

Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com

Part Three – The Vril & Thule Societies

Originally the Thule Society and the Vril societies were separate entities, but they still possessed a certain degree of overlap. They also had many members, but by no means all of their members in common. Each society originally had a certain degree of interest in esoteric or occult knowledge, but each society also had an interest in more mundane matters. Over time, the focus of each group changed, however. The Vril Society began to focus more on Spiritual Matters, and the Thule Society began to focus more on prosaic matters like politics and economics, etc., but these two societies would over time increasingly come to work in tandem with each other with the Vril Society focusing on Occult Research (Occult just means hidden knowledge, and nothing more), and the Thule Society focusing on the practical applications of their discoveries.

The image above shows Maria Orsic who was allegedly a key member of the old Vril Society. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of imdb.com

We can easily see why some individuals, like Adolf Hitler for example, maintained membership in both organizations. You could say that the Vril Society became involved in Pure Occult Science (Research), while the Thule Society became involved with Applied Occult Science (Development). Both the Thule Society and the Vril Society had already begun to work in tandem with each other when they were both absorbed into the NSDAP, which specifically meant that both groups became different departments within the SS which operated under the singular leadership of Heinrich Himmler.

Part Four – Nikola Tesla And Vril Energy

Tesla made certain discoveries that he called “Zero Point Energy.” As Nicola Tesla saw things, the Zero Point was the background energy field of The Universe; therefore, Tesla invented a certain technology to tap into this energy for practical purposes. Zero Point Energy technology enabled people to tap into this always-present and infinite supply of free energy.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of free energy.myspreadshop.com

Tesla’s new field of Zero-Point Energy technology promised to offer devices that were very simple and cheap to produce, so simple in fact that these devices would wear out and need to be replaced at a very slow rate. These devices had an antenna which collected the Zero Point Energy, a converter to transform this ambient energy into useful mechanical or electrical energy, and that was it.

Each automobile, home, aircraft, machine, or whatever else would come equipped with the inexpensive antenna and converter, which would last for the life of whatever it was used to power. An added benefit of Tesla’s new technology is the fact that these systems make transmission of power from one place to another totally unnecessary because power is generated at its point of use. Anybody can now readily see why this made Nikola Tesla marked for termination with extreme prejudice (aka death) by the ruling Jewish establishment. In one swoop, Tesla eliminated the need for the fossil fuel industry which includes the coal mining industry, the oil extraction industry, and the natural gas extraction industry.

Of all the fossil fuel industries, the coal mining industry is arguably the dirtiest and most environmentally destructive, but like it or not, our modern world is still heavily dependent on coal as an energy source. The nuclear power industry, the biofuels industry, the solar industry, the wind industry, and hydroelectric dam industry are also big money makers for the Jewish establishment in the world energy sector.

The image seen above features two coal miners who are finishing another dangerous, unhealthy, and tiring shift extracting coal from an underground mine. The image above is furnished courtesy of stock.adobe.com

Indeed, Tesla’s inventions still can dispense with any need for whatever industry is involved with the creation and transmission of electrical power and energy in general. Most of all, Tesla’s discoveries had dealt a potentially fatal blow to the profit margins of the international Jewish bankers who made vast fortunes by financing the grand-scale Ponzi schemes of the world’s various energy industries.

Energy industries of various types are also used as tools to help control the world’s population. Using Zero Point (aka Vril) Energy is 100% non-polluting; indeed, Zero Point/Vril energy it is the ONLY truly clean or “green” energy because it eliminates the vast bulk of the causes for pollution of the air, the land, and the water. With Zero Point/Vril energy being free, it eliminates a great deal of the financial burden on individuals, businesses, and governments; needless to say, the Jews would not be too pleased with a scenario such as this.
The Elimination of the Threat Posed by Nikola Tesla and his Technology

The image seen above shows Nicola Tesla in 1890. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of wikipedia.org

His home and laboratory were located near the eastern end of Long Island, New York. For so-called but unspecified “national security reasons,” the FBI raided this site and detained Tesla (on no charges), and they also confiscated everything they could carry off from Tesla’s laboratory (notes, drawings, etc.), while also destroying whatever they could not carry away.

Last I heard, some years ago, the steel towers which held the antennas that were needed to run Tesla’s Zero-Point generators were still there where his old laboratory was, but the FBI eventually removed these old remains of the antennas themselves. Indeed, the FBI hauled away whatever was left of Tesla’s old laboratory to unknown destinations. During their initial raid on Tesla’s laboratory, the FBI also drenched with acid and burned a great deal of written materials that were on site (but by no means all of it), including most of Tesla’s research library.

Following this raid, Tesla was arrested, but he was eventually released from custody without any charges having been made against him, however, all of his assets were seized, and he was prevented from finding employment in anything having to do with his chosen field of research. As a result, he soon became destitute and began to suffer from malnutrition. He eventually contracted some minor illness and because his body was so weakened by hunger he died of it — viola, problem solved!

The image above is furnished courtesy of plitvicetimes.com

Some researchers have determined that at least some of Tesla’s technology has now been patented by the major oil companies who now keep it locked away to prevent anybody from making use of it; however, enacting this patenting process does not mean that any nuclear, coal, petroleum, or “renewable energy” companies are planning to make use of Tesla’s free-energy technology themselves either. Washington has declared Tesla’s old free-energy patents to be matters of “National Security” and thus they have given access to these patents the highest security classifications that they can.

Part Five – The Great Pyramids and Vril Energy

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of africaiswok.com

The exact age of the Great Pyramids in Giza Egypt is undetermined. Our Aryan Ancestors may have built these three pyramids, but I think it is possible that our Aryan ancestors found these structures there in a dilapidated condition and restored them after they arrived in Egypt; they at least did that much.
The Pyramids of Giza had again fallen into disrepair before the reign of the Pharaoh Khufu, yet it was Khufu who carried out a major restoration project on these three pyramids that was actually attested to by Greek eyewitnesses; this is how Khufu’s name first got attached to the Giza Pyramids. Leading mainstream archeologists know the truth perfectly well, but they have chosen to suppress this true history and replace it with false history.

The Hebrews claim to have built the three Great Pyramids at Giza, but like everything else that pertains to the Jews, this assertion is also a complete lie. The Great Pyramids had already existed millennia before the Jews were ever living in Egypt, but none the less, the Jews are currently laying claim to having built the Great Pyramids of Giza themselves by promoting this canard through their own particular counterfeit renditions of history.

Image furnished courtesy of Elly Riechman on quora.com

For the purposes of this particular blog, what we are highlighting is the repeated discovery and loss of the knowledge as it pertains to Vril Energy over the course of millennia while any rediscovered knowledge of Vril Energy tends to wind up being monopolized by a secret and select few who want to use it as a means to rule like “Gods” upon the face of the Earth. Is it necessary for me to name them? They are in all probability fighting among themselves over who will get to this incredible technology: “There is no honor among thieves.”

When it first began to be used as an energy source by Our Aryan Ancestors (The Original Egyptians), The Great Pyramid (meaning the largest of Giza’s three pyramids) produced energy that was available to all Aryans because they were after all semi-divine offspring of the Higher Spirits to begin with. The general population of Egypt also benefited indirectly from Vril Energy by way of their Aryan Nobility. There has been a debate which has gone on for a long time within the so-called “Truth Movement” concerning whether The Great Pyramids was originally used to generate electricity, or whether the Great Pyramid and the two smaller pyramids were built solely for spiritual purposes. My contention is that once one comes to fully understand Vril Energy, then it is blatantly obvious that the Great Pyramids was used for both purposes at the same time.

Image furnished courtesy of pixabay.com

Christopher Dunn, who is a master builder among other things, has long-ago conclusively proven that the stones which were used to construct the original three Great Pyramids of Giza were cut and shaped using huge diamond-edged saws, ultra-sonic drill bits, and diamond-tipped computer-assisted machine tools. Furthermore, Dunn also proved that the Great Pyramid was used to generate electricity; this much I commend him for.

The image above shows author Christopher Dunn’s personal profile on X.com

The first question is: where did “they” — whoever “they” were — get the electricity that was needed to operate the machines which were used to construct the Great Pyramids? Concerning the previous question, Christopher Dunn’s explanation is muddled and it does not make sense, but once you understand the work of Nikola Tesla, then the answer becomes quite obvious.
The next problem we need to address concerning the Great Pyramids, which Christopher Dunn never addresses, is how was the electrical power which was generated in order to operate the tools that were needed to build the Great Pyramids transmitted from place to place? Again, once one understands the work of Tesla, then they know the answer to that previous question as well.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of Simon & Schuster’s  online bookstore.

As I have said earlier, the internal construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza clearly establishes that these structures generated and utilized an enormous amount of electrical energy, whatever that electricity’s ultimate use might have been. The missing capstone of The Great Pyramid was made from some type of unidentified stone that was shaped to form another small pyramid. This small pyramid that once rested at the top of the largest pyramid of Giza was an antenna which was used to gather Vril Energy, and this capstone was removed for some unknown reason a long time ago. There may indeed have been more than one antenna that was utilized over time at the Giza Plateau.
Gateway to The Stars

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of stock.adobe.com

Graham Hancock, in his 1995 international bestseller of a book titled, “Fingerprints of the Gods” established that the original layout of Ancient Egypt’s sacred sites precisely matched the layout of a number of important stars and constellations in the night sky. As a part of the old “as above, so below principle,” the layout of the three Giza Pyramids mirrors the layout of the three “belt stars” of the Orion Constellation.

Furthermore, the world’s most sacred sites are laid out in a regular pattern that is based on a system of latitude and longitude like the one that is in common use now, except there is one critical difference. The Point of Origin (the point from which everything is measured) of the older system is The Great Giza Pyramid, while that of our current system is the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

The image above shows the Royal Observatory building that is located in Greenwich, England. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of headout.com

An individual who spends the night alone in the heart of The Great Pyramid who is lying in the misnamed “sarcophagus” within the misnamed “King’s Chamber” experiences an uncoupling of the Body and Spirit. The Body remains lying in the “sarcophagus”, while the Spirit, which is no longer restrained by time and space, is free to journey to the stars. This is made possible by the Vril Energy which is constantly being collected and processed by The Great Pyramid while a person makes one of these incredible out-of-body celestial journeys, much electricity is also being produced at the same time.

There is also a natural cavern beneath the largest of the three pyramids of Giza, and the Great Pyramid of Giza was deliberately positioned above this cavern. During the Great Pyramid’s construction process, a tunnel was dug from the interior of the Great Pyramid down into the cavern below. No artifacts of any kind have ever been found in either the tunnel or the cavern that is located below the pyramid, and the exact reason for all of this is unknown, but the tunnel and the cavern below the Great Pyramid were obviously considered an essential component of this construction project.

Image furnished courtesy of gregorspoerri.com

Access to The Great Pyramid of Giza is now barred by high chain-link fences that are topped with razor wire, and this area is not only surrounded by a military-grade fences, but it is also constantly patrolled by heavily armed soldiers who are regulars in the Egyptian national army. Tour groups that are lucky enough to travel through the Great Pyramid are now very closely escorted about and nobody is allowed to spend the night in the pyramid anymore. Besides having to contend with tight military-level security that surrounds the Three Great Pyramids at Giza at all times, if anyone dares to impugn the official narrative that is offered for the origin and construction of these monuments, they will be immediately expelled from the premises and forever barred from returning.

The image above shows two members of the Egyptian regular military who are on guard duty at the Great Pyramids location near Egypt’s capital city of Cairo. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of smarthomescene.com

Any researchers who have dared to question the orthodox academic explanation for The Great Pyramids have also been totally barred from the site years ago. What is clearly evident however, even from high above, or even when viewed from a distance, is the great deal of excavation work that is constantly going on beneath The Great Pyramid by what appears to be only military equipment. No questions are ever answered as to what is going with this excavating work around the Great Pyramid.

Part Six – Third Reich “Flying Saucers” and Vril Energy

During World War II, while the Third Reich was able to produce some prototypes of aircraft which used Vril Energy, the designs for these craft were not perfected before the end of the war, well at least not in forms that could be produced in significant numbers. I am mainly referring to their propulsion systems here, the airframes for these craft had indeed already been perfected by the time the war ended. Of course, all of the bugs in these “Imperial German Flying Saucers”had already been worked out in time for the 1947 Battle of Antarctica. One of the few accounts of people being onboard one of these Imperial German UFOs in relatively recent years that I give any credence to I will relate now. The individual concerned was at the time an officer in the USAF. This event took place in one of the US government’s secret underground bases.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of archive.ph

During this meeting, some Nordic-looking individuals had somehow appeared at the base with one of their craft before the American Airforce officer got involved. The visitors gave the Zio-American military personnel free access to their craft. When this Zio-American military eyewitness asked these Nordic visitors why they were willing to take the risk of sharing their technology like this, the Nordic that he was talking to just laughed and said, “We’re not worried, we know you people will never figure out how to build or operate such a craft.”

After making his bold but lite-hearted statement, the Nordic visitor grew serious as he looked at the officer and said, “We just want you people to know what you’re up against if you should decide to start a fight with us.” The officer admitted that the visit had the intended effect. After getting a good look at this mysterious craft, the Zio-American military personnel who were present at that moment realized that they would be up against an enemy who possessed power far beyond their comprehension.

This Zio-American Airforce officer’s description of the craft that he inspected, which was a moderately sized boomerang or flying wing shape, is most intriguing. This craft’s body was made out of some seamless and totally unknown material. When the Zio-American officer touched this craft’s skin, he had the strange sensation that he was touching a living thing. This craft appeared to be some kind of living machine, or some kind of totally unknown lifeform. The Zio-American officer’s Nordic guide also took his visitor to the craft’s control room. All that was there was what looked like maybe a small instrument panel, although what was indicated on this control panel was totally incomprehensible to the Zio-American military man.

Then there was what resembled something like a basic easy chair which pivoted on a stand that was attached to the deck. In front of this console sat what resembled the joy stick on older aircraft. It could be freely moved about, but it did not seem to be linked to anything, nor to actually do anything. This Zio-American military visitor then looked at his guide in great puzzlement. His guide just kind of grinned and tapped on the side of his head. The officer understood. “Whatever it is, it is all in one’s head.” This craft is operated in some unknown way by the pilot’s brain, maybe the pilot and the craft become somehow one. After suitably impressing and/or intimidating their hosts, the Nordics departed to whatever place from whence they came.

Conclusion – The Way Forward

I have briefly described what Vril Energy is and some instances of it being used, but, do I claim to know how to make use of it myself? That is actually a very tricky question to answer. Do I know how to convert Vril Energy into a usable form in a material sense? Like, for example, Tesla did. The short answer is, No. I only know that Vril Energy can be converted into useful energy, and I know that it has been successfully done more than once. I also know that this knowledge of how to harness Vril Energy, which has been suppressed and forgotten, can be regained and made use of in a practical manner once again. Let me also add, Vril Energy ultimately must be used in a practical manner once more.

Image courtesy of sa df on pinterest.com

As for the question as to whether the Spiritual use of Vril Energy is fitting and proper, the answer is most definitely a qualified yes. By qualified, I mean that I have only half-consciously been led into the knowledge of Vril Energy while not fully realizing what it was I was dealing with, nor how powerful it was. This lack of knowledge about Vril Energy has at least been corrected now, so from now on, I will begin to learn in a thorough and systematic manner how to make the most effective use of sacred Vril Energy.

We must re-learn how to use Vril Energy in order to defeat the enemies of Our Folk and to create a better world for our folk once our blood enemies have been decisively dealt with. Once our enemies have been properly dealt with, then we will use Vril Energy to make our Earth bloom once again while also bringing about a Renaissance of our Folk and a renaissance of Nature. A renaissance of our Folk and of Nature shall commence the dawning of a New Golden Age.

Image courtesy of the r/WTF forum on reddit.com

In the process of establishing a new Golden Age, I and my closest companions will begin to return to the Higher Planes we once left so many millennia ago, and in turn, we will earn the right to never reincarnate into this world again.

Our enemies only seem to be unstoppable, and this is because we live in ignorance of our own power. Once we Aryans become awakened to who and what we are, and once we grow awakened to the divine power which lies at the core of our very beings, then it is we who will become invincible. We are what we are because it is a part of our very nature, while our enemies are imposters. Working with Vril Energy is in our nature, while for our enemies, working with Vril Energy is something which they can learn but never really master. We are Aryans, they are alien invaders. It is high time for us to send them running like dogs with their tails between their legs from Our Universe, at least those that manage to survive the avenging wraith of the Aryans.

Image courtesy of myfancydress.ie

Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn

A Cautionary Note About Using Vril Energy by James Rousse

Some years back, I was joining a group of friends for a morning get-together over coffee at a fine local coffee shop near the beach in the San Diego area.  One of my friends was a retired physicist who had worked for the American Department of Defense for around 35 years before retiring. During that morning’s discussions,  the topic of fusion energy came up, and I commented that it seems like fusion energy was a bit of dead letter because as far as I understood it, almost as much energy had to be spent containing each reactor’s internal fusion reaction as was created from the fusion reaction itself.

To date, fusion reactors use powerful magnets to contain their internal fusion reactions, and this magnetic containment demands a lot of electrical power to keep working. Upon me mentioning this factor about fusion reactors needing tremendous amounts of energy to simply function at all, my retired physicist friend noted that during the course of his work he and other colleagues had devised a set of equations that would result in more sustainable fusion reactions. Not surprisingly, I asked him why the world was not using this clean and limitless technology to power our civilization.

The image seen above shows a massive and very costly JET or Joint European Torus fusion reactor that was operation at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in Oxfordshire, England. The photograph seen above was taken in 1991. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of wikipedia.org

My friend’s response was that this perfected and practical fusion energy technology was simply not for our time. His primary objection to using perfected fusion technology was that if humanity did actually have access to limitless and clean energy, then we would proceed to cook our planet with excessive heat.

The fear that my friend had along with his other physicist colleagues was that if idiotic people had access to unlimited, free, and non-polluting energy, then all of the uses that people would put this technology to would create excess heat buildup in Earth’s atmosphere. The problem with heat is that it cannot be simply erased – it has to go somewhere.

Anybody who has ever read any of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Series of science fiction books will recall reading about the planet of Trantor that featured so prominently in this series of novels. In this fictitious universe where Asimov’s foundation series takes place, the planet of Trantor is totally covered in city that extends many miles from top to bottom and covers every square inch of the planet’s surface. Interestingly, the planet called Coruscant from the Star Wars science fiction universe is very clearly modeled on Isaac Asimov’s planet Trantor from his classic Foundation series.

The image seen above features a painting from 1985 titled Hari by the artist Micheal Whalen that was used as a book cover for Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series. The image above is included because it depicts the surface of planet Trantor from Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series of novels. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of michealwhelen.com

The image seen above shows the surface of the Star Wars Universe’s planet Coruscant from low orbit. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of quora.com

The image seen above shows what the planet Coruscant looks like from a higher orbit when looking at the planet’s night side. The image seen above is provided courtesy of disney.fandom.com

In Asimov’s Foundation series of novels, the planet Trantor must use tall heat dispensers that are basically giant towers which extend into space itself to unload all of this massive city-planet’s excess internal heat. This unloading of Trantor’s excess heat into the void of space takes place during Trantor’s night cycles, otherwise the entire planet-wide city that covers all of Trantor would roast, then eventually catch fire and melt.

Say what you will about the old Jew Asimov, but he was a physicist, and he did state quire clearly in his Foundation series of books that heat was one very dangerous waste product that Trantor had a tough time processing and recycling.

The image above shows Isaac Asimov in his later years. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of Crocodillo on the r/sciencefiction forum from reddit.com

Like with the fictitious planet of Trantor, if our planet were to have unlimited energy available, then we would also eventually begin to suffer from an excessive and dangerous buildup of heat within our own atmosphere. So, were Asimov and my retired physicist friend right about free energy creating a dangerous level of excess heat in our atmosphere? I would have to say yes. I do not believe that having limitless and free energy is quite the great thing that some people might imagine it to be because such excess and unlimited use of energy in the forms of heat, light, and electrical current will eventually lead to an excessive buildup of planet-wide heat.

So, should Zero Point or Vril energy not be used at all due to misgivings about having dangerous levels of excess heat building up over time?  I would have to say that Vril energy can be used, but use of this technology can only be done with great care and restraint, so this technology should only be used by those who have the spiritual wisdom to manage such power without gradually destroying the wold as time passes.

Another cautionary note about using very sophisticated types of energy is that these technologies are not “Transparent.” When speaking about technology, the term “Transparent” refers to technologies that are simple and easily understood by humans without having any formal training nor any formal explanations that are provided. Ideally, transparent technologies are understandable after a bit of close study and inspection by people who have IQs of 120 or more. Examples of simple and transparent technology are items such as steam engines, diesel engines, and digitally based mechanical clocks.

The image above shows one of the “Jupiter” American stream trains that moved across the Old West. Seemingly primitive technology such as these rough and tumble steam locomotives from America’s vaunted Old West zeitgeist are at least easy to understand and easy to maintain. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of the Union Pacific Railroad’s office website.


The image above shows the basic inner workings of steam powered locomotives. At their core, steam trains actually represents a surprisingly simple and transparent technology that may not be very elegant, but it will stand the test of time well, and this seemingly backwards technology is nothing if not resilient. The image seen above is provided courtesy of lakesiderailway.co.uk

Some people might call me a Luddite, but I have a great deal of appreciation for steam engines simply because such technologies can be replicated and easily understood over the course of time. For example, how many people that you know personally could make a televisions set themselves from local materials if they ever needed to perform this task? How many of us genuinely understand how to make a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and how many of us actuary understand how these now-ubiquitous LCD devices work in a practical sense anyway?

The now-ubiquitous “Smartphone” uses a Liquid Crystal Display screen to snare its addicted populations. The pervasive device that we now call a Smartphone is based on technology that very few people actually understand, so the long-term sustainability of this technology is questionable over periods of centuries or millennia.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of gettyimages.com

One of the factors that has soured my feelings about fancy technologies is the fact that one of my relative drives an old Toyota Prius from 2006, and as of now, this car is having many problems with its electronic systems which would be absent on a car that uses simpler technology. My aunt and uncle also drove a diesel Mercedes sedan for decades, and this car can run without any electronics at all. Mitsubishi also produces a few lines of diesel engines that are specifically designed to operate without any electronics at all. These Mitsubishi diesel engines are designed to operate without any electronics because purely mechanical diesel engines are much easier to troubleshoot and repair when they break down.

The image above shows an old Toyota Prius like the one my relative still owns.The image seen above is furnished courtesy of torquenews.com

When cars are given over entirely to new and “progressive” developments like making everything electronic, then this creates reliability and reparability problems as these vehicle age, so perhaps installing all of these new whiz-kid electronics that operate newer cars is not such a bright idea after all. Old Volvos have a reputation for whistling as they drive past the junkyard.

My aunt and uncle owned a Mercedes 240 D diesel sedan like the one pictured in the photograph posted above. They finally got rid of their fine care around 2005, but they were the original owners and they purchased their automobile back in 1973. I recommended spending the money and doing a complete restoration of their diesel car, but alas, they chose to get rid of their gem and buy a new Volkswagen.

Diesel cars like the old Mercedes 240 can actually keep running for decades and their true working lifespans are still unknown. Morocco and other Middle Eastern nations still use old diesel Mercedes sedans from the 1960s and 1970s as taxis, they just need to do periodic rebuilds of these engines to keep their old taxis running. These old Mercedes diesel cars can run without any electronics. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of hemmings.com

I wrote two articles earlier #1. and #2. that both championed the return of steam trains, but these steam trains represent hyper-advanced steam train designs. I also like the idea of implementing micro-power technology on a mass scale. For example the website Low-Tech Magazine wrote an article which mentioned that England had more than 80,000 water wheels at one point in time, so this technology can be revitalized to a point where waterwheels could once again provide a substantial amount of Britain’s electricity.

Likewise, Low-Tech Magazine also published an article that discusses how at one point The Netherlands had more than 9,000 classic Dutch-styled windmills that incorporate into buildings of all types in operation. Classic Dutch windmills can produce up to 250 horsepower and these windmills can be incorporated into residential and commercial buildings, so it seems that there is a lot of potential to meet current energy needs through micro power applications. The personal research that I did gave me a true love for using sustainable bio-fuels and advanced steam engines, so perhaps Vril energy would work well for powering space ships and stargates, but I am not convinced that this technology will deliver on the promises that some people image which it might.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of atlasobscura.com

Another factor to consider is this, “What kind of an economy will a society that has free and limitless energy have?” What will people do with their time? Without work, will the masses have any purpose in their lives?

Hi Randall,
This is nicely written and there is a lot of good information here.
I just wanted to ask (in case you want to cover this in the future), if you have explored any history about the man who built the Coral Castle in Florida? It is thought by many researchers that the man who built the famous Coral Castle was using free Vril energy.

The image seen above shows the Coral Castle in Florida as it appears from a done-based aerial photograph. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of wondergressive.com

As for the idea of Good and Evil, I understand that there is only Goodness – Goodness (love or whatever one wants to call it), and that Evil is a distortion of this. In other words, they are not equal – Goodness can exist without Evil but Evil cannot exist without Goodness (because it is a manipulation of it).

Also, have you ever looked at the work of Dr. Sam Osmanagich and the Bosnian Pyramid (Brian Ruhe did an excellent interview with him). Dr. Osmanagich believes that the pyramids were used for communicating, communicating from pyramid to pyramid, communicating across planet Earth, and of course communicating with other planets. Dr. Osmanagich also said (and you touched upon this), that these pyramids were probably used for healing too.

Thank you again for an insightful article.

Take care,

The image seen above shows Dr. Osmanagich at one of Bosnia’s ancient pyramids.

Diane is spot on, Randall,

The Buddha used the terms skillful and unskillful. He usually didn’t say good and bad. Unskillful people, like the Talmudists, are only hurting themselves by taking over the world with force and deception. Are they happy, light, joyful people? No, so fuck that.

Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com

The Buddha said that the highest value is happiness — even higher than compassion. But now that Diane is a “Community Catholic,” I wonder if she still puts Jesus above the Buddha? LOL 😂!

Brian Ruhe

Good Morning Brian,

That was indeed very well put, “skillful” and “unskillful.” I concur with what the Buddha said.
It reminds me of what happened several years back when hijackers seized control of an airliner just off the coast of Ethiopia. They eliminated the flight crew and then tried to fly the plane themselves. All they succeeded in doing was crashing into the Indian Ocean and killing themselves and everybody else on board.
Good Morning Diane,

The man who Built Coral Castle in Florida was named Edward Leedskalnin and he was a Latvian American. Years ago, I read a lengthy and detailed article about him and his work in Atlantis Rising Magazine. How he shaped and placed the stones is still unknown because he always kept others at a distance where they couldn’t see what he was doing while he was actually working, but he always allowed them free access both immediately before and after he was finished working. Many times, he would shape the stones, then he would invite the public to come and see what he had done recently, hen he would make them leave again so that he could resume his work for a while. A relatively short time later, he would call them back, and the stones would be assembled.

The image seen above shows Edward Leedskalnin around 1910. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of wikipedia.org

The rough blocks of coral that Leedskalnin used to build Coral Castle were delivered to the site on trucks by a contractor. Once these huge blocks of coral were unloaded by crane, everybody had to leave. He would go to a particular quarry beforehand and select the exact coral he wanted to have quarried. There was obviously something peculiar about the coral in that particular quarry, as well as the coral from different parts of that same quarry. Nobody knew what criteria he used to make his choices. He would just look around and tell the contractor what pieces he wanted. After his death, it was determined that the coral he used had peculiar electrical properties vis-a-vis other coral, but what that had to do with anything, nobody has been able to determine for sure.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of unusualplaces.org

He never told anybody why he built Coral Castle, nor did he share what he did there when nobody else was around, but in an area that is notoriously prone to suffering from both hurricanes and tornadoes, the Coral Castle it has never suffered any damage from either type of extreme weather. However, Leedskalnin did build his castle, and for whatever purpose, he had to have used Free Energy because there was no other source of power at his construction site.

Your second point I totally agree with.

I haven’t looked into the Bosnian Pyramids in any detail, although I have certainly heard of them. Certainly, they would have been used for healing and to communicate with other planets, as well as to communicate from pyramid to pyramid here on Earth. The original Egyptian Pyramids certainly were used for these same purposes. There were a number of small pyramids in comparison to the three Great Pyramids at Giza, but these numerous smaller pyramids were poorly constructed imitations of the original three. All of these later pyramids were built to serve as tombs for certain Pharaohs, so these small and rickety pyramids weren’t oriented towards anything in particular.

The image seen above shows one of the small and rickety “Queen’s Pyramids” that was build during the time of the Pharoes well after the original Great Pyramids of Giza. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of voyagevirtual.co.uk.

In one the anthropologist Robert Sepher’s videos, he talks about some new discoveries involving the Bosnian Pyramids. The Great Pyramids of Bosnia are apparently also connected by underground tunnels. The whole Giza Plateau is honeycombed by a network of natural, man-modified, and totally man-made tunnels and caverns.

There is also a vast network of the same type of tunnels under the city of Los Angeles, California. Over 500 miles of these tunnels that sit under the city of Los Angeles have been mapped long ago, and there is more, perhaps much more of this subterranean world that sits below the city of Los Angeles, that is still unexplored. Again, per Robert Sepher, some tunnels that sit underneath the pyramids in Bosnia have been flooded by the ocean, and so have many of the tunnels that rest under the city of Los Angeles. It is unknown whether this flooding is by design or by accident.

The image above is a classic movie poster for the film C.H.U.D. Chud stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. Image courtesy of waxsorkrecords.com

Since I originally submitted my article, I keep realizing more and more instances where what I am calling Vril Energy by various other names is in some type of use. Until you reminded me, I hadn’t thought of Coral Castle, but that is obviously yet another case of Vril Energy being put to good use.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of azquotes.com.


Hi Randall,

Yes, it would be interesting to look more at the natural energy that is around us. Viktor Schauberger wrote a book entitled The Energy Evolution. He (or perhaps his translator and publisher), claims that he was forced to work for Hitler, but I think he (or they) probably could not get anything published unless he concocted a nasty and fictitious history of being oppressed and forced to work against his will by those terrible Nazis inserted into his book.

The above image shows Viktor Schauberger circa 1938. The image posted above is furnished courtesy of en.wikiquote.org

Take care,


Good Morning Friend,

I used to have an English translation of Schauberger’s book. You are correct, that both Victor Schauberger and his publisher had to make those totally unfounded accusations against Adolf Hitler if they were going to be allowed to publish Schauberger’s book. The book itself, at least the edition I had, is highly technical, and a reader without an education in physics and/or engineering will have difficulty understanding most of it, although I ultimately found it both intriguing and convincing, but it proved to be a real challenge for me to follow the physics, and I graduated Magna cum Laude with a degree in civil engineering. Schauberger was certainly a first-class genius, but he never let it go to his head.

The image seen above is furnished courtesy of cosmicpolymath.com

I learned quite a lot about Schauberger’s relationship with The Party from a biography of Hermann Goering that I used to have. He was loyal to the NSDAP, but he wasn’t one of its great ideologues. He was similar to Werner Von Braun in that regard.

Goering was given the responsibility by The Fuehrer for overseeing German Forestry. Before the war, Goering, who was highly supportive of Schauberger’s work, gave Schauberger the opportunity to develop a practical application for his discoveries, so Schauberger developed an ingenious method of transporting harvested timber out of the forests without the need for roads which were so highly damaging to the environment of the forests. The environmental impact of Schauberger’s system was very limited and temporary, and this environmental impact only occurred during its construction phase. When I compose my article “What Is Space and the Heavenly Bodies? ” I am thinking about briefly working in a little more detail both Viktor Shauberger and Edward Leedskalnin.



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